
I got into User Experience Design (UX) because I wanted to take what I knew about psychology and use it to create intuitive and engaging products. Over the last few years, I have learned that the field of UX necessitates an understanding of not only psychological principles, but ethical ones as well. One emerging technology that I have been exploring — spatial computing — demonstrates the need to protect users’ privacy and data.

我之所以进入用户体验设计(UX)是因为我想了解自己对心理学的了解,并用它来创建直观而引人入胜的产品。 在过去的几年中,我了解到,UX领域不仅需要理解心理学原理,而且还必须理解道德原理。 我一直在探索的一项新兴技术-空间计算-证明了保护用户隐私和数据的必要性。

In the book The Infinite Retina, the authors define spatial computing as “technology that brings computing to every surface.” This technology will rely heavily on artificial intelligence (AI) and the three main drivers will be augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality.

《无限视网膜》一书中,作者将空间计算定义为“将计算带到每个表面的技术”。 这项技术将严重依赖人工智能(AI),三个主要驱动因素将是增强现实,虚拟现实和混合现实。

As I’ve gone down this rabbit hole, learning as much as I can about the technology, I couldn’t help but get excited. This technology, above all others, will feel the most human. As it is developed we, the users, will literally be moving through the space that the computing is taking place in. Spatial computing will become our reality.

当我走入困境时,我尽可能地学习了这项技术,我不禁兴奋不已。 最重要的是,这项技术将给人最人性化的感觉。 随着它的发展,我们(用户)将在整个计算所涉及的空间中移动。空间计算将成为我们的现实。

A gif that showcases a mixed-reality headset mapping up the space where the user is.
An example of a mixed reality device that is mapping the user’s environment and then presenting him with holographic images

As I learned more, that feeling of excitement started to be coupled with a feeling of unease. Our society is already struggling with the impact of artificial intelligence, social media, and other digital platforms. Social unrest, people always being dialed in, an influx of news from potentially unreliable sources, people struggling with digital addictions… the list goes on.

随着我学到更多,那种兴奋感开始与不安感结合在一起。 我们的社会已经在人工智能,社交媒体和其他数字平台的影响下苦苦挣扎。 社会动荡,人们总是被拨入,来自不可靠来源的大量新闻涌入,人们正为数字上瘾而苦苦挣扎……名单还在继续。

Big corporations are doing everything they can to capture our attention. All of the information and content is available on a slab of glass that we carry around with us all the time. A slab of glass we can put down, even though it is really hard for a lot of people to do just that. So what happens to us when the technology is embedded in everything we do and everywhere we go? What happens when we can’t put the device away because the world has progressed towards a digital 3D one that we are moving around in all the time?

大公司正在竭尽所能吸引我们的注意力。 所有信息和内容都可以在我们一直随身携带的玻璃板上找到。 我们可以放下一块玻璃板,尽管很多人这样做确实很困难。 那么,当技术嵌入到我们所做的每件事以及我们所到之处的任何地方时,我们会发生什么? 当我们因为世界一直在向着数字3D的发展而无法移动设备而无法放开设备时,会发生什么?

I asked myself, “As a user experience professional, do I have a duty to protect users from the potential pitfalls of the new tech that the tech giants are spending billions of dollars on?” In some of the roles that I’ve held, one of the main objectives was to keep users coming back for more. I would utilize things like variable rewards to incentivize engagement, in turn hooking users. If a new wave of technology is being created that inherently keeps users engaged, we would need to apply certain principles to help them disengage — the complete opposite goal of most products being created today.

我问自己:“作为用户体验专家,我有责任保护用户免受技术巨头正在花费数十亿美元的新技术的潜在弊端吗?” 在我担任的某些职位中,主要目标之一是使用户回头再来。 我会利用可变奖励之类的东西来激励参与度,进而吸引用户。 如果正在创造一种新的技术来固有地保持用户的参与度,我们将需要应用某些原则来帮助他们脱离接触-这是当今大多数产品的完全相反的目标。

I think the answer to my question above is “yes,” and if you are reading this article I would be intrigued to see what you think. One caveat: everything here is speculative and my opinion based on research. You might disagree with me completely and I would love to start a dialogue about this topic.

我认为上述问题的答案是“是”,如果您正在阅读本文,我会很高兴看到您的想法。 一个警告:这里的一切都是推测性的,我的观点是基于研究的。 您可能完全不同意我的想法,我很乐意就此话题进行对话。

Before I go into the potential pitfalls of this tech, I think it is prudent that I go into what this tech even is and describe how great it could be if big companies don’t abuse it. As a kid, if you were obsessed with sci-fi novels or fantasy, this tech has the potential to be magical. Take the journey with me down the rabbit hole and let us talk about what is potentially on the other side.

在我探讨这项技术的潜在陷阱之前,我认为我会谨慎地研究一下这项技术甚至是什么,并描述如果大公司不滥用这项技术会产生多大的影响。 小时候,如果您沉迷于科幻小说或奇幻小说,那么这项技术就具有神奇的潜力。 跟我一起走下兔子洞,让我们谈谈另一边的潜在情况。

A gif of Tony Stark working with holographic models in his lab

文章细目 (Article Breakdown)

This article is broken down in the following way:


  • Defining and Explaining the Technology

  • What is Awesome About Spatial Computing

  • What is Potentially Dangerous About Spatial Computing

  • Potential Solutions for Protecting Users


If you know about the tech and just want to read my opinions on where it could possibly go, skip the first section.


定义和解释技术 (Defining and Explaining the Technology)

现实检查:虚拟现实,增强现实和混合现实(Reality Check: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality)

Out of the three technologies, virtual reality (VR) is probably the one that is the most well-known, as well as the most immersive. A user will put on a head-mounted display and then be transported to a different environment. The user will be surrounded by computer-generated images and sounds. Depending on the experience they will have the ability to move in the world and/or manipulate objects. Most of the time users are tethered to a game console or computer. There are products like the Oculus Quest which do not require either. VR is really good for tricking a user’s senses.

在这三种技术中,虚拟现实(VR)可能是最知名和最引人入胜的技术。 用户将戴上头戴式显示器,然后被运送到其他环境。 用户将被计算机生成的图像和声音所包围。 根据经验,他们将具有在世界上移动和/或操纵物体的能力。 大多数情况下,用户被拴在游戏机或计算机上。 像Oculus Quest这样的产品也不需要。 VR确实可以欺骗用户的感觉。

Oculus Quest 2 was recently announced and it doesn’t require a game console or computer
Oculus Quest 2是最近宣布的,它不需要游戏机或计算机

Augmented reality (AR) overlays information on real-world elements. It is the least immersive but will probably end up being the game-changer for the industry. AR doesn’t alter the real world at all but enhances or augments it by presenting the user with information about the objects they are interacting with in the real world. The authors of The Infinite Retina and The Fourth Transformation make the point that throughout history, humans have created tools as augmentation devices that helped with their survival and ability to express themselves. AR does exactly that and will serve as the bridge to humans embracing the spatial computing revolution.

增强现实(AR)将信息叠加在现实世界元素上。 它具有最低的沉浸力,但最终可能会成为行业的游戏规则改变者。 AR完全不会改变现实世界,而是通过向用户提供有关他们在现实世界中与之交互的对象的信息来增强或增强现实世界。 《无限视网膜》《第四次转型》的作者指出,在整个历史中,人类创造了作为增强装置的工具,有助于其生存和表达自己的能力。 AR正是这样做的,它将充当人类拥抱空间计算革命的桥梁。

Redmond based Microvision showing off a prototype of AR glasses using MEMS technology

Mixed reality (MR) unifies both real and digital elements. In terms of immersion, it is between VR and AR. A user will interact with both physical and virtual items/environments. It uses sensors to map what is going on in your environment and then alters it. It blends both the real and imaginary environment.

混合现实(MR)结合了真实元素和数字元素。 就沉浸感而言,它介于VR和AR之间。 用户将与物理和虚拟项目/环境交互。 它使用传感器来映射环境中发生的事情,然后对其进行更改。 它融合了真实和虚构的环境。

AR will help users to imagine things that aren’t in their environment. At the same time, it can allow for experiences that extend and enhance what is there. MR on the other hand will not only allow a user to imagine things that aren’t in their environment but manipulate them as well. That manipulation portion is the main difference between AR and MR. VR on the other hand can lead to whole new narratives since the user is completely transported from their current environment into a new one. These three technologies will be made so much better due to advancements in artificial intelligence.

AR将帮助用户想象其环境中没有的事物。 同时,它可以提供扩展和增强体验的体验。 另一方面,MR不仅将使用户能够想象不在其环境中的事物,而且还可以对其进行操作。 该操纵部分是AR和MR之间的主要区别。 另一方面,由于用户已完全从当前环境转移到新环境中,因此VR可以带来全新的叙述。 由于人工智能的进步,这三种技术将变得更好。

人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence)

Spatial computing will rely heavily on artificial intelligence (AI). AI at the most basic level is made up of algorithms designed to make decisions using data. Unlike your typical software program where there are predetermined responses based on user input, AI takes the data and acts based on that data.

空间计算将严重依赖人工智能(AI)。 最基本的人工智能由旨在使用数据做出决策的算法组成。 与典型的软件程序(其中的预定行为基于用户输入)不同,AI会获取数据并根据该数据进行操作。

Darryl West says the three main qualities of AI are intentionality, intelligence, and adaptability. Humans design them with intentionality but the AI reaches its own conclusions. West goes further to define intelligence as utilizing machine learning and data analytics to enable intelligent decision making. The final quality, adaptability, is the system learning and adapting as it takes in more information. AI will take augmented and mixed reality to the next level by organizing and processing the data coming from the devices we are using and then present it back to us in such a way that it will help us reach our goals.

达里尔·韦斯特( Darryl West)表示,人工智能的三个主要品质是故意性,智慧和适应性。 人类有意设计它们,但AI得出了自己的结论。 West进一步将智能定义为利用机器学习和数据分析来实现智能决策。 最终的质量,适应性是系统在吸收更多信息时进行学习和适应的过程。 人工智能将通过组织和处理来自正在使用的设备的数据,将增强现实和混合现实提升到新的水平,然后以有助于我们实现目标的方式将其呈现给我们。

什么是空间计算真棒 (What is Awesome About Spatial Computing)

Spatial computing is laying the groundwork for some of the most disruptive tech we have ever seen. It will change whole industries, making people more efficient, and engaging people more than ever before.

空间计算为我们所见过的一些最具破坏性的技术奠定了基础。 它将改变整个行业,提高人们的工作效率,并比以往任何时候都更吸引人们。

Imagine taking a history course, learning about the Roman Empire, and instead of reading out of a textbook you are dropped into a virtual environment where you could see the betrayal of Caesar in real-time. That is possible with VR.

想象一下,参加一门历史课程,学习罗马帝国,而不是读一本教科书,您将被带到一个虚拟的环境中,在该环境中您可以实时看到凯撒的背叛。 VR可以做到这一点。

I don’t know about you but I would have been more likely to go to school if I could put on a pair of glasses while my physics teacher went over Newton’s laws. Then as he was teaching I would see real-world examples of the laws being carried out on my desk. I could then interact with the objects being displayed on the desk, changing conditions to see how friction affects an object in motion. That will be possible with MR.

我不认识你,但是如果我的物理老师克服牛顿定律的时候戴上一副眼镜,我上学的可能性就会更大。 然后,在他教书的过程中,我会在办公桌上看到现实中有关法律的实例。 然后,我可以与显示在桌子上的对象进行交互,更改条件以查看摩擦如何影响运动中的对象。 MR可以做到这一点。

One more hypothetical: you are on a diet and you want to quickly identify a healthy snack in the chip aisle. It would take you forever if you had to check every single bag’s nutritional facts. How great would it be to specify what type of item you were looking for, and have an arrow point right to it in real-time via your AR glasses?

另一个假设:您正在节食,并且想要在芯片过道中快速识别出健康的零食。 如果您不得不检查每个袋子的营养成分,那将使您永远一生。 指定您要寻找的商品类型,并通过AR眼镜实时向右指向箭头,这有多大?

At this very moment, manufacturers equip their workers with devices like the HoloLens 2 that help them to be more efficient. For example, Mercedes is working with Microsoft to create a remote service where a technician seeking help with a problem will use the HoloLens 2 headset which will then overlay a mixed reality environment. This environment will display 3D images and holograms into the technician’s field of view. The technician is then connected to a specialist working remotely who can see what the technician sees. They can work with each other, altering the holographic images as needed, highlighting areas of focus, pointing to tools in the real world that are needed to remedy the problem.

此时此刻,制造商为工人配备了HoloLens 2之类的设备,可以帮助他们提高效率。 例如,梅赛德斯(Mercedes)与Microsoft合作创建了一项远程服务,在该服务中,寻求问题帮助的技术人员将使用HoloLens 2耳机,该耳机将覆盖混合现实环境。 该环境将在技术人员的视野中显示3D图像和全息图。 然后将技术人员连接到远程工作的专家,该专家可以看到技术人员所看到的内容。 他们可以彼此合作,根据需要更改全息图像,突出显示焦点区域,指向现实世界中解决问题所需的工具。

Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz HoloLens 2 announcement video
微软和梅赛德斯·奔驰HoloLens 2公告视频

Surgeons and doctors are using both VR and MR devices to learn more about the human body. Doctors at Cedars-Sinai are experimenting with VR to help patients who are dealing with chronic pain. There are a network of neurons called mirror neurons that can fire when a patient imagines or observes something. These doctors are putting patients into relaxing virtual spaces that cause mirror neurons to fire, tricking pain receptors and in turn alleviating pain.

外科医生和医生都在使用VR和MR设备来了解有关人体的更多信息。 Cedars-Sinai的医生正在进行VR实验,以帮助治疗慢性疼痛的患者。 有一个称为镜像神经元的神经元网络,可以在患者想象或观察到某些东西时触发。 这些医生将患者置于放松的虚拟空间中,从而导致镜像神经元着火,欺骗疼痛受体并进而减轻疼痛。

Cedars-Sinai utilize VR to help improve the quality of care

This technology presents a unique opportunity for UX designers and researchers as it is pretty much-unexplored territory. Since the early 2000s, we have, for the most part, been designing and researching 2D experiences. We will now need to learn to create experiences that are 3D. We will have to learn to account for environments that will change based on where the user is. We will need to hone our storytelling skills if we want users to be immersed. Then we need to figure out how to effectively test all of these things with our users, getting feedback, and iterating — something that might get even harder in a post-COVID world where remote work is becoming the new norm. Speaking of COVID, this technology will help to break down barriers and allow people to connect on a more intimate level, even if they aren’t in the same room.

这项技术为UX设计人员和研究人员提供了独特的机会,因为这是一个尚未开发的领域。 从2000年代初期开始,我们在很大程度上一直在设计和研究2D体验。 现在,我们将需要学习创建3D体验。 我们将必须学习考虑会根据用户所在位置而变化的环境。 如果我们希望用户沉浸其中,我们将需要提高我们的叙事技巧。 然后,我们需要弄清楚如何与用户一起有效地测试所有这些事情,获得​​反馈并进行迭代-在远程工作已成为新规范的后COVID世界中,这可能变得更加困难。 说到COVID,这项技术将有助于打破障碍,即使人们不在同一个房间,也可以使人们之间的联系更加亲密。

I’ve only brought up a few examples, and the tech for the most part is still in its infancy. I didn’t even touch on the impact this will have on gaming and entertainment. Currently, this tech is mostly being used by enterprise operations and enthusiasts — this will change though. Big tech companies like Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are investing heavily in it. They are acquiring companies and creating whole departments to focus on it. Mark Zuckerburg predicted that AR/MR glasses will replace the smartphone. He isn’t alone with this prediction. Tim Cook recently said “I’m excited about AR. My view is it is the next big thing, and it will pervade our entire lives.”

我仅举了几个例子,而这项技术在很大程度上仍处于起步阶段。 我什至没有谈到这将对游戏和娱乐产生的影响。 目前,这项技术主要由企业运营和发烧友使用-尽管这种情况将有所改变。 诸如Facebook,Apple,Microsoft,Amazon和Google之类的大型科技公司正在对此进行大量投资。 他们正在收购公司并创建整个部门来专注于此。 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerburg)预测,AR / MR眼镜将取代智能手机。 他并不孤单。 蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)最近说:“我为AR感到兴奋。 我认为这是下一件大事,它将席卷我们的整个生命。”

Spatial computing can have such a positive impact on many aspects of our lives. So what could possibly go wrong?

空间计算可以对我们生活的许多方面产生如此积极的影响。 那么可能出什么问题了?

空间计算的潜在危险是什么 (What is Potentially Dangerous About Spatial Computing)

Data is one of the most valuable commodities in the world today. Most people would agree that their right to privacy is more valuable. Big companies say they are custodians of our data. They put mechanisms in place to ensure our privacy. One can look at what happened in 2016 with Facebook to know that isn’t always true. I’d argue in most cases it isn’t true. Our data is being sold for huge profits and in turn our attention is monetized. Everything from how long we view a certain part of a page to the language we use in our emails is being analyzed. It is making AI smarter and data models are getting to the point where they can predict what we are going to do before we even do it.

数据是当今世界上最有价值的商品之一。 大多数人会同意他们的隐私权更有价值。 大公司表示,他们是我们数据的保管人。 他们建立了机制来确保我们的隐私。 人们可以通过Facebook看看2016年发生的事情,但并非总是如此。 我认为在大多数情况下是不正确的。 我们的数据被出售以获取丰厚的利润,而我们的注意力又被货币化了。 从查看页面某部分的时间到我们在电子邮件中使用的语言的所有内容都在分析中。 它使AI变得更智能,数据模型达到了可以预测甚至要做的事情的地步。

That data is being captured on laptops, desktops, mobile phones, and in certain instances, smart devices. We can turn off those devices and put them away. If AR, MR, and VR take off the way technologists say they will, we will be wearing and using devices that are never off.

这些数据正在笔记本电脑,台式机,移动电话以及某些情况下的智能设备上捕获。 我们可以关闭这些设备并将其收起来。 如果AR,MR和VR像技术人员所说的那样Swift发展,那么我们将穿戴并使用永远不会关闭的设备。

To illustrate this point I will use an example where AR glasses are used in conjunction with a smartwatch. The sensors, cameras, and microphones on the glasses will constantly collect information about what is going on around you. That data will be processed using AI and then present you with information or images that will either help you accomplish a goal or entertain you. When that happens, the glasses will be tracking your gaze and your smartwatch will be measuring your pulse. It will be able to identify things that excite you and things that bore you. It will be able to accurately identify the complex emotions you are feeling, determine what mood you are in, and tailor experiences based on that.

为了说明这一点,我将使用将AR眼镜与智能手表配合使用的示例。 眼镜上的传感器,相机和麦克风将不断收集有关您周围发生的事情的信息。 这些数据将使用AI进行处理,然后为您提供信息或图像,这些信息或图像将帮助您实现目标或为您带来娱乐。 发生这种情况时,眼镜将跟踪您的视线,而您的智能手表将测量您的脉搏。 它将能够识别出使您兴奋的事物和使您感到厌烦的事物。 它将能够准确地识别您所感觉到的复杂情绪,确定您所处的情绪,并根据这些情绪量身定制体验。

That data is extremely valuable to advertisers and big corporations. All of that information can be used to influence your decisions.

这些数据对广告商和大公司而言非常有价值。 所有这些信息都可以用来影响您的决定。

This video was published in 2016 and it illustrates a world where companies abuse spatial computing

Another example, you are going out to eat and you indicate either via a holographic keyboard or a voice command that you want directions to a local restaurant. As you are walking there, McDonalds throws an ad of a big juicy Big Mac with hot fries into your field of view. The words pop up, “Come to McDonalds where the food is cheaper and we make it faster.”

另一个例子,您要出去吃饭,并通过全息键盘或语音命令指示您想要前往当地餐厅的路线。 当您步行到那里时,麦当劳会在您的视野中投放一则广告,上面放着多汁的巨无霸汉堡,上面有炸薯条。 突然出现这样的话:“到麦当劳那里,那里的食物便宜,我们使它变得更快。”

The image combined with the information pertaining to the price is a primer that makes you question your decision to go to that local restaurant. You are then presented with a virtual button “Click here to go to McDonalds.” Bam — they just reduced the friction of having to manually change locations, and you decide to switch course and get that Big Mac. Pretty harmless, right? No one really suffers, except maybe the mom and pop shop who will never be able to afford ads like the example above.

该图像加上与价格有关的信息,是使您对去那家当地餐厅的决定提出疑问的入门书。 然后,您会看到一个虚拟按钮“单击此处转到麦当劳”。 Bam-他们只是减轻了手动更改位置的麻烦,因此您决定转换路线并购买Big Mac。 很无害吧? 没有人真正受苦,除了妈妈和流行商店,他们永远都无法负担上面例子中的广告。

Take that harmless example and then apply it to things that have a great impact on someone. I want to influence who you vote for? Well I now have all of this data on you. I have data not only on your interests based on what you browse on the internet, but the things you look at in the real world and your physiological responses to them. If you have someone on your product team who understands what motivates people, understands cognitions, and emotions you can literally create experiences where a user will be hard-pressed to disengage.

举一个无害的例子,然后将其应用于对某人有重大影响的事物。 我想影响您投票的人吗? 好吧,现在我已经掌握了所有这些数据。 我不仅拥有基于您在互联网上浏览的内容有关您的兴趣的数据,而且还拥有您在现实世界中看到的事物以及您对它们的生理React的数据。 如果您的产品团队中有人了解什么能激发人们的积极性,理解认知和情感,那么您可以从字面上创建难以折服用户的体验。

Companies that care more about monetization than its users will take advantage of all of this. It is inevitable, unless you have people within the organization who fight against it. Unless, there is an incentive or an entity to ensure something like this doesn’t happen we will be in a worse position compared to where we are now with digital platforms.

比用户更关注获利的公司将利用所有这些优势。 这是不可避免的,除非您在组织中有与之抗争的人。 除非有动力或实体来确保不会发生这种情况,否则与现在使用数字平台的情况相比,我们的处境将更糟。

保护用户的潜在解决方案 (Potential Solutions for Protecting Users)

Companies will need to create digital ethics departments. Every company that creates a product that will be using this technology should have one. Those departments need to put product teams in check. If the product team proposes a feature that could potentially harm a user so the company can profit, this department should have the power to completely veto the feature and recommend an alternative. Couple those departments with third party privacy organizations that audit companies and we should be able to create an infrastructure that has a fighting chance to protect users.

公司将需要创建数字道德部门。 每个创建将使用该技术的产品的公司都应该拥有一个。 这些部门需要对产品团队进行检查。 如果产品团队提出了可能会伤害用户的功能,以便公司获利,则该部门应有权完全否决该功能并提出替代方案。 将这些部门与对公司进行审核的第三方隐私组织结合在一起,我们应该能够创建一个有很大机会保护用户的基础架构。

If a company is going to monetize users’ data, the user should be compensated. I think all companies should adopt the same model that Brave, a privacy-focused browser, created. Users have the ability to opt in to see advertisements and if they opt in they are compensated for viewing ads with a currency called Basic Attention Token. These tokens can be converted to a fiat currency or used to redeem gift cards. The ads are not invasive — Brave is performing some magic on the backend that presents users with relevant ads without capturing personal identifiers. If my attention is that valuable to you, pay me for it.

如果公司要通过用户数据获利,则应向用户赔偿。 我认为所有公司都应该采用与Brave(一种注重隐私的浏览器)所创建的模型相同的模型。 用户可以选择观看广告,如果他们选择加入,则可以使用称为“基本注意令牌”的货币来观看广告获得补偿。 这些令牌可以转换为法定货币或用于兑换礼品卡。 广告不是侵入性的-Brave正在后端执行一些魔术,向用户展示相关广告而没有捕获个人标识符。 如果我的注意对您来说很有价值,请为此付出代价。

The brave web browser and logo. The text on the image says Be Brave!

When a user powers up one of these products for the first time, it should be really apparent what data is being collected, why it is being collected, if it is being sold, and what else it is being used for. This information shouldn’t be hidden behind long complicated terms of service. It also should be written so a child could understand it, no technical or legal jargon. Every application a user installs should do the same thing.

当用户第一次打开其中一个产品的电源时,应该真正清楚地知道要收集什么数据,为什么收集数据,是否出售数据以及将数据用于什么用途。 这些信息不应隐藏在长期复杂的服务条款之后。 还应该写成这样,以便儿童可以理解,没有技术或法律术语。 用户安装的每个应用程序都应该做同样的事情。

Users should be nudged to consider taking the device off for a while. Applications should work into them time restriction features and/or reports to show the user how long they’ve been engaged with the product. At the end of the day we can aim to create products that keep users engaged, provide positive experiences, but don’t take advantage of them so we can profit.

应该提醒用户考虑暂时关闭设备。 应用程序应使用它们的时间限制功能和/或报告,以向用户显示他们使用该产品已有多长时间。 归根结底,我们的目标是创建能够吸引用户的产品,提供积极的体验,但不利用它们的优势,从而使我们获利。

As Andrew Yang said in The War on Normal People, “Time only flows in one direction, and progress is a good thing as long as its benefits are shared.” We can’t stop progressing out of the fear of companies abusing this revolutionary tech’s capabilities, so we must identify how it can be abused and put forth mechanisms or solutions to ensure it does not.

正如安德鲁·杨(Andrew Yang)在《普通百姓的战争》中所说 “时间只在一个方向上流动,只要分享其利益,进步就是好事。” 由于担心公司滥用这项革命性技术的能力,我们不能停止前进,因此我们必须确定如何滥用它,并提出机制或解决方案以确保不会。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/protecting-users-as-we-embark-into-the-era-of-spatial-computing-89aca3652737

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