linux 检查温度_检查点温度监控以进行高级分析

linux 检查温度

Posted On: August 17, 2020

发表于: 2020年8月17日

With the emergence of technology and increasingly sophisticated devices, we are on the cusp of a new era of productivity with IoT solutions. The Internet of Things technology has been growing rapidly and has already bypassed conventional systems in terms of features and functionalities. Its applications in the field of remote monitoring and advanced analytics are revolutionizing businesses and are offering exemplary benefits to them. One such application of IoT is a checkpoint temperature monitoring system. A checkpoint temperature monitoring solution is immensely beneficial to industries where temperature plays a crucial role in defining the quality of their products.

随着技术的出现和日益复杂的设备的出现,我们正处于物联网解决方案生产力新时代的风口浪尖。 物联网技术发展Swift,在功能和特性方面已经绕开了传统系统。 它在远程监控和高级分析领域的应用正在彻底改变业务,并为他们带来了可观的收益。 IoT的一种此类应用是检查点温度监控系统。 对于温度在定义其产品质量中至关重要的行业,检查点温度监控解决方案非常有用。

Moreover, in a cold chain warehouse, a temperature monitoring solution allows a logistic manager to monitor and regulate the temperature of the item being transported in real-time. Get real-time alerts and instant notification on your devices anytime whenever if there are any deviations in the environment with our temperature monitoring security solutions. Automated IoT based temperature monitoring solutions detect any deviations and allows you to take preventive actions. By using this platform, administration head or security can remotely monitor the temperature of the system to efficiently manage the compliance record.

此外,在冷链仓库中 ,温度监控解决方案使物流管理者可以实时监控和调节所运输物品的温度。 如果我们的温度监控安全解决方案能够在环境中出现任何偏差,则随时可以在您的设备上获取实时警报和即时通知。 基于IoT的自动化温度监控解决方案可以检测出任何偏差,并允许您采取预防措施。 通过使用此平台,管理主管或安全部门可以远程监视系统的温度,以有效地管理合规性记录。

检查点温度监控的用例 (Use cases of checkpoint temperature monitoring)

BFSI行业合规性 (BFSI Industry Compliance)

Overheating-related hardware malfunctions decrease as a result of real-time temperature monitoring. The temperature monitoring system can be installed and programmed to detect and ascertain possible cooling system failures. These sensors could alert administration and security teams whenever a movement is detected.

实时温度监控可减少与过热相关的硬件故障。 可以安装温度监控系统并对其进行编程,以检测和确定可能的冷却系统故障。 只要检测到移动,这些传感器就可以警告管理和安全团队。

零售行业合规 (Retail Industry Compliances)

To help maintain comfortable internal environments, retailers can use wireless temperature sensors to monitor and regulate air quality. It can also remotely access and review temperature measurements from faraway locations. Any deviations can be notified immediately and preventive actions can be taken.

为了帮助维持舒适的内部环境,零售商可以使用无线温度传感器来监视和调节空气质量。 它还可以从远处远程访问和查看温度测量值。 任何偏差都可以立即得到通知,并可以采取预防措施。

食品安全合规 (Food Safety Compliances)

A major challenge for the food industry is to maintain hygiene and ambience management. Our smart sensors provide real-time alerts on change in ambient temperature, air quality, smoke levels etc. Our sensors can also help to know whether all safety protocols are adhered to build a pristine brand image.

食品工业的主要挑战是保持卫生和环境管理。 我们的智能传感器提供有关环境温度,空气质量,烟雾水平等变化的实时警报。我们的传感器还可以帮助您了解是否遵守了所有安全规程以建立原始的品牌形象。

仓库管理 (Warehouse Management)

Some products are sensitive to humidity & temperature and need to be stored in a temperature-controlled environment to prevent corrosion. By using IoT based platform, a manager can track and remotely change the temperature of the warehouse. This reduces inspection costs and helps companies to maintain the quality of their products.

有些产品对湿度和温度敏感,需要将其存放在温度受控的环境中以防止腐蚀。 通过使用基于物联网的平台,经理可以跟踪和远程更改仓库的温度。 这样可以降低检查成本,并帮助公司维持其产品质量。


即时通知和警报 (Instant notifications and alerts)

Our IoT platform offers instant alerts and notifications in real-time. It tracks the environmental parameters on a secure web/mobile-based platform to alert users to take corrective action to protect stock and save money thus elevating quick decision making for safety and security.

我们的物联网平台可实时提供即时警报和通知。 它在安全的基于Web /移动平台的平台上跟踪环境参数,以提醒用户采取纠正措施以保护库存并节省资金,从而提高安全性和安全性的快速决策能力。

进阶分析 (Advanced analytics)

The data gathered from the temperature sensors can be used to create statistical reports for decision making. These insights will include the time duration during which products deteriorate and details associated with the temperature readings. This will help the organisations to improve the reliability of their business.

从温度传感器收集的数据可用于创建统计报告以进行决策。 这些见解将包括产品变质的持续时间以及与温度读数相关的详细信息。 这将帮助组织提高业务可靠性。

辅助功能 (Accessibility)

As IoT encompasses advanced telemetry capabilities, remote temperature monitoring from distant locations is also possible. The data gathered through temperature monitoring sensors can be accessed from faraway places on a web application or a mobile app to ensure ease of operations and efficiency.

由于物联网具有先进的遥测功能,因此也可以从远处进行远程温度监控。 通过温度监控传感器收集的数据可以从Web应用程序或移动应用程序的遥远地方访问,以确保操作的简便性和效率。

透明度 (Transparency)

A temperature monitoring system can transfer the data to several profiles simultaneously in real-time. This increases the visibility to monitor the parameters through remote locations ensuring total visibility and safety of all your business sites with IoT enabled system.

温度监控系统可以实时将数据同时传输到多个配置文件。 这增加了通过远程位置监视参数的可见性,从而确保了所有启用IoT的系统的所有业务站点的总体可见性和安全性。

空气质量维护 (Air quality maintenance)

This feature ables to detect temperature and humidity which can be used to monitor the air conditions in different environments and determine their quality at any time. Filters out harmful smoke and grease from surrounding air for a healthy environment

此功能能够检测温度和湿度,这些温度和湿度可用于监视不同环境中的空气状况并随时确定其质量。 过滤掉周围空气中的有害烟气和油脂,确保健康的环境

The use of checkpoint temperature monitoring systems has enabled and regulated the change in affecting the quality of the products. Their implementation in different sectors has empowered the efficiency of a company. This solution of the sensor allows companies to monitor the temperature of their products and integrate corrective actions with their existing facility management solutions.

使用检查点温度监控系统已启用并调节了影响产品质量的变化。 它们在不同部门的实施提高了公司的效率。 这种传感器解决方案使公司可以监视其产品的温度,并将纠正措施与他们现有的设施管理解决方案相集成。

Originally published at on August 17, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月17日 发布


linux 检查温度





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