
Ghost of Tsushima is the latest PlayStation exclusive and it raises a great question: Can you call this game a Japanese RPG? The answer may sound obvious to some, but you’d be surprised by the different opinions and definitions of what a JRPG is.

对马的 G 主机是最新的PlayStation独家产品,它引起了一个很大的问题:您可以将此游戏称为日本RPG吗? 对于某些人来说,答案似乎很明显,但是您对JRPG的不同意见和定义会感到惊讶。

In this article, we’ll examine what Ghost of Tsushima is, what it isn’t, and what I believe we should call it.

在本文中,我们将研究什么是对马鬼 ,什么不是,以及我认为应该称之为什么。

对马的鬼魂 (Tsushima’s ghost)

This game’s setting is the island of Tsushima, Japan, at the end of the 13th century. It tells the story of Jin, a samurai warrior filled with honor and courage, who fights for his home in the face of the Mongol invasion. I will not elaborate more on the story because of spoilers, but the setting is all we need for the topic of discussion.

游戏的背景是13世纪末的日本对马岛。 故事讲述了金(Jin)的故事,他是一位充满荣誉和勇气的武士,面对蒙古人的入侵为自己的家而战。 由于剧透,我不会再详细讲这个故事了,但是讨论的主题正是我们所需要的。

This game’s gameplay is action-oriented, borrowing from other series like the Soulsborne and Arkham games. The gameplay is paired with some of the most incredible visuals you’ll see on the PS4, allowing Sucker Punch to realize an outstanding hyper visualization of Japan.

该游戏的玩法是以动作为导向的,借鉴了其他系列,例如《 灵魂之城》和《 阿卡姆》 。 游戏玩法与您在PS4上会看到的一些最令人难以置信的视觉效果相结合,使Sucker Punch可以实现出色的日本超可视化效果。

Ghost of Tsushima implements skill trees and upgrades that make up the role-playing portion of the game, with multiple customization and styles of play tailored to your needs and likes. It also comes packed with a game mode called Kurosawa. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, Akira Kurosawa is a legendary Japanese film director best known for the movie The Seven Samuráis. His work is associated with black and white, violent, personal movies that convey a unique style.

Tsushima的Ghost实现了技能树和升级,构成了游戏的角色扮演部分,并根据您的需求和喜好量身定制了多种自定义和游戏风格。 它还带有称为黑泽的游戏模式。 如果名字没有敲响,黑泽明(Akira Kurosawa)是一位传奇的日本电影导演,以电影《七武士而闻名 。 他的作品与传达独特风格的黑白暴力个人电影有关。

In Ghost of Tsushima, the Kurosawa mode turns the game black and white and changes the sounds and soundtrack to a movie-style of his work. This is an excellent addition for many fans of the director and it pays respect to incredible Japanese talent.

《对马的鬼魂》中 ,黑泽明模式将游戏变为黑白,并将声音和配乐更改为他作品的电影风格。 对于许多导演迷来说,这是一个绝妙的补充,它尊重令人难以置信的日本人才。

The music is Japan-inspired, using traditional instruments like the shakuhachi (flute), biwa (short-necked fretted lute), and koto (stringed instrument). Meanwhile, the art direction of the game is realistic yet very colorful, with saturated plant colors.

音乐是日本风格的音乐,使用了尺八,长笛琵琶和琴弦等传统乐器。 同时,游戏的艺术方向逼真而又色彩丰富,具有饱和的植物色彩。

As we see, the game is striving (and succeeding) to be Japanese, so can we call it an Action JRPG? First, let’s understand what people consider a JRPG.

如我们所见,该游戏正在努力(并成功)成为日语 ,那么我们可以将其称为Action JRPG吗? 首先,让我们了解人们对JRPG的看法。

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Ghost of Tsushima concept art. Source: Sony.
对马概念艺术的幽灵。 资料来源:索尼。

什么是日本RPG (What is a Japanese RPG)

The raw, rigid definition of JRPG is a role-playing game made in Japan. For the most part, JRPG only applies to games made in Japan, independently of style, or setting. Others, like me, do agree by definition the game has to be made in Japan, but also, it should have a certain style and other traits common to this genre; after all, there must be something unique to games made in Japan to warrant a genre of its own.

JRPG的原始,死板定义是日本制造的角色扮演游戏。 在大多数情况下,JRPG仅适用于日本制造的游戏,与样式或设置无关。 像我这样的其他人也确实同意必须在日本制造这款游戏,但是,它应该具有这种风格的某些风格和其他特征; 毕竟,在日本制造的游戏中必须有一些独特的东西才能保证其独特的风格。

What is usually associated with JRPGs? Anime, turn-based battles, action, music, and story. Most games that fit the description are made in Japan, hence the name.

JRPG通常与什么相关? 动漫,回合制战斗,动作,音乐和故事。 符合说明的大多数游戏都是在日本制造的,因此得名。

Can a game be made outside of Japan and still be considered a JRPG? This can be a heated discussion for many. By literal definition of the sentence, no, a game made outside Japan can’t be considered JRPG. But if we look for the nuances, we can understand this genre has transcended geographical borders. Some consider that it would be a cultural appropriation to make a game like this outside Japan. Others believe art shouldn’t be confined to a landmass as long as it pays respect.

可以在日本境外制作游戏,并且仍然可以将其视为JRPG吗? 对于许多人来说,这可能是一个激烈的讨论。 根据句子的字面定义,不可以,不能将日本以外的游戏视为JRPG。 但是,如果我们寻找细微差别,就可以理解这种类型已经超越了地理边界。 有人认为在日本以外制作这样的游戏将是一种文化上的偏爱。 其他人则认为,只要受到尊重,艺术就不应该局限于一个大陆。

But why is this topic important when it comes to Ghost of Tsushima? We never considered the possibility of an RPG (made outside Japan) that can check off the usual boxes of a JRPG while simultaneously being set in Japan. Here is were linguistics and opinions come in. Is this game Japanese or Japan-inspired?.

但是,当谈到对马鬼魂时,为什么这个主题很重要? 我们从未考虑过RPG(在日本境外制造)的可能性,该RPG可以日本设置的同时勾选JRPG的常规包装盒。 这里是语言学和观点的进来。这个游戏是日语还是日本风格的

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Ghost of Tsushima concept art. Source: Sony.
对马概念艺术的幽灵。 资料来源:索尼。

受日本启发还是日本? (Japan-inspired or Japanese?)

This is where we get into the potato-potato territory. A JRPG can be about many different topics, some even featuring settings in the USA. Dark Souls is a very famous game is by the raw definition a JRPG, but do most consider it so? Not really. Ghost of Tsushima is an Action RPG set in Japan, respectfully conveying Japanese culture, even though it was made in the west.

这是我们进入马铃薯土豆领域的地方。 JRPG可能涉及许多不同的主题,有些甚至具有美国的设置。 Dark Souls是一款非常著名的游戏,按照原始定义是JRPG,但大多数人都这样认为吗? 并不是的。 对马的幽灵是一部动作RPG游戏,设定在日本,即使它是在西方制造的,也可以尊重地传达日本文化。

Is it Japanese then? That all depends on your understanding of the word. If by Japanese you mean made in Japan, then no. But if you mean the game itself is Japanese, then, maybe yes.

那是日语吗? 这一切都取决于您对单词的理解。 如果用日语,您的意思是日本制造的,那么没有。 但是,如果您说游戏本身是日语的,那么也许是的。

Inspiration is key. But what can be considered inspiration? One question to ask is whether that creativity was a natural reaction to some other idea. In the case of Tsushima, the game was made in the west but was clearly inspired by Japan given the setting and story.

灵感是关键。 但是什么可以被认为是灵感呢? 要问的一个问题是,创造力是否是对其他想法的自然React。 以对马为例 ,该游戏是在西方制作的,但鉴于设置和故事情节,它显然受到了日本的启发。

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Photo by Sorasak on Unsplash.

Admittedly, this discussion can be very technical and ultimately pointless.


Does the game respectfully portray a country and its culture? Yes. Does it deserve to be called Japanese? That’s up to you. In my opinion, it’s a Japanese Action RPG because it’s set in Japan.

该游戏是否刻画了一个国家及其文化? 是。 它值得被称为日语吗? 随你(由你决定。 我认为这是日本动作RPG,因为它是在日本设定的。

To explain my opinion here’s an example:


I’m Mexican, and many places in the world have Mexican food. The food itself most of the time isn’t made by Mexicans. Do I still consider it Mexican? Yes, as long as it tries to be close to the original. But what if a Mexican made spaghetti? Do I consider it “Mexican food” because it was made by Mexicans? No. For me, it matters more what a product is than who made it.

我是墨西哥人,世界上很多地方都有墨西哥食物。 大部分时间食物本身不是墨西哥人制作的。 我仍然认为它是墨西哥的吗? 是的,只要它试图接近原始图像即可。 但是,如果墨西哥人做意大利面怎么办? 我是否将其视为“墨西哥食物”,因为它是墨西哥人制作的? 号对我来说,更重要的一个产品什么不是做的。

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结论 (Conclusion)

This game is fantastic, independently of the nomenclature. Japan is a beautiful, culturally rich country. Any game set in this place done the right way should be viewed for its quality, and not much for who made it. Cultural appropriation is a sensitive topic, so it depends on your views of what fits and what doesn’t. I believe the more we break cultural borders, the better.

此游戏是出色的,与术语无关。 日本是一个美丽的,文化丰富的国家。 在此放置任何正确设置方式的游戏,都应从质量上看待它,而不是由谁来做。 文化占用是一个敏感的话题,因此它取决于您对什么适合和什么不适合的观点。 我相信我们越打破文化边界越好。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/is-ghost-of-tsushima-a-japanese-rpg-3b50e5c03e37





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