

If you haven’t been able to consume some quality articles this week, then I’ve got you covered.


The content AI and ML articles on Medium typically follow current events that are occurring in the AI industry, for example, when GPT-3 got released by OpenAI, there was an influx of GPT-3 associated article.


This week I found no apparent theme or subject matters within the articles I came across. So below are a mixture of articles that cover subject matters such as Deep Learning, AI in Enterprises, GPT-3 and Machine Learning.

本周,我发现所见文章中没有明显的主题或主题事项。 因此,以下是涵盖主题的文章混合,例如深度学习,企业中的AI,GPT-3和机器学习。

本周的文章包含以下内容: (This week’s articles contains the following:)

  • An exploration of the evolution of Deep Learning solutions within Natural Language Processing and language modelling


  • An overview of the rapid development of AI within enterprises


  • GPT-3 impressively explains the origin of everything


  • Factors to consider when selecting machine learning algorithms


长期的短期内存网络正在消亡:正在取代什么? 安德烈·叶 (Long Short-Term Memory Networks Are Dying: What’s Replacing It? By Andre Ye)

“An exploration of the evolution of Deep Learning solutions within Natural Language Processing and language modelling”


Andre Ye has written an article that explores the origins of attempts to replicate the understanding and construction of human written language using neural networks.

叶安德(Andre Ye )撰写了一篇文章,探讨了使用神经网络来复制人类书面语言的理解和建构的尝试的起源。

The article mentions predated vectorisation techniques used to numerically represent documents of text such as Bag Of Words(BoW).

本文提到了用于数字表示文本文档(例如Bag Of Words(BoW))的预先确定的矢量化技术。

Andre takes the reader through swift, but well-written explanations of the progression of Natural Language Processing(NLP) and language modelling techniques such as Recurrent Neural Networks, Long Short Term Memory, Transformers etc.


A detailed description and illustrations accompany each presented technique mentioned in the article. More importantly, Andre outlines the shortcomings of the mentioned techniques.

本文中提到的每种介绍的技术都附带有详细的描述和说明。 更重要的是,安德烈概述了上述技术的缺点。

For those who are interested in the world of Language modelling and Deep Learning, this article is a technical summary of the years of development that have gone into the field.


出色的读物: (An excellent read for:)

  • Deep Learning Students


  • Natural Language Processing Practitioners


了解七惊人的统计大约企业如何实际使用AI今天通过亚历克斯飞(Learn Seven Surprising Stats about How Enterprises are Actually Using AI Today By Alex Fly)

“An overview of the rapid development of AI within enterprises”


Alex Fly’s article presents some key statistics related to the development of AI and the utilisation of AI-based technologies within enterprises. The included statistics and figures are sourced from reputable surveyors such as Deloitte, Gartner, McKinsey & Company etc.

Alex Fly的文章介绍了与AI的发展以及企业内部基于AI的技术的利用有关的一些关键统计数据。 包括的统计数据和数据来自知名的测量师,例如DeloitteGartnerMcKinsey&Company等。

The statistics and figures presented in the article paint a picture of how AI is transforming the entirety of a typical enterprise day to day functions. AI impact is felt from hiring initiatives to profitable revenue sources.

本文中提供的统计数据和数字描绘了AI如何转变典型企业日常功能的整体。 从招聘计划到有利可图的收入来源都可以感受到人工智能的影响。

One major takeaway from Alex’s article is that AI is here to stay and enterprises are adapting at a pace that will see entire companies, industries and nation transform within the next five years.


For those who are interested in getting an overview of how AI is adopted at large scale companies and the rate of adoption, Alex’s article presents this information and more.


强烈推荐用于: (Highly recommended for:)

  • Business Managers


  • Technologists


人工智能解释所发生的大爆炸之前通过柯克奎梅特(Artificial Intelligence Explains What Happened Before The Big Bang By Kirk Ouimet)

“GPT-3 impressively explains the origin of everything”

“ GPT-3令人印象深刻地解释了一切的起源”

Kirk Ouimet article is a dialogue between himself and GPT-3, which is referred to as ‘Wise Being’.

Kirk Ouimet的文章是他与GPT-3之间的对话,被称为“明智的存在”。

The content of the dialogue is around the origin of the Big Bang and other associated topics such as time, space and the Universe.


I was truly expecting to be bored or at the very least be a little bit impressed by the output of the ‘Wise Being’ in the dialogue.


After reading the entirety of the dialogue and article, I would have to admit that the responses from the ‘Wise Being’ felt almost human-like, and surpassed my initial expectations. The responses were well put together and had some form of logic, well as much logic as possible when answering questions that are outside the realms of human imagination.

在阅读了全部对话和文章之后,我不得不承认,“智者”的回应几乎像人一样,超出了我最初的期望。 答案很好地组合在一起,并具有某种形式的逻辑,并且在回答人类想象力范围之外的问题时,逻辑也要尽可能多。

The key takeaway for me from this article is that the GPT-3 language model is clearly very robust and can mimic creativeness. It also has the ability to draw upon the relevant source of text from its training data to provide some decent responses.

本文对我来说,主要的收获是,GPT-3语言模型显然非常健壮,可以模仿创造力。 它还具有从其训练数据中借鉴相关文本来源的能力,以提供一些体面的答复。

Although it should be noted that GPT-3’s responses are not actually unique and is not generated as a product of reasoning. Not for now, anyway.

尽管应注意,GPT-3的回答实际上并不是唯一的,也不是推理产生的。 无论如何现在还没有。

出色的读物: (An excellent read for:)

  • AI enthusiasts


Ramya Vidiyala如何选择正确的机器学习算法(How to Select the Right Machine Learning Algorithm By Ramya Vidiyala)

Ramya Vidiyala has created a practical guideline article for machine learning practitioners tasked with selecting machine learning algorithms.

Ramya Vidiyala为负责选择机器学习算法的机器学习从业者编写了实用指南文章。

The guidelines are in the form of key factors that come into play during the process of machine learning algorithm implementation and selection. Ramya includes factors such as memory requirements, data format, training time, interpretability and more.

该指南采用的关键因素形式是在机器学习算法的实现和选择过程中发挥作用的。 Ramya包括诸如内存需求,数据格式,培训时间,可解释性等因素。

Each key factor is accompanied with a quick description and at times, scenarios that explain why a specific method should be selected.


This article is a short read but contains some handy information that can be used in most situations machine learning practitioners find themselves when implementing or selecting ML algorithms to solve a problem.


出色的读物: (An excellent read for:)

  • Machine Learning Practitioners


我希望您觉得这篇文章有用。(I hope you found the article useful.)

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