
This appeared in The Millennial Source


For years, commentators have written about the possibility of a “tech exodus” from Silicon Valley spurred by high rental prices and the difficulty of achieving homeownership in the Bay Area, even for high-earning tech workers.


Coronavirus has added new pressure to this forecast exodus. With companies increasingly shifting to work from home regimes, the necessity of living in pricey environs like Silicon Valley has been greatly reduced. Some workers have already opted to exit while these new arrangements allow them.

冠状病毒给这一预测的外流增加了新的压力。 随着公司越来越多地从本国政体转到工作环境,在硅谷这样昂贵的环境中生活的必要性已大大降低。 在这些新安排允许他们的同时,一些工人已经选择退出。

Time will tell if this present exodus is a COVID-induced blip or is more indicative of a wider desire for tech workers and others to escape the high cost of living in Silicon Valley.


旧常态 (The old normal)

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, Silicon Valley was facing a variety of issues that put an immense strain on those living in the area.


Despite small decreases in some areas, the average cost of rent in the San Francisco Bay Area at the end of 2019 was among the highest in the country, with the average home valued at around US$1.34 million, a figure that falls far outside even the most well-paid IT employee’s budget.


A survey by the workplace chat app Blind, polling around 3,000 tech workers, found that 70% could not afford to buy a house near where they work. Some workers even reported living in mobile homes outside of their workplaces.

工作场所聊天应用程序Blind进行的一项调查对3,000名技术工人进行了调查,发现70%的人买不起他们工作地点附近的房屋。 一些工人甚至报告说他们住在工作场所之外的活动房屋中。

The exorbitant rents and high house prices prompted one official with the United Nations to describe the Bay Area’s standard of living crisis as a “human rights violation” in a 2018 report.


A 2018 study found that, in terms of real wages — wages adjusted for inflation — 9 out of 10 workers in Silicon Valley are worse off than their counterparts were some two decades prior. This is the result of wages remaining stagnant while inflation and the cost of living in the Bay Area rises.

一项2018年的研究发现,就实际工资(按通胀调整后的工资)而言,硅谷十分之九的工人比二十年前的工人的状况更糟。 这是由于工资保持停滞,而通货膨胀和海湾地区生活成本上升的结果。

High rents, the impossibility of homeownership and worse wages in real terms had prompted some Silicon Valley and Bay Area residents to look elsewhere even before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. One November 2019 survey found that one in three San Francisco residents wanted out, claiming they were “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to move within the next three years.

高昂的房租,不可能拥有房屋以及实际工资水平下降,促使一些硅谷和湾区居民甚至在冠状病毒大流行爆发之前就去其他地方寻找。 2019年11月的一项调查发现,三分之二的旧金山居民想要离开,声称他们在未来三年内``很有可能''或``有些可能''迁居。

新常态 (The new normal)

With the coronavirus pandemic, the difficulties of living in Silicon Valley have only been exacerbated.


Many of the biggest tech companies operating in Silicon Valley have traditionally required employees to work out of physical offices. This all changed with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic as many companies drew up work from home plans.

传统上,在硅谷运营的许多最大的科技公司都要求员工在实体办公室工作。 随着许多公司从家庭计划中提取工作,这一切都随着冠状病毒大流行的发作而改变。

Initially, Google told its employees they could work from home until June, but as the crisis escalated, companies in Silicon Valley extended this into 2021. Twitter’s chief executive officer, Jack Dorsey, announced that workers for the social media platform could work from home indefinitely, stating “opening offices will be our decision. When and if our employees come back, will be theirs.”

最初,谷歌告诉其员工,他们可以在家里工作到六月,但是随着危机的升级,硅谷的公司将这一工作延长到2021年。Twitter的首席执行官杰克·多尔西 ( Jack Dorsey )宣布,社交媒体平台的工作人员可以无限期在家工作。 , 说明 “开设办事处将是我们的决定。 我们的员工何时及是否回来,将是他们的。”

With the onset of work from home regimes for the foreseeable future, or in some cases indefinitely, some Silicon Valley workers have fled the high rents and high cost of living that come with living in the area.


Speaking to The Verge, one Facebook employee justified moving away from Silicon Valley by saying “it makes no sense paying Bay Area rent if we can earn our salary living elsewhere.”

一位Facebook员工在接受The Verge采访时说,“如果我们可以在其他地方赚取薪水,就没有必要向湾区房租付钱。”

For Silicon Valley tech workers, the shift to working from home may prove easier than most other professions. This could potentially fuel the exodus away from the office life that is prevalent among the largest tech companies but that forces employees to live within commuting distance of their offices.

对于硅谷的技术工人来说,从家中工作转变可能比大多数其他行业更容易。 这可能会导致流离失所的人流离大型科技公司中普遍存在的办公室生活,但却迫使员工住在办公室上下班的距离内。

被迫流亡? (Forced exodus?)

The pandemic has significantly harmed tech startups in Silicon Valley, with some of the largest tech employers in the Silicon Valley area laying off thousands of employees. Uber has laid off more than 3,000, Airbnb nearly 2,000, LinkedIn just under 1,000 and Lyft another 1,000.

这种大流行严重伤害了硅谷的科技初创公司,硅谷地区的一些最大的技术雇主解雇了数千名员工。 优步裁员3000人,爱彼迎裁员近2000人,LinkedIn裁员不到1000人,Lyft裁员1000人。

Regardless of the impact from the coronavirus, Silicon Valley is already facing an employment crisis.


The Trump administration’s ban on visas for skilled foreign workers for at least the rest of the year — and potentially longer — has hurt Silicon Valley companies in particular.


Venture capital money for startups is also down, which will result in startups making further layoffs and even potentially shutting down.


Some experts believe that this exodus of money and workers is merely a momentary blip caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


Sarah Karlinsky, a senior adviser at the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association, doubts that someone who “works at Twitter and lives in downtown San Francisco” will “get up and move to Idaho” given the Bay Area’s traditional dominance of tech jobs and opportunities.

旧金山湾区规划和城市研究协会的高级顾问Sarah Karlinsky怀疑,鉴于湾区传统的技术主导地位,“在Twitter上工作并住在旧金山市区”的人会“站起来并搬到爱达荷州”。工作和机会。

This confidence may be misplaced. A recent survey by the Brunswick Group of 300 Silicon Valley tech workers found that among respondents between the ages of 18 and 34, 41% planned to leave the area within the next year.

这种信心可能放错了地方。 最近的一项调查由300名硅谷高科技员工的博然思维集团发现,18至34岁之间的受访者中,41%计划在未来一年内离开该地区。

Analysis by the recruitment website ZipRecruiter of some eight million job ads across the United States further found that some of the fastest growing areas of the country for engineering, software and tech related jobs were located far away from the confines of Silicon Valley.


Huntsville, Alabama was one of the largest growth areas of the country, with a 300% increase in tech-related jobs. Thousand Oaks in Southern California and Phoenix, Arizona came in second and third.

阿拉巴马州的汉斯维尔(Huntsville)是该国增长最快的地区之一,与技术相关的工作增加了300%。 南加州和亚利桑那州凤凰城的千橡分别排名第二和第三。

Ultimately, living in Silicon Valley has proved difficult even in normal times. With the coronavirus pandemic forcing tech employees to work from home for the foreseeable future, many may take the opportunity to leave the region for good.

最终,即使在平时,在硅谷的生活也被证明是困难的。 随着冠状病毒大流行迫使技术人员在可预见的将来在家工作,许多人可能会借此机会永久离开该地区。

Originally published at https://themilsource.com on August 24, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月24日 https://themilsource.com 发布

翻译自: https://medium.com/@themillennialsource/is-silicon-valley-facing-a-tech-exodus-d4051ee415e

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