英特尔发布第11代核心Tiger Lake笔记本电脑处理器

Nine Tiger Lake configurations will be available, ranging from the dual-core Core i3–1110G4 with a 1.8GHz base frequency to the quad-core Core i7–1185G7. Some will feature the company’s upgraded Xe integrated graphics.

九个Tiger Lake配置将可用,从具有1.8GHz基本频率的双核Core i3-1110G4到四核Core i7-1185G7。 其中一些将采用公司升级的Xe集成显卡。

By Tom Brant


Intel’s next-generation Tiger Lake processors, unveiled this week, will bring refined artificial intelligence processing and dramatically improved graphics performance to new premium ultraportable laptops this fall.

英特尔本周发布的下一代Tiger Lake处理器将在今年秋天为新型高端超便携式笔记本电脑带来精致的人工智能处理功能和显着改善的图形性能。

A total of nine Tiger Lake configurations will be available, ranging from a dual-core Core i3–1110G4 with a 1.8GHz base frequency, to a quad-core Core i7–1185G7 with a maximum boost speed of 4.9GHz and Intel’s brand-new on-CPU graphics processor, Intel’s Iris Xe.

共有九种Tiger Lake配置可供选择,从具有1.8GHz基本频率的双核Core i3-1110G4到最大提升速度为4.9GHz的四核Core i7-1185G7以及英特尔全新CPU上的图形处理器,英特尔的Iris Xe。

Intel expects these chips to show up in more than 150 new and existing laptop designs from companies such as Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, and Lenovo this fall. Some, including new Yoga models from Lenovo, have already been announced, and more manufacturers are expected to unveil new Tiger-Lake based designs this week during the IFA trade show in Berlin, traditionally fertile ground for new PC launches.

英特尔预计这些芯片将在今年秋天出现在宏cer,华硕,戴尔,惠普和联想等公司的150多种新的和现有的笔记本电脑设计中。 其中一些已经宣布,包括联想的新型Yoga机型 ,并且有望在本周于柏林举行的IFA贸易展览会上展示更多基于Tiger-Lake的新设计,而传统上,这种新机器为新PC的发布铺平了道路。

Tiger Lake特性:9种用于轻型笔记本电脑的新CPU (Tiger Lake Specifics: 9 New CPUs for Light Laptops)

Intel claims that the new Tiger Lake processors, part of the 11th-generation Core family code-named “Willow Cove,” will offer more than a generational leap in capabilities compared with the 10th-generation Core chips they replace. All of the Tiger Lake processors unveiled this week are U-series chips destined for thin-and-light laptops. Here’s a breakout of the initial Tiger Lake processors, provided by Intel:

英特尔声称,新的Tiger Lake处理器属于第11代Core系列(代号为“ Willow Cove”)的一部分,与其所替代的10代Core芯片相比,它们将提供超过一代的性能提升。 本周发布的所有Tiger Lake处理器都是面向轻薄型笔记本电脑的U系列芯片。 这是英特尔提供的最初的Tiger Lake处理器的突破:

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(Credit: Intel)

The chips range from Core i3 to Core i7 offerings. Intel typically releases new CPU families multiple times each year, and with Tiger Lake, these new U-series laptop processors are coming in the late summer or early fall. Based on past cadences, Intel is also likely to release more powerful H-series versions of Tiger Lake chips, designed for thicker gaming laptops, power laptops, and workstations, although those haven’t been announced yet. The 10th-generation “Comet Lake-H” versions of those chips will remain current for now.

芯片范围从Core i3到Core i7。 英特尔通常会每年多次发布新的CPU系列,并且与Tiger Lake一起,这些新的U系列笔记本电脑处理器将在夏末或初秋问世。 根据过去的经验,英特尔还可能发布更强大的H系列版本的Tiger Lake芯片,这些芯片专为较厚的游戏笔记本电脑 ,电动笔记本电脑和工作站而设计,尽管尚未公布。 这些芯片的第十代“ Comet Lake-H”版本将暂时保持最新。

Tiger Lake chips are “a major leap forward in real-world processor performance and are the best laptop processors we have built,” said Gregory Bryant, Intel EVP and general manager of the Client Computing Group. Part of the advantage will come from new AI capabilities-such as Intel’s Neural Accelerator 2.0-that let advanced software applications use the available processing power more efficiently.

英特尔执行副总裁兼客户端计算事业部总经理格雷戈里·布莱恩特(Gregory Bryant)表示,Tiger Lake芯片“是现实处理器性能的重大飞跃,并且是我们制造的最好的笔记本电脑处理器。” 部分优势将来自于新的AI功能(例如英特尔的Neural Accelerator 2.0),该功能使高级软件应用程序可以更有效地利用可用的处理能力。

Depending on the app, these capabilities could more than double the performance that some users experience. Intel claims photo editing will be up to 2.7 times faster than comparable processors from other companies, while video editing will be up to twice as fast. Meanwhile, general office productivity tasks will see a less dramatic 20 percent improvement that is more in line with the gains expected from one processor generation to the next.

根据应用程序的不同,这些功能可能会使某些用户体验的性能提高一倍以上。 英特尔声称, 照片编辑的速度将比其他公司的同类处理器快2.7倍,而视频编辑的速度将快两倍。 同时,一般办公室的生产力任务将不会出现戏剧性的20%的提高,这与从一代处理器到下一代处理器的预期收益更加一致。

Power efficiency will also see a 20 percent improvement, Intel says, which could translate to an additional hour of battery life under common scenarios like streaming videos.


英特尔Iris Xe图形技术将促进游戏发展 (Intel Iris Xe Graphics to Boost Gaming)

Some of the most intriguing improvements on the higher-end Tiger Lake processors equipped with the new Intel Iris Xe graphics processor relate to gaming and GPU acceleration. The Xe graphics silicon in the higher-end 11th-generation CPUs replaces the current Gen 11 Iris graphics found in the upper-tier chips in Intel’s 10th-generation “Ice Lake” mobile CPUs, and it promises a doubling of graphics performance while playing games like Borderlands 3, Far Cry New Dawn, and Hitman 2 at a 1080p resolution.

配备新的Intel Iris Xe图形处理器的高端Tiger Lake处理器的一些最有趣的改进与游戏和GPU加速有关。 高端第11代CPU中的Xe图形芯片替代了英特尔第10代“ Ice Lake”移动CPU的高端芯片中现有的Gen 11 Iris图形,并保证在玩游戏时将图形性能提高一倍。例如《无主之地3》,《孤岛惊魂新黎明》和《杀手2》,分辨率为1080p。

Last month, Intel teased a beta version of Xe technology that could run titles like Doom Eternal and Battlefield 1 smoothly at high graphics settings, something the integrated graphics in current 10th-gen chips struggle to handle.


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(Credit: Intel)

Iris Xe-equipped Tiger Lake processors will also offer better power management. Silicon engineers typically opt for either better graphics performance with similar power consumption as the previous generation, or the same performance while eating up less power. Iris Xe can do either one, depending on how the laptop manufacturer implements it. Intel’s Battlefield 1 demonstration last month compared a 15-watt Xe chip against a current Iris-based 25-watt chip, with comparable results.

配备Iris Xe的Tiger Lake处理器还将提供更好的电源管理。 硅工程师通常会选择更好的图形性能,功耗与上一代产品相似,或者选择相同的性能而消耗更少的功率。 Iris Xe可以执行任何一项操作,具体取决于笔记本电脑制造商的实现方式。 上个月,英特尔在《战地风云1》上的演示将15瓦Xe芯片与当前基于虹膜的25瓦芯片进行了比较,结果相当。

All of the Tiger Lake chips announced Wednesday can adapt to the power available in a given laptop. The thinnest and lightest laptops will use chips in the 7 to 15 watt range, while larger ones can use chips designed for 12 to 28 watts of power. Intel says all of the chips, regardless of their intended power consumption, are members of its U-series family.

周三宣布的所有Tiger Lake芯片都可以适应给定笔记本电脑的可用功率。 最轻薄的笔记本电脑将使用7至15瓦功率范围的芯片,而较大的笔记本电脑可使用设计为12至28瓦功率的芯片。 英特尔表示,所有芯片,无论其预期功耗如何,都是其U系列家族的成员。

As alluded to above, not all Tiger Lake SKUs will feature Iris Xe integrated graphics. Some of the lower-end models will come with the current Gen 11-based Intel UHD Graphics.

如上所述,并非所有Tiger Lake SKU都具有Iris Xe集成图形。 一些低端型号将随附当前基于Gen 11的英特尔UHD图形。

雅典娜计划,遇见Evo (Project Athena, Meet Evo)

With so many code names, one for each part of its processor design, Intel has long pursued simplified ways of presenting its chip technology to the laptop-buying public. Its most recent, the Project Athena certification program, is designed to signal quality ultraportable laptops with long battery life and the most up-to-date processor technology.

英特尔拥有如此多的代号,每个代号都用于处理器设计,因此一直以来都在寻求简化的方法,向购买笔记本电脑的公众介绍其芯片技术。 它最新的Athena项目认证计划旨在向具有超长电池寿命和最新处理器技术的超便携式笔记本电脑发出信号。

Intel is now adding a new category with a new code name to the Athena certification program. The new Evo moniker will signify that a laptop has a new 11th-gen Tiger Lake Core processor and Iris Xe graphics. In addition, Evo-certified laptops with 1080p screens will also need to have the ability to wake from sleep in less than a second, deliver nine or more hours of battery life, and be able to gain four hours of battery life from a 30-minute charge.

英特尔现在正在向Athena认证计划添加新名称的新类别。 新的Evo名称将表示笔记本电脑具有新的第11代Tiger Lake Core处理器和Iris Xe图形。 此外,通过Evo认证的1080p屏幕笔记本电脑还需要能够在不到一秒钟的时间内从睡眠中唤醒,提供9个小时或更长时间的电池寿命,并能够从30个小时获得4个小时的电池寿命分钟收费。

Evo-certified laptops will also have support for Thunderbolt 4 and the latest PCI Express Gen 4 bus technology, which can speed up certain storage drives.

经过Evo认证的笔记本电脑还将支持Thunderbolt 4和最新的PCI Express Gen 4总线技术,这些技术可以加快某些存储驱动器的速度。

Intel introduced the Athena concept last year in the face of new competition from rivals AMD and Qualcomm, which have each introduced new laptop processors that claim to outperform Intel’s technology in various aspects.


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Credit: Intel

Persistent delays in Intel’s research and development have favored AMD in particular, whose latest Ryzen 4000 laptop CPUs are based on a more advanced 7-nanometer (7nm) processor architecture. Both 10th-gen and 11th-gen Intel Core processors use an older 10nm architecture, and Intel is now saying its own 7nm technology won’t be ready for at least another year.

英特尔研发方面的持续延迟尤其对AMD有利,AMD的最新Ryzen 4000笔记本电脑CPU基于更先进的7纳米(7nm)处理器体系结构。 第10代和第11代Intel Core处理器都使用较旧的10nm架构, 英特尔现在表示自己的7nm技术至少要等到一年后才能投入使用。

Laptops with AMD Ryzen 4000 processors have earned high praise from the media and seen voracious demand from consumers in recent months, with PCMag Editors’ Choice award-winning models from HP and Lenovo hard to find in stock at major retailers.

配备AMD Ryzen 4000处理器的笔记本电脑在最近几个月赢得了媒体的好评,并受到了消费者的巨大需求,惠普和联想的PCMag编辑选择奖获奖机型在主要零售商中很难找到

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon laptop CPUs have met with more limited success, although the company has recently expanded its offerings into mid-level and budget categories in order to better compete with Intel’s vast range. Qualcomm is also expected to unveil updates to its Snapdragon lineup soon, including a new faster version of its Snapdragon 8cx flagship chip.

高通公司的Snapdragon笔记本电脑CPU取得的成功更为有限,尽管该公司最近将其产品扩展到中级和预算类别,以便更好地与英特尔的广泛产品竞争。 高通还有望很快公布其Snapdragon产品线的更新,包括其更快的Snapdragon 8cx旗舰芯片版本。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/intel-launches-11th-generation-core-tiger-lake-laptop-processors-f7fa0b2d569a

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