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翻译 自定义exoplayer叠加层,就像youtube播放器一样

Creating custom UI elements for ExoPlayer为ExoPlayer创建自定义UI元素If you haven’t checked out my first part on ExoPlayer like What is ExoPlayer, Why do we need it and ExoPlayer basic integration please chec...

2020-10-14 11:28:40 1393

翻译 带有androids springanimation x和y的弹性动画

SpringAnimation is “physics-based motion driven by force”. An important part of this animation is a SpringForce that guides the interactivity and motion. It has two properties:SpringAnimation是“受力驱动的基于...

2020-10-14 11:18:18 438

翻译 gradle github_我如何为我的gradle或android项目设置github动作

gradle githubHello Human!您好人类!This tutorial is for you if 本教程适合您✅ you have an Android or Kotlin or Java project built with Gradle✅您有使用Gradle构建的Android或Kotlin或Java项目✅ you write unit tests✅您编写单元测试❌ yo...

2020-10-14 11:08:32 558

翻译 android中的热量

Android Q introduced new thermal APIs to allow better handling of thermal issues. This article goes over why these APIs were needed, the information and controls they provide, and how you can test you...

2020-10-14 10:59:16 505

翻译 如何在recyclerview适配器中使用视图绑定

View binding is a feature that allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views. Once view binding is enabled in a module, it generates a binding class for each XML layout file present i...

2020-10-14 10:49:16 580

翻译 侧扫声呐的应用_适用于多模块android应用的声纳

侧扫声呐的应用Writing test cases is an essential part of the development cycle. It helps to detect potential bugs early in the lifecycle. Critical code reviews are necessary to ensure proper code practices a...

2020-10-14 10:38:28 406

翻译 android开发工具_android开发的三个方便工具

android开发工具I kicked off my journey as an Android developer about a year ago, and I have been introduced to several programs that has helped me along the way. These are three of my favourites!大约一年前,我开始...

2020-10-14 10:29:16 308

翻译 锈湖根源成就_锈的策略设计模式

锈湖根源成就One of the means to achieve decoupling software modules is following Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). In this post I want to show how to implement the Strategy Design Pattern in order to ac...

2020-10-11 16:51:23 656

翻译 devops 项目经理_devops项目

devops 项目经理问题陈述:(Problem Statement:)Deploy Webserver using the best Principles, Tools, Techniques of DevOps Culture. 使用DevOps Culture的最佳原则,工具和技术部署Web服务器。 解决方案的简要说明:(Brief Explanation of Solution:)...

2020-10-11 16:40:58 388

翻译 指针算法_使用两个指针技术优化算法解决方案

指针算法When dealing with strings and arrays in the context of algorithm challenges, our first instinct usually revolves around built-in methods.当在算法挑战的背景下处理字符串和数组时,我们的第一个本能通常是围绕内置方法。Let’s take a look at...

2020-10-11 16:30:08 226

翻译 医学生转行_值得学习编码为医学生的4个理由

医学生转行内容(Content)Boost your research促进您的研究Become ‘computer literate’成为“计算机素养”Understand trends and developments 了解趋势和发展Expand your options扩展您的选择Whether you‘re a doctor, a medical student or just thin...

2020-10-11 16:20:37 330

翻译 tds测量电路图_用于tds咖啡测量的过滤注射器似乎是不必要的

tds测量电路图As I poked around the World Wide Web, I came across a small study looking at filtering an espresso sample before taking a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) measurement. TDS is widely used to measur...

2020-10-11 16:10:18 889

翻译 python测试grpc_如何在python中用蝗虫io负载测试grpc应用程序

python测试grpcThis article gives a brief introduction to how you can load test gRPC based applications written in any programming languages like Java or Python using an open-source tool called Locust.io...

2020-10-11 15:59:23 220

翻译 aws预留实例_aws没有告诉您有关储蓄计划和预留实例的信息

aws预留实例AWS has a new Savings Plan that is pitched for Savings Costs for folks who don’t want to make an upfront cost commitment on their infrastructure. Here is our suggestion on what approach you sho...

2020-10-11 15:49:57 1426

翻译 python scikit_使用scikit学习识别python中的手写数字

python scikitIn this article, I will let you know about how can we use scikit-learn to do machine learning classification on Digits dataset of handwritten digits. You can use any of the dataset for ha...

2020-10-11 15:40:43 342

翻译 引入equa11y一个用于Web可访问性的命令行测试工具

You just pulled up to your favorite coffee shop. There’s just a small flight of about six or seven steps between you and a savory breakfast sandwich and a cup of your favorite drink. For most people, ...

2020-10-11 15:30:52 143

翻译 设计第1天的hashmap python

This is my first day at 365 days of coding challenge. I will try solving the most frequently asked questions in interviews from leetcode. The motive behind writing medium post is two-fold,这是我参加365天编码挑...

2020-10-11 15:21:11 116

翻译 编码 面试_编码挑战面试

编码 面试The coding challenge is a very common step in developer interviews. This step usually comes before or after the technical interview and can be done in two forms.编码挑战是开发人员访谈中非常常见的步骤。 此步骤通常在技术面试之前或...

2020-10-11 15:11:49 229

翻译 php异步mysql_用php和mysql在角度逐步指南中进行异步验证

php异步mysqlValidation performs a very important role in application development. Validation helps the user to access/use the application in a better way. Most of the UI frameworks offer built-in valida...

2020-10-11 15:02:27 160

翻译 利用麋鹿堆栈zartis来利用微服务的功能

In this article, we will explore the capacity of the ELK stack to get the most from a microservices approach to software development. Microservices bring plenty of opportunity for a more efficient app...

2020-10-11 14:51:32 135

翻译 单片机编程技巧_编程技巧

单片机编程技巧From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1:从辉煌的怪胎#1的桌子上:Thank you for taking the time to check out this article. It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from (Codegiant, Hacker News, Reddit, or some...

2020-10-11 14:41:45 2819

翻译 通道结构体_超账结构中系统通道和应用程序通道上的配置更新

通道结构体介绍(Introduction)Early this July my article System Channel and Application Channel was about a tutorial “Adding an Org to a Channel” (link), driven by a question from my readers. I received anoth...

2020-10-11 14:32:17 254

翻译 mongodb 元数据_mongodb领域jwt元数据和自定义用户数据

mongodb 元数据In June 2020, MongoDB finally released their first beta version of MongoDB Realm — a real time database technology that combined the backend of MongoDB with the front-end mobile technology ...

2020-10-11 14:22:14 626

翻译 如何掌握在CSS中使用flexbox

You are sitting at your job and you need to deliver a feature where all elements must be distributed evenly. So you know the easiest way to go about is to set your container’s display property to flex...

2020-10-11 14:12:42 161

翻译 利用github部署应用_从github将有角度的应用程序部署到Firebase

利用github部署应用Continuous integration, continuous delivery, or CI/CD. It’s one of those developer buzzwords, and with good reason. The CI/CD pipeline allows us to automate much of the code deployment pro...

2020-10-11 14:03:11 313

翻译 我如何自定义Jupyter Notebook进入黑暗模式

数据科学非常简单(DATA SCIENCE MADE SIMPLE)Jupyter Notebook is an interactive compiler that allows users to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It...

2020-10-11 13:52:23 3712

翻译 macos终端美化_关于macOS终端美化的最轻松的指南Z Shell中的速成课程

macos终端美化Speeding it up more than the standard bash terminal that comes with your MacOS by using iTerm2, Z shell, Oh My Zsh along with the Powerlevel10k theme and Neofetch to make your terminal look l...

2020-10-11 13:42:48 1018

翻译 heroku_在heroku上的reactjs python flask

herokuI really enjoy making stuff, but I really hate deployment. I have a bunch of ideas that sit on my local machine and just gather dust since I cannot be bothered to deploy them for the world to se...

2020-10-11 13:32:54 248

翻译 rasa 实体,意图_使用rasa在实体数据中定义概念

rasa 实体,意图介绍(Introduction)Looking at the chatbot development tools and environments currently available, there are three ailments which require remedy:查看当前可用的聊天机器人开发工具和环境,有三种需要补救的疾病:Compound Context...

2020-10-11 13:23:46 1001

翻译 为什么你应该建立在波尔卡多

With each new technology coming out claiming to be “the next generation of XYZ”, it can be hard to keep track of what actually is the next generation of XYZ. In this case, that XYZ is blockchain, and ...

2020-10-11 13:14:15 257

翻译 驱动软件是什么概念_为什么我确实认为概念软件可以改变您的生活

驱动软件是什么概念IMPORTANT ADVICE: there aren’t any affiliate marketing links, and I don’t receive anything at all from companies or people I mention in this article.重要建议:没有任何会员营销链接,我从本文中提到的公司或人员那里都收不到任何东西。 这...

2020-10-11 13:04:48 444

翻译 python中范围函数_探索python范围函数

python中范围函数介绍(Introduction)The range() is an in-built function in Python. It returns a sequence of numbers starting from zero and increment by 1 by default and stops before the given number.range()是P...

2020-10-11 12:54:45 3054

翻译 猕猴桃提取密码_我在猕猴桃中的第一个应用

猕猴桃提取密码A simple calculator一个简单的计算器为什么要使用计算器?(Why calculator?)If you have started learning kivy and your all basic concepts related to kivy are cleared, then you will be excited to build your very fi...

2020-10-11 12:45:12 786

翻译 定制广告b覆盆子pi喂养

As someone who is an Amateur Radio Operator, Student Pilot, and tech addict during the Pandemic SIP I decided to build a performant ADS-B feeder.作为在大流行SIP期间是业余无线电操作员,学生飞行员和技术爱好者的人,我决定建造一款性能卓越的ADS-B馈线。...

2020-10-11 12:34:59 245

翻译 谷歌开源api迁移学习_迁移到graphql API

谷歌开源api迁移学习Build GraphQL APIs faster from an existing relational database从现有的关系数据库更快地构建GraphQL API(If you are new to GraphQL, you are at the right place — this is exactly what you need!) (如果您不熟悉Graph...

2020-10-11 12:24:35 124

翻译 什么时候不使用Java中的optionals

什么是可选的?(What are Optionals?)Optionals have been introduced in Java 8. This concept is borrowed from other languages. Primarily from languages of functional nature like Haskell, F# etc. Optional is a ...

2020-10-11 12:13:57 77

翻译 numpy线性代数_xtensor在c中的线性代数就像numpy

numpy线性代数介绍(Introduction)Notebook笔记本A concept that is very important to scientific computing and Data Science is the ability to manipulate, create, and utilize matrices as types within a given progra...

2020-10-11 12:03:41 1428

翻译 事物序列化_大规模测量每件事物m3时间序列简介

事物序列化Today, it’s easy to say that almost everything we do, everything we use, and even everything around us is capable of producing data. But what is even more true, is that this data is produced in r...

2020-10-11 11:54:30 689

翻译 julia编译器_加快Julia的预编译

julia编译器So perhaps you decided to try Julia, and you are finding it quite amazing. You like how easy it is to do linear algebra, to vectorize functions, to do meta-programming… But there is one thing ...

2020-10-11 11:44:18 1277

翻译 在python中使用fastapi入门

The most commonly used web frameworks for building REST APIs with python is Flask and Django. Though we could build APIs with django, the real purpose of Django is building an end to end web applicati...

2020-10-11 11:34:54 2561



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