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翻译 人类和机器人的区别_人类对机器人文章的回应

人类和机器人的区别What does GPT-3’s AI-generated op-ed teach us about ourselves? The answers are in the subtext.GPT-3的AI生成的操作对我们有什么启示? 答案在潜台词中。Well, readers, it finally happened. I’ve been replaced by a robot...

2020-10-14 23:23:08 860

翻译 关闭research_您知道您现在可以从Google Research访问5779种出版物吗?

关闭researchGoogle Research is a division of Google that focuses on projects that are a little farther out there or require a particular type of domain expertise and they often launch products that make...

2020-10-14 23:13:24 309

翻译 艺术家艾·克里斯汀·麦克拉维·佩恩gp采访23

This is the twenty-third in a series of interviews with explorers, thinkers, artists, activists and other luminaries around the world, people whose life’s work resonates with our founding principles.这...

2020-10-10 21:36:53 696

翻译 人工神经网络和卷积神经网络_神经生理学和人工神经网络

人工神经网络和卷积神经网络I’m not a doctor in medicine, but I’m really fascinated by biology and especially how animals work. The only real pieces of intelligence we know so far are animals. That’s where almost al...

2020-10-10 21:26:36 963

翻译 深度学习计算机预算_如何在预算有限的情况下为深度学习电脑挑选零件

深度学习计算机预算介绍(Introduction)I think I don’t need to mention the fact that like most people, we researchers, or more precisely PhD students are on a budget when considering computer equipment. I can’t sp...

2020-10-10 21:16:33 485

翻译 ai训练系统流程_训练AI系统的西方世界之路

ai训练系统流程I recently started a new newsletter focus on AI education. TheSequence is a no-BS( meaning no hype, no news etc) AI-focused newsletter that takes 5 minutes to read. The goal is to keep you up ...

2020-10-10 21:06:39 928

翻译 计算机视觉行业,这_体育行业中计算机视觉的用例

计算机视觉行业,这The use of advanced CV or computer vision applications in sports ultimately allows for a highly efficient, fast, and precise analysis of actions, conditions, and environments in all possible ...

2020-10-10 20:55:42 1348

翻译 计算机视觉我们的计算机如何看待和理解他们所看到的东西

Definition: Computer Vision is the field of computer science that helps the computers to gain high-level information from digital images and videos by analyzing them using various machine learning alg...

2020-10-10 20:45:22 421

翻译 我们在计算机方面滥用语言会永远唤醒我们

Computer ‘experts’ misuse our language because computers do not have the ability to function as these so-called ‘experts’ maintain.计算机“专家”滥用了我们的语言,因为计算机没有像所谓的“专家”所维护的那样起作用。 初步评论(Preliminary Comments...

2020-10-10 20:35:21 383

翻译 ai突破性技术_人工智能还没有突破

ai突破性技术The Motto of the present period is Artificial Intelligence ( AI). Technologists, scholars, journalists, and venture capitalists alike intone the word. As with several phrases that extend from s...

2020-10-10 20:25:00 1308

翻译 视频预测迈向人工智能的第一步

In a world where many tasks have been automated close to perfection, the next great goal of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).在许多任务已被自动化接近完美的世界中,人工智能(AI)的下一个伟大目标是人工...

2020-10-10 20:14:26 321

翻译 如何编写aiml机器人_对于那些没有目标的人来说,使aiml如此具有变革性

如何编写aiml机器人介绍(Introduction)If you are a critical thinker still uninitiated into AIML (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) technologies, you are justified in questioning the hype around these t...

2020-10-10 20:04:30 222

翻译 cc和毫升换算_您应该在本周阅读的有趣的AI毫升文章9月19日

cc和毫升换算If you haven’t been able to consume some quality articles this week, then I’ve got you covered.如果您本周无法消费一些优质的文章,那么我可以满足您的要求。The content AI and ML articles on Medium typically follow current ev...

2020-10-10 19:54:09 203

翻译 机器学习偏见可能会定义少数族裔的健康状况

This article is also a part of the Tech in Policy publication. TIP focuses on technology being used for good and shines a light on its more malicious or neglectful implementations.本文也是Tech in Policy出版...

2020-10-10 19:43:34 242

翻译 深度学习 预测 数据规范化_实现业务运营卓越的预测性和规范性培训

深度学习 预测 数据规范化 实现业务运营卓越的预测性和规范性培训 (Predictive and Prescriptive training in achieving business operational excellence) 前言 (Preface)This paper discusses the training industry's current state, gaps, and...

2020-09-18 04:28:03 266

翻译 使用机器学习预测天气_使用机器学习来预测患者是否会再次入院

使用机器学习预测天气We are in a age where machines are utilizing huge data and trying to create a better world. It might range from predicting crime rates in an area using machine learning to conversing with hu...

2020-09-18 04:17:13 1705

翻译 mac终端升级_也许是时候升级您的终端体验

mac终端升级 数据科学家工具箱 (Data Scientist’s Toolbox)Have you ever bought a mattress? 你买过床垫吗? Let me tell you about my experience with the notorious mattress salesmen. 让我告诉您我在臭名昭著的床垫销售员那里的经历。 Salesmen would ...

2020-09-15 14:51:06 1089

翻译 对研究生教育有什么看法_我对研究员特征的看法

对研究生教育有什么看法职业,人工智能研究,经验(Career, AI Research, Experience)Hello everyone! Finally, I can write an article again. There are several ideas that I would want to write. Before, I want to write about anothe...

2020-08-31 18:04:58 272

翻译 hystrix仪表板_仪表板已死

hystrix仪表板How Decision Intelligence can save you thousands of hours and give organizations anywhere a competitive advantage决策智能如何为您节省数千小时并为任何地方的组织带来竞争优势全球企业面临的问题是他们制定决策的速度很慢。(The problem businesses w...

2020-08-31 17:54:23 79

翻译 猩猩艾艾吸烟_艾艾在墙上谁是最公平的

猩猩艾艾吸烟“A world perfectly fair in some dimensions would be horribly unfair in others.” - Kevin Kelly“在某些方面完全公平的世界在其他方面则极其不公平。” -凯文·凯利“Fairness” in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications — both as a ...

2020-08-31 17:44:01 225

翻译 神经网络线性回归_线性回归与神经网络

神经网络线性回归The world of AI is as exciting as it is misunderstood. Buzz words like “Machine Learning” and “Artificial Intelligence” end up skewing not only the general understanding of their capabilities ...

2020-08-31 17:33:05 4827

翻译 开源火种_火种艾完美的牵线搭桥

开源火种人工智能,意见,技术(Artificial Intelligence, Opinion, Technology)“Bored in the house, in the house I’m bored”, Official Tinder theme song!Tinder官方主题歌“在房子里闷死了,在我无聊的房子里!”Content Table:- 内容表:-What is Tinder...

2020-08-31 17:23:50 544

翻译 ai人工智能书籍_您应该阅读的有关AI的精彩书籍

ai人工智能书籍I love to read! I’m always reading… and most of all, I love to read about Artificial Intelligence.我喜欢看书! 我一直在阅读……最重要的是,我喜欢阅读有关人工智能的文章。I want to share here some of my favorite AI books that su...

2020-08-31 17:14:23 565

翻译 卷积神经网络计数流程图_用神经网络计数卡

卷积神经网络计数流程图You can find my code on my Github here.您可以在我的Github上找到我的代码。Here are the links to my previous posts on blackjack. I used a modified version of my old blackjack simulator (discussed in detai...

2020-08-31 17:04:36 468

翻译 人工智能中的minimax算法

Algorithms can search the game trees to determine the best move to make from the current state. The most well known is called the Minimax algorithm. The minimax algorithm is a useful method for simple...

2020-08-31 16:55:00 812

翻译 更多的机器人意味着更多的骚乱

A Discussion of “Rage Against the Machines: Labor-Saving Technology and Unrest in Industrializing England”讨论“对机器的愤怒:节省劳动力的技术和英格兰工业化中的动荡”“Machines are going to take all the jobs,” is a sentiment I hea...

2020-08-31 16:44:09 297

翻译 怎么区分ai人工智能_AI已经变得如此人性化,以至于你无法分辨

怎么区分ai人工智能You might be wondering if machines are a threat to the world we live in, or if they’re just another tool in our quest to improve ourselves. If you think that AI is just another tool, you mig...

2020-08-31 16:34:50 316

翻译 如何预测需求,尽管covid

The article below is a summary of one of my LinkedIn posts. If you are interested in such debates, let’s connect! 以下文章是我的LinkedIn 帖子 之一的摘要 。 如果您对此类辩论感兴趣,请联系我们 ! I would like to thanks the following p...

2020-08-18 19:24:09 239

翻译 您必须知道的11个用于数据科学的python库

One of the reasons Python is so valuable to Data Science is its huge collection of data analysis and visualization libraries. In this article, we’ve covered the most popular ones. Python对数据科学如此重要的原因之一...

2020-08-18 19:13:21 149

翻译 adobe无法启动_使用Adobe启动的html5音频跟踪

adobe无法启动In this post, we will look at how you can setup Adobe Analytics tracking for your HTML5 Audio using Launch by Adobe. 在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用Adobe Launch为HTML5音频设置Adobe Analytics跟踪。 In today’s marketi...

2020-08-18 19:04:06 132



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