go 初学者 错误_我作为编码初学者犯了6个错误

go 初学者 错误

We all have gone through tough times as a beginner, and if you are starting your coding journey, then you can relate easily. Coding is not easy, and beginners are prone to make mistakes. That’s why today I will list Six mistakes I made as a beginner programmer.

作为一个初学者,我们每个人都经历了艰难的时期,如果您开始编码之旅,那么您可以轻松地建立联系。 编码并不容易,并且初学者容易犯错误。 这就是为什么今天我将列出我作为初学者程序员犯的六个错误。

As a beginning programmer, I never recognize the mistakes that I make. All I notice is that it takes a lot longer to write and debug my programs. Even then, once the programs are deployed they still seem to have pesky errors that should have been found during testing.

作为一个入门的程序员,我永远不会意识到自己犯的错误。 我注意到的是,编写和调试程序需要花费更长的时间。 即使这样,一旦部署了程序,它们似乎仍然存在令人讨厌的错误,应该在测试期间发现这些错误。

By knowing your mistakes can help you improve as a programmer. To save time and trouble, look for the Six most mistakes that I made as a beginning programmer.

通过了解自己的错误可以帮助您提高程序员的水平。 为了节省时间和麻烦,请查找我作为初学者时犯的六个最错误的错误。

练习中的懒惰 (Laziness in Doing Practice)

There is no point to read thousand of lines of code if I don’t get my hands dirty in programming. There is a huge difference between reading the coding stuff theoretically and doing things practically.

如果我不习惯编程,就没有必要阅读数千行代码。 从理论上阅读编码知识与实际操作之间存在巨大差异。

Practicing the actual code should never be neglected in programming. It’s easy to read some lines of code or watch some videos for learning then telling my brain that I understood everything but once I start writing the code I will find that I’m making a lot of silly and big mistakes.

在编程中不应忽略练习实际代码。 阅读一些代码行或观看一些视频以进行学习,然后告诉我的大脑我很容易理解,但是一旦我开始编写代码,我会发现我犯了很多愚蠢而重大的错误。

In the beginning, I’ll be missing a semicolon, braces and then I will face difficulty in writing a loop as well but to get rid of all these things all I just need to do is to try my hands on code, keep practicing it, catching some errors, debugging those errors and then finding out how all the small pieces come together.


Programming is a skill acquired by practice and example rather than from books.-Alan Turing

编程是一种通过实践和榜样获得的技能,而非书本上的技能。-艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)

切换语言太快 (Switching Languages Too Quick)

Language switching is a common practice, but each developer has their own experience with it. Still, analyzing a huge number of use cases, one general rule applies: You need to know why you’re switching so that you can choose the right language for you.

语言切换是一种常见的做法,但是每个开发人员都有自己的经验。 尽管如此,在分析大量用例时,仍然适用一个通用规则:您需要知道为什么要进行切换,以便为您选择正确的语言。

But as a beginner, I used to switch from one language to another very quickly which costs me wasting a lot of my time. It’s okay to learn multiple languages but jumping from one to another just doesn't make any sense.

但是作为一个初学者,我曾经非常快地从一种语言切换到另一种语言,这使我浪费了很多时间。 可以学习多种语言,但是从一种语言跳到另一种语言毫无意义。

If you feel that by switching you are not losing your time: i.e. If you feel that you are not growing anymore, then switching may even be interesting to try. But if you are still growing, keep doing so. That means it’s still early.

如果您觉得通过切换不会浪费您的时间:即,如果您觉得自己不再增长了,那么尝试切换可能甚至很有趣。 但是,如果您仍在增长,请继续这样做。 这意味着还为时过早。

没有很好地学习我的工具(IDE等) (Didn’t Learn My Tool(IDE etc) Well)

An integrated development environment (IDE) is software for building applications that combines common developer tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI).


Using an IDE makes it easy to see a visual representation of the location of these files and makes it more understandable for the user. Advantages to IDEs: Increased Efficiency, faster coding with less effort. Collaboration — A group of programmers can easily work together within an IDE.

使用IDE可以很容易地看到这些文件位置的直观表示,并使用户更容易理解。 IDE的优势:提高效率,以更少的精力实现更快的编码。 协作-一组程序员可以轻松地在IDE中一起工作。

An IDE, or Integrated Development Environment, enables programmers to consolidate the different aspects of writing a computer program. IDEs increase programmer productivity by combining common activities of writing software into a single application: editing source code, building executables, and debugging.

IDE或集成开发环境使程序员能够整合编写计算机程序的不同方面。 通过将编写软件的常见活动组合到单个应用程序中,IDE可以提高程序员的生产力:编辑源代码,构建可执行文件和调试。

As a beginner to the programming and coding world. I didn’t give myself enough time to actually learn those tools which I use every day. By knowing your tools you can advance your game and take most out of your time.

作为编程和编码领域的初学者。 我没有给自己足够的时间来实际学习我每天使用的那些工具。 通过了解您的工具,您可以改进您的游戏,并节省大量时间。

我过多地关注趋势 (I Focused Too Much On What’s Trending)

In the beginning, I focused too much on what's Trending and which programming language or framework should I choose to learn? Which database should I choose to learn?

一开始,我将重点放在什么趋势上以及应该选择学习哪种编程语言或框架上? 我应该选择学习哪个数据库?

Beginners often get confused and do endless research on technologies, languages, or frameworks which is one of the quite common but big mistakes I made during the learning phase of programming. It is completely ok to do some research about language or framework but doing the over-analysis on technologies for months is not going to give you any positive results.

初学者经常会感到困惑,并会对技术,语言或框架进行无休止的研究,这是我在编程学习阶段犯下的非常普遍但又犯的错误之一。 可以对语言或框架进行一些研究是完全可以的,但是对技术进行数月的过度分析不会给您带来任何积极的结果。

卡在教程地狱 (Stuck In Tutorial Hell)

I think you can just imagine what happened from the heading. Yeah, I was sucked by the tutorials. Every day I was watching so many tutorials.

我想您可以从标题中想象发生了什么。 是的,我被这些教程所吸引。 每天我都看很多教程。

After sometimes it felt like all I know is when a question comes to my mind I’ll search in google and just watch a tutorial to do that. I was doing well at the beginning because at the beginning you don’t need to build something big and amazing. But when I came for later as working with a team to make a real-world application understand that those beginner levels tutorials are not enough so it just broke my entire belief.

有时候,感觉就像我所知道的是,当我想到一个问题时,我将在google中搜索并仅看一个教程来做到这一点。 一开始我做得很好,因为一开始您不需要构建一些大而惊人的东西。 但是当我后来来到一个团队与一个真实世界的应用程序一起工作时,我明白那些初学者水平的教程还不够,所以这打破了我的全部信念。

Always remember that you can’t learn coding without getting your hands dirty in it. It’s all about practice and it’s all about writing the actual code instead of just reading about it. No matter what technology, language, or framework you choose, the thing which matters a lot in coding is your problem-solving skill.

永远记住,不动手就不能学习编码。 这一切都与实践有关,而与编写实际代码有关,而不仅仅是阅读它。 无论您选择哪种技术,语言或框架,对代码而言至关重要的事情都是解决问题的能力。

在某些领域看不起“容易” (Look Down On Some Field As “Easy”)

Here’s one I was guilty of for far too long, and it’s an easy mistake to make. After a lot of persistence, you finally write some code that actually works! Your confidence grows, which you defiantly deserve but before too long you’re teaching stuff to your friends and you feel you can take on the world! This is awesome, and you should enjoy that feeling of finally having the computer do what you want it to.

这是我很久以来一直感到内gui的错误,这是一个容易犯的错误。 经过大量的坚持,您终于写了一些实际可行的代码! 您的信心会增强,这是您应有的,但是不久之后,您就在向朋友们讲课,您会感到自己可以挑战世界! 这太棒了,您应该拥有最终让计算机执行您想要的功能的感觉。

But while you’re grinning your face off, banging out line after line of code, don’t forget that you’re still just learning. Maybe it’s time to start looking back at your old code and reflecting. Which parts of your code do you understand one hundred percent, and where are you just copy-pasting? Maybe now’s the time to delve into that function marked “NOT TO TOUCH” and work out what the heck it does.

但是,当您面露笑容,逐行编写代码时,请不要忘记您还在学习。 也许是时候开始回顾您的旧代码并进行反思了。 您了解代码的哪一部分100%,您仅在哪里粘贴? 也许现在是时候深入研究标记为“ NOT TO TOUCH”的功能,并弄清楚它的功能了。

In summary for those people who are trying hard to get better at programming/coding. Look for those mistakes and avoid them.

总之对于这些人谁正在努力在编程,以获得更好/编码。 寻找那些错误并避免它们。

programming is one of the rewarding trade out there. It can be frustrating on many occasions, but many of us know the rewards and satisfaction it yields after successful execution. Today, I went through the Six mistakes I did as a beginner programmer.

编程是其中一项有价值的交易。 在很多情况下它可能令人沮丧,但是我们很多人都知道成功执行后会产生的回报和满足感。 今天,我经历了初学者时犯的六个错误。

The list is in no way complete, and the readers are encouraged to share their own experiences. You can experience the world of programming differently and it is always best to make mistakes as fast as you can. Understanding that you are making mistakes fast can improve you in less time and make you a better programmer in a long run.

这份清单绝不是完整的,我们鼓励读者分享自己的经验。 您可以以不同的方式体验编程的世界,最好总是尽可能快地犯错误。 从长远来看,了解自己正在快速犯错可以在短时间内改善自己,并使您成为更好的程序员。

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/6-mistakes-i-made-as-a-coding-beginner-29ceb843091b

go 初学者 错误

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