
How often have you had ideas in the past that were postponed because of some excuse, and after some time you reached for similar products in the marketplace, products that someone implemented after a big gap of time?


If you’re remembering even one episode, then, my honest regrets. But here are two points: You live in the future, which is a unique trait, and you can’t manage things to reach your goal.

如果您还记得一集,那么,老实说,我很遗憾。 但是有两点:您生活在未来,这是一个独特的特征,您无法管理事情以实现自己的目标。

Let’s figure out what the reasons could be. I have moved several good ideas to the shelf for later because I was saying some of the following to myself.

让我们找出原因。 我已经将几个好主意转移到了书架上,以备后用,因为我对自己说了一些以下内容。

技能不足 (Not Enough Skills)

“I need to learn first and become mature in it, and after, I will know how to plan and handle it.”


This was the wrong decision. There is rarely a right time when it’s a time that you were preparing yourself for.

这是错误的决定。 在您准备自己的时候,很少有合适的时机。

First of all, what is “I need to learn first”? This is the excuse for making it later because mentally you’re not prepared to dive in and meet the challenges in front of you.

首先,什么是“我需要先学习”? 这是以后再做的借口,因为在心理上您不准备潜入并应对面前的挑战。

Start to observe a topic simultaneously with planning, and, at the very minimum, invest a few hours per week or month. After some time, you will notice that you have made a big path and you know how to apply this knowledge in building your idea.

在计划的同时开始观察一个主题,并且至少每周或每月要花费几个小时。 一段时间后,您会发现自己走了一条大路,并且知道如何在构建想法时运用这些知识。

没时间 (No Time)

“I don’t have time to do this, because...”


And after such thoughts, probably you take your phone and open Facebook, Twitter, or worse, a game, and you get into a scrolling trance.


If you have this bad habit, try to interrupt yourself every time and do something useful instead. For example, read an article. If you want to learn about investments? Read part of it, and then proceed, after some time again, instead of checking “the very important stuff” in social nets.

如果您有这种不良习惯,请尝试每次打扰自己,并做一些有用的事情。 例如,阅读一篇文章。 您是否想了解投资? 阅读其中的一部分,然后再过一段时间再继续,而不要检查社交网络中的“非常重要的内容”。

After some period of time, you will observe that you slowed down and you made more time to get knowledge and improve yourself.


合适的人不在身边 (The Right People Aren’t Around)

“I don’t have the right people around. Jobs had Vozniak, and Gates had someone else, too.”

“我周围没有合适的人。 乔布斯有沃兹尼亚克,盖茨也有其他人。”

Without a doubt, it’s good to have the right people around to achieve your goals, but first, you need to lead the process, be a firestarter of your own plan. You will have the right people if you start to move. On your path, you will definitely meet partners or followers of your ideas. Just include meeting the right people as part of the plan.

毫无疑问,有合适的人来实现您的目标是一件好事,但是首先,您需要领导流程,成为您自己计划的启动者。 如果您开始行动,那么您将拥有合适的人。 在您的道路上,您一定会遇到想法的合作伙伴或追随者。 仅包括与合适的人会面作为计划的一部分。

Don’t forget that if you want to make it fast, do it by yourself. If you want to go the long run, you need a team as support, especially during bad weather or force majeure cases.

别忘了,如果您想使其更快,请自己动手做。 如果要长期运行,则需要一支团队作为支持,尤其是在恶劣天气或不可抗力情况下。

他们说这行不通 (They Say It Will Not Work)

“I told someone about my idea, and I got the feedback: ‘It will not work’ or ‘Better to make another product, let me tell you.’”


Avoid such feedback and interactions. You’re probably looking at someone with different directions or on different levels. You generated your idea without doubt from a subconscious level, and it might look at first as if it’s come from irrelevant knowledge and experience. But this is a solution that you see for a problem, and it might make a technological revolution in the market and in other minds.

避免这种反馈和互动。 您可能正在寻找方向不同或级别不同的人。 您毫无疑问地从潜意识的层面上产生了您的想法,并且乍一看似乎是来自无关的知识和经验。 但这是您发现问题的解决方案,并且可能在市场和其他方面引起技术革命。

Don’t forget: You’re unique, so your idea can be, too. Try to shape it and move forward if your thoughts about its implementation motivate you. Don’t be afraid to try again and again. If you trust your idea, every time you start, it won’t be from the same zero-level position as before but with a wide sight.

不要忘记:您是独一无二的,所以您的想法也可以。 如果您对实施的想法能激励您,请尝试塑造它并继续前进。 不要害怕一次又一次地尝试。 如果您相信自己的想法,那么每次启动时,它都不会像以前那样处于零级位置,而是视野开阔。

没有动力 (No Motivation)

“I described my idea, and I got really good feedback from different people, but I don’t have any more motivation for implementation.”


This is a very delicate topic. If you work on something that is your own, don’t be in a hurry to present it in public.

这是一个非常微妙的话题。 如果您从事属于自己的事情,请不要着急在公共场合展示。

Cherish and shape your idea. Try to get feedback, not about it but views on the proposed solution in a way that describes the problem. Thereby you will keep your motivation and keep getting more information that you can use, and you’ll be one step forward.

珍惜并塑造您的想法。 尝试获取反馈,而不是反馈,而是以描述问题的方式查看提议的解决方案。 因此,您将保持自己的动力,并不断获得更多可以使用的信息,并且您将迈出一步。

Motivation is energy, and you can lose it easily if you express it outside.


I hope the article has or will help you to remember and ask yourself, “Why am I avoiding my dreams, and why wasn’t I able to reach my goals?” You probably will catch the answer: “Everything starts from your first step, which is the hardest.”

我希望这篇文章已经或将帮助您记住并问自己:“我为什么要避开梦想,为什么我没能实现自己的目标?” 您可能会得到答案:“一切都从第一步开始,这是最难的。”

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/have-a-product-idea-go-ahead-2d7b48ac38d6

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