expressjs_expressjs vs sailsjs vs meteorjs


During the last couple of years, the usage of web apps has significantly increased. NodeJS is one of the platforms that emerged to address the demand. As of now, it is the most popular JavaScript run time environment among web developers.

在最近几年中,Web应用程序的使用已大大增加。 NodeJS是为满足需求而出现的平台之一。 到目前为止,它是Web开发人员中最流行JavaScript运行时环境。

With NodeJS’s popularity, we can find several frameworks that provide the foundation to build web apps. However, there are many differences between each one of them. Therefore it is important to choose the right NodeJS framework that fits your web app based on your needs.

随着NodeJS的流行,我们可以找到几个框架,这些框架为构建Web应用程序奠定了基础。 但是,它们之间有很多差异。 因此,根据需要选择适合您的Web应用程序的正确NodeJS框架很重要。

In this article, I will be comparing 3 popular NodeJS frameworks that you can consider for your next web app.


01. Express JS (01. Express JS)

Express is a minimal NodeJS web application framework that provides a robust set of features to develop web applications. Express was introduced in 2010 and now, it has been widely used in Node-based web applications.

Express是最小的NodeJS Web应用程序框架,它提供了一组强大的功能来开发Web应用程序。 Express于2010年推出,现在已经广泛用于基于Node的Web应用程序中。

为什么要选择快递? (Why should you choose Express?)

Support for Javascript is one of the main reasons behind its popularity. If you are familiar with Javascript, you can use Express JS with ease. Most importantly, Express provides a routing mechanism for the user requests alongside a middleware to provide necessary responses to the user requests.

支持Javascript是其流行的主要原因之一。 如果您熟悉Javascript,则可以轻松使用Express JS。 最重要的是,Express与中间件一起为用户请求提供了路由机制,以提供对用户请求的必要响应。

Apart from that, there are template engines in Express which allows developers to build dynamic content by building HTML pages on the server-side.


Performance is also important for a web application and since Express is based on NodeJS, you will receive the performance optimizations of Nodejs.


In the current development world, it is usual to have strict deadlines for developers. However, it takes a significant time to develop and test a web application from scratch. In such situations, Express features come in handy to build various applications fast and efficiently.

在当前的开发环境中,通常对开发人员有严格的期限。 但是,从头开始开发和测试Web应用程序需要花费大量时间。 在这种情况下,Express功能可帮助您快速有效地构建各种应用程序。

快递的一些优势 (Few Advantages of Express)

  • Does not depend on patterns such as MVP, MVC, etc. So, developers can develop applications as they prefer, without a huge learning curve

  • New developers can simply start developing applications even without much programming experience.

  • You can create application structures within seconds by using the express application generators via npx or npm.

//using npx
npx express-generator//using npm
npm install -g express-generator
  • You can use all the built-in express middleware or customize them for your usage

  • Allows you to render HTML pages by passing arguments to the templates dynamically


我们可以从统计数据中得到什么? (What can we take from stats?)

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作者截图: https : //

As you can see, around 70% of the population have used Express before and love to use it again. So, it is obvious that there is no need to worry about the stability of the framework.

如您所见,大约70%的人口曾经使用过Express,并且喜欢再次使用它。 因此,很明显,无需担心框架的稳定性。

Tip: Share your reusable components between projects using Bit (Github). Bit makes it simple to share, document, and organize independent components from any project.

提示:使用Bit ( Github )在项目之间共享可重用组件 。 Bit使共享,记录和组织来自任何项目的独立组件变得简单

Use it to maximize code reuse, collaborate on independent components, and build apps that scale.


Bit supports Node, TypeScript, React, Vue, Angular, and more.


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Example: exploring reusable React components shared on
示例:探索在 Bit.dev上共享的可重用React组件

02. Sails JS (02. Sails JS)

Sails is another powerful MVC web framework for Nodejs. It enables rapid development by automatically creating CRUD routes and actions that allow developers to quickly build apps with a wide range of features.

Sails是用于Node.js的另一个强大的MVC Web框架。 它通过自动创建CRUD路线和操作来使开发人员能够快速构建具有多种功能的应用程序,从而实现快速开发。

为什么要选择Sails JS? (Why should you choose Sails JS?)

One of the main reasons why developers start using Sails is that it follows the MVC framework. It allows developers to manage tasks easily by differentiating into three sections.

开发人员开始使用Sails的主要原因之一是它遵循MVC框架。 通过分为三个部分,开发人员可以轻松管理任务。

Sails js is also a lightweight framework that uses pure JavaScript. If you are a new developer you would prefer Sails as it creates the code structure for you.

Sails js还是使用纯JavaScript的轻量级框架。 如果您是新开发人员,则最好选择Sails,因为它会为您创建代码结构。

Sails is a comfortable framework to use alongside the JavaScript frontend frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue. As Sails is a multifunctional framework, it is comfortable with embedded programming as well

Sails是一个舒适的框架,可与Angular,React和Vue等JavaScript前端框架一起使用。 由于Sails是一个多功能框架,因此也适合嵌入式编程

帆的优势 (Advantages of Sails)

  • Compatible with any database. There is a powerful object-relational-mapping (ORM) in the SailsJS bundle. So, no matter what database do you use, this simple data access layer works fine.

    与任何数据库兼容。 SailsJS捆绑包中有一个功能强大的对象关系映射(ORM)。 因此,无论您使用什么数据库,这个简单的数据访问层都可以正常工作。
  • REST-APIs are auto-generated. You do need to write any code since SailsJS will do it for you by its blueprints.

    REST-API是自动生成的。 您确实需要编写任何代码,因为SailsJS会根据其蓝图为您完成代码。
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Screenshot by Author:
作者截图: https//
  • Compatible with any frontend technology. It doesn’t matter even though if we are using a windows phone.

    与任何前端技术兼容。 即使我们使用Windows Phone也没关系。
  • Web socket integration made easier. SailsJS will translate incoming socket messages. So it is easy to use them in routes.

    Web套接字集成使工作更加轻松。 SailsJS将转换传入的套接字消息。 因此,很容易在路线中使用它们。
  • Sails support. The SailsJS team is always there to help.

    航行支持。 SailsJS团队随时为您提供帮助。
  • Forms MVC structure. Offers flawless transitions.

    形成MVC结构。 提供完美的过渡。

03.流星JS (03. Meteor JS)

Did you know that meteor is used by more than half a million developers worldwide?


It is one of the most wanted and fundamental NodeJS frameworks. The reason for that is, Meteor is an all in one framework. That means meteor is a full-stack framework covering from server-side to mobile, web, and desktop app development. It’s it Awesome?. Finally, one framework for all!

它是最想要的基本的NodeJS框架之一。 原因是,Meteor是一个多合一的框架。 这意味着流星是一个完整的框架,涵盖从服务器端到移动,Web和桌面应用程序的开发。 很棒吗? 最后,为所有人提供一个框架!

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Meteor Integrated technologies

为什么要选择Meteor JS (Why should you choose Meteor JS)

When it comes to NodeJs based projects, we use Nodemon like third party utilities to restart the server when we change our codebase change. But, meteor provides default utilities in this case.

对于基于NodeJ的项目,当我们更改代码库更改时,我们像第三方实用程序一样使用Nodemon来重新启动服务器。 但是,在这种情况下,meteor提供了默认实用程序。

Another reason why you should use meteor is that, the DDP (Distributed Data Protocol) method used in MeteorJS. DDP is a realtime data updating and fetching protocol. So, if you are willing to build a live streaming app, chat app, or monitoring type apps, meteor is the most suitable backend framework.

您应该使用流星的另一个原因是,MeteorJS中使用了DDP(分布式数据协议)方法。 DDP是一种实时数据更新和获取协议。 因此,如果您愿意构建实时流应用程序,聊天应用程序或监视类型的应用程序,则流星是最合适的后端框架。

You can use MeteorJS with both TypeScript and JavaScript. Not only that, the support for most of the npm package is also one of the reasons to use meteor without any doubt.

您可以将MeteorJS与TypeScript和JavaScript一起使用。 不仅如此,对大多数npm软件包的支持也是毫无疑问使用流星的原因之一。

Other than that, MeteorJS provides its own package management system where developers can even contribute and share their packages with the JavaScript ecosystem.


MeteorJS的优势 (Advantages of MeteorJS)

  • Allows us to use a single language. So, developers can use JavaScript at both server-side and client-side development.

    允许我们使用一种语言。 因此,开发人员可以在服务器端和客户端开发中使用JavaScript。
  • Real-time updates by default. It automatically performs live updates. For example, if a user is filling a form, it will be pushed to all other browsers in realtime.

    默认情况下为实时更新。 它会自动执行实时更新。 例如,如果用户正在填写表单,它将被实时推送到所有其他浏览器。
  • The smart package option is quite beneficial. You can implement functionalities like user registrations in seconds by using Meteor packages. Therefore you can build applications quite fast.

    智能包装选项非常有益。 您可以使用Meteor包在几秒钟内实现诸如用户注册之类的功能。 因此,您可以快速构建应用程序。
  • The community support. As a growing framework over half a million users, support for you is always there.

    社区的支持。 作为一个拥有超过500万用户的不断增长的框架,始终为您提供支持。
  • The ability to convert web apps into mobile apps. Meteor allows us to implement native functions within our apps without using any 3rd party libraries.

    将Web应用程序转换为移动应用程序的能力。 Meteor允许我们在应用中实现本机功能,而无需使用任何第三方库。

结论 (Conclusion)

Before we conclude the article lets check their GitHub statistics since all of them are open source.


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Screenshot by Auther:
Auther的屏幕截图: https//
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图片来源: https : //
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图片来源: https : //

As per the GitHub repository stats, we can see that express has the highest number of starts, watches, and forks. Even though Meteor’s release date is two years after express, the meteor is also getting quite a significant amount of stars, watches, and forks compared to Express.

根据GitHub存储库统计信息,我们可以看到express的启动次数,监视次数和派生次数最多。 即使“流星”的发行日期是“快”之后的两年,与“快速”相比,“流星”也获得了大量的星星,手表和叉子。

According to the above 3 figures, I believe that Meteor is going to make some move above the world’s most popular Express framework.


Based on the above stat and other observations, we can see that all three NodeJS frameworks are really useful in many scenarios. However, as an all-rounder, Meteor JS comes to the first place. If we consider the ease of use, then it would be Sails JS.

根据以上统计信息和其他观察,我们可以看到所有三个NodeJS框架在许多情况下都非常有用。 但是,作为全能选手,Meteor JS排在第一位。 如果我们考虑易用性,那就是Sails JS。

As experienced or new developers, we know that Express is the most commonly used NodeJS Framework. But, we can conclude that Sails and Meteor are also playing a competitive role in the developer community.

无论是经验丰富的开发人员还是新开发人员,我们都知道Express是最常用的NodeJS框架。 但是,我们可以得出结论,Sails和Meteor在开发人员社区中也发挥着竞争作用。

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