用户体验草图设计 pdf_用户体验草图的100天

用户体验草图设计 pdf

重点 (Top highlight)

在2019年8月, (In August 2019,)

I went back to school — starting the two-year Digital Media Creative program at Hyper Island, Stockholm.

我回到学校-在斯德哥尔摩的Hyper Island开始了为期两年的数字媒体创意计划。

Before that, I had been freelancing as a printmaker and graphic designer for 5 years. I was at a point where I felt somewhat stagnant; I still enjoyed doing what I did, but it just didn’t feel enough. I needed to learn something new, to know that I could make my way forward through the self-doubt, laziness, and perfectionism that often managed to creep in.

在那之前,我已经有5年的自由职业生涯,担任版画家和平面设计师 。 我当时有点停滞不前。 我仍然喜欢做我所做的事情,但是感觉还不够 。 我需要学习一些新知识,以了解自己可以通过自我怀疑,懒惰和完美主义的前进而前进,而自我怀疑,懒惰和完美主义常常会悄悄蔓延。

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What I was feeling inside. Photo by Asa Rodger on Unsplash
我内心的感觉。 照片由 Asa RodgerUnsplash拍摄

#the100dayproject (#the100dayproject)

My inspiration came from Tiantian Xu who had completed a couple of 100-Day Projects include 100 Days of Vector Illustration and 100 Days of Motion Design. Something she wrote always resonated with me:

我的灵感来自徐天天 ,他完成了两个100天的项目,其中包括100天的矢量插图100天的运动设计 。 她写的东西总是引起我的共鸣:

Creativity is a skill — the more you practice it, the more creative you are… In order to be creative, you need to stay inspired.


So, two weeks into Hyper Island, I mentioned the concept of the 100-Day Project in my class of 50 people. I said that I wanted to start my own project and that if anyone else is interested, I could create a Slack channel where we document and share our processes. My idea was to use the sharing and mutual support to inspire and fuel commitment.

因此,在进入Hyper Island的两个星期里,我在50人的班级中提到了100天项目的概念。 我说过,我想开始自己的项目,并且如果有其他人感兴趣,我可以创建一个Slack渠道,在此我们可以记录和共享我们的流程。 我的想法是利用共享和相互支持来激发和激发承诺

100天的UX草图 (100 Days of UX Sketches)

Of the 20 or so people that joined the Slack channel, my classmate Claudia and I decided to take on the UX Sketching Challenge designed by Krisztina Szerovay, where one sketches 3 UX-related concepts every day for 100 days.

在加入Slack频道的20位左右的人中,我和我的同学Claudia决定参加由Krisztina Szerovay设计的UX素描挑战赛 ,其中每天素描3个与UX相关的概念,持续100天

I was (and still am) interested in UX design but feel that my knowledge in the subject was limited; I also love icon design and graphic conceptualization, so this felt like a perfect challenge for me.

我曾经(现在仍然)对UX设计感兴趣,但觉得我对此学科的知识有限。 我也喜欢图标设计和图形概念化,因此这对我来说是一个完美的挑战。

I decided to do this challenge on my morning commute — the tram to school takes 30 minutes every morning; I usually manage to get a seat and it’s quite a smooth ride.

我决定在早上上下班时应对这一挑战-每天早上乘坐电车上学需要30分钟; 我通常会设法坐下来,这很平稳。

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This tram travels through the greater Stockholm without entering the city center.

2019年9月2日至2019年12月10日… (Sep 2, 2019 — Dec 10, 2019…)

…that’s how long the project took.


Sketching usually takes 10–15 minutes. There were days that I missed and days when I sketch 2–3 days in a row; the latter are often Mondays after not having sketched over the weekend.

素描通常需要10到15分钟。 有的日子我错过了,有的日子我连续画了2-3天。 后者通常是在周末未绘制草图之后的星期一。

I usually look at the keywords of the day when I’m waiting for the tram; sometimes when it was concepts I didn’t know, I do some Googling. Then I get in the tram, find a seat and put my backpack down; I get my sketchpad, pencil, and eraser and start sketching.

我通常会在等待电车时查看当天的关键字; 有时候,当我不知道它是什么概念时,我会进行谷歌搜索。 然后我坐上电车,找到一个座位,放下我的背包。 我得到了素描本,铅笔和橡皮,然后开始草绘。

In the beginning, I really hated taking pictures on the crowded train. But as they say, it didn’t get easier, I just got better at it.

一开始,我真的很讨厌在拥挤的火车上拍照。 但是正如他们所说, 事情并没有变得简单,我只是在做得更好。

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The many strangers I’ve sat opposite and next to.

One day as I was sketching, I felt the guy sitting next to me intensely staring as what I was doing. My headphones and mild social anxiety made me really try not to take notice. As I completed and took a picture, he tapped me on the shoulder, gave me two thumbs up and a huge smile. It made my day.

有一天,当我素描的时候,我觉得坐在我旁边的那个人正凝视着我在做什么。 我的耳机和轻度的社交焦虑使我真的尽量不注意。 当我完成并拍照时,他轻拍了我的肩膀,给了我两个大拇指,露出灿烂的笑容。 这让我开心。

My favorite seat was the one right behind the driver, next to the window. The days shortened greatly since I started the process; in December there was barely any sun on my morning commute.

我最喜欢的座位是靠窗的那位驾驶员后面的座位。 自从我开始这一过程以来,日子大大缩短了。 12月,我上下班几乎没有阳光。

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Late summer -> autumn -> one of the first snows of the year.

On days when I didn’t go to school I did the sketches at the kitchen table, usually accompanied by Fluff the cat.


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Needless to say, there were good days and bad days — there were days when I was so proud of what I’d made, and days when I was too stressed about other things in life that very little of my heart was in what I was doing.


这是一些我最喜欢的草图: (Here are some of my favorite sketches:)

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那么,我的主要收获是什么? (So, what’s my takeaway?)

1.例行程序为何重要 (1. Why routines matter)

What started out making me self-conscious and nervous slowly turned into a Sudoku-like routine that I look forward to.


I realized that how I started the day made a big difference — instead of passively consuming content (usually on Twitter or Medium), I was solving a mini-puzzle where my eyes, brain, and hands actively took part.

我意识到, 开始新的一天有很大的不同 -而不是被动地消费内容(通常在Twitter或Medium上),我正在解决一个使我的眼睛,大脑和手积极参与的微型难题。

When I finished the sketch of the day, sharing it on Instagram and Slack feels like a little reward and a confirmation that I could do what I set out to do.


2.完成它 (2. Work through it)

Not all sketches were great — far from it, some look generic and sometimes I simply couldn’t find it in me to be creative. However, I’ve learned that the important thing is not to obsess over how outstanding my output is because it’s not always going to be outstanding, but to find it in myself to show up every day and work through the hardships.

并非所有的草图都很棒-远非如此,有些看起来通用,有时我根本就觉得自己没有创造力。 但是,我了解到,重要的不是要着迷于我的输出有多么出色,因为它并不总是那么出色,而是要在我自己身上找到自己每天都表现出来并克服困难

3.找到你的人 (3. Find your people)

In the Slack channel that I started in August, there are now quite a few 100-Day Projects going on — people are doing everything from Illustrator, animation to entrepreneurship and meditation.


No matter how often or seldom people are updating, I always find myself so inspired and empowered by the drive and ingenuity I see in them. I also find myself feeling a connection with these people — I understand that they are trying to be better and that we have this in common, and it makes me feel more sure about what I’m trying to do.

无论人们多久或很少更新一次,我总是会发现自己对自己的动力和独创性感到如此启发和鼓舞。 我也发现自己与这些人有联系- 我了解他们正在努力变得更好,并且我们有共同点 ,这使我对自己想做的事情更加有把握。

🙌 Thanks for reading! This is my first Medium article and it means a lot to me that you made it this far.

🙌 感谢您的阅读! 这是我的第一篇中型文章,对我来说,到目前为止你意义重大。

👩‍💻 I’m also doing #100DaysOfCode and documenting it on Twitter.

also 我也正在执行#100DaysOfCode并将其记录在 Twitter上

🖼️ See all my UX Sketches on my Instagram, and more of my work on my portfolio site.

See️ Instagram 上查看我所有的UX Sketches ,以及我的 投资组合网站 上的更多作品

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/100-days-of-ux-sketch-28356b054ec3

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