

For most of us, the most dreaded part of Data Science and Machine learning is the math and statistics involved in it.


If you’re a scientist, and you have to have an answer, even in the absence of data, you’re not going to be a good scientist.


- Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone has there own way of developing their love for data and data science. For me, understanding the basics worked like magic. Once, I mastered the basic concepts like types of data, distribution, and shape of distributions, etc., it was reasonably easy to take a deeper dive into advanced concepts.

每个人都有自己的方式发展对数据和数据科学的热爱。 对我来说,理解基础就像魔术一样。 一次,我掌握了诸如数据类型,分布和分布形状等基本概念,因此很容易深入研究高级概念。

Let’s break it down.


The main input in a data science project is observations: in other words “Feature Values”. These feature values (also called variables) can be Quantitative or Qualitative.

数据科学项目中的主要投入是观察:换句话说就是“特征值”。 这些特征值(也称为变量)可以是定量的或定性的。

In case your anxiety level increased just by reading these two terms and you won’t move forward until you have a look at all the tentacles of Quantitative and Qualitative data, look at the below figure.


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Don’t be too hard on yourself. Let’s understand these two types.

不要对自己太苛刻。 让我们了解这两种类型。

1.定量/数值数据 (1. Quantitative/Numerical Data)

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亚历山大·米尔斯( Alexander Mils)Unsplash拍摄的照片

If you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide the data, it is quantitative. Numerical data is further detailed into

如果您可以对数据进行加,减,乘和除,则它是定量的。 数值数据将进一步详细介绍

  • Continuous Data: Measurable data. Can take any value. Ex: Time in a race, Income of a person, Age of a person, etc. Time in a race can be any value, it can be hours, minutes, days etc.. There is no constraint on the value.

    连续数据:可测量的数据。 可以取任何值。 例如:比赛时间,一个人的收入,一个人的年龄等。比赛时间可以是任何值,可以是小时,分钟,天等。该值没有限制。
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  • Discrete Data: Finite and countable data. Can take only certain integer values. Ex. result of rolling a dice, number of students in a class, petals of a flower. If you roll a dice you can either get 1, 2, 3 .. maximum 6. There are finite possibilities.

    离散数据:有限且可数的数据。 只能接受某些整数值。 例如掷骰子的结果,班上的学生人数,花的花瓣。 如果掷骰子,则最多可以获得1、2、3 ..6。存在有限的可能性。
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1.1连续数据(1.1 Continuous Data)

If you are going to work for enterprises like Financial Institutions, Retail industries, chances are that you will spend most of your data science life with continuous data. As the name suggests it is like water. As water can flow anywhere, continuous data can take any value.

如果您要为金融机构,零售业等企业工作,那么您很可能会将大部分数据科学生涯用在连续数据上。 顾名思义,它就像水。 由于水可以流到任何地方,因此连续数据可以具有任何价值。

To understand continuous data, you will have to find answers to the below questions.


  • What is the mean of data?

  • How scattered the data values are? i.e. Variance.

    数据值有多分散? 即方差。
  • What is the overall data distributions with respect to mean value?

  • Are there any outliers? i.e. Standard Deviation.

    有离群值吗? 即标准偏差。

Although I don’t want to scare you with formulas, it doesn’t harm just to scratch the surface.


How is the Mean of Continuous Data Distribution Calculated?


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How is the Variance of Continuous Data Distribution Calculated?


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Variance is calculated as a total of the square of the difference between mean and individual values.


How is the Standard Deviation of Continuous Data Distribution calculated?


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The standard deviation is the square root of variance.


Continuous Data Distribution:


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艾萨克·史密斯( Isaac Smith)Unsplash拍摄的照片

Now that you understand how to measure specific details like Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of continuous data, let’s understand the nature of its distribution.


Continuous data follow one of the below distributions.


  • Normal Distribution

  • t-Distribution


1.1.1正态分布(1.1.1 Normal Distribution)

Most of the things around us follow Normal Distribution.




How about this, if you take heights of people in your country, create a table of range of heights and count of persons of that height and plot, it will be normal distribution and plot will look similar to the below figure.


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Normal Distribution: Image by Author

You might be thinking, this is not possible.


It looks strange but true. A lot of other things in nature ex. Blood Pressure, IQ, Shoe Size, Birth weight, and to an extent Technical Stock market, follow this bell curve shape where data centers around the mean and show kind of symmetric spread on either side of the mean.

看起来很奇怪但是真实。 自然界还有很多其他事情。 血压,智商,鞋号,出生体重以及一定程度上是技术股票市场,遵循这种钟形曲线形状,其中数据围绕均值居中,并在均值的两侧显示出某种对称分布。

While we are talking about symmetric spread you should also remember the below formula to calculate the Skewness of data distribution.


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Normally distributed data will have 0 skewness.


You will probably never need it, but in case you do, below is the equation for plotting this graph


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The following are key characteristics of normal distribution.


  • Data population mean mode and median values are the same.

  • Most of the data points are centered around the mean.

  • Data points are scattered around the mean in a symmetrical manner.

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埃文·丹尼斯( Evan Dennis)Unsplash上的 照片

If you are still reading this article (I hope you do!!), by now you must be thinking but why do you need to understand the Data Distribution?


The answer is one-word Generalization.


As data scientists, you can expect a lot of junk data, outliers, etc. coming to you and you will be pressed hard to make meaning of this data and predict the next course of action based on this data.


If you understand the overall nature of data distribution you could get rid of outliers and unwanted data and make sense of information.


Remember this “There is no chaos in Universe!”.


Data distribution follows a pattern. Barring Decision Tree, most of the machine learning models expect features with continuous data follow a Normal Distribution. You might come across situations, where feature values, by itself, do not follow a Normal Distribution, but if you apply a function like log to the values, it will follow a Normal Distribution.

数据分发遵循一种模式。 除决策树外,大多数机器学习模型都希望具有连续数据的特征服从正态分布。 您可能会遇到特征值本身不遵循正态分布的情况,但是如果将诸如log的函数应用于值,则特征值将遵循正态分布。

Statisticians are fond of normal distribution. Some statisticians will try to fit every observation values with continuous numbers in a normal distribution. Some believe if a data population doesn’t follow normal distribution it means we don’t have enough observations.

统计人员喜欢正态分布。 一些统计学家会尝试将每个观察值与正态分布中的连续数字拟合。 有些人认为,如果数据填充不遵循正态分布,则意味着我们没有足够的观测值。

Any discussion on normal distribution is not complete without mention of z score. z score indicates how far, from the mean value of data population, a specific data value is. Below is the formula for the z score.

关于z正态分布的任何讨论都是不完整的。 z得分指示特定数据值与数据总体平均值之间的距离。 以下是z得分的公式。

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If you calculate z-score of each data point in data population and plot them against standard deviation it will look like below


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https://www.intmath.com/counting-probability/14-normal-probability-distribution.php https://www.intmath.com/counting-probability/14-normal-probability-distribution.php

This is called Standard Normal Distribution. Key characteristics of Standard Normal Distributions are

这称为标准正态分布。 标准正态分布的主要特征是

  • It follows a Normal distribution.

  • Mean, median, and mode values are 0.

  • 68.27% of data resides within 1 standard deviation. 95.45% data resides within 2 Standard Deviations and 99.73% data resided in 3 Standard Deviations.

    68.27%的数据位于1个标准差内。 95.45%的数据位于2个标准偏差内,而99.73%的数据位于3个标准偏差内。

z score will help you finding Outliers and verifying the null hypothesis (p value) and backward elimination during feature engineering.


Example: If z score of a feature value is less than 1.96 and greater than 1.96 then reject the null hypothesis.


Before I conclude my favorite topic, Normal Distribution, let me tell you about Central Limit Theorem (CLT).


As per the central limit theorem, if you take several samples of a data population, calculate the mean and plot the frequency of the mean it will look like a normal distribution. The more the number of samples, the better it will align with a normal distribution. This holds true even if the overall data population from which the samples are drawn does not follow a normal distribution.

根据中心极限定理,如果您抽取一个数据总体的多个样本,请计算平均值并绘制平均值的频率,使其看起来像是正态分布。 样本数量越多,与正态分布的对齐越好。 即使从中抽取样本的总体数据总体不服从正态分布,也是如此。

Isn’t this Strange!!!


This article is becoming too big. Let’s conclude Normal Distribution and move on to t-distribution.

这篇文章变得太大了。 让我们总结正态分布并继续进行t分布。

1.1.2 t-distribution

1.1.2 t分布

Now that you understand Normal Distribution and CLT, it’s time to go over t-distribution.


As per CLT, the mean of the sample follows a normal distribution as long as the sample size is sufficiently large (at least 30 observations). So, if you know the standard deviation of the data population, you can compute a z score, and using normal distribution you can evaluate probabilities with the sample mean.

根据CLT,只要样本大小足够大(至少30次观察),样本的平均值就会遵循正态分布。 因此,如果您知道数据总体的标准偏差,则可以计算z得分,并使用正态分布可以用样本均值评估概率。

What if sample sizes are small and you do not know the Standard Deviation of the population? When data scientists encounter such constraints, they rely on the t-distribution. It’s calculated as below.

如果样本量很小并且您不知道总体的标准偏差怎么办? 当数据科学家遇到此类约束时,他们将依赖于t分布。 计算方法如下。

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Data scientists use t-distribution to analyze data sets where they cannot use the normal distribution. The data population should be approximately normal.

数据科学家使用t分布来分析无法使用正态分布的数据集。 数据填充应大致正常。

As a data scientist, you will use t-distribution in one of the following situations.


  • If you have a data size of more than 10 but less than 30. If data population size if less than 30, it is too less to show normal distribution.

  • Quite often you will come across situations where you have multi-millions of data to work on and you do not know the spread (standard deviation) of data. In such a case you will have to first get few samples of the data (with the same sample size) and then calculate it’s mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation. Based on these values on sample size you will have to derive these values for the complete population.

    通常,您会遇到以下情况:您需要处理数百万个数据,却不知道数据的传播范围(标准差)。 在这种情况下,您将必须首先获取少量数据样本(具有相同的样本大小),然后计算其平均值,中位数,众数,方差,标准差。 根据样本量上的这些值,您将必须得出完整总体的这些值。

By the way, t-distribution is also called Student distribution. However, it has nothing to do with the use of these statistics by students. Read the history behind this at the below link.

顺便说一句,t分布也称为学生分布。 但是,这与学生使用这些统计信息无关。 在下面的链接中阅读其背后的历史。

If you want to play around with some of these distributions in Excel, the following link contains interactive excel templates you can use.


2.定性/分类 (2. Qualitative/Categorical)

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Categorical data doesn’t hold mathematical significance as mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, the division cannot be performed on such data. Example, the provinces of Canada is a categorical variable. You cannot compare these provinces like mathematical numbers. Categorical data can be further segregated into.

分类数据不具有数学意义,因为不能对此类数据执行诸如加,减,乘,除的数学运算。 例如,加拿大的省是一个分类变量。 您无法像数学数字那样比较这些省。 分类数据可以进一步分离。

  • Binomial Data

  • Nominal Data

  • Ordinal Data


Unfortunately, I need to conclude this article now. I am in love with understanding data and, I can go on and on with it. But too big an article means rejection by publishers :(

不幸的是,我现在需要结束本文。 我爱上了理解数据的能力,因此我可以继续下去。 但是一篇文章太大,则意味着被发布者拒绝:(

If you are an aspiring data scientist, make sure you develop your love for data. And, love blooms by understanding, so spend the required time to understand the data and it’s nature.

如果您是一位有抱负的数据科学家,请确保您发展出对数据的热爱。 而且,爱情是通过理解而绽放的,因此请花费所需的时间来理解数据及其本质。



翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/welcome-to-the-world-of-data-416d03175df0






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