

Now I’m sure the first thing you picture when you read that title is me wearing a Tinfoil hat and writing this article. But let me tell you, I do not believe in random conspiracy theories, I don’t wear a Tinfoil hat or believe in crazy ideas such as the world being round; just kidding about the last one. But I want to take a more logical approach and reason out why it might be vital for us to create a simulation in the future and why we might be in one of them.

ñ嗷嗷我敢肯定,当你阅读的标题是我戴着帽子锡箔,写这篇文章,你想象的第一件事。 但让我告诉你,我不相信随机的阴谋论,我不戴锡箔纸帽子或不相信疯狂的想法,例如周围的世界。 只是在对最后一个开玩笑。 但是我想采用一种更合乎逻辑的方法,并说明为什么对我们而言,将来创建仿真可能至关重要以及为什么我们可能会加入其中之一。

Before we begin, Let me clarify what type of simulation I mean when I use that word. Based on my previous conversations, I have realized that there are two most types of simulations. The first where each of our actions has a consequence, and our choices are our own; the second type is where our actions are predetermined and are not at all under our control. I believe the former possibility, for good reasons.

在开始之前,让我澄清一下使用该词时的模拟类型。 根据我以前的谈话,我意识到有两种大多数类型的模拟。 首先,我们的每个行动都有结果,我们的选择是我们自己的; 第二类是我们的行动是预先确定的,完全不受我们的控制。 我相信前一种可能性是有充分理由的。

Let’s take a look at the different reasons why:


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我们的生物学。 (Our Biology.)

From the second we wake up to the last thought before deep sleep, we are at the helm of our body, controlling where we go, what we do, what we eat, who we meet. Literally everything we do is because we, well, made ourselves do it. Yeah, sometimes we are forced to do things we aren’t fond of, but we still have a choice, do it or don’t. Either option has a different consequence, but it is still under our control.

从第二秒钟起,我们进入深度睡眠之前的最后一个思想,我们处于身体的掌控之下,控制着我们去的地方,做什么,吃什么,遇到谁。 从字面上看,我们做的每件事都是因为我们做得好。 是的,有时候我们被迫做我们不喜欢做的事情,但是我们仍然可以选择做还是不做。 两种选择都有不同的结果,但仍在我们的控制之下。

We often fail to remember just how much power we have as a human being, with our ability to think, remember, recall, and converse with such ease. But in the midst of all that, we fail to question why we might have developed such a skill and why these skills that are so rudimentary to us are such a rare occurrence in nature. Now before you drown me with comments about Darwinian Transition and all the evidence we have pointed to the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) being the root of life, let me stop you. Yes, I am aware! But I would like to present to you the possibility that prokaryotes’ initial existence might be part of the entire simulation.

我们常常不记得我们作为一个人拥有多少能力,却拥有如此轻松思考,记忆,回忆和交谈的能力。 但是在所有这些之中,我们没有质疑为什么我们会发展出这样的技能,以及为什么这些对我们如此基本的技能在自然界中如此罕见。 现在,在您淹没我有关达尔文式过渡的评论以及我们已经指出的最后一个普遍祖先(LUCA)是生命之源的所有证据之前,让我阻止您。 是的,我知道! 但我想向您介绍原核生物最初存在可能是整个模拟过程的一部分的可能性。

What I’m saying is that the simulation could be a test to see what sort of species would become the most dominant in a given ecology. Why that species have developed superior traits and how that species would control, create, and conserve the environment that it so profoundly calls its habitat? As you are probably aware that 50,000 years ago, we shared the Earth with Neanderthals, yet we don’t see any Neanderthal walking around today. However, some of their genes are carried forward into humans because a few of them might have had some romantic encounters with us. Every time in history, when Homo sapiens and Neanderthals crossed paths, we survived, and they didn’t. Some say that it was because of the advancement in our technology, our desire to fit into social groups — keeping us safe — and also due to our superior understanding of our bodies and how to use it to our advantage. No matter what, the better species outlive the worse. So I think we passed the test.

我的意思是,该模拟可以作为一种测试,以了解哪种物种将在给定的生态系统中成为最主要的物种。 为什么该物种具有优越的特性,以及该物种将如何控制,创造和保护如此深深地称为栖息地的环境? 您可能已经知道50,000年前,我们与尼安德特人共享了地球,但今天我们没有看到任何尼安德特人到处走动。 但是,它们的某些基因被带入了人类,因为其中一些可能与我们发生了浪漫的相遇。 历史上的每一次,当智人和尼安德特人穿越道路时,我们幸存下来,而他们却没有。 有人说,这是因为我们技术的进步,我们融入社会团体的愿望–确保我们的安全–也是由于我们对身体的深刻理解以及如何利用它对我们有利。 无论如何,越好的物种就越糟。 所以我认为我们通过了测试。

However, that wasn’t the only time we had to compete with other species to survive, Long before, when we were more like our primate cousins, we had to struggle and survive to evolve into what we have become today. Some genes that helped us adapt are the reason we, and no other species, have evolved to the extent that homo sapiens have. So testing different gene combinations would generate the best alternative.

然而,那不是我们唯一一次与其他物种竞争才能生存的时候,很久以前,当我们更像灵长类表亲时,我们必须奋斗和生存才能进化成今天的样子。 一些帮助我们适应的基因是我们(而不是其他物种)进化到智人所能达到的程度的原因。 因此,测试不同的基因组合将产生最佳选择。

Let’s say that you have a task to find the most effective drug/cure for a particular disease. What do you do? There is a good chance you follow these steps:

假设您有一项任务是寻找特定疾病的最有效药物/治疗方法。 你是做什么? 您很有可能遵循以下步骤:

  1. Conduct trials to find chemicals that can eliminate the cause of the disease.

  2. Develop different ratios of compounds that seem to affect the disease while proving safe for human consumption.

  3. Culture each batch to find the composition that yields the best results

  4. Run tests on those batches to find long term data and obtain results of the highest accuracy possible.

  5. Then you can get it approved by a federal agency and make the drug available for public distribution.


While we are incredibly familiar with the concept of testing multiple variations to find the best one, we never once think if we are test subjects in one such experiment. And the scary truth is, we could be. I do not have solid proof because if I did, I would probably be *boop* deleted from the system/universe. So I can only assume and acknowledge the existence of one such implementation based on logical and sensible arguments together with axioms.

尽管我们非常熟悉测试多个变体以找到最佳变体的概念,但我们再也没有想过是否在这样一个实验中成为测试对象。 可怕的事实是,我们可能会。 我没有可靠的证据,因为如果这样做,我可能会从系统/宇宙中被“删除”。 因此,我只能基于逻辑和明智的论证以及公理来假设并承认这种实现的存在。

“Alright, I think I can agree with you, but why might someone want to create a simulation targeted on testing humans?” asks Mr.Z ( He exists to ask the tough questions).

“好的,我想我同意你的观点,但是为什么有人要创建一个针对测试人类的模拟呢?” 问Z先生(他存在是为了提出棘手的问题)。

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真实世界中的模拟 (Simulations in the real world)

Well, I’m glad you asked. The answer lies in our innate need to get the best when we can. Any human being prefers to choose the ‘best available’ option in any given situation, and if that is not attainable, only then will he choose the ‘most attainable’ option. So, why do we want the best?

好吧,很高兴你问。 答案在于我们天生需要尽可能地做到最好。 任何人都喜欢在任何给定情况下选择“最佳可用”选项,如果无法做到这一点,那么只有这样,他才会选择“最大可实现”选项。 那么,为什么我们要最好?

We want the best job so we can be happy doing what we love as well as earn a lot of money. We want the best friends so we can spend quality time with people who care about us and promise cherishable memories in exchange for the most significant resource, our time. We want to eat at the best restaurant, for excellent food, purchase at the best fashion outlet for top-tier apparel, own the best car for the classiest looks and performance, and most importantly, live with the best partner so we can enjoy our life no matter what.

我们想要最好的工作,这样我们就可以快乐地做自己喜欢做的​​事并赚很多钱。 我们想要最好的朋友,这样我们就可以与关心我们的人共度美好时光,并承诺珍惜回忆,以换取最宝贵的资源,我们的时间。 我们想在最好的餐厅吃饭,品尝美食,在最好的时装商店购买顶级服装,拥有最好的汽车来展现最优雅的外观和性能,最重要的是,与最好的伙伴一起生活,这样我们就可以享受我们的美食生活无所谓。

Unfortunately, to get the best, you need to try a lot of good, bad, worse, and worst. Then you can safely conclude that what you have chosen is the best. We perform these trials to test different products, which are similar to the simulations that are being run to get the best human civilization possible. And what do you do when you find something that fits the worse or worst category? You remove/delete/forget about it. Isn’t that what Darwinism suggests? Only the fittest survive because they are the best. We see the same in Engineering, Marketing, heck even in writing. No writer published all of their work. They submit to the world what they feel is their best work. And the only path to finding the best is through everything that fails to be the best.

不幸的是,要获得最好的成绩,您需要尝试很多好的,坏的,糟糕的和最坏的尝试。 然后,您可以放心得出结论,您选择的是最好的。 我们执行这些试验来测试不同的产品,这些模拟与为获得最佳人类文明而进行的模拟相似。 当找到适合最差或最差类别的东西时,您会怎么做? 您删除/删除/忘记它。 这不是达尔文主义所暗示的吗? 只有优胜劣汰才能生存,因为它们是最好的。 我们在工程学,市场营销,甚至是书面形式中也看到了同样的情况。 没有作家发表他们所有的作品。 他们向世界展示自己的感觉是他们最好的作品。 寻求最好的唯一途径就是走遍所有无法做到最好的事物。

To find the most aerodynamic car, you make various alterations to the design and test it multiple times in a wind tunnel. To invent the light bulb, Edison and his engineers had many failed elements, methods, and circuits. To take us soaring in the skies, the Wright Brothers’ numerous ideas were proven useless until a few reliable ones were found. So the key is to try until we succeed.

为了找到最具空气动力学性能的汽车,您可以对设计进行各种更改,然后在风洞中对其进行多次测试。 为了发明灯泡,爱迪生和他的工程师有许多失败的元件,方法和电路。 为了带我们飞上蓝天,赖特兄弟(Wright Brothers)的众多想法被证明是无用的,直到找到一些可靠的想法。 所以关键是要努力直到我们成功。

“Ok, let’s run the tests, but wait a minute, why would you need more than 108 Billion test samples?” exclaims Mr.Z.

“好吧,让我们运行测试,但是等一下,为什么您需要超过1,080亿个测试样本?” Z先生大叫

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多少次? (How many times?)

Yup, that’s how many Homo Sapiens have existed on planet Earth. So if Jeff Bezos gave $1 to every person that ever lived, he would still have close to $40 Billion in his wallet. Alright, talking about the Amazon King made the number of humans seem small, but let me remind you, A Billion is a one followed by nine zeros. 108,000,000,000; that’s the number of humans to have lived, and there’s a good chance no two human beings have the same DNA make-up. According to Forbes, based on estimates, there are approximately 60 new mutations in every human being. With 7 billion of us living, that’s 420 billion different variants, more than the total number of humans to have lived. But It doesn’t stop there. A more accurate calculation yields a number so high, calculators cannot process it. There can exist 3x10⁶¹⁴ different variations in our genes, and that’s more than enough samples, In my opinion.

是的,这就是地球上存在着多少智人。 因此,如果杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)向每个生活的人捐献1美元,他的钱包中仍然会有近400亿美元。 好了,谈论亚马逊国王使人数似乎减少了,但让我提醒您,十亿是一个加一个9的零。 108,000,000,000; 那就是人类的生存数量,而且很可能没有两个人具有相同的DNA组成。 根据《福布斯》的估计,每个人中大约有60个新突变。 我们有70亿人在生活,因此有4200亿种不同的变体,超过了人类的总数。 但这并不止于此。 更精确的计算得出的数字是如此之高,计算器无法对其进行处理。 在我看来,我们的基因中可能存在3x10 11个不同的变异,而这些样本已经足够了。

Is it even possible to run such a simulation? I mean, if it’s anything like the best video game renderings we have, it is evident that the processing power required to render so many polygons is going to be tremendous. Quantum computers are theoretically potent. Nevertheless, according to scientists, it would be tough to simulate the entire universe. However, I feel that we do n’ t need to simulate the whole universe.

甚至可以运行这样的模拟吗? 我的意思是,如果这就像我们拥有的最好的视频游戏效果图,那么显然渲染这么多多边形所需的处理能力将是巨大的。 量子计算机在理论上是有效的。 然而,根据科学家的说法,要模拟整个宇宙将非常困难。 但是,我觉得我们不需要模拟整个宇宙。

I feel that we can adopt a few ideas from the Truman Show. They didn’t have to recreate the entire Earth to make Truman Burbank believe that he lived an authentic life. All they had to do was create a big enough area to make him feel it was the real world.

我觉得我们可以采纳杜鲁门表演的一些想法。 他们不必重新创建整个地球,就可以使杜鲁门·伯班克(Truman Burbank)相信他过着真实的生活。 他们要做的就是创建一个足够大的区域,使他觉得这是真实世界。

Let’s consider a video game such as GTA V, which is probably the closest to real life in terms of graphics, physics, and other ideas we have in the real world. Anyone who has played the game would know that the entire map on GTA is not rendered all the time when the game is running. Only the part of the map where the player exists in is rendered with the highest quality. As you move around, the new region will be rendered and so on. To draw lines to the real world, we don’t need a complete render of the universe to make it seem real. For our current level of technological advancement, A good use of processing power would be to render the Earth, The Solar System, and maybe parts of the Milky Way. The rest of the universe could just be an image projected with high quality, that can emit not only visible light but also the different types of radiation on the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

让我们考虑一下诸如GTA V之类的视频游戏,它在图形,物理和我们在现实世界中拥有的其他观念方面可能是最接近现实生活的游戏。 玩过游戏的任何人都会知道,在游戏运行时,并非始终都渲染GTA上的整个地图。 只有玩家所在的地图部分会以最高质量渲染。 当您四处移动时,将渲染新区域,依此类推。 要画出真实世界的线条,我们不需要完整渲染宇宙就可以使它看起来真实。 就我们当前的技术进步水平而言,一种处理能力的有效利用将是渲染地球,太阳系,甚至可能是银河系的一部分。 宇宙的其余部分可能只是高质量投影的图像,它不仅可以发射可见光,而且还可以发射电磁光谱上的不同类型的辐射。

But we are getting data from satellites that have traveled so far into space. When the Voyager 1 and 2 keep going deeper into space, they might be approaching the image that projects to us, the universe. But it would be safe to assume that the region that could be observed by the sensors on the probe will be simulated to give a better quality image and data. When you are running a simulation with a lot of processing power, almost anything is possible.

但是我们是从已经进入太空的卫星获取数据的。 当旅行者1号和旅行者2号继续深入太空时,它们可能正在接近向我们投射的图像,即宇宙。 但是可以安全地假设,将对探针上的传感器可以观察到的区域进行仿真,以提供更好质量的图像和数据。 当您运行具有大量处理能力的仿真时,几乎所有可能。

Only simulating what is necessary and projecting an image of the rest of the universe could be a reasonable technique to keep the simulation working while not overdoing it. With these simulations, we can run tests with different DNA make-ups of humans to find the optimum set of characteristics.

仅模拟必要条件并投影宇宙其余部分的图像可能是一种合理的技术,可以在不过度模拟的情况下保持模拟工作。 通过这些模拟,我们可以对人类的不同DNA组成进行测试,以找到最佳的特征集。

Fine, let’s say we run a lot of tests to find the most optimum human beings, now what? Demands Mr.Z impatiently.

好的,假设我们进行了大量测试以找到最合适的人,那又如何呢? 不耐烦地要求Z先生。

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金蛋。 (The Golden Egg.)

The same thing we do when we find the most optimum solution to a problem, implement it. Although I do not know the specifics, I am confident if we are all trials in the lab, our overlords are looking for a specific set of requirements for a human being, and when they find them, they will stop the simulation, ending what we call here our lives. Pretty straight-forward.

当我们找到问题的最佳解决方案时,我们会做同样的事情。 尽管我不知道具体细节,但是我有信心,如果我们在实验室中都进行过试验,我们的霸主正在为人类寻找一组特定的要求,当他们找到它们时,他们将停止模拟,从而结束我们的工作。称这里为我们的生活。 非常简单。

We have already come so far in science that we understand how to change the very code that makes us function, our DNA. Gene sequencing has become exponentially convenient with CRISPER, and our understanding has vastly improved. At this rate, we will be on track to creating genetically modified, nay, genetically manufactured humans in no time. Our current morals restricting it would soon be dust in the air, just like the ones that prevented the use of artificial methods to improve our appearance are slowly disappearing.

我们在科学领域已经走到了如此遥远的地步,以至于我们了解如何改变使我们运作的代码,即我们的DNA。 使用CRISPER,基因测序已变得极为方便,并且我们的理解已得到极大改善。 以这样的速度,我们将很快创造出经过基因改造,无基因改造的人类。 我们目前限制它的道德观念很快就会在空气中飞扬,就像那些阻止使用人工方法改善外观的道德观念正在逐渐消失。

On a deeper level, we all crave for utopia or something close to it. No one likes the chaos, uncertainty, and torture that we must endure every day. Yes, our lives seem fabulous on certain days, albeit some days, we feel the weight of a thousand elephants on our shoulders. Given a choice, would you not prevent your future generations from experiencing such perpetual pain? Well, I would, even if it required me to build a simulation to find the best human traits that would contribute towards building a utopian empire in the perfect environment.

在更深层次上,我们都渴望乌托邦或接近乌托邦。 没有人喜欢我们每天必须忍受的混乱,不确定性和折磨。 是的,在某些日子里,尽管有些日子,我们的生活似乎很棒,我们仍感觉到肩膀上有一千头大象的重量。 如果有选择,您是否可以防止子孙后代遭受这种永恒的痛苦? 好吧,即使我需要建立一个模拟来找到最佳的人类特征,这将有助于在理想的环境中建立一个乌托邦帝国,我还是会的。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/why-i-think-we-live-in-a-simulation-e9eaf708010






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