

Microservices are something that feels very natural when you have been working with Monoliths in the past and are tired of the overheads and errors that arise in maintaining a monolith application.


My first Microservice was a User service, that would manage login/logout/auth for a user. We were adding more logins to our application, because just one Google login wasn’t enough! I knew we’ll be adding/removing more ways to log in a user in the future. So, I wanted to create a separate service to manage all this and not effect other parts of the application when we add/remove new login methods.

我的第一个微服务是用户服务,它将管理用户的登录/注销/身份验证。 我们正在向我们的应用程序添加更多登录名,因为仅一个Google登录名还不够! 我知道将来我们会添加/删除更多登录用户的方式。 因此,我想创建一个单独的服务来管理所有这一切,并且在我们添加/删除新的登录方法时不影响应用程序的其他部分。

We agreed that a User service can take care all this. After login, it would provide a token to the client, which can then be used by the client to validate the user’s identity when calling other parts of our application(other services).

我们同意用户服务可以照顾所有这一切。 登录后,它将为客户端提供令牌,客户端在调用应用程序的其他部分(其他服务)时可以使用令牌来验证用户的身份。

It was a success, we added more logins and configured the availability of different logins based on regions, the microservice architecture helped a lot. We could independently deploy the user service without worrying about breaking something in some other part of our application. No matter what login method was used, the other services would always get an auth token to validate the users identity.

这是成功的,我们添加了更多登录名,并根据区域配置了不同登录名的可用性,微服务体系结构提供了很大帮助。 我们可以独立部署用户服务,而不必担心会破坏应用程序其他部分的内容。 无论使用哪种登录方法,其他服务都将始终获得身份验证令牌以验证用户身份。

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It was all so elegant right from the beginning. All the operations related to managing a user can be handled by this service alone and no part of my application needed to worry about it.

从一开始,一切就如此优雅。 与管理用户有关的所有操作都可以单独通过此服务来处理,而我的应用程序的任何部分都不必为此担心。

No doubt, this is a very basic and simple use case for a microservice and might even be the status quo for an experienced microservice architect, but for me it was a moment of joy, I had come up with a pattern to create a microservice on my own.


This decomposition of microservices(deciding if you need a microservice for something) can be so natural for such simple use cases, that I was tricked into believing that microservices are easy and I somewhat had a handle on it. So naive!

在如此简单的用例中,微服务的这种分解(确定您是否需要微服务)很自然,以至于我被骗了以为微服务很容易,并且我对此有所了解。 太天真了!

稍后还有其他几个微服务… (Couple of other microservices later…)

排行榜 (The leaderboards)

Recently we were developing leaderboards for our applications and these leaderboards would rank users and communities, separately, across games. So it came to us that maybe this leaderboard thing should be extracted into a separate service of its own.

最近,我们正在为我们的应用程序开发排行榜,这些排行榜将在游戏中分别对用户和社区进行排名。 因此我们想到也许应该将排行榜中的内容提取到自己的单独服务中。

We wanted a typical leaderboard that would maintain the scores for an entity and based on the score, rank that entity amongst others.


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What we wanted from the leaderboards to be like

Note — for simplicity we’ll just talk in the context user leaderboard from now on.


So we started discussing and defined what the role of a leaderboard service would be:


  1. Accept match end payload(leaderboards were to be updated when a match b/w two users would conclude)

  2. Fetch current scores for users involved in that match

  3. Apply “the algorithm” to update the scores based in the match result. (You can assume the algorithm to be a black box which takes in the current scores and returns the updated scores based on the outcome of the match.)

    应用“算法”以根据匹配结果更新分数。 (您可以假设该算法是一个黑匣子,该黑匣子接受当前分数并根据比赛结果返回更新的分数。)
  4. Update the new scores in the leaderboard.

  5. Leaderboard should reorder the ranks for users according to the new scores


We thought, if we could create a service that could accept match end payload and do all this work in abstraction without other services knowing anything, that would be great.


I wanted the leaderboard service to be dumb, and reusable by any other service that wanted to maintain a leaderboard. My ideas was that each individual service that wanted a leaderboard should call the leaderboard service with a generic payload and expect the leaderboard service to take care of everything, from initialising a leaderboard to updating it.

我希望排行榜服务是愚蠢的,并且可以被任何其他想要保持排行榜的服务重用。 我的想法是,每个需要排行榜的服务都应使用通用有效负载调用排行榜服务,并期望排行榜服务能够处理从初始化排行榜到更新排行榜的所有事务。

But I was having a hard time generalising the logic to update the leaderboard into a single service without making a mess of the leaderboard service. For ex: if a match for Fortnite just ended, we wanted to update the leaderboard for Fortnite with latest scores of the users involved in the match. But after updating the game(Fortnite) specific leaderboard, we also wanted to update the overall global leaderboard.

但是我很难推广将排行榜更新为单个服务而不弄乱排行榜服务的逻辑。 例如:如果Fortnite的比赛刚刚结束,我们想用参与该比赛的用户的最新分数来更新Fortnite的页首横幅。 但是在更新了游戏(Fortnite)特定的排行榜之后,我们还希望更新整体的全球排行榜

The global leaderboard would be a common scale to rank all the users whereas the game specific leaderboards would maintain the users rank for a single game. The logic to update the global leaderboard is not something I’am proud of, but this is how its is — The scores for the global leaderboard would be decided based on the max score of the user out of all the game specific leaderboards.

全球排行榜将是对所有用户进行排名的通用标准,而游戏特定的排行榜将保持单个游戏的用户排名。 更新全球排行榜的逻辑并不是我引以为豪的事情,但这就是它的样子—全球排行榜的得分将根据所有游戏特定排行榜中用户的最高得分来决定。

So a regular scenario would go like this: A match ends → we update the scores for game specific leaderboard → aggregate the new max score for the user across all game specific leaderboards → update the score in global leaderboard.


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How leaderboards will update after a match

To update the global leaderboard, I did not need to apply “the algorithm” that would calculate the new scores based on the previous and the outcome of the match. I just needed to get the max score for the user across all game specific leaderboards and use that as the score for global leaderboard.

要更新全球排行榜,我不需要应用“算法”,该算法将根据之前的比赛结果来计算新分数。 我只需要获取所有特定游戏排行榜中用户的最高分数,并将其用作全局排行榜的分数即可。

有效参数 (The valid Arguments)

With the current mindset, it was clear that we needed to separate the score calculation logic from the storage of the leaderboard. We all agreed that we can combine the calculation logic into a library. For the storage of leaderboard, some of my peers wanted to keep the storage of the leaderboard into a separate service, I on the other hand wanted to create another library that would manage the storage of the leaderboard for each service as well.

以当前的心态来看,很明显,我们需要将分数计算逻辑与排行榜的存储区分开。 我们都同意可以将计算逻辑合并到一个库中。 对于排行榜的存储,我的一些同僚希望将排行榜的存储保持在单独的服务中,另一方面,我想创建另一个库来管理每个服务的排行榜的存储。

I wanted to ship 2 libs, one for calculation and another for storage of the leaderboard. Any service that wanted a leaderboard would just implement these leaderboard libs and will have the leaderboards.

我想运送2个库,一个用于计算,另一个用于存储排行榜。 任何需要排行榜的服务都将仅实现这些排行榜库,并具有排行榜。

But my peers, they presented some valid arguments for creating a separate service for the storage of leaderboards and the calculation algorithm of the scores could reside in a lib. Each service that needs a leaderboard would use the lib to calculate the scores and then reach out to the leaderboard service to update/get the scores.

但是我的同事们,他们提出了一些有效的论据来创建排行榜的存储服务,并且分数的计算算法可以保存在一个库中。 每个需要排行榜的服务都将使用lib来计算分数,然后与排行榜服务联系以更新/获取分数。

I’ve tried to list down some of the arguments my peers presented in favor of having a separate service for leaderboard storage:


  1. Changes in leaderboard storage logic will need to deploy the entire service or maybe all the services implementing the leaderboard storage lib. Instead if storage was handled by a separate service only one service will have to be changed. This one was the first indication that maybe I’m wrong.

    排行榜存储逻辑的更改将需要部署整个服务,或者可能部署实现排行榜存储库的所有服务。 相反,如果存储是由单独的服务处理的,则只需更改一项服务。 这是我可能是错的第一个迹象。

  2. Leaderboard storage might not require the same resources as that of the service maintaining the leaderboard and if the load for leaderboard requests increase there is no point in spawning expensive instances of the particular service just to serve leaderboard requests. I was almost down.

    排行榜的存储可能不需要与维护排行榜的服务相同的资源,并且如果排行榜请求的负载增加,那么就不会产生仅用于服务排行榜请求的昂贵服务的实例。 我快要失望了。

  3. Lastly, the final arrow that took me down was the enforcement of the single threaded operations when updating a leaderboard. The updates to the leaderboard could not be concurrent and had to regulated/batched to be executed sequentially to avoid parallel updates. Ensuring this in each service through the lib would have been an overhead for each service and we could hide that in the leaderboard service and no other service would have to worry about it.

    最后,让我失望的最后一个箭头是在更新排行榜时执行单线程操作 。 排行榜的更新不能是并发的,必须进行调整/批处理才能顺序执行,以避免并行更新。 通过lib在每个服务中确保这样做将是每个服务的开销,我们可以将其隐藏在排行榜服务中,而其他服务则不必担心。

Well, I couldn’t reject these arguments and agreed to develop a service. But because of the different calculation logics that we had to manage we thought it would be best if leaderboard service only implemented the storage part of the leaderboard, and had just the apis to get score/rank and set score and eventually update the rank based on the new score.

好吧,我不能拒绝这些论点并同意开发服务。 但是由于我们必须管理的不同计算逻辑,我们认为最好是排行榜服务仅实现排行榜的存储部分,并且仅具有获取得分/排名和设置得分并最终根据排名更新排名的api。新分数。

How the scores change, that would be managed by the respective service that wants to maintain a leaderboard. We would ship a lib with the algorithms that we used to update the score. So the new flow would be something like this:

分数如何变化,由希望维持排行榜的相应服务来管理。 我们将使用用于更新乐谱的算法提供一个库。 因此,新流程将如下所示:

match end → get the current score from leaderboard service → update the score based on the match result → set the new score at leaderboard service.


启示录 (The Revelation)

The above approach solved our usecase but I was convinced that there is still something better out there for us.


I felt that, if we were going to implement the leaderboard service it should abstract away all the complexities with managing a leaderboard and no other service should have to worry about stuff related to leaderboards. The only thing that was holding us from making this abstraction possible was the inability to generalise the score calculation logics — the max score across all games for global score logic to be precise.

我认为,如果我们要实施排行榜服务,则应该在管理排行榜时抽象出所有复杂性,而其他任何服务都不必担心与排行榜有关的事情。 唯一使我们无法实现这种抽象的原因是无法概括分数计算逻辑-准确计算全局分数逻辑在所有游戏中的最高分数

Any general algorithm that would update scores should be based on the match result, who won, who lost, not on some aggregation like max. This max logic was a temporary requirement, a correct algorithm for a leaderboard would always be based on some win/lose result.

任何会更新分数的通用算法都应基于比赛结果,谁赢了,谁输了,而不是基于诸如max。 这个最高逻辑是一个暂时的要求,排行榜的正确算法将始终基于某些获胜/失败结果。

10 microservices articles later…


With some luck I managed to create a decoupled architecture for the leaderboard service which I was satisfied with, which abstracted away the complexities of a leaderboard, was extendable to different types of scenarios we had and would support the different types of calculation logics that we wanted.


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The final design that served all our usecases

Apparently, pub/sub architecture was all we needed, and some decoupling of the leaderboard updates. We added two ways to update any leaderboard.

显然,我们只需要发布/订阅体系结构,以及排行榜更新之间的脱钩。 我们添加了两种更新排行榜的方法。

One — listen to match ended event and update game specific leaderboard


Two — listen to User max score changed event to update the global leaderboard


详细的解释 (The long explanation)

The leaderboard service would subscribe to match end events and update the per game leaderboards for users. The leaderboard service would implement the algorithms used to update the scores based on match result. So in this way it would abstract away the complexities of the leaderboard and no other service needs to worry about how the leaderboard is being updated. This was the easy part, we had something like this in mind when we started. The thing holding us back was the max aggregation for the global leaderboard scores.

排行榜服务将订阅比赛结束事件并为用户更新每游戏排行榜。 排行榜服务将实施用于根据比赛结果更新分数的算法。 因此,通过这种方式可以抽象出排行榜的复杂性,而其他服务则无需担心排行榜的更新方式。 这是很容易的部分,当我们开始时就想到了这样的事情。 阻碍我们前进的是全球排行榜得分的最高汇总。

The difficult part was to implement the max score aggregation in a sane manner, to update the global leaderboard for a user. I could have just coupled this logic in leaderboard service and updated the global leaderboard by fetching scores from game specific leaderboard for that user, but that didn’t feel like the right thing to do because the leaderboard service knows no dependencies b/w diff leaderboards. All leaderboards are independent from each other, at least for the sake of the leaderboard service.

困难的部分是以理智的方式实施最大分数汇总,以更新用户的全球排行榜。 我本可以将这种逻辑与排行榜服务结合起来,并通过从特定游戏排行榜中为该用户获取分数来更新全局排行榜,但这并不是正确的选择,因为排行榜服务不依赖于黑白差异排行榜。 至少出于排行榜服务的考虑,所有排行榜都彼此独立。

To solve this, I introduced a new leaderboard updated event which the leaderboard service would emit and the profile service(owner of the user profile) would subscribe to. So when any game specific leaderboard would update for a user the leaderboard service would emit the event and profile service would subscribe to it. The profile service can then get the scores for all games from the leaderboard service and apply the max aggregation on them. Profile service would then send another event to leaderboard service to update the score directly for the global leaderboard.

为了解决这个问题,我引入了一个新的排行榜更新事件,排行榜服务将发出该事件,而配置文件服务(用户配置文件的所有者)将订阅该事件。 因此,当任何特定于游戏的排行榜将为用户更新时,排行榜服务将发出事件,而个人资料服务将订阅该事件。 然后,个人资料服务可以从排行榜服务获取所有游戏的分数,并在其上应用最大汇总。 然后,个人档案服务会将另一个事件发送到排行榜服务,以直接为全球排行榜更新分数。

结论 (Conclusion)

So we opened another interface to leaderboard service that would allow direct score updation in a leaderboard, bypassing the application of algorithms to calculate scores.


Finally this approach seemed sane enough, the operations were generalised. I could sleep now.

最终,这种方法看起来很理智,对操作进行了概括。 我现在可以睡觉了。

This was just one example from my personal experience about how hard microservices can be and they require a lot of thought to implement in a way that would support your requirements. This has opened me up to learn about the different patterns for designing microservices.

这只是我个人经验中关于微服务有多困难的一个例子,它们需要大量的思想来以支持您的需求的方式实现。 这使我了解了设计微服务的不同模式

I welcome any improvements or arguments against the above pattern, I’m no expert and would love to hear if we can improve this implementation.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@varunb94/adding-a-new-microservice-be191e6451ac






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