

Running through problems on LeetCode trying to solve complex algorithms and have no clue what approach to take in solving them? Or maybe you succeeded in solving the algorithm without meeting the required time complexity to pass the problem.

LeetCode遇到各种问题,试图解决复杂的算法, 却不知道采用哪种方法来解决它们? 或者,也许您成功地解决了算法,却没有满足解决问题所需的时间复杂性。

For those programmers that aren’t aware of LeetCode (which I’m sure the vast majority of you are), LeetCode is a platform that offers a plethora of whiteboard problems and algorithms set up to help programmers prepare for whiteboard interviews, improve their ability to solve complex algorithms or problems, or to gain a better understanding of finding the best time complexity and memory capacity for a particular problem.


It’s honestly a fantastic platform for any programmer, but sometimes it's very easy for you to get discouraged by the complexity of certain problems and your inability to solve them especially when Google searches fail you. Sometimes you get seduced into just looking up the answer to the problem which doesn’t do any justice in ingraining the meaning and the approach to the algorithm into your mind.

老实说,对于任何程序员来说,这都是一个绝佳的平台,但是有时候,您会很容易因某些问题的复杂性以及您无法解决这些问题而灰心丧气,尤其是当Google搜索使您失败时。 有时,您会被吸引去只是查找问题的答案,这在使算法的意义和方法根深蒂固的过程中并没有任何道理。

At that point, you might know the answer and the approach by memory, but you don’t know why or how that solution was reached, so when the day comes to actually use that algorithm with a similar problem, you don’t know what to do.


I know I’ve been in that position of frustration and not knowing, so I’ve found that the best way to truly understand an algorithm to the point I could master LeetCode and approach essentially any real-world problem with an efficient time-complex solution in mind is to expose myself to a learning platform that not only breaks apart and explains the step-by-step solution and reasoning to the algorithmic solution to a problem, but also present more than one way to solve it with its respective time-complexity and memory capacity of each approach.


学术解决方案 (The Academic Solution)

Cheaper than a college degree, affordable, and well worth its value, the online learning platform, AlgoExpert, has provided all of this and more for me.


Note that I am not sponsored by AlgoExpert in any way, shape, or form. This is truly just a fantastic, helpful, and educational platform.

请注意,AlgoExpert不会以任何方式,形状或形式赞助我。 这确实是一个梦幻般,有用且具有教育意义的平台。

Created by former Google Engineer, Clément Mihailescu, the platform not only offers very well detailed and comprehensive video explanations on the theory behind solving popular coding interview questions and system design principles, but it also offers a crash-course on both data structures and system design, mock coding assessments, and a referenceable glossary of programming terminology.


For me, at least, it brought to light the reasoning behind several algorithms and improved my approach to finding optimal and clean solutions for programming assignments and problems that I face on a daily basis.


It goes well beyond the preparation of the interview and will readily prepare you to think about the best solutions in every single situation that you find yourself in. I know that it did that for me. That’s why I highly recommend that everyone beyond beginners would benefit from further educating themselves through this learning platform.

它远远超出了面试的准备范围,并且将使您随时准备好思考遇到的每种情况下的最佳解决方案。我知道它为我做了。 因此,我强烈建议初学者以外的每个人都可以通过此学习平台进一步接受自我教育而受益。

Now, this platform by no means stands a replacement for LeetCode, but it will definitely increase your understanding of problems in ways that LeetCode doesn’t provide and will also drastically increase your ability to solve the vast majority of the problems on LeetCode anyways. Now don’t tell me that being in that position of knowledge and skill won’t increase your overall confidence as a developer.

现在,该平台绝不能替代LeetCode,但它肯定会以LeetCode不提供的方式增进您对问题的理解,并且也将极大地提高您解决LeetCode上绝大多数问题的能力。 现在,不要告诉我,处于那种知识和技能的位置不会增加您作为开发人员的整体信心。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Just remember that when you are faced with a complex problem or requirement, all that you need to do is break it apart into pieces and aim to really understand the approaches that are available to you.


Trust me when I say that it really pays off when you understand the purpose and required path it takes to find the most optimal solutions. If you were to just search every single thing without actually understanding what you’re doing, I promise you that you won’t ever ascend from being a good-to-great programmer.

当我说当您了解找到最佳解决方案的目的和所需路径时,它确实会带来回报时,请相信我。 如果您只是搜索每件事而不真正了解自己在做什么,那么我向您保证,您永远不会成为一名优秀的程序员。

So give it a shot, explore beyond platforms that simply just ask you coding questions, and truly aim to understand the answer instead of just knowing it. AlgoExpert was simply the platform I found that made this information most absorbable and understandable to me.

因此,试一试,探索仅询问您编码问题的平台,并真正地旨在理解答案而不是仅仅知道答案。 AlgoExpert只是我发现的平台,它使我最容易吸收和理解这些信息。

In the long run, you’ll be glad that you made that educational investment in yourself.


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/leetcode-when-you-have-no-idea-what-youre-doing-f6aed9b18f17






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