

此致2020/2021年所有积极的Web开发人员 (TO ALL THOSE ASPIRING WEB DEVELOPERS IN 2020/2021)

Web Development is an amazing career that is in demand right now and there is no sign of decline instead the demand has been skyrocketing!


Along with high job satisfaction you also get paid well as a web developer, but there are many more perks. Some I have listed down below.

随着工作满意度的提高,您也将获得Web开发人员的高薪,但是还有更多好处。 我在下面列出了一些。

  1. Highly satisfying profession 🖥️

  2. Pays you good bucks 💲

  3. You get to build cool stuff 🔨

  4. You can work remotely from your home 🏡


It has been reported that the employment of web developers is projected to grow 13 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. Demand will be driven by the growing popularity of mobile devices and ecommerce.

据报道, 从2018年到2028年, Web 开发人员 的就业 预计将增长13%,远快于所有职业的平均水平。 移动设备和电子商务的日益普及将推动需求。

I have been developing websites for around 5 years and what a journey it has been! But while learning web development it is important to know some things beforehand so that you don’t face frustration and disappointment. You can possibly waste your time and might take longer to become a web developer.

我已经开发网站大约5年了,这是一个多么艰难的旅程! 但是,在学习Web开发时,重要的是要事先了解一些知识,以免遇到挫折和失望。 您可能会浪费时间,可能需要更长的时间才能成为Web开发人员。

I have listed down 9 lessons that I believe every developer needs to know.


That being said let's dive into further.


1.您将在3个月内成为一名优秀的开发人员 (1. You won’t become a good developer 💻 in 3 months)

A lot of online courses make these crazy promises that you’ll be a great developer after 10–12 weeks and it’s not true.


You will probably have a good foundation to start on, but it won’t be enough to do the really complex things from day one. It’ll take a lot of practice, time, and frustration in the beginning. Be prepared to tackle it!

您可能有一个良好的基础,但是从一开始就不足以做真正复杂的事情。 一开始需要很多练习,时间和挫折感。 准备好解决它!

2.不要只是读📖,实施 (2. Don’t just read 📖, implement)

I’ve often seen developers read through tutorials or sometimes even whole books without practicing what they have learned. Learning by practicing works best while learning to code. Do a lot of projects, these will help you solidify your concepts better.

我经常看到开发人员在没有实践他们所学知识的情况下通读教程甚至有时阅读整本书。 练习学习是学习编码的最佳方法。 做很多项目,这些将帮助您更好地巩固概念。

If you want to learn React js, try to develop a small application as you are going through the documentation or a set of tutorials. If you want to try the MERN stack, get it running in your local machine and explore the different options — that’s the best way to learn!

如果您想学习React js,请在阅读文档或一系列教程时尝试开发一个小型应用程序。 如果您想尝试MERN堆栈,请使其在本地计算机上运行并探索不同的选项-这是最好的学习方法!

3.首先使用JavaScript,然后使用框架 (3. JavaScript first, framework later)

People often first learn the tricks of a framework and then move on to the language. That’s actually not the right way to go.

人们通常首先学习框架的技巧,然后再转向语言。 这实际上不是正确的方法。

The simple reason here is that if you know about the underlying JavaScript, it helps you understand how the framework works. If you have no idea about the trades of a language, there is no way you will understand why something is done a certain way in the framework.

这里的简单原因是,如果您了解底层JavaScript,它将帮助您了解框架的工作原理。 如果您对语言的交易一窍不通,那么您将无法理解为什么在框架中以某种方式完成某件事。

Avoid Frameworks and Plugins until you have an intermediate understanding of JavaScript.


4.编写干净代码💎 (4. Write Clean Code 💎)

The first thing you realize when you start making large applications is that a huge amount of time is required for debugging. Often, you’ll spend more time debugging than writing new code. You are going to spend 25% of your time writing code, and 75% debugging that code.

当您开始制作大型应用程序时,您首先意识到的是调试需要大量时间。 通常,与编写新代码相比,您将花费更多的时间进行调试。 您将花费25%的时间来编写代码,而将75%的时间用于调试该代码。

In such a situation, it’s highly important you write properly indented and commented code, which adheres to best practices.


Code without comments and indentations will lead you in big trouble. Imagine you have hundreds of lines of code, and you have no idea what’s causing a small bug. What’s worse is that if you write an unreadable code, you’ll probably fail to understand what each snippet does after a few days.

没有注释和缩进的代码会给您带来很大的麻烦。 假设您有数百行代码,并且不知道是什么导致了一个小错误。 更糟糕的是,如果您编写了不可读的代码,几天后您可能将无法理解每个代码片段的功能。

5.设计模式 (5. Design Patterns)

One of my biggest mistakes was that I never learned any design patterns early on. So, I approached each new project with a blank slate.

我最大的错误之一是,我从没学过任何设计模式。 因此,我对每个新项目都一无所获。

Not leaning Design Patterns leads to a lot more work, a lot more frustrating, and leads to poorly written code (usually).


Invest some time in learning a design pattern and become a master of implementing it. Believe me, it is worth all the effort.

花一些时间来学习设计模式,并成为实现它的大师。 相信我,值得所有的努力。

6.学习版本控制 (6. Learn version control)

In today’s world, it’s very rare that you work on a project alone or you will need to in the future. To collaborate with others, you need to learn something called version control!

在当今世界,很少您独自从事某个项目,否则将来将需要这样做。 要与他人合作,您需要学习一些称为版本控制的知识!

Developers usually don’t dive into version control until they absolutely need to do so. However, as version control is necessary to work in a team, it’s a good idea to understand how it works and the basic commands that get you started early on.

在绝对需要这样做之前,开发人员通常不参与版本控制。 但是,由于版本控制是团队合作所必需的,因此最好了解版本控制的工作原理以及使您早日入门的基本命令。

The most popular one is Git from GitHub, literally I haven't seen a professional developer who doesn't use Git.


7.万事通,万事通 (7. Jack of all trades, master of none)

It’s good to explore new technologies, but one must remember to stick to one language for most purposes. I prefer to use JavaScript, I love it a lot.

探索新技术是件好事,但对于大多数用途,必须记住坚持一种语言。 我更喜欢使用JavaScript,我非常喜欢它。

It’s always tempting to learn multiple languages at the same time, but it’s advisable to stick to one until you develop a certain level of mastery over it.


8.向他人学习 (8. Learn from the work of others)

Mastering a technology on your own is great, but sometimes you learn a lot by just looking at the code of others. Be it your colleagues or random tutorials on the internet, try to find why someone approaches a problem in a certain way, and ask questions if necessary, don't be shy, developers are friendly and willing to help.

自己掌握技术是很棒的,但是有时您仅看别人的代码就会学到很多东西。 无论是您的同事还是互联网上的随机教程,请尝试找出某人为什么以某种方式解决问题,并在必要时提出问题,不要害羞,开发人员友好并且乐于提供帮助。

9.谷歌是你最好的朋友 (9. Google is your best friend ⌨️)

As a developer, we have to learn a lot and we as humans suck at it. That's why Google was built for. Like learning to learn is important, the skill of googling is a must In a developer's life.

作为开发人员,我们必须学习很多东西,而人类则对此深有吸取。 这就是Google专为之服务的原因。 就像学习学习很重要一样,在开发人员的生活中,必须具备谷歌搜索技能。

There are many ways to submit a search query on google. Try to google and find out.

有很多方法可以在Google上提交搜索查询。 尝试谷歌并找出答案。

The life of a developer is not easy, and becoming one is tough but not impossible. But there is tremendous satisfaction, joy, and glory on the other side but first, you need to endure the frustration and difficulties.

开发人员的生活并不轻松,成为一个开发人员并不容易,但并非不可能。 但是,另一方面,我们也有极大的满足感,喜悦和荣耀,但首先,您需要忍受挫折和困难。

The feeling that you will get, the first time you build a project from scratch is breathtaking. There are many friendly developers waiting for you on the other side.

第一次从头开始构建项目时,您会得到的感觉令人叹为观止。 另一边有许多友好的开发人员在等您。

Until then take care!


普通英语JavaScript (JavaScript In Plain English)

Did you know that we have three publications and a YouTube channel? Find links to everything at plainenglish.io!

您知道我们有三个出版物和一个YouTube频道吗? 在plainenglish.io上找到所有内容的链接!

翻译自: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/9-things-i-wish-id-known-when-i-started-as-a-web-developer-6ff55928cda6


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