

Whether it’s in nature, architecture or the products we use, cool shapes are everywhere around us.


In fact, shapes form the building blocks of all design. And while we might not realize it, each shape can make us feel a certain way.

实际上,形状是所有设计的基础。 尽管我们可能没有意识到,但是每种形状都能使我们有某种感觉。

Brands and visual communicators all over the world can use shapes in design to share specific values and messages with their audiences. Shapes can be used in brand identity, like logos, website design and business cards, or in product design for practical or emotional purposes.

全世界的品牌和视觉传播者都可以在设计中使用形状,与观众分享特定的价值和信息。 形状可以用于品牌标识 (例如徽标,网站设计和名片),也可以用于实际或情感目的的产品设计。

But shapes aren’t just limited to circles, squares and triangles. There are some interesting shapes out there that you probably didn’t learn about in school. And just like all the other shapes and symbols in the world, these cool shapes also come with their own distinct meanings and emotions.

但是形状不仅限于圆形,正方形和三角形 。 有一些有趣的形状,您可能在学校没有学过。 就像世界上所有其他形状和符号一样,这些酷炫的形状也带有自己独特的含义和情感。

Here are 11 cool shapes to help you create meaningful designs and connect better with your audience.


You can view the visual infographic summary of this post below or skip ahead to read a detailed explanation and history of each cool shape.


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您不知道的11种酷炫形状 (11 Cool Shapes You Didn’t Know About)

1.七卦 (1. Heptagram)

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A heptagram is is a seven-pointed star drawn with seven straight strokes.


It has been used in various religions of the world to represent something sacred. For example, in Christianity, this shape was used to symbolize the seven days of creation.

它已被世界上各种宗教用来代表神圣的事物。 例如,在基督教中,这种形状被用来象征创造的七日。

It was also a symbol for the goddess Babalon in Thelema.


More recently, however, the shape has largely been associated with the Wicca religion-a modern religion based on ancient Witchcraft traditions. For Wiccans, who worship nature and follow the Faery tradition, the heptagram is a sacred symbol and is known as the Elven or Faerie star.

然而,最近,这种形状在很大程度上与维卡宗教有关。维卡宗教是一种基于古代巫术传统的现代宗教。 对于崇拜自然并遵循仙灵传统的威肯人来说,七卦是一个神圣的象征,被称为精灵星或仙灵星。

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Apart from religion, the heptagram is also used in alchemy; a seven-sided star that refers to the seven planets known to ancient alchemists.

除了宗教,七卦还用于炼金术。 七面星,指的是古代炼金术士已知的七个行星。

With such a vibrant history, the heptagram is certainly a shape you can’t ignore.


The heptagram can also be seen in flags of various countries, most notably in the Australian and Jordanian flags. It’s also used in the logo of Maersk, a famous transport and logistics company.

七卦也可以在各个国家的国旗中看到,尤其是在澳大利亚和约旦国旗中。 它也用在著名的运输和物流公司马士基(Maersk)的徽标中。

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It’s said that Peter Mærsk Møller, the founder of Maersk, was a deeply religious Christian. After his wife recovered from an illness, he attached a blue banner with a white seven-pointed star-a heptagram-on his steamship Laura, which later became the emblem of the Maersk Group.

据说马士基(Maersk)的创始人彼得·麦斯克(PeterMærskMøller)是一位虔诚的基督徒。 妻子患病后,他在轮船劳拉(Laura)上悬挂了蓝色横幅,上面挂着白色的七角星(七卦),后来成为马士基集团标志

In a letter to his wife in 1886, Peter explained, “The little star on the chimney is a memory of the night when I prayed for you and asked for a sign: If a star would appear in the gray and cloudy sky, it would mean that the Lord answers prayers.”


Visual communicators can use this cool shape to represent perfection or to create a deep sense of belonging with their audience. Businesses can use a heptagram in their designs to illustrate different sections, departments or core values.

视觉传达者可以使用这种酷炫的形状来表现完美,或与听众建立一种深刻的归属感。 企业可以在设计中使用七卦图来说明不同的部分,部门或核心价值。

2. Triquetra (2. Triquetra)

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The literal meaning of triquetra is “three-cornered”.


This cool triangular shape is symmetrical and is formed by the overlapping of three arcs. It has been used for various purposes in history, especially in religion.

这个很酷的三角形是对称的,由三个弧的重叠形成。 在历史上,特别是在宗教上,它已被用于各种目的。

In Christianity, the three edges of the triquetra represent the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This is also why this shape is also called the “Trinity knot”.

在基督教中,triquetra的三个边缘代表了父亲,儿子和圣灵的三位一体。 这也是为什么此形状也称为“三叉结”的原因。

The triquetra is often illustrated with a circle-the Trinity circle-interlaced between the three arcs, which symbolizes unity. The shape also appears in Celtic art as well as early christian art.

Triquetra通常用一个圆圈(三位一体的圆圈)在三个弧之间交织来表示,这象征着团结。 形状也出现在凯尔特人的艺术以及早期的基督教艺术中。

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Above is a picture of how the triquetra in used in window art at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic church in Wilmington, Delaware.


The triquetra is also seen in the American TV show ‘Charmed’.

在美国电视节目“ Charmed”中也可以看到该三角形。

Although the show was about three witches fighting demons and warlocks, no religious meaning of the triquetra was implied.


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The triquetra is a cool shape to use in visual design and branding for all types of visual communicators. It can be used to illustrate the union of three items, such as values, personalities or other aspects.

Triquetra是一种很酷的形状,可用于所有类型的视觉传达器的视觉设计和品牌推广。 它可以用来说明三个项目的结合,例如价值观,个性或其他方面。

3.拉克希米之星 (3. Star of Lakshmi)

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The Star of Lakshmi is a special octagram-an eight-sided polygon-made from two congruent squares with the same center placed at 45° angles.

拉克希米之星(Star of Lakshmi)是一种特殊的八卦形文字,是一个八边形多边形,它由两个相等的正方形组成,且相同的中心以45°角放置。

The origin of this cool shape comes from the Hindu religion.


In Hinduism, Lakshmi-the goddess of wealth-has eight forms of manifestation, known as Ashtalakshmi. These are represented by two entwined squares forming an octagram.

在印度教中,财富女神拉克希米(Lakshmi)有八种表现形式,称为阿什塔拉克希米(Ashtalakshmi)。 这些由形成一个八卦的两个交织的正方形表示。

Each manifestation represent a certain form of wealth: monetary, ability to transport, endless prosperity, victory, patience, health and nourishment, knowledge and family.


This cool shape is also used in the Central Lobby of the Houses of Parliament, London.


Today, the shape is more commonly seen in architectural design, rugs, tiles, jewelry and other ornaments.


It even appears on the website of the American rock band Faith No More.

它甚至出现在美国摇滚乐队Faith No More的网站上。

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The Star of Lakshmi is certainly a very unique shape with deep symbolism. It’s a great pick for spiritual and healing brands looking to create a new brand identity.

拉克希米之星无疑是具有独特象征意义的非常独特的形状。 对于希望创建新品牌标识的精神和康复品牌而言,这是一个不错的选择。

4.判刑 (4. Lemniscate)

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A lemniscate looks like a figure-eight curve, and resembles the infinity symbol.


The origins of the lemniscate can be traced back to the 5th century AD. It was found by Greek Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus, who called this shape a horse fetter, as it resembled two hooves joined together.

lemniscate的起源可以追溯到公元5世纪。 它是由希腊新柏拉图主义哲学家普罗克鲁斯(Proclus)发现的,他称这种形状为马f,因为它类似于两只蹄子联结在一起。

In graphic design, this cool shape is often used in typography. Take a look at the logo of Coursera, the famous online learning platform.

在图形设计中,这种很酷的形状经常在排版中使用。 看看著名的在线学习平台Coursera的徽标。

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The infinity symbol represents continuity and immortality. In the case of Coursera above, it’s clearly used to express how learning and growth is a never-ending process.

无限符号代表连续性和永生性。 以上述Coursera为例,它显然用于表达学习和成长是一个永无止境的过程。

The upcoming 2022 FIFA World Cup also uses the lemniscate shape in their official logo.


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5. Vesica Piscis (5. Vesica Piscis)

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The Vesica Piscis looks a lot like a Venn diagram, but has a much deeper meaning to it.

Vesica Piscis看起来很像维恩图 ,但含义更深。

This cool shape is formed by intersecting two circles at the same radius, where the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other.


The literal translation of Vesica Piscis is the “bladder of a fish.” It’s considered a holy figure because the ratio of its width to its height was believed to be 165:153 or 1.73203-thought of as a holy number.

Vesica Piscis的字面翻译是“鱼的膀胱”。 它被认为是圣物,因为其宽度与高度之比被认为是圣物的165:153或1.73203。

One of the stained glass windows in the Church of St. Mary and All Saints, Chesterfield, showcases a Vesica Piscis that was created back in 1947.

切斯特菲尔德圣玛丽和诸圣堂教堂的彩色玻璃窗之一展示了始建于1947年的Vesica Piscis。

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This cool shape can also be seen at the Chalice Well in Somerset County, England.


The Vesica Piscis is also used in modern jewelry design. Many organizations all over the world have also used the shape in one way or the other.

Vesica Piscis也用于现代珠宝设计。 世界各地的许多组织也以一种或另一种方式使用该形状。

Mastercard, one of the world’s most famous financial service companies, uses this cool shape in their logo.


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The reason why a Vesica Piscis was used in their logo could be because Mastercard was formed out of the union of many different banks and financial institutions.

之所以在徽标中使用Vesica Piscis,可能是因为万事达卡是由许多不同的银行和金融机构联合而成。

They also came up with the tagline, “Mastercard, the heart of commerce.” in 2006, which makes the logo look like the symbol of a central source of energy, like the heart.

他们还提出了标语“万事达卡,商业的心脏”。 在2006年,徽标使徽标看起来像心脏一样,是中央能源的象征。

Visual communicators and brands can use this shape to represent the union of two forces or a source. It can also be used to symbolize creation, birth and fertility, as it resembles the female reproductive organ.

视觉传达者和品牌可以使用此形状表示两种力量或一种来源的结合。 由于它类似于女性生殖器官,因此也可以用来象征创造,生育和生育。

6. Reuleaux三角形 (6. Reuleaux triangle)

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The Reuleaux triangle (pronounced as “ru-los”) is a curved triangle formed by the intersection of three circular disks.

Reuleaux三角形(发音为“ ru-los”)是由三个圆盘的交点形成的弯曲三角形。

You’ve probably seen this cool shape in guitar picks, pencils, architecture, coins and even drill bits.

您可能已经在吉他拨片,铅笔,建筑, 硬币甚至钻头中看到了这种酷酷的形状。

The Reuleaux triangle is named after the 19th-century German engineer Franz Reuleaux, who was known for using the design in his work.

Reuleaux三角形以19世纪德国工程师Franz Reuleaux的名字命名,Franz Reuleaux以在工作中使用该设计而闻名。

You can also find this shape in corporate logos and signage around the world. For example, the National Trails System and United States Bicycle Route System both mark routes with Reuleaux triangles on their signage.

您还可以在世界各地的公司徽标和标牌中找到此形状。 例如,国家步道系统和美国自行车道系统都在标牌上标有Reuleaux三角形的路线。

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The shape has also been used in architecture, such as this tower in Barcelona, which used the Reuleaux triangle to create a structure that is both lightweight and maximizes space.


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7.九型人格 (7. Enneagram)

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An enneagram (Pronounced “any-a-gram”) is a nine-sided figure, usually enclosed inside a circle.


If this cool shape looks familiar to you, you’re probably a Slipknot fan.


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The origins of this cool shape are unclear. Some say that it can be traced back to the sacred geometry of Pythagorean mathematicians, while others believe it may have entered Judaism and represents the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah.

这种酷的形状的起源尚不清楚。 有人说它可以追溯到毕达哥拉斯数学家的神圣几何学,而另一些人则认为它可能已经进入犹太教并代表了卡巴拉的生命之树。

More commonly, the enneagram is used in a system of analysis to represent the spectrum of possible personality types, where the numbers 1–9 are used to represent a part of personality. You can take the test here.

更为普遍的是,在分析系统中,九型人格表示一种可能的人格类型,其中1-9代表人格的一部分。 你可以在这里参加考试

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In visual identity, you can use the enneagram to describe several personalities or dimensions of your brand.


8.九宫 (8. Nonagon)

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A nonagon, also known as an enneagon, is a nine-sided polygon.


All sides of a regular nonagon are of the same length, and the angles are at 140 degrees each. An irregular nonagon, however, does not have equal sides or angles.

正九边形的所有边都具有相同的长度,并且每个角度均为140度。 但是,不规则的非三角形不具有相等的边或角。

This cool shape can be seen in various buildings all over the world. For example, the top of the US Steel Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is an irregular nonagon.

这种酷酷的形状可以在世界各地的各种建筑物中看到。 例如,宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的美国钢铁大厦的顶部是不规则的九边形。

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It looks like a triangle, but it actually has nine sides. Go ahead and count them.

它看起来像一个三角形,但实际上有九个边。 继续计数。

This cool shape is also linked to the religion Baháʼí Faith-all their Houses of Worship must have nine sides. Here’s a video that shows a collection of Baha’i temples of the world.

这种酷炫的造型还与巴哈伊信仰(Baháʼí Faith)息息相关-他们的所有礼拜堂都必须有9个面。 这是一段视频,显示了世界上巴哈教圣殿的集合。

The shape even has its own children’s song. So cool!

形状甚至有自己的儿童歌曲 。 非常酷!

The nonagon is also used extensively in interior design, jewelry design, art, and even branding and logos. Since the number 9 is considered sacred in most religions, this shape is ideal for symbolizing magic, power and wisdom in your designs.

九边形也广泛用于室内设计,珠宝设计,艺术品,甚至品牌和徽标。 由于数字9在大多数宗教中被认为是神圣的,因此该形状非常适合在您的设计中象征魔术,力量和智慧。

9.环 (9. Annulus)

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The annulus resembles a ring-shaped object, where the central region is enclosed by two concentric circles. This cool shape is commonly used in the construction of oil and water wells, production tubing and casing.

环面类似于环形物体,其中中心区域被两个同心圆包围。 这种凉爽的形状通常用于建造油井和水井,生产油管和套管。

Apart from its manufacturing and architectural uses, this cool shape can also be used in your brand identity, corporate presentations, pitch decks and even logos to represent the target, aim or direction of your business.

除了其制造和建筑用途外,这种凉爽的形状还可以用于您的品牌形象, 企业展示 ,沥青甲板甚至徽标,以代表您的业务目标,宗旨或方向。

The annulus is also used in the logo of Target, the eighth-largest retailer in the US.


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10.莫比乌斯地带 (10. Möbius Strip)

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A Möbius strip, or Möbius band, is a three-dimensional shape with a single, continuous side.


This shape is named after August Ferdinand Möbius, a German mathematician, who was also a fan of unusual shapes.

这种形状以德国数学家奥古斯特·费迪南德·莫比乌斯(August FerdinandMöbius)的名字命名,他也是不寻常形状的粉丝。

You must have seen this shape as the recycle symbol.


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The Möbius strip symbolizes continuity, which explains why it’s used as the globally accepted symbol of recycling.


It’s also a symbol of innovation and constant change, which is why it’s also used in Google Drive’s logo.


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You can use the Möbius strip to convey a variety of values and emotions. This cool shape can also be used to represent unity, balance, reincarnation and other such meanings in your designs.

您可以使用莫比乌斯带子来传达各种价值观和情感。 这种很酷的形状也可以用来代表设计中的统一,平衡,轮回和其他含义。

The shape is often seen in wedding bands to symbolize infinity and eternal love. It’s also used by product designer Arihiro Miyake in his Kepler suspension lamp.

这种形状经常出现在婚礼乐队中,象征着无限和永恒的爱。 产品设计师Miriake Ayhiro在他的Kepler悬吊灯中也使用了它。

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11.松鼠 (11. Squircle)

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A squircle is a unique shape that’s somewhere between a square and a circle.


It might not look like it, but this cute little shape actually has mathematical origins. It’s commonly seen in the designs of dinner plates, optics, coins and more.

它可能看起来不像,但是这个可爱的小形状实际上有数学渊源。 在餐盘,光学元件,硬币等的设计中很常见。

Even old Nokia phones used to have a squircle incorporated in touch pads.


This cool shape can now be found in your iPhone’s app icons, and also on the back of Apple’s iPhone 11 Pro Max.

现在,可以在iPhone的应用程序图标以及Apple的iPhone 11 Pro Max的背面找到这种酷炫的形状。

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A few years ago, squircles were all the rage in car design. You could literally find it everywhere-from headlights to interiors.

几年前, 汽车设计中风靡一时 。 从头灯到内饰,您到处都能找到它。

Part of the reason why the squircle is so popular is because of how practical it is, along with looking sleek and sophisticated. A squircular dinner plate, for example, can hold more food than a circular or square-shaped plate.

松鼠如此受欢迎的部分原因在于它的实用性,以及外观时尚和精致。 例如,一个圆形的餐盘比圆形或方形的盘子可以容纳更多的食物。

I bet you never realized this, but even Instagram uses the squircle as their logo!


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As a brand or visual communicator, you can use the squircle to symbolize innovation and creativity in your designs. This symbolism stems from the way this cool shape seamlessly integrates two regular shapes to create a more beautiful and functional one.

作为品牌或视觉传播者,您可以使用笔号来表示设计中的创新和创造力。 这种象征意义源自这种酷酷的形状将两个常规形状无缝地融合在一起,从而创造出更加美观和实用的形状。

用这些酷炫的形状创造独特的设计 (Create Unique Designs With These Cool Shapes)

Every good visual communicator should know the “why” behind their use of a certain symbol or shape in their designs. This helps you create not just more beautiful designs, but also ones that are powerful and effective.

每个优秀的视觉传达者都应该知道在设计中使用某种符号或形状背后的“原因”。 这不仅可以帮助您创建更美观的设计,而且还可以创建功能强大且有效的设计。

The use of cool, creative shapes can turn boring or plain designs into meaningful visuals that resonate with your audience and bring them closer to your brand.


The original version of this post first appeared on Visme’s Visual Learning Center.

这篇文章 原始版本 首次出现在Visme的 Visual Learning Center中

翻译自: https://medium.com/sketch-app-sources/11-cool-shapes-you-didnt-know-about-ef1d11e517c2


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以下是Python时钟罗盘的酷炫代码: ```python import turtle import time # 绘制刻度线和数字 def draw_line(m): turtle.pensize(3) # 设置笔的大小 for i in range(m): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, -240) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(20) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, -260) turtle.write(i, align="center", font=("Arial", 12, "normal")) turtle.right(360 // m) # 绘制指针 def draw_pointer(name, length): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, 0) turtle.color("red") turtle.setheading(0 - name * (360 // 12)) turtle.pensize(5) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(length) # 绘制时钟罗盘 def draw_compass(): turtle.setworldcoordinates(-300, -300, 300, 300) turtle.penup() turtle.speed(0) turtle.goto(0, -200) turtle.pendown() turtle.circle(200) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, -180) turtle.pendown() turtle.circle(180) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, -160) turtle.pendown() turtle.circle(160) draw_line(60) turtle.color("orange") draw_pointer(time.localtime().tm_sec, 120) turtle.color("blue") draw_pointer(time.localtime().tm_min, 100) turtle.color("green") draw_pointer(time.localtime().tm_hour % 12, 70) turtle.hideturtle() # 主函数 if __name__ == '__main__': draw_compass() # 持续更新 while True: turtle.color("orange") draw_pointer(time.localtime().tm_sec, 120) turtle.color("blue") draw_pointer(time.localtime().tm_min, 100) turtle.color("green") draw_pointer(time.localtime().tm_hour % 12, 70) time.sleep(1) turtle.undo() turtle.undo() turtle.undo() ``` 这个代码使用了Turtle Graphics库来创建一个时钟罗盘。其中,利用time库来获取当前时间,以此来绘制三个指针。同时,我们使用循环来持续更新指针的位置,从而实现不断更新显示的效果。


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