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The longest cave in the world is in central Kentucky. Its limestone passages stretch 400 miles beneath the earth in twisting patterns as intricate as the roots of the ancient hickory forests above. Within, cavers skirt bottomless pits, pass fountains of orange stone, and discover deep, icy subterranean rivers. Between the sunlit world and the depths below, white mist swirls at ankle height, like the breath of ghosts.

吨他最长的世界洞穴是在肯塔基州中部。 它的石灰岩通道以扭曲的方式延伸到地球下方400英里,就像上面古老的山核桃森林的根源一样复杂。 洞内的洞穴探员钻入无底洞,穿过橙色的石头喷泉,并发现冰冷的地下河。 在阳光普照的世界和下面的深处之间,白色的薄雾在脚踝的高度旋转,就像幽灵的呼吸一样。

Kentuckians have fought bitterly to control access to the secrets of Mammoth Cave. In the early 20th century, hardscrabble locals conned tourists into the sinkholes on their land, spurring “cave wars” that ceased only when the National Parks Department took control, evicting landowners and installing staircases, subterranean toilets, and even a grand dining room 267 feet below ground, its ceiling encrusted with snowballs of gypsum crystal. Serious cavers now enter Mammoth’s wild entrances through locked grates, using keys granted by the Parks Department. They bring with them small carbide headlamps to keep warm and light the darkness.

肯塔基小时已经浴血苦战,以控制进入猛犸洞的秘密。 在20世纪初期,拼命的当地人将游客引诱到他们土地上的坑洼中,引发了“洞穴战争”,这种战争直到国家公园局接手控制,驱逐土地所有者并安装楼梯,地下厕所,甚至是267英尺的大餐厅时才停止在地下,其天花板上覆盖着石膏水晶雪球。 现在,严重的洞穴探险者使用公园部门授予的钥匙,通过锁紧的炉排进入猛oth象的荒野入口。 他们带来了小的碳化物头灯,以保持温暖并照亮黑暗。

The earliest people to map Mammoth were enslaved, installed underground by landowners to lead tours. The first of these guides, Stephen Bishop, named its features — the River Styx, the Snowball Room, Little Bat Avenue — and discovered the eyeless white fish that swim in its deepest waters. When Bishop was sold, along with the caves, to a Louisville doctor, he was ordered to draw a map from memory. As cave maps do, his drawing looked like “a bowl of spaghetti dumped on the floor,” but it detailed the nearly 10 miles of passages that Bishop had discovered and remained the most thorough map of Mammoth’s reaches for more than 50 years. One nameless noodle, a passage forking off the subterranean Echo River, became important a century after Bishop was buried near the cave’s main entrance, his grave marked by only a cedar tree.

最早绘制猛mm象地图的人被奴役,被土地所有者安装在地下以带队参观。 这些指南中的第一个,斯蒂芬·毕晓普(Stephen Bishop),命名了它的特征-斯Tyk斯河(Styx),雪球室,小蝙蝠大道(Little Bat Avenue)-并发现了在最深水域游泳的无眼白肉。 当毕晓普和洞穴一起被卖给路易斯维尔医生时,他被命令从记忆中绘制地图。 就像洞穴地图一样,他的画看起来像“一碗意大利面条倒在地板上”,但是它详细介绍了毕晓普发现的近10英里的通道,并且是50多年来猛Ma象触手可及的最详尽的地图。 在毕晓普埋葬在洞穴的主要入口附近一个世纪之后,一个无名的面条,从地下回声河分叉的一条通道就变得非常重要,他的坟墓只有一棵雪松树。

In Bishop’s lifetime, every landowner in Central Kentucky claimed a cave entrance; if not a natural sinkhole, then a crevice blown open with dynamite. Bishop believed that all these fragments were linked into one larger system, and his instinct was shared by generations of Kentucky cavers. At the bitter end of their remotest passages, the caves breathe: Cold air whispers even miles below the surface, and water siphons deeper and deeper into the Earth.

在毕晓普的一生中,肯塔基州中部的每个土地所有者都声称拥有洞穴入口。 如果不是天然的污水坑,则用炸药炸开一个缝隙。 Bishop相信所有这些碎片都被链接到一个更大的系统中,他的本能被肯塔基州的几代洞穴探险者所共有。 在最遥远的通道的痛苦尽头,这些洞穴会呼吸:冷空气在地表以下甚至几英里处低声细语,而水虹吸越来越深地渗入地球。

Image for post
The Longest Cave’ by Roger W. Brucker and Richard A. Watson, Ph.D. “最长的洞穴”

Proving Bishop’s connection theory became the cause of the Cave Research Foundation, a ragtag group of caving enthusiasts who spent nearly 20 years linking the disparate caves neighboring Mammoth into a single Flint Ridge system. It was a family affair; once they were old enough, children who grew up playing in the woods surrounding the foundation’s clapboard lodge pushed past the farthest points surveyed by their mothers and fathers. By 1972, the Cave Research Foundation had surveyed nearly every Flint Ridge lead to its endpoint, sometimes with 10-hour belly crawls through womb-like tunnels. The “final connection,” as they called it, was imminent.

证明毕晓普的联系理论成为了洞穴研究基金会的成因。洞穴研究基金会是一群狂热的狂热爱好者,他们花了将近20年的时间将邻近的猛mm象不同的洞穴连接到单个Flint Ridge系统中。 这是家庭事务; 一旦他们长大了,长大的孩子们在基金会隔板隔板周围的树林里玩耍,就越过了父母调查过的最远点。 到1972年,洞穴研究基金会已经对几乎所有的火石岭铅矿的端点进行了调查,有时会经过类似子宫的隧道进行长达10个小时的爬行。 他们所谓的“最终联系”迫在眉睫。

The cavers believed that Flint Ridge met Mammoth past a choke of sandstone boulders at survey point Q-87, a remote spur miles from the surface, but moving the boulders with lengths of metal pipe was back-breaking work. One expedition tried an alternate route, through a vertical crevice called “the Tight Spot.” Caving humor has a nihilistic streak: the Tight Spot is a dark slit so small that only one person in the party dared enter. She was a reedy computer programmer, all of 115 pounds, named Patricia Crowther.

探洞者认为,int石岭在距地面遥远的Q-87勘测点处经过一堵砂岩巨石,遇到了猛mm象,但移动带有一定长度金属管的巨石是一项艰巨的工作。 一次探险尝试了另一条路线,穿过一条垂直的缝隙,称为“密林点”。 放荡的幽默带有虚无的气息:“紧张点”是一个很小的暗缝,以至于只有一个人敢于参加派对。 她是一个重达115磅的精巧的计算机程序员,名为Patricia Crowther。

Pat wedged herself into the Tight Spot and came out the other end onto a mud bank. In the cool carbide light, she spotted the calling card of a previous visitor: the initials “P. H.,” engraved on the wall. Back at the surface, her party kept the discovery secret. Anyone familiar with the area would know the legend of old Pete Hanson, who had explored Mammoth before the Civil War. Those had to be his initials down there, which could mean only one thing: Flint Ridge and Mammoth were connected, in a single contiguous cave spanning 340 miles. The monumental discovery would come to be known as the Everest of speleology.

帕特(Pat)陷入了紧绷的地带(Tight Spot),另一头走到泥滩上。 在凉爽的硬质合金灯下,她发现了前一个访客的电话卡:刻在墙上的首字母“ PH”。 回到表面,她的政党将发现保密。 任何熟悉该地区的人都会知道内战前曾探索过猛mm象的老皮特·汉森的传说。 那些必须是他的首字母缩写,这可能只意味着一件事:弗林特·里奇和猛mm象相连,在一个跨越340英里的连续山洞中。 巨大的发现将被称为洞穴学的珠穆朗玛峰。

Pat returned to broach the juncture 10 days later.


“By the way, Pat — you’re leading this one,” the other cavers told her. Just beyond the Tight Spot, they waded into muddy water up to their chests, until only a foot of air separated the subterranean river and the dripping cave ceiling. Soaked through and caked with mud “like chocolate frosting,” they struggled to keep their headlamps dry. Eyeless crayfish skittered around their waists. When the passage opened, it revealed a wide hall, where they glimpsed the edge of a hand railing: a tourist trail in the heart of Mammoth Cave. The link was complete. Only moments before, they’d been farther afield than any cavers in history; now, weeping and falling over each other in the water, they were only a few steps away from a public restroom.

“顺便问一下,帕特-你在领导这个,”其他探子告诉她。 就

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