
When you hear the name Peloton, you probably think of a bike. In particular, you probably think of the company’s iconic stationary bike that streams fitness classes. Peloton’s physical products (which, besides the bike, includes a treadmill, yoga accessories, and a heart rate monitor) have been the primary focus of the company’s branding and marketing efforts to date. Its value proposition of “connected fitness” (access to fitness made more easily available to consumers at home via technology) is built on the foundation of selling high-performance equipment.

w ^母鸡你听到这个名字大部队,你可能会想到自行车。 特别是,您可能会想到该公司标志性的固定式自行车,它可以提供健身课程。 迄今为止,Peloton的物理产品(除自行车外,还包括跑步机,瑜伽配件和心律监测器)一直是该公司品牌和营销工作的主要重点。 其“互联健身”(通过技术使在家中的消费者更容易获得健身)的价值主张建立在销售高性能设备的基础上。

However, I believe that’s going to change. Years from now, when Peloton has fulfilled its destiny atop the fitness throne, I believe its sustained success will largely be traced back to a series of pivotal announcements made in early December 2019. Though not seen as earth-shattering at the time, these announcements signaled Peloton’s transition from a hardware company to a content company — a move that I believe is its key to fitness world-domination.

不过,我倍儿那将改变我前夕。 几年后,当Peloton在健身宝座上实现了自己的命运时,我相信其持续的成功很大程度上可以追溯到2019年12月初发布的一系列关键性声明。尽管这些声明在当时还没有被视为惊天动地这标志着Peloton从硬件公司到内容公司的转变-我认为此举是其在健身世界中独领风骚的关键。

价格变动和两个新应用 (A price change and two new apps)

On December 5, 2019, Peloton made three announcements: The company dropped the price of its mobile app, Peloton Digital, from $19.49 to $12.99 per month. It released an app for Apple Watch. And it released an app for Fire TV.

在2019年12月5日,Peloton宣布了三项公告:该公司将其移动应用程序Peloton Digital的价格从每月19.49美元下调至12.99美元。 它发布了适用于Apple Watch的应用程序。 并且它发布了Fire TV应用程序。

Peloton is decidedly making it easier and cheaper to access their classes without owning a piece of their equipment.


Peloton Digital features live and on-demand classes across a wide range of fitness categories: cycling, running, yoga, meditation, and more. The biggest difference between Peloton Digital and the app that comes with a Peloton membership is that the membership involves buying a Peloton bike or treadmill and allows customers to track their performance and see their position on a kind of communal leaderboard. Notably, the membership subscription is about three times the price of Peloton Digital at $39 per month.

Peloton Digital提供涵盖各种健身类别的实时和按需课程,包括自行车,跑步,瑜伽,冥想等。 Peloton Digital与Peloton会员附带的应用程序之间的最大区别在于,该会员资格涉及购买Peloton自行车或跑步机,并允许客户跟踪他们的表现并查看他们在某种公共排行榜上的位置。 值得注意的是,会员订阅价格约为Peloton Digital价格(每月39美元)的三倍。

The new Apple Watch app lets users track their heart rate and monitor their running pace and distance using Peloton’s UI, which tracks your heart rate in “zones” that instructors refer to in class to give guidance around workout intensity. The Fire TV app allows users to watch Peloton workouts on their TV rather than just their mobile device or Peloton machine.

新的Apple Watch应用程序使用户可以使用Peloton的UI跟踪他们的心律,并监视他们的跑步速度和距离,该UI在“区域”中跟踪您的心律,指导者在课堂上会参考该区域以提供锻炼强度的指导。 Fire TV应用程序允许用户在电视上观看Peloton锻炼,而不仅仅是在移动设备或Peloton机器上。

In short, Peloton is decidedly making it easier and cheaper to access classes without owning a piece of specific equipment. That’s why these announcements suggest a different Peloton than the one we’re used to, and have big implications across the company’s addressable market, positioning, and product roadmap.

简而言之,Peloton决定在不拥有任何特定设备的情况下,更轻松,更便宜地访问课程。 这就是为什么这些公告提出的Peloton与我们以往使用的Peloton不同,并且对公司的目标市场,定位和产品路线图产生了重大影响。

打开水闸 (Opening the floodgates)

Historically, Peloton has targeted the healthy and wealthy. Look no further than the now-infamous Twitter thread goofing on the bougie placement of Peloton bikes inside of multimillion-dollar homes in their ads.

从历史上看,佩洛顿(Peloton)的目标人群是健康和有钱人。 佩洛顿(Peloton)自行车在其广告中价值数百万美元的房屋中的位置明显不一,而现在臭名昭著的Twitter线程令人发指。

The price change to the mobile app is a step in the opposite direction. While it’s only a difference of $7 per month, this price change alters the competitive characterization of Peloton Digital. At $19.49 per month, their app was priced at a 25% premium to competitors like Nike Training Club and Aaptiv. But at $12.99 per month, it’s priced at a discount. This removes a key psychological barrier to a type of consumer the company hasn’t traditionally targeted.

移动应用程序的价格变动是朝相反方向迈出的一步。 虽然每月仅相差7美元,但这种价格变化改变了Peloton Digital的竞争特征。 他们的应用程序的价格为每月19.49美元,比Nike Training Club和Aaptiv等竞争对手高出25%。 但每月12.99美元,它的价格是折扣。 这消除了公司传统上没有针对的消费者类型的主要心理障碍。

Though the previous cost of premium wasn’t egregious, it aligned with the high-end price points of Peloton equipment and membership, likely acting as a hurdle to consideration from more price-sensitive consumers. Now, curious users are far more likely to at least give the free 30-day trial a try, given the monthly fee is competitive with other options.

尽管以前的保费成本并不算高,但它与Peloton设备和会员的高端价格相吻合,可能成为对价格更敏感的消费者考虑的障碍。 现在,好奇的用户更有可能至少尝试30天免费试用,因为月租费与其他选择相比具有竞争力。

Offering compatibility with third-party devices also allows more users to access classes with whatever devices and equipment they have. Since releasing the Fire TV app, Peloton has added apps for Apple TV and Android TV as well. Using their own equipment along with the Apple Watch app, users can get closer to a full Peloton membership experience, at a more accessible price, than ever before.

提供与第三方设备的兼容性还使更多用户可以使用他们拥有的任何设备来访问课程。 自发布Fire TV应用以来,Peloton还添加了适用于Apple TV和Android TV的应用。 使用自己的设备和Apple Watch应用程序,用户可以以前所未有的价格获得更完整的Peloton会员体验。

It’s worth noting Peloton announced these decisions well before Covid-19 made drastically discounted subscription rates the norm. At the time, Peloton’s membership faithful were not happy, and many wondered why there wasn’t a similar price change for their subscriptions as well. As one Peloton bike owner wrote to Business Insider in December 2019: “If this was the current situation when I was deciding whether to order I would not have ordered the bicycle and bought a high-end spin bike using the app instead.”

值得注意的是,在Covid-19大幅降低订阅费率成为常态之前,Peloton宣布了这些决定。 当时,大集团的成员忠实的开心,很多人怀疑,为什么有没有为他们订阅了类似的价格变动为好。 正如一位Peloton自行车的所有者写信给Business Insider 在2019年12月:“如果这是当前的情况,当我决定是否要订购时,我将不会订购自行车,而是使用该应用程序购买了高端旋转自行车。”

The willingness to draw ire from day-one customers signals that Peloton is serious about this move and willing to pivot from the “Apple for Fitness” label it has previously been given, to a more hardware-agnostic strategy geared to get as many users in front of Peloton instructors as possible.

愿意从第一天的客户中激怒的信号表明,佩洛顿(Peloton)认真对待这一举动,并愿意从先前给予的“ Apple for Fitness”标签转向一种与硬件无关的策略,以吸引尽可能多的用户细气管球教练的前面。

Intuitively, this also means a change in positioning — which is already well underway.


将他们的模型围绕按需课程 (Centering their model around classes on-demand)

Until recently, Peloton has anchored its positioning to connected fitness, emphasizing the integration between high-performance equipment and elite classes. This is the basis for the Apple comparison, along with the fact that both companies center their marketing and branding on beautiful hardware.

直到最近,佩洛顿(Peloton)仍将其定位固定在互联健身上,强调高性能设备与精英阶层之间的融合。 这是Apple比较的基础,同时两家公司的营销和品牌定位都集中在精美的硬件上。

The December announcements align nicely with a recent shift in positioning to classes on-demand. You can see this on Peloton’s website, where the company now gives its equipment and app equal billing and centers its messaging around classes rather than the exercise bike.

12月的公告与最近按需定位课程的转变非常吻合。 您可以在Peloton的网站上看到此信息 ,该公司现在在该网站上为其设备和应用程序提供相等的账单,并将其消息传递集中在课程而不是运动自行车上。

At their core, all of these at-home fitness apps are really content companies.


While not a perfect parallel, it reminds me of Calm’s shift from meditation to wellness, which enabled Calm to serve a much wider user base. Peloton’s combination of performance hardware and elite coaching talent made it an aspirational brand, but now it’s extending that reputation across a wider landscape than just cycling and running.

虽然这不是一个完美的对比,但它让我想起了Calm从冥想到健康的转变 ,这使Calm可以为更广泛的用户群服务。 佩洛顿(Peloton)的性能硬件与精英教练人才的结合使它成为了一个有抱负的品牌,但是现在,它不仅在骑自行车和跑步方面,还在更广阔的领域中扩展了这一声誉。

The Peloton Digital app offers classes across a range of categories, featuring programs and collections that provide cross-category workout recommendations to give users a balanced fitness regimen. Given the stellar reputation of its cycling instructors, it’s well-positioned to gain a foothold across other categories and develop celebrity instructors in other disciplines.

Peloton Digital应用程序提供了多个类别的课程,包括程序和集合,这些程序和集合提供跨类别的锻炼建议,从而为用户提供均衡的健身方案。 鉴于其自行车教练的声誉卓著 ,它处于有利位置,可以在其他类别中站稳脚跟,并培养其他学科的名人教练。

At their core, all makers of at-home fitness apps are really content companies. Price being equal, class quality is one of the most important deciding factors. By lowering the price and increasing compatibility, Peloton is democratizing access to its coaching talent, making for a rare combination of aspirational, affordable, and accessible classes. This bodes well for Peloton’s chances in this competitive landscape and gives it new levers to pull on the product side.

从本质上讲,所有家用健身应用程序的制造商都是真正满足要求的公司。 价格平等,班级质量是最重要的决定因素之一。 通过降低价格和增强兼容性,Peloton正在使获得其教练人才的途径民主化,从而实现了志向高尚,负担得起且易于获得的课程的稀有组合。 这预示着Peloton在这种竞争格局中的机会,并为它在产品方面提供了新的杠杆。

换档 (Shifting gears)

Historically, consumers have viewed Peloton as a membership that you have to go all-in on. Simply put, the bike isn’t worth it unless you use it a lot. The data backs this up: In its most recent earnings report, Peloton reported that its subscribers averaged 17.7 workouts per month!

从历史上看,消费者一直将Peloton视为必须全力以赴的会员资格。 简而言之,除非您经常使用,否则自行车是不值得的。 数据证明了这一点:在最近的收益报告中 ,Peloton报告说,其订户平均每月锻炼17.7次!

Peloton Digital has traditionally been viewed as a complementary offering for members, giving them the ability to switch up exercises so they don’t get tired of the bike or tread. The idea of attracting Peloton Digital users outside of the connected member base has been an afterthought until now — the new price and compatibility offers users a much more reasonable entry point into the Peloton ecosystem. No longer does Peloton have to be “all-in” or bust. At $12.99 per month, it’s not only cheaper than competitive offerings but also cheap enough to subscribe alongside other fitness subscriptions like Orangetheory, which has physical gyms as well as online offerings. The boutique or niche studio fitness subscription market is an especially ripe one for Peloton, and the price point makes it possible to work a Peloton Digital subscription into their fitness stack — if they choose to go back to their studio of choice at all.

传统上,Peloton Digital被视为会员的补充产品,使他们能够进行锻炼,以使他们不会厌倦自行车或踩踏。 到目前为止,将Peloton Digital用户吸引到连接的成员群之外的想法一直是一种想法-新的价格和兼容性为用户提供了更合理的进入Peloton生态系统的切入点。 佩洛顿不再必须全力以赴或破产。 每月12.99美元,它不仅比竞争产品便宜,而且还足够便宜,可以与其他健身订阅(如Orangetheory)一起订阅,Orangetheory拥有体育馆和在线服务。 精品店或小众工作室健身订阅市场对于Peloton来说是一个特别成熟的市场,而价格点使将Peloton Digital订阅纳入他们的健身堆栈成为可能-如果他们选择完全回到自己选择的工作室。

As the Peloton Digital subscriber base grows, Peloton will collect data that will help inform future investments. The company can determine which classes to develop further, which instructors to anchor programming around, and even assess whether it makes sense to develop new hardware based on observed and measured workout trends.

随着Peloton Digital用户基础的增长,Peloton将收集有助于将来投资的数据。 该公司可以确定要进一步发展的课程,由哪些讲师指导编程,甚至可以根据观察到的和锻炼的趋势来评估开发新硬件是否有意义。

It’s also easy to see a future in which a differentiated and upgraded version of Peloton Digital incorporates personalized data and benchmarks without the equipment, a “virtual personal trainer on-demand,” if you will. Broadly, these product possibilities mean Peloton can reach a far wider market than it has ever been able to, opening the top of its funnel to new users and encouraging them to utilize more products within the Peloton ecosystem over time.

也很容易看到一个未来,其中Peloton Digital的差异化和升级版本将在不配备设备的情况下合并个性化数据和基准,如果需要的话,将是“按需虚拟私人教练”。 从广义上讲,这些产品的可能性意味着Peloton的市场范围将比以往任何时候都大得多,它为新用户打开了渠道的顶端,并鼓励他们随着时间的推移在Peloton生态系统中使用更多的产品。

By lowering the price and increasing compatibility, Peloton is democratizing access to their coaching talent.


新的Peloton客户 (The new Peloton customer)

My wife and I were hardcore members of the boutique gym chain Orangetheory Fitness before the coronavirus pandemic struck. In the absence of classes, my wife tried Peloton Digital and loved the guided outdoor running sessions. When the trial was up, she promptly upgraded to a paid subscription.

在冠状病毒大流行发生之前,我和我的妻子是精品健身连锁店Orangetheory Fitness的核心成员。 在没有课的情况下,我的妻子尝试了Peloton Digital,并且喜欢户外向导式的训练。 试用期结束后,她Swift升级为付费订阅。

We’ve talked about our new reality assuming things go back to normal, and she’s already set on cutting down her Orangetheory membership and replacing some of those classes with Peloton’s. Maybe one day I’ll subscribe, and sometime in the future, we might even buy an exercise bike.

我们已经在假设情况恢复正常的情况下谈论了我们的新现实,她已经着手削减Orangetheory的会员资格,并用Peloton代替了其中一些课程。 也许有一天我会订阅,在将来的某个时候,我们甚至可能会购买健身车。

But the point is that we didn’t even need to consider buying a Peloton bike to become Peloton customers. With the new focus on classes, Peloton can bring a completely new type of user into its ecosystem. As the company grows subscribers and continues investing in Peloton Digital, new monetization opportunities will arise, and most of them likely won’t require purchasing equipment. Down the road, when someone mentions Peloton, I expect many customers will think of an app on a TV or an iPad rather than a bike — and that, in the long run, is a good thing for Peloton.

但是关键是,我们甚至不需要考虑购买Peloton自行车即可成为Peloton的客户。 通过将重点放在类上,Peloton可以将全新的用户类型引入其生态系统。 随着公司用户的增加以及对Peloton Digital的继续投资,将会出现新的获利机会,其中大多数可能不需要购买设备。 在路上,当有人提到Peloton时,我希望许多客户会想到电视或iPad上的应用程序,而不是自行车,从长远来看,对Peloton来说是一件好事。

A version of this article originally appeared in Good Better Best.

本文的一个版本最初出现在 Good Better Best中


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