

It’s been a few months since I last wrote about augmented reality (AR), and, if anything, AR activity has only picked up since then — particularly in regard to smartglasses. I pointed out then how Apple’s Tim Cook and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg were extremely bullish on the field. and Alphabet (Google Glasses) and Snap (Spectacles) have never, despite a few apparent setbacks, lost their faith.

余吨已经有几个月,因为我去年写了关于增强现实(AR),并且,如果过什么,AR活性只回升-特别是关于smartglasses。 然后,我指出了苹果公司的蒂姆·库克和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格在该领域都非常乐观。 和Alphabet( Google Glasses )和Snap( Spectacles ),尽管有一些明显的挫折,但它们从未失去信心。

I can’t do justice to all that is going on in the field, but I want to try to hit some of the highlights, including not just what we see but how we see.


Let’s start with Google acquiring smartglass innovator North, for some $180m, saying:


We’re building towards a future where helpfulness is all around you, where all your devices just work together and technology fades into the background. We call this ambient computing.

我们正在迈向一个无所不在的未来,您的所有设备都将协同工作,而技术会逐渐淡出人们的视野。 我们称这种环境计算。

North’s founders explained that, from the start, their vision had been: “Technology seamlessly blended into your world: immediately accessible when you want it, but hidden away when you don’t,” which is a pretty good vision.


Meanwhile, Snap is up to Spectacles 3.0, introduced last summer. They allow for 3D video and AR, and continue Snap’s emphasis on headgear that not only does cool stuff but that looks cool too. Steen Strand, head of SnapLab, told The Indian Express:

同时,Snap决定采用去年夏天推出的 Spectacles 3.0。 它们允许3D视频和AR,并继续Snap强调的头饰,不仅做酷,而且看起来也很酷。 SnapLab负责人Steen Strand 告诉《印度快报》

A lot of the challenges with doing technology and eyewear is about how to hack all the stuff you need into a form factor that’s small, light, comfortable, and ultimately something that looks good as well.


Snapchat is very good at taking something very complex like AR and implementing it in a way that’s just fun and playful. It really sidesteps the whole burden of the technology and we are trying to do that as much as possible with Spectacles.

Snapchat非常擅长采用诸如AR之类的非常复杂的东西,并且以一种有趣而有趣的方式来实现它。 它确实避开了技术的全部负担,我们正尝试尽可能多地使用眼镜。

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Spectacles 3 Credit: Snap

Snap claims 170m of its users engage with AR daily — and some 30 times each day at that. It recently introduced Local Lens, which “enable a persistent, shared AR world built right on top of your neighborhood.”

Snap 声称每天有1亿7千万用户使用AR-每天大约有30次。 最近,它推出了Local Lens,“可以在您的社区顶部建立一个持久的,共享的AR世界”。

And then there’s Apple, the leader in taking hardware ideas and making them better, with cooler designs (think iPod, iPhone, iPad). It has been working on headset-mounted displays (HMDs) — including AR and VR — since 2015, with a 1,000 person engineering team.

然后是苹果公司,它以更酷的设计(例如iPod,iPhone,iPad)采用硬件思想并使其变得更好。 自2015年以来,它一直与1000人的工程团队合作开发包括AR和VR在内的头戴式显示器(HMD)。

According to Bloomberg, there has been tension between Mike Rockwell, the team’s lead, and Jony Ive, Apple’s design guru, largely centering around if such headsets would be freestanding or need a companion hub, such as a smartphone, that would allow greater capabilities.

彭博社报道 ,团队负责人Mike Rockwell与苹果设计大师乔尼·艾夫(Jony Ive)之间一直存在紧张关系,主要集中在这类耳机是否可以独立放置或需要诸如智能手机之类的伴侣集线器,以提供更大的功能。

Ive won the battle, having Apple focus first on a freestanding headset. Bloomberg reports:

Ive赢得了这场战斗,使Apple首先专注于独立式耳机。 彭博社报道:

Although the headset is less technologically ambitious, it’s pretty advanced. It’s designed to feature ultra-high-resolution that will make it almost impossible for a user to differentiate the virtual world from the real one.

尽管头戴式耳机在技术上不太雄心勃勃,但它相当先进。 它的设计具有超高分辨率,这几乎使用户几乎不可能将虚拟世界与真实世界区分开。

Apple continues to work on both versions (especially since Ive has now departed). Bloomberg predicts Apple’s AR glasses will be available by 2023.

苹果继续在两个版本上工作(尤其是自从Ive 离开后 )。 彭博社预测苹果的AR眼镜将在2023年面世。

Not to be outdone, according to Patently Apple, “Facebook is determined to stay ahead of Apple on HMDs and win the race on being first with smartglasses to replace smartphones.”

Patented Apple称 ,不甘落后,“ Facebook决心在HMD方面领先于Apple,并在率先使用智能眼镜代替智能手机的竞赛中获胜。”

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Example of Plessey microLED technology
Plessey microLED技术的示例

For example, earlier this year, Facebook beat out Apple in an exclusive deal with AR display firm Plessey. The company’s goal is “glasses form factor that lets devices melt away,” while noting that “the project will take years to complete.” It continues to generate a variety of smartglasses related patients, including one for a companion audio system.

例如,今年早些时候,Facebook 与AR显示公司Plessey达成独家协议,击败了Apple。 该公司的目标是“使设备融化的眼镜外形”,同时指出“该项目将需要数年才能完成。” 它继续产生各种与智能眼镜有关的患者,其中包括一个用于伴音系统的患者。

Just to show they’re in the game too, Amazon is working on Echo Frames and Microsoft is still trying to figure out uses for Hololens.

只是为了表明它们也在游戏中,亚马逊正在开发Echo Frames,而微软仍在努力找出Hololens的用途。

But what may be most intriguing smartglasses may be indicated by some recent Apple patents. As reported by Patently Apple:

但是,最近一些苹果专利可能表明了最吸引人的智能眼镜。 苹果公司的报道

The main patent covers a powerful new vision correction optical system that’s able to incorporate a user’s glasses prescription into the system. The system will then alter the optics to address vision issues such astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness so that those who wear glasses won’t have to them when using Apple’s HMD.

主要专利涵盖了功能强大的新型视力矫正光学系统,该系统能够将用户的眼镜处方纳入系统。 然后,该系统将改变光学器件,以解决诸如散光,远视和近视之类的视觉问题,这样戴眼镜的人在使用Apple的HMD时就不必戴眼镜了。

It’s worth pointing out that the vision correction is not the goal of the patent, just one of the features it allows. The patent incorporates a variety of field-of-vision functions, including high-resolution display needed for AR and VR. But vision correction may be one of the most consequential.

值得指出的是,视力矫正并不是专利的目标,只是其允许的功能之一。 该专利结合了多种视场功能,包括AR和VR所需的高分辨率显示。 但是视力矫正可能是最重要的结果之一。

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Apple vision correction patent. Credit: Patently Apple
苹果视力矫正专利。 信用:苹果专利

Two months ago, technology author Robert Scoble explained that Apple should be more interested in AR than VR because:

两个月前,技术作家罗伯特·斯科布尔(Robert Scoble) 解释说 ,苹果对AR的兴趣应大于VR,因为:

60% of people wear eye glasses. So, if Apple can disrupt the eye glass market, like it disrupted the watch market, it can sell 10s of millions. So, the teams that are winning Tim Cook’s ear are those who are showing how Apple can disrupt eye glasses. Not teams that are disrupting VR.

60%的人戴眼镜。 因此,如果苹果能够像打乱手表市场那样打乱眼镜市场,那么它可以卖出数千万。 因此,赢得蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)称赞的团队是那些向人们展示苹果如何破坏眼镜的团队。 不是破坏VR的团队。

Doug Thompson elaborated, “If it can grab 13% of the market for glasses, that’s an $18B market, nearly double the current Apple wearables business to date.” Although he believes AR is coming, he also believes: “The point of Apple Glasses won’t be to ‘bring AR to the masses’. It will be to create a wearable product that’s beautiful and that does beautiful things.”

道格·汤普森(Doug Thompson) 阐述道:“如果它能够抢占13%的眼镜市场,那将是18B美元的市场,几乎是目前苹果可穿戴设备业务的两倍。” 尽管他认为AR即将到来,但他也相信:“ Apple Glasses的意义不在于'将AR推向大众'。 将创造出既美观又能完成美观工作的可穿戴产品。”

And this was before the news broke about Apple’s new patent.


I’ve worn glasses since elementary school, and it’s a bother to have to periodically get new lenses. If I could buy smartglasses that automatically updated, I’d be there. Warby Parker, Lenscrafter, and all those independent opticians should be pretty worried.

我从小学起就戴眼镜,必须定期购买新眼镜很麻烦。 如果我可以购买自动更新的智能眼镜,那我一定会去的。 Warby Parker,Lenscrafter和所有这些独立的眼镜师应该非常担心。

Thirty years ago, if you predicted we’d all be glued to handheld screens, you’d have been scoffed at. I think that in perhaps as little as ten years it is going to be considered equally as old-fashioned to be looking at a screen or even carrying a device. Anything we’d want to look at or do on a screen we’ll do virtually, using the ubiquitous computing power we’ll have (such as through Google’s ambient computing).

30年前,如果您预测我们都将被粘在手持式屏幕上,那么您将被嘲笑。 我认为在短短十年之内, 看着屏幕甚至携带设备都将被视为老式。 使用我们将拥有的无处不在的计算能力(例如通过Google的环境计算),我们想要在虚拟屏幕上查看或做的任何事情都将在虚拟屏幕上完成。

Mr. Scoble told John Koetsier: “This next paradigm shift is computing that you use while walking around, while moving around in space,” Mr. Koetsier believes it is “the next major leap in computing platforms,” called “spacial computing.”

Scoble先生告诉John Koetsier :“下一个范式转变是您在空间中四处走动时使用的计算,” Koetsier先生认为这是“计算平台的下一个重大飞跃”,即“空间计算”。

We should stop thinking about AR as a fun add-on and more about a technology to help us see what we need/want to see in the way that best presents it, and smartglasses as the way we’ll experience it.


Please follow me on Medium and on Twitter (@kimbbellard), and don’t forget to share if you liked the article!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/goodbye-glasses-hello-smartglasses-f640202349f9


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