surface自动修复_Microsoft Surface Duo是可修复性的噩梦


编者的信(Letter From the Editor)

Earlier this month, movers dropped and shattered my television. It was less than a year old and, it turns out, completely unsalvageable.

Ëarlier这个月,漫步者下跌,粉碎了我的电视。 它还不到一年,而且事实证明,这是完全无法挽救的。

The original manufacturer, LG, shrugged: Accidental damage understandably isn’t covered under warranty. The company’s customer service agent connected me to a number of local repair shops, none of which were able to fix the screen. Displays are by far the most expensive part of a television, and I soon learned that a replacement for my particular LG would cost about $1,117, not including any shipping or labor costs. I had bought the TV brand new for $1,300.

原始制造商LG耸耸肩:可以理解,意外损坏不在保修范围之内。 该公司的客户服务代理将我连接到许多本地维修店,但这些维修店都无法修复屏幕。 显示器是迄今为止电视中最昂贵的部分,我很快了解到,更换我的特定LG显示器将花费约1,117美元,这不包括任何运输或人工成本。 我以1300美元的价格购买了全新的电视。

So it wasn’t that my local repair shops didn’t have the know-how to fix the thing, necessarily—it just didn’t make any economic sense for them to do so. I negotiated with the movers to pay me back for the damage, arranged for the busted TV to be hauled off for whatever recycling is possible, and paid for a new set. An awful waste all around.

S 0这不是说我的本地维修店没有足够的知识来解决的事情,必然,它只是没有做任何经济意义对于他们这样做。 我与搬家公司进行了谈判,要求我赔偿损失,并安排将破损的电视机拖回,以尽可能回收利用,并为新电视机付费。 到处都是浪费

The ordeal reminded me of a story I wrote last year about the Samsung Galaxy Fold after critics found flaws with early review units that led to broken displays. Experts told me that the Fold’s unusual form factor would lead to issues down the line, even once the hardware kinks were worked out, because the market for replacement screens would be extremely limited. Repairing this device, and devices like it, would be an expensive prospect — one that would largely be controlled by a manufacturer’s willingness to make these unusual screens available to repair shops (and by repair shops’ willingness to pay for them).

这次折磨使我想起了我去年写的一个有关Samsung Galaxy Fold的故事,此前批评家发现早期审查部门存在缺陷,导致显示器破裂。 专家告诉我,即使一旦解决了硬件折叠问题,折叠屏的不寻常外形也会导致问题,因为更换屏幕的市场极为有限。 维修该设备以及类似设备的成本很高,这在很大程度上取决于制造商是否愿意将这些不寻常的屏幕用于维修店(以及维修店付款的意愿)。

With all of this as the backdrop, I was disheartened to see a new teardown from iFixit of the Microsoft Surface Duo — a $1,400 folding phone that’s earning positive reviews, including from OneZero’s Owen Williams. The device’s batteries are nearly impossible to remove and marked with a warning: “This component cannot be easily replaced by user.” (Because batteries cannot physically last forever, iFixit says the Duo in effect sports “a built-in death clock.”) And the OLED screens are fragile but must be removed to safely access the device’s components.

在所有这些情况的背景下,我很沮丧地看到iSurface微软Surface Duo的新拆解-售价1400美元的可折叠手机,受到了好评,其中包括OneZero的Owen Williams 。 该设备的电池几乎无法取出,并带有警告标记:“用户无法轻易更换该组件。” (由于电池无法永久使用,iFixit称Duo实际上是“内置的死亡时钟”。)而且OLED屏幕很脆弱,但必须取下以安全地访问设备的组件。

“As with prior first-generation Microsoft portables, the thin, premium, category-creating Duo is not something meant to be repaired, maybe not even by Microsoft,” iFixit concludes.


This is an unfortunate turnabout for a company that recently signaled it would prioritize repairability in its gadgets, and especially lamentable during a global pandemic. Now more than ever, we need a future that’s fixable: As our lives have become closely tethered to the information dancing across our screens, we shouldn’t expect consumers to shell out for complete replacements whenever things go wrong. (For more on all of this, see my recent story on the new iPad Pro.)

对于最近发出信号的公司来说,这是一个不幸的转变,该公司表示将优先考虑其小工具的可维修性,尤其是在全球大流行期间可悲。 现在比以往任何时候都更需要可修复的未来:由于我们的生活已经与屏幕上跳舞的信息紧密地联系在一起,因此,我们不应该指望消费者在出现问题时愿意全力以赴来替代产品。 (有关所有这些的更多信息,请参阅我最近在新iPad Pro上的故事。)

In case you missed it: OneZero published a number of great pieces last week, including a fascinating technical look at your phone’s inability to capture an “apocalypse sky” like the one seen in California, an update on Portland passing a groundbreaking ban on facial recognition, a treatise on away messages (bring them back!), and a glimpse at the future of gene-edited babies.

如果您错过了它:上周, OneZero发表了许多精彩的作品,其中包括手机无法捕捉“启示性天空”(如在加利福尼亚看到的那样)的令人着迷的技术观察,关于波特兰的更新通过了一项突破性的面部识别禁令有关无用信息专着(将它们带回来!),以及对基因编辑婴儿的未来的一瞥。

Coming up: Apple is holding an event today, and we’ll have the developer’s perspective from Kaya Thomas. We’re also preparing an exciting feature about how some of the world’s biggest social media companies operate — you won’t want to miss it.

即将到来: Apple今天举行了一个活动,我们将从Kaya Thomas那里获得开发人员的观点。 我们还准备了一些激动人心的功能,介绍一些世界上最大的社交媒体公司的运作方式-您将不会错过它。

This is a weekly editor’s letter from OneZero editor-in-chief Damon Beres. If you have information or a viewpoint to share, feel free to reach Damon via email or on Twitter.

这是OneZero主编Damon Beres每周的编辑来信 如果您有信息或要分享的观点,请随时通过电子邮件或Twitter与Damon联系







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