

IMPORTANT ADVICE: there aren’t any affiliate marketing links, and I don’t receive anything at all from companies or people I mention in this article.


这周我顿悟了。 (I had an epiphany this week.)

I will share it with you, just in case it may help you.


I don’t want to seem so metaphysical, and I will call it an inflection point in my life. I can see this week can be decisive for an extended period in my life since now.

我不想看起来像形而上学,我将其称为生活中的拐点。 从现在开始,我可以看到本周对我的人生有决定性的影响。

Last week I wrote an article about Roam Research, a note-taking software that is mostly everywhere.

上周,我写了一篇有关Roam Research的文章,Roam Research是一个记笔记软件,到处都有。

I’m feeling uncomfortable for a long time with my productivity system and the software I’m using to set my goals and (try) achieve them.


Right now, I have a combination of all this software:


到期 (Due)

As a quick reminder of easy things I don’t want to forget.


I have to say this software is impressive because of its simplicity and because it has a feature I love.


Whenever you create a reminder, the software starts alerting you until you mark it as done (or you throw away your iWatch, iPhone, iPad, or computer… I won’t say Mac, although that’s what it is…).


This alarm repeats during the interval you previously set up.


全方位聚焦 (Omnifocus)

As an Apple geek, I finally ended up with this software.


For more than 25 years, I’ve tried all kinds of task management software.


During the last years, I worked with Todoist, Things, and 2Do.


I have to say I felt very comfortable with 2Do.


I love when the software is enough opened to configure it to my processes, instead of more static software to which you have to adapt your methods.


2Do has a fantastic database model, which allows you to organize it in many different ways.


I really did enjoy 2Do, and it worked for me even for several years.


I ended up with Omnifocus because I started watching videos and reading lots of articles (even books) about this “classic” solution.


As you may know, this is something but an “opened system”, but there was something that always made me felt uncomfortable with 2Do: its graphical user interface.


I love working on applications with beautiful user interfaces.


Maybe it sounds stupid, but when I dedicate so much time, continually working, using an application, I need to have a graphical user interface clean, beautiful, practical, cozy… Something I look at and immediately say:


“Wow, I want to work on that environment”


That’s why I confess I’m an “Apple believer”, even though I’m kidnapped in its hardware environment. Stockholm syndrome is something you don’t believe until you start living on it.

这就是为什么我承认自己是“苹果信徒”的原因,即使我在其硬件环境中遭到绑架。 在您开始依靠斯德哥尔摩综合症之前,您不会相信它。

I say all this because 2Do graphical user interface is something like “back to the future”, an environment in which I never felt comfortable, but that I bet on it because of its functionalities (sometimes you have to sacrifice design and cozy sensations due to pragmatic principles).


And I’m just talking about his desktop app because if you try its mobile one, the experience is even worse from my point of view.


Omnifocus is not as opened as 2Do, but it’s another level.


It’s a very serious software: significant, reliable, and a classic in its area, with lots of years, users, and documentation all over the place.


I got engaged with amazing guys who have created very interesting flows.


I have to admit its graphical user interface perfectly suited me, no matter if I used it on my iPad, iPhone, iWatch, or Mac.


实际上,这是最近几年我最重要的生产力软件。 (In fact, it has been my most essential productivity software for the last years.)

太棒了 (Fantastical)

I work with Gmail both in my personal life and my business life.


I’ve always loved Google, even though its designs always put functionality before design. I have to admit they’ve improved a little bit talking about that feature.

尽管Google的设计始终将功能放在设计之前,但我一直很喜欢Google。 我不得不承认,他们在谈论该功能方面有所改进。

Anyway, I need to combine several Gmail accounts into a unique Calendar, to see everything together and in a more “beautiful” graphical user interface.


I bet on Fantastical.


I don’t only use Fantastical for my events, but also to implement a time blocking management system as a task manager.


I do believe a lot in this methodology because when you think about task management, you don’t really have to manage your task.


You need to manage your time and how long you’re going or can dedicate to those tasks.


That’s why time blocking methodology entirely suits me, and I highly recommend it to anyone who should manage hundreds of tasks, as it’s my case.


草稿 (Drafts)

作为一个无纸化的家伙已经十多年了,我喜欢这个应用程序,可以快速入门。(As a paperless guy for more than a decade, I love this app for quick entry.)

It’s great because as soon as you opened it, a blank screen appears, and you can directly write on it your idea, your inspiration, something you cannot forget…


For me, it’s like a giant bucket that can eat anything you throw in it.


Later on, I process it and create the items I need in the system they should be. By the way, its iWatch app allows me to dictate things on the go.

稍后,我对其进行处理,并在系统中创建所需的项目。 顺便说一句,它的iWatch应用程序使我能够随时随地掌控一切。

印象笔记 (Evernote)

One of my loved ones.


This software changed my life.


It allowed me to become paperless, something I will always be grateful for.


Being paperless is one of the most productive features I’ve ever experienced. It gives me security, peace of mind, time-saving, organization, clearness…

无纸化是我经历过的最有生产力的功能之一。 它使我安全,省心,省时,组织整洁,清晰……

I could be all day long listing beautiful words about the paperless movement, which I’m a blind believer.


第一天 (DayOne)

A classic for journaling.


Excellent graphical user interface and amazing features. Period.

出色的图形用户界面和惊人的功能。 期。

Congratulations to these guys because they nailed it!


尤利西斯 (Ulysses)

Like DayOne, I end up to the same conclusion. These guys are fantastic.

像DayOne一样,我得出同样的结论。 这些家伙太棒了。

They got something I do always think is impressive, a perfect combination and balance between a beautiful application, talking about its graphical user interface, and how you work inside the app.


Everything’s easy, intuitive, full of common sense.


As an engineer in computer science, I perfectly know how hard it is to get to this point. So that, feel proud of your product, guys!

作为计算机科学的工程师,我完全知道达到这一点有多么困难。 所以,你们为您的产品感到骄傲!

特雷洛 (Trello)

There are projects or moments in which a Kanban board is a must in my life.


I like to see things from a graphical perspective (I love mind mapping apps like MindNode), and Trello gives me that. The opportunity of perfectly seeing a status series.

我喜欢从图形角度看事物(我喜欢MindNode之类的思维导图应用程序),Trello给了我这一点。 完美看到状态系列的机会。

I don’t need it in all my projects, but that becomes a must in some.


And, more or less, this is the digital ecosystem I create to manage my life, both personally and professionally. It sounds a little bit complicated, but it’s something I’ve been living for a long period of my life, and it works.

而且,或多或少,这是我创建的用以管理个人和职业生活的数字生态系统。 听起来有些复杂,但这是我生活了很长一段时间的事情,并且有效。

But, as I said at the beginning of the article, I’ve been feeling uncomfortable for the last years, mainly because, as my data volume increases, this system is not so operative.


I need a system in which:


  1. I can connect my high-level goals to my daily tasks, being able to have a bird’s view of all my system, but also a “microscopic” detail of each task. Being able to know that what you are doing every day is driving you towards your big goals in life is a great sensation. Don’t you think so?

    我可以将我的高级目标与日常任务联系起来,不仅可以鸟瞰我的所有系统,而且可以看到每个任务的“微观”细节。 知道自己每天在做什么正在驱使您朝着人生的大目标迈进,这是一种巨大的感觉。 你不是这样吗

  2. I can capture and organize all the knowledge I’m exposed to. I read tons of books, tons of articles, I listen to podcasts, I have interesting conversations with people, I watch YouTube videos, I have quick thoughts, I have deep thoughts, I see movies… All kinds of data, at any time, and anywhere.

    我可以捕获和整理我所接触的所有知识。 我读了无数的书籍,大量的文章,听了播客,与人进行了有趣的对话,观看了YouTube视频,我的想法很快,我的想法很深刻,我看了电影……随时都有各种数据,和任何地方。

  3. I can recall all the knowledge I’ve captured and organized, to use it daily, to base my actions into that knowledge.


I know I am asking for a lot, but that’s what life is all about: asking for a lot and see what you get.


Going back to the beginning of this article, when I investigated last week about Roam Research, another name started appearing very frequently: Notion.

回到本文开头,当我上周对Roam Research进行调查时,另一个名字经常出现: Notion

I heard about Notion a long time ago, 3 or 4 years ago. At that moment, I fitted that app into the note-taking area, and, as I was completely satisfied using Evernote, I ignored it until this week.

我很早就在3或4年前听说过Notion。 那时,我将该应用程序安装到笔记记录区域,并且由于我对Evernote感到完全满意,所以直到本周我才将其忽略。

I found two people that I can classify as Notion’s gurus: Marie Poulin and August Bradley.

我找到了两个我可以归类为Notion专家的人:Marie Poulin和August August Bradley。

Both of them have created remarkable developments in Notion.


I visited Marie Poulin’s site and saw she based her system on PARA methodology. I will write an article about this PARA methodology, a system created by the productivity guru Tiago Forte, a guy I admire and follow, because I think it’s a fascinating topic.

我访问了玛丽·普林(Marie Poulin)的站点,发现她的系统基于PARA方法论。 我将撰写一篇有关PARA方法的文章,该系统由生产力专家Tiago Forte创建,他是我敬佩并追随的人,因为我认为这是一个有趣的话题。

Marie has a paid course to implement the PARA method into Notion. It seems incredible, but…

玛丽有付费课程,可以将PARA方法实现为概念。 似乎不可思议,但是…

… when I visited August’s YouTube channel and watched his first video, I was shocked!


I always say we have to pay for good content so that content generators can live (survive in many cases) and improve their content.


In fact, I spend a lot of money on courses, newsletters, and paid content throughout the whole year.


But, at this initial point, deciding between a paid course ($600) and that shocked August’s free video, I bet on the latter (I’m so sorry, Marie, because your content and work are amazing!).


I started watching August’s Notion video series on Tuesday, and, last night, on Thursday, I finished all of them.


I’m talking about 38 videos of between 15'-30’ duration each. I won’t tell you what I slept this week… But this guy’s fantastic!

我说的是38个视频,每个视频的时长在15'-30'之间。 我不会告诉你我这周睡过什么...但是这个家伙太棒了!

I got engaged as a Netflix series. I was just being unable to stop watching one video after another.

我订了Netflix系列电影。 我只是无法停止观看一个接一个的视频。

Soon August will launch a course based on this video series, and I, honestly, don’t know what this man’s going to show in it. I wrote him an e-mail, but he still hasn’t replied to it.

很快,八月将根据该视频系列推出一门课程,老实说,我不知道这个人将在其中展示什么。 我给他写了一封电子邮件,但他仍然没有回复。

In these videos, this genius has given me the solution to my 3 previous points. Awesome!

在这些视频中,这位天才为我提供了我之前的3点解决方案。 太棒了!

Now I know what Notion is all about, much far away from just being a note-taking player in the topic. This goes much further!

现在,我知道概念的含义了,与仅仅成为该主题的笔记参与者相距甚远。 这更进一步!

Notion has made it possible to create your own systems without a piece of code.


It reminds me (be careful, it’s just a simple comparison) of the 80s and 90s when I was using Dbase software to create mini ERPs.


Notion is base in 2 “stupid” words:


  1. Page: a place to show information.


  2. Block: each part of a page.


As simple as that.


The point is, a block can be anything: from a simple text box with a letter on it to a huge relational database.


I was stunned about this, dear friends. It’s been a discovery to me, and I don’t know how the hell I ignored this company before. Things that happen in life…

亲爱的朋友,我为此感到震惊。 这对我来说是一个发现,而且我不知道我以前怎么会忽略这家公司。 生活中发生的事情……

Now, following August’s wise advice, that is based on an unbelievable (and very solid for me) methodology called PPV (Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults), which I’ll write an article on that whenever I get more used to it, I can move all my systems to Notion, centralizing all my knowledge, and being able to manage all my life just with one system.


Scary moment: giving my life to just one software?


I gave my life to the great players (Amazon, Google, and Apple), but… Notion?


I respect and admire Notion project, but it’s a company founded in 2016. Anyway, last April 1st, it raised $50 million from Index Ventures and others investors. The last raise of $10M valued them at $800 million.

我尊重并欣赏Notion项目,但这是一家成立于2016年的公司。无论如何,去年4月1日,它从Index Ventures和其他投资者那里筹集了5000万美元上一次筹集的1000万美元对他们的价值为8亿美元

Life is risky many times.


As an entrepreneur since 2002, I learned life isn’t always black or white. It’s full of little tiny thin grey lines, and sometimes you have to trust them. There’s no other way to move forward.

自2002年成为企业家以来,我了解到生活并不总是黑与白。 它到处都是细小的灰色细线,有时您必须信任它们。 没有其他前进的方法。

I think Notion is a fantastic platform that allows users to create their software without coding, using lots of templates, and having the possibility of not adapting your process to what a fixed software tells you.


After having tested so many systems, I do believe this is my way, and I’m going for it.


If Notion disappears, I hope to be able to export my databases to a CSV file and import them to any other system I may find.


生命是危险! 生活是一场冒险! 生活很有趣! (Life is a risk! Life is an adventure! Life is fun!)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/why-i-do-think-notion-software-can-change-your-life-3f09f22af91b


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