
A Discussion of “Rage Against the Machines: Labor-Saving Technology and Unrest in Industrializing England”


“Machines are going to take all the jobs,” is a sentiment I hear and read often. As an economist, I know this is not true. There will be disruption. Some jobs will be lost. Some jobs will be created.

我经常听到和听到这样的观点:“机器将承担所有工作。” 作为经济学家,我知道这是不正确的。 会有干扰。 一些工作将丢失。 将创建一些作业。

In fact, few know how dynamic our economy always is. We all hear the unemployment rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They also conduct the Establishment Payroll Survey where they collect information on how many jobs are gained and lost, among other things.

实际上,几乎没有人知道我们的经济总是充满活力。 我们都听到了劳工统计局报告的失业率。 他们还进行机构工资调查,收集有关获得和失去多少工作的信息。

The report you hear in the news is the net number, jobs gained minus jobs lost. Using 4th quarter 2019 data, they reported

您在新闻中听到的报告是净数字,获得的工作减去失去的工作。 他们使用2019年第四季度的数据进行了报告

  • 7,831,000 Total Private Gross Jobs Gains

  • 7,039,000 Total Private Gross Jobs Losses

  • 792,000 Net New Jobs


The last number is what would have been reported for the quarter, or approximately 264,000 new jobs each month. The news reports are usually giving the monthly net number, which is often in the plus or minus range of 200,000.

最后一个数字是本季度报告的数字,或每月大约264,000个新工作。 新闻报道通常会给出每月的净数字,该数字通常在20万的正负范围内。

It is easy then to have the impression that literally 200,000 jobs have been created while in fact, it was over 10 times that number on a monthly basis. And the same holds for the job losses.

容易产生这样的印象,即实际上创造了200,000个工作岗位,而实际上,这是每月数量的10倍以上。 失业也是如此。

You have businesses all across the economy opening and closing, expanding and contracting, hiring and firing; all results in lots of jobs created and lost.

您在整个经济领域的业务都处于打开和关闭,扩展和收缩,雇用和解雇的状态; 所有这些都会导致创造和失去很多工作。

What’s my point? That our economy is a lot more dynamic than most of us realize.


That said, the fear of machines, robots, AI, and automation, is a fear of a new trend where people think more jobs will be lost without enough being created to offset the losses.


While I doubt that is true because there will be products and services sold in the future we cannot even imagine today, it does not discount the fact there will be jobs lost.


In the big picture, the rise of technology is what economists call a positive shock. That is a technological improvement that allows productivity to rise, which means more output for any given amount of inputs.

从总体上看,技术的兴起被经济学家称为积极冲击。 这是一项技术进步,可以提高生产率,这意味着在任何给定数量的投入下,产出都会更多。

That is a good thing at the macro level. However, it will mean in some industries there will be fewer people needed.

在宏观层面上,这是一件好事。 但是,这意味着在某些行业中,所需的人才会减少。

  • For those who lose their jobs, will they get a new one?

  • Will they have the skills to move into any new jobs that are being created?

  • Will the new productivity lead to rising incomes and falling prices for all or only for some?

A woman working on factory line machine
Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash
高清照片由 Science 拍摄Unsplash

These fears are nothing new as we see in Caprettini and Voth (2020) who are using new data to investigate the Swing Riots of 1830 in England. While various factors may have contributed to the unrest, they are investigating how much new threshing machines that reduced the need for labor contributed to the riots.

正如我们在Caprettini和Voth(2020)中所看到的那样,这些恐惧并不是什么新鲜的事,他们正在使用新数据来调查1830年英国的“Swing暴动”。 尽管各种因素可能导致了动乱,但他们正在调查有多少新的脱粒机减少了劳动力需求,从而引发了骚乱。

Background on the Captain Swing Riots


The authors assert the riots were


the largest wave of unrest in English history, with more than 3,000 cases of arson, looting, attacks on authorities, and machine breaking across 45 counties. (p. 305)

这是英国历史上最大的动荡浪潮,在45个县/地区发生了3,000多起纵火,抢劫,对当局的袭击和机器爆炸的案件。 (第305页)

In this paper the authors say they are able to show that the adoption of the labor-saving threshing machines was a key factor behind these riots, but they acknowledge there were other issues that could have led to these riots (p. 306)


  • Bad weather

  • A poor harvest

  • News of the French and Belgian revolutions

  • The Enclosures


To explain the last one, England used to have common lands open for rural people to share for grazing that began to be fenced off for the private owner as part of the evolution from feudalism to capitalism. Losing access to this land left many without a livelihood and dependent on jobs for income.

为了解释最后一个问题,英格兰曾经有开放给农民共享土地的土地,以供放牧,这是从封建主义到资本主义演变的一部分,开始被私有所有者所围栏。 无法进入这片土地使许多人没有生计,只能依靠工作来赚钱。

By the 1800s, English agriculture had modernized into an enterprise that primarily produced for the market as opposed to small, subsistence level farms.


Hired labor was a regular feature, particularly for the labor-intensive threshing process in the winter, “traditionally using flails swung overhead.” (p. 306) Ah! I suppose that is where the “swing” comes from in the Swing Riots.

雇用劳力是一项常规功能,特别是对于冬季的劳动密集型脱粒过程而言,“传统上是使用在上方悬挂的ail子”。 (第306页)啊! 我想这就是“Swing”来自“Swing骚乱”的来源。

According to the authors, on average 38% of the adult males in a parish worked in agriculture. (p. 310) Further, 50% of a farm laborer’s winter income came from threshing, before mechanization. (p. 306)

这组作者说,一个教区平均有38%的成年男性从事农业工作。 (第310页)此外,在机械化之前,农场工人冬天收入的50%来自脱粒。 (第306页)

The first Swing Riots broke out in 1830: (p. 307)


  • 3,000 riots across 45 counties

  • Arson was frequent

  • 514 threshing machines were attacked

  • Rioters were rural workers and local craftsmen


The Model


The authors are asserting that as these new threshing machines increase so does the likelihood of riots, once accounting for some control variables.


In fact, they do find “a strong, positive correlation between riots and adoption of the new machines.” (p. 311)

实际上,他们确实发现“暴动与采用新机器之间存在着密切的正相关关系”。 (第311页)

However, they acknowledge they do not have the data needed to discredit other factors like immigration that could be playing a role (p. 312). For this reason, they try a second way of testing their hypothesis that will not suffer from potential bias.

但是,他们承认,他们没有消除其他因素(例如移民可能在起作用)所需的数据(第312页)。 因此,他们尝试了另一种方法来检验其假设,该假设不会受到潜在偏见的影响。

Their goal: show the adoption rate of threshers is the source of the riots.


Their problem: the adoption rate of threshers could be correlated with other factors that will bias the estimates.


Solution: soil that is good for wheat is highly correlated with the adoption of threshers because these threshers worked on wheat only at this point, and the soil variable is not correlated with those other factors like the adoption of threshers could be.


They can thus capture just the part of the adoption rate of threshers that is correlated to the number of riots by looking at the correlation of soil good for wheat and the prevalence of riots.


This is the Instrumental Variables estimator, and it is used in cases like this when there are concerns about your explanatory variable (adoption of threshers) being completely exogenous.


Thus concludes our tiny peak into the world of econometrics.




They find that the probability of a riot occurring in a particular parish doubles from 13.6% for parishes with no threshing machines to 26.1% for those who had at least one (p. 306)


However, they find the likelihood of a riot was not the same everywhere.


  1. Riots were more likely in areas farther away from major manufacturing towns. (p. 317) When such a town was near, that meant alternative employment was more likely. Thus, these workers were more likely to “exit” than to riot.

    远离主要制造业城镇的地区更容易发生骚乱。 (第317页)当这样的城镇很近时,这意味着有更多的工作机会。 因此,这些工人更有可能“退出”而不是暴动。
  2. Workers who had been directly impacted by the enclosures movement were more likely to riot.


To bring this forward to our times, workers who lose their jobs to automation will be more likely to express their unrest if they have fewer nearby job options and if other factors had previously negatively impacted their wages.


Another application to our time could be that the threshing machines were a positive shock to the economy and a negative shock to the workers. That is, landowners (capital) saw profits rise as share of income going to labor fell. (p. 317) This is something that is being observed in our economy today, likely also due to positive technological shocks.

脱粒机对我们时代的另一个应用可能是对经济的正面冲击,对工人的负面冲击。 也就是说,土地所有者(资本)的利润随着劳动收入的份额下降而上升。 (第317页)在当今的经济中,这可能是由于积极的技术冲击而引起的。

The authors do note they are examining “a large and rapid dislocation” because threshing was the main income for these workers in the winter months, and these workers were a large portion of the labor force in the English parishes. (p. 317) More gradual changes may not cause as much unrest.

作者确实指出,他们正在研究“大规模而Swift的流离失所”,因为打谷是这些工人在冬季的主要收入,而这些工人在英国教区中占劳动力的很大一部分。 (第317页)渐进式变化可能不会引起太多动荡。

We cannot stop technological progress, nor do I think we should. We can look though to the past to see how to help the adjustment process.

我们不能停止技术进步,我也不应该这样做。 我们可以回顾过去,以了解如何帮助调整过程。

One lesson from this examination of the past that stands out to me is we need to see which workers are being most hurt and figure out how to provide them an exit.


Caprettini, Bruno and Hans-Joachim Voth (2020). “Rage Against the Machines: Labor-Saving Technology and Unrest in Industrializing England.” AER: Insights, 2(3): 305–320.

Caprettini,Bruno和Hans-Joachim Voth(2020)。 “反对机器的愤怒:节省劳动力的技术和英格兰工业化中的动荡。” AER:见解, 2(3):305–320。

翻译自: https://medium.com/illumination/more-robots-mean-more-riots-d90e66d791a

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