

I was thinking of a full-stack mindset last week, and I decided to write a short essay about the “fullstack developer” concept, especially in web development.


Actually, I was provoked to write this post by the following tweet




It brought back memories of something I had experienced last year.


I was attending a workshop, and the tutor asked everyone what we were doing at our daily job. I kind of proudly answered that I was a fullstack developer for web applications. He replied with a hint of sarcasm: “Okay if I do not know anything, I will ask you.” I got his “joke,” and at the first moment, I thought, “Yes, he is right. The term fullstack developer seems such a vague and maybe misleading term”. I felt a little bit ashamed. Moreover, it did not help the situation either that I was the only one who called himself a fullstack developer. :)

我当时正在参加一个讲习班,导师问大家我们在日常工作中在做什么。 我有点自豪地回答我是Web应用程序的全职开发人员。 他回答时有些讽刺:“ 好吧,如果我什么都不知道,我会问你 。” 我听了他的“笑话”,一开始,我就想:“ 是的,他是对的。 术语“全 栈开发人员” 似乎是一个含糊且可能引起误解的术语 。” 我感到有些as愧。 此外,我是唯一一个称自己为全栈开发人员的人也无济于事。 :)

But after a few days, I realized that the presenter had the same problem as me. His job title was “security expert.” He had been well-known in the community, even starring in a TV show once, but his description of his role appeared very vague too.He was probably neither a security guy for space rockets nor engaged in political-geographical studies. He was unlikely to be a mathematician checking the safeness of cryptographic algorithms, which we use every day to have a secure internet connection.

但是几天后,我意识到主持人和我有同样的问题。 他的职务是“ 安全专家” 。 他曾在社区中广为人知,甚至曾出演过电视节目,但他对自己角色的描述也很含糊不清,他可能既不是太空火箭的安全专家,也不从事政治地理研究 。 他不太可能是检查密码算法安全性的数学家,我们每天都会使用该算法来建立安全的互联网连接。

As I see it, my mindset has probably originated from my own experience during those many years in the software industry. I began developing websites in times where software was not as complex as today. Every web developer in those days was a full-stack. You just grabbed any PHP or ASP framework to write the backend as well as frontend code.

如我所见,我的心态可能源自我在软件行业多年的经验。 我开始在软件不像今天这样复杂的时代开发网站。 那时的每个Web开发人员都是一堆堆的。 您只需抓住任何PHP或ASP框架即可编写后端和前端代码。

Unfortunately, nowadays, it has become much more considerably harder to write a nicely working piece of software. For instance, in the ideal world of web development, you ought to be meticulous about UX, web design, accessibility, information architecture, responsive design, individual browsers’ performance, to name but a few.

不幸的是,如今,编写运行良好的软件变得更加困难 。 例如,在理想的Web开发世界中,您应该对UX,Web设计,可访问性,信息体系结构,响应式设计,各个浏览器的性能保持谨慎,仅举几例。

In fact, I have repeatedly heard or read the following argument:“A fullstack developer? That seems impossible.”“Having a foot in both camps? No, you must specialize (backend, frontend, whatever). ““You would not wear too many hats.”“The building of software remains so complex; you have no choice but to specialize.”

实际上,我已经反复听到或读过以下论点: “全栈开发人员? 这似乎是不可能的。”“在两个营地都站着脚吗? 不,您必须专门化(后端,前端等)。 ““您不会戴太多帽子。”“软件的构建仍然如此复杂; 您别无选择,只能专攻。”

Yes, they all have their point. But, are you really a backend developer if you write some business logic or API solely in C#, Python, and Java? The term backend refers to a wide scope of activities. You may build trading systems, games, genetic algorithms, you name it. Thus, the term “backend developer” is very vague too. However, for some obscure reason, it does not irritate people as much as the fullstack developer :)

是的,他们都有自己的观点 。 但是,如果您仅用C#,Python和Java编写一些业务逻辑或API,您真的是后端开发人员吗? 后端一词是指广泛的活动。 您可以命名交易系统,游戏,遗传算法。 因此,“后端开发人员”一词也很模糊。 但是,由于某些晦涩的原因,它并没有像全栈开发人员那样激怒人们:)

Nonetheless, let us go back to the mentioned tweet above. You really do not need to understand the two different runtimes or databases and two cloud platforms.On the contrary, I considered it pretty handy that it is enough to know one runtime plus one relation and NoSQL database to stop these technologies from being utterly greek to you.

尽管如此,让我们回到上面提到的推文。 您真的不需要了解两个不同的运行时或数据库以及两个云平台,相反,我认为知道一个运行时加上一个关系和NoSQL数据库就足以阻止这些技术完全适用于我了,这非常方便您。

This rule remains perfectly valid even if your main job involves writing tons of JavaScript or fighting with pixels in CSS stylesheets.On the other hand, as a backend developer, it is good to know where to use Grid or Flexbox layouts, and grasping the fundamentals of one JS framework is also worthwhile. Ideally, it should be the one that your team uses. :)

即使您的主要工作涉及编写大量JavaScript或与CSS样式表中的像素作斗争,该规则仍然完全有效。另一方面,作为后端开发人员,最好知道在哪里使用Grid或Flexbox布局并掌握基本知识一个JS框架也是值得的。 理想情况下,它应该是您的团队使用的那个。 :)

I do not say that you are supposed to rewrite your application every six months to a new JavaScript framework. You would shoot yourself to the foot with this attitude.No, just be open, and find several good curators of technology content to follow and learn the trends, etc. If you can find the time, dive deeper by buying a big technical book, or watching long-hours tutorials. I know this calls for an extra focus and dedication, but it will definitely pay off.

我并不是说您应该每六个月您的应用程序重写到一个新JavaScript框架中。 您会以这种态度投身到自己的脚上。不,只是保持开放,找到一些优秀的技术内容策展人来跟踪和学习趋势,等等。如果您有时间,可以购买一本大型技术书籍来深入研究 ,或观看长时间的教程。 我知道这需要额外的关注和奉献精神,但这肯定会有所回报

This brings us to a crucial question: Is it worth aiming for a fullstack web developer? The answer is YES, it is perfectly reasonable for almost all developers. To help you overcome possible doubts, I have drafted a few ideas on the benefits of being a fullstack.

这给我们带来了一个至关重要的问题:是否值得向全职Web开发人员瞄准? 答案是肯定的 ,这对于几乎所有开发人员都是完全合理的。 为了帮助您克服可能的疑虑 ,我起草了一些有关成为全职员工的好处的想法。

1) Getting the bigger picture. You make yourself familiar with the whole system. You clearly identify the pros but also the cons of its architecture as well as strengths and weaknesses.

1)得到更大的图景 。 您可以使自己熟悉整个系统。 您可以清楚地确定其优缺点,也可以确定其体系结构的优缺点。

2) Enhancing your empathy. Occasionally, we blame the others in our team for their decisions. Being a fullstack developer enables you to better understand why the decision has been made and under what circumstances.

2)增强同理心 。 有时,我们会责怪团队中的其他人做出决定。 作为一个全栈开发人员,您可以更好地理解为什么做出决定以及在什么情况下做出决定。

3) Expanding your toolbox. You will notice that tackling many problems requires more than changing database structure or CSS scripts. You do not have to be able to fix the CSS or database structure by yourselves, but you could provide a hint or ask the right question. The latter is hugely underestimated in almost all areas of life. :)

3)扩展工具箱 。 您会注意到,解决许多问题所需要的不仅仅是更改数据库结构或CSS脚本。 您不必自己修复CSS或数据库结构,但可以提供提示或提出正确的问题。 后者在生活的几乎所有领域都被大大低估了。 :)

4) Recognizing the patterns. As I mentioned in the first point, the next benefit is that you will detect a deviation from the same patterns in API and CSS. And then, you can ask whether the respective deviation is justifiable or not.

4)识别模式 。 正如我在第一点提到的那样,下一个好处是您将检测到与API和CSS中相同模式的偏差。 然后,您可以询问各自的偏差是否合理。

5) Easier troubleshooting. You are much better at reporting a bug to your colleague. The more you know the context, the better you are in writing issues. You will probably realize quite quickly what exactly does not work, whether the API or the frontend part.

5)简化故障排除 。 向您的同事报告错误要好得多。 您对上下文的了解越多,您撰写问题的能力就越强。 您可能很快就会意识到到底是什么不起作用,无论是API还是前端部分。

6) Learning a lot of new things. Asking questions and receiving answers gives you a unique opportunity to really comprehend the system and its undelaying technology.

6) 学习很多新事物。 提问和获得答案为您提供了一个真正理解系统及其不间断技术的独特机会。

7) Peace of mind. It is no surprise that from time to time, you might be the only one who can fix a bug in production. As a rule, it happens far more frequently than we would like it. :) Without any knowledge of backend or frontend, fixing the issue would be tough.

7) 省心 。 有时,您可能是唯一可以修复生产中的错误的人也就不足为奇了。 通常,它发生的频率比我们希望的要频繁得多。 :)如果没有后端或前端的任何知识,则很难解决该问题。

8) More opportunities. No one knows everything in our industry — it is demanding to even keep a good track of all the latest developments. But having a good and wide range of skills, you are more likely to come across a new job or position.

8) 更多的机会 。 没有人知道我们行业中的一切,它甚至需要保持对所有最新发展的良好跟踪。 但是拥有良好且广泛的技能,您更有可能遇到新工作或新职位。

I hope the reasons I have listed here will encourage you to stop hesitating, discover new stuff, or step out of your comfort zone. Yes, it will probably take some time to make yourself familiar with the utterly unknown areas of IT, but it is worth it.Try to grasp the whole application/system, not only parts of it. I reassure you it is not as time-consuming as it might seem.

希望我在这里列出的原因能够鼓励您不要犹豫 ,发现新事物或走出您的舒适区。 是的,可能需要一些时间来使自己熟悉IT的完全未知领域,但这是值得的。尝试掌握整个应用程序/系统,而不仅仅是部分。 我向您保证,它并不像看起来那样耗时

Simply put, I believe it is great to aim for being fullstack by all means. And I am going to use the job title fullstack developer whenever and wherever I can. :)

简而言之 ,我相信一定要以全栈为目标。 我将在任何可能的地方使用全职开发人员的职位。 :)

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/can-you-be-a-fullstack-developer-a3a1ccb84a4f


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