
本文介绍了软件开发者在面对不断变化的技术生态时如何提升自身能力。作者提出了五个建议:1) 寻找导师,无论是成为别人的导师还是接受指导;2) 阅读书籍和文章以保持对最新技术和趋势的了解;3) 从事副业项目以增强技能和探索新问题;4) 观看会议演讲视频以学习行业专家的见解;5) 分享知识,通过创建内容来巩固和提升自己的理解。通过这些方法,开发者可以不断进步并在职业生涯中保持竞争力。


Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate my profession, in fact, I love to code. Having only the need for a single laptop to build complex applications feels exciting and the bugs are always new and never quite the same which keeps everything fresh.

不要误会我的意思,我不讨厌我的职业,实际上,我喜欢编码。 只需要一台笔记本电脑来构建复杂的应用程序就令人感到兴奋,并且这些错误始终是新的,并且永远不会完全相同,从而使一切都变得新鲜。

I wish that that was the extent of my challenges but life is never that simple and having to constantly improve oneself to stay on top of things can be a pain in the ass.


It would be an understatement to say that Software Development is not a small field. In fact, it’s constantly growing with new libraries and frameworks adding to its already large ecosystem. And it’s not like you can master a few skillsets and be set for life. No, the truth is that you have to keep yourself up to date which for me and many of my friends has not been that simple.

可以断言软件开发不是一个小领域。 实际上,它随着新的库和框架的不断发展而不断增加,而新的库和框架已经为其庞大的生态系统添加了内容。 而且,这并不意味着您可以掌握一些技能并付诸实践。 不,事实是您必须保持最新,这对我和我的许多朋友而言并非如此简单。

Working full time as a Developer, and having to keep myself informed about the latest releases and new features of every release, is one of the hardest things that I have found myself doing but it is possible. This article aims to outline my five tips for improvement in this field.

作为开发人员全职工作,并且必须随时了解每个发行版的最新版本和新功能,这是我发现自己做的最困难的事情之一,但有可能。 本文旨在概述我在该领域进行改进的五个技巧。

1.成为一名导师,成为一名导师 (1. Get a mentor, be a mentor)

There might be 100 other points that may or may not help you but none comes close to finding a good mentor. Good mentors are difficult to find and if you manage to find one pat yourself on the back as you might just have just won the lottery.

可能还有100个其他点可能对您有帮助,也可能没有帮助,但没有一个与找到一个好的导师相近。 好的导师很难找到,如果您设法找到自己的后盾,因为您可能刚刚中了彩票。

A good mentor will guide you, provide you resources, and help you build a path in understanding the best ways to write good code. They will teach you about their mistakes and about the ones that you have made.

一位优秀的导师将指导您,提供资源并帮助您构筑理解最佳代码编写方式的途径。 他们会教您有关他们的错误以及您所犯的错误。

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box — or beyond tech — to find your mentor. Connect with people whose career trajectories you can learn from, or whose roles (think product manager or project lead) it’ll pay to understand.

不要害怕跳出框框(或者超越技术)来寻找您的导师。 与可以学习其职业生涯轨迹的人联系,或者与他们角色(例如产品经理或项目负责人)了解的人联系。

You can also flip the relationship. Oftentimes, teaching others what you do is the best way to slow down and see your work in a new light. Consider volunteering to teach at a coding boot camp or kids tech program to gain a new perspective and even find someone who you can mentor into a strong career of their own.

您也可以翻转关系。 通常,教别人做您的事情是放慢脚步,以崭新的眼光看待您工作的最好方法。 考虑自愿参加编码新手训练营或儿童技术计划的教学,以获取新的观点,甚至找到可以指导自己的职业生涯的人。

2.阅读书籍和文章 (2. Read Books and Articles)

There are always new languages to learn, platforms to understand, and business problems for technology to solve. This might be the most obvious point and also something that very few of us follow. Reading every day is not at all a walk in the park but in the long run, it will be the key that separates good software engineers from great ones.

总是有新的语言可供学习,平台可供理解以及业务问题需要技术解决。 这可能是最明显的观点,也是我们很少有人遵循的观点。 每天阅读并不是在公园里散步,而是从长远来看,它将是区分优秀软件工程师和优秀软件工程师的关键。

Give yourself an hour of time to go through and read blogs and articles related to new releases and new advancements. Reading blogs, articles, and taking courses keep you up to date, boosts the confidence that you have in yourself, and is a great way to learn new tricks

给自己一个小时的时间来浏览和阅读与新版本和新进展相关的博客和文章。 阅读博客,文章和学习课程可以使您保持最新状态,增强对自己的信心,是学习新技巧的好方法

I personally find it much easier to go through technical articles in Medium and on other sites rather than reading books. However, books are a great way to learn if you want to go deep on a subject. If you don’t like books or articles then listening to podcasts is also a great way to learn. It surprised me to find that there are so many quality podcasts on software development.

我个人发现,在Medium和其他网站上浏览技术文章比阅读书籍要容易得多。 但是,如果您想深入学习某个主题,书籍是一种学习的好方法。 如果您不喜欢书或文章,那么收听播客也是一种很好的学习方法。 我发现关于软件开发的质量如此之高的播客使我感到惊讶。

Some amazing books:


3.参与辅助项目并升级您的技术知识 (3. Work on side projects and upgrade your tech knowledge)

Side projects are a fantastic way to hone your skills and to explore problems that you don’t encounter at work. These projects don’t have to be large or complicated. Even a small side project can be fun.

辅助项目是一种磨练您的技能并探索您在工作中不会遇到的问题的绝妙方法。 这些项目不必很大或很复杂。 即使是很小的附带项目也可能很有趣。

Open-sourcing can be a great way to get started and boost your knowledge and coding skills. Not only will you get to look at some amazing code bases and understand the logic behind them, but it can be a great way to expand your portfolio- increasing your value as a software engineer.

开放源代码可能是入门并提高您的知识和编码技能的好方法。 您不仅可以查看一些令人惊叹的代码库并了解其背后的逻辑,而且还是扩展您的产品组合的绝佳途径-提高您作为软件工程师的价值。

4.观看录制的会议演讲 (4. Watch recorded conference talks)

There’s an abundance of recorded conference talks on the internet. That means you can listen to what some of the smartest people in the field have to say about programming. For free. I suggest that you focus on the quality stuff first.

互联网上有大量录制的会议演讲。 这意味着您可以听听本领域一些最聪明的人对编程的评价。 免费。 我建议您首先关注高质量的东西。

5.分享您的知识 (5. Share Your Knowledge)

Sharing your knowledge and creating value tests your understanding of a concept. It also forces you to explore the real depth of the library and framework that you are currently sharing about. Sharing may be done by creating YouTube videos, blogs, or writing technical articles. All of these activities improve your understanding while adding value to you as a Software developer and along the process.

分享您的知识并创造价值,检验了您对概念的理解。 它还会迫使您探索当前正在共享的库和框架的真实深度。 共享可以通过创建YouTube视频,博客或撰写技术文章来完成。 所有这些活动都可以增进您的理解,同时为您作为软件开发人员和整个过程增加价值。

In my case, it keeps me motivated to explore new technology and try out new stuff that I would have just skipped passed as I do not normally use them in my day to day development work.


结语 (Wrapping It up)

The key here is not to get overwhelmed by the advancement in computer engineering but understanding that you are in a field with limitless growth. Remember: If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse

这里的关键不是要被计算机工程学的进步所淹没,而是要了解您身处无限增长的领域。 记住:如果您真的想做某事,您将找到一个方法。 如果不这样做,您会找到借口

Do you have different advice to share with others? Feel free to post it in the comments and start a discussion!

您有与他人分享的不同建议吗? 随时在评论中发布它并开始讨论!

翻译自: https://codeburst.io/improving-might-be-the-biggest-challenge-for-software-developers-so-how-do-we-do-it-377859e6d70d






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