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Humans are self-training machines, and in the context of the internet, we’ve trained ourselves to ignore the intrusive adverts which increasingly clutter our screens. If something looks vaguely like an advert, we don’t even make eye contact with it — a behaviour known as ‘banner blindness’.

^ h umans是自我训练机,并在互联网背景下,我们已经训练自己忽视侵入广告这越来越混乱我们的屏幕上。 如果某事物看起来模糊不清,就像广告一样,我们甚至都不会与它进行眼神交流,这种行为被称为“横幅失明”。

In the context of Google results, often we skim past ad search results because they are the least likely to be relevant on the page (they’re having to pay to be there, after all).


But what happens if you can’t tell which is which anymore?


The latest Google search UI redesign sneakily tries to hack that behaviour by subverting how we quickly scan to see if something is an ad or a genuine result. Where once only adverts had an icon to differentiate them, now there are favicons in the equivalent slot on all other results.

最新的Google搜索用户界面重新设计通过颠覆我们快速扫描以查看某物是广告还是真实结果的方式,来尝试破解这种行为。 曾经只有广告有一个图标可以区分它们的地方,现在所有其他结果上的同一个广告位中都有图标。

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The ad marker is now diluted amongst visual noise with new organic search favicons

Why do this?


By putting something visually similar in every slot which previously signalled an ad, it becomes impossible for a user to tell them apart without taking care and effort. Google can still say they label adverts, but that info is now buried under more visual noise.

通过在以前发出广告信号的每个广告位中放置视觉上相似的内容,用户无需费神费力就无法区分它们。 Google仍然可以他们标记了广告,但是现在这些信息被更多的视觉干扰所掩盖。

The real outcome? Increased advert density in search — ads can now be scattered at various positions in the results, and Google can substantially boost the number of paid results per page… without it being obvious.

真正的结果? 搜索中广告密度的增加-广告现在可以分散在结果中的各个位置,而Google可以显着提高每页的付费结果数量……这并不明显。

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In this one example where I just searched ‘socks’, the ratio of adverts to text results was ~3:4. Now, considering that Google once differentiated itself with a clear, minimal UI, it seems that user experience is taking a hit here in pursuit of deeper monetisation of search results.

在这个我刚刚搜索“袜子”的示例中,广告与文本结果的比率为〜3:4。 现在,考虑到Google曾经以清晰,最小的用户界面与众不同,似乎用户体验正在风靡一时,以寻求更深入的搜索结果货币化。

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Google claims that the new format “puts a site’s brand front & center”. But if that was the rationale, wouldn’t it also make sense to do the same for adverts too, who are paying money specifically for brand awareness?

Google声称新格式“使网站的品牌形象和中心地位”。 但是,如果是这样的理由,是不是也是有道理做了广告同样也是如此,谁支付的钱专门为品牌知名度?

Up until as recently as 2013, Google actually separated ads in a separate section with a divider and a differently coloured background, making it clear which items had ‘won’ its position algorithmically, and which were paying to bypass the ranking and make it to page one.


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A pre-2013 Google AdWord unit
2013年前的Google AdWord单元
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Over the years since, ad units have become increasingly subtle

Over the years, Google have been repeatedly reducing the strength of any visual indicators that gave away adverts; first removing the helpful background colour, then switching to a small (but at least solid) coloured icon, that too finally giving way to a thin coloured outline. The most recent iteration alters the (legally required) advert indicator to plain black text, and ramps up the noise on all other search results, burying the advert ‘signal’ to users.

多年来,Google一直在不断降低任何可散布广告的视觉指标的强度; 首先删除有用的背景色,然后切换到一个小巧(但至少是单色)的彩色图标,最后也让位于一个较薄的彩色轮廓。 最新的迭代将( 法律上必需的)广告指示符更改为纯黑色文本,并增加了所有其他搜索结果的噪音,将广告“信号”掩埋给用户。

This then, is just the latest step in a steady but determined progression towards hidden adverts.


What’s particularly ironic is that in the original research paper published by Google’s founders (Brin and Page) at Stanford, they discuss how advertising can destroy the quality of a search engine:


“We believe the issue of advertising causes enough mixed incentives that it is crucial to have a competitive search engine that is transparent”


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In particular, Brin and Page talk about how previous search engines failed because they biased their rankings, selling positions in organic search without being transparent.


And now, with ads hidden amongst real results, Google too moves closer to hidden bias, something described by Google’s founders as:


“much more insidious than advertising, because it is not clear who ‘deserves’ to be there, and who is willing to pay money to be listed.”


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The clear outcome for users is a worse searching experience, with less relevant results claiming top spots in the results, but without the clear indication that they paid for their position rather than earning it through relevance.


Purely as a witness, it’s fascinating to see Google degrade their core product for deeper search monetisation — something that is generally not an option without some level of monopoly securing your position. This design change then, like those incumbents that came before Google, might be one that begins to offer market share to search startups pursuing uncompromised honest and relevant results, just like Google’s founders also set out to do.

纯粹作为见证人,看到Google降低其核心产品以实现更深入的搜索获利就令人着迷-在没有一定程度的垄断来确保您的位置的情况下,通常这是不可行的选择。 就像Google之前的那些老牌公司一样,这种设计变更可能会开始向追求毫不妥协的诚实和相关结果的搜索创业公司提供市场份额,就像Google的创始人也打算这样做一样。



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