

Node.js如何处理子线程? (How does Node.js handle child threads?)

Node.js, in its essence, is a single thread process. It does not expose child threads and thread management methods to the developer. Technically, Node.js does spawn child threads for certain tasks such as asynchronous I/O, but these run behind the scenes and do not execute any application JavaScript code, nor block the main event loop.

本质上,Node.js是一个单线程进程。 它不会向开发人员公开子线程和线程管理方法。 从技术上讲,Node.js确实为某些任务(例如异步I / O)生成子线程,但是它们在后台运行,并且不执行任何应用程序JavaScript代码,也不会阻塞主事件循环。

If threading support is desired in a Node.js application, there are tools available to enable it, such as the ChildProcess module.


如何使用Node侦听端口80? (How can you listen on port 80 with Node?)

The simplest solution: safely configure your node app to run on port 80.


  1. sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin.

    sudo apt-get安装libcap2-bin。
  2. sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /path/to/node.

    sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service = + ep / path / to / node

  3. Ta da! You’re done.

    da! 你完成了。

可以使用哪些工具来确保样式一致? (What tools can be used to assure consistent style?)

Enter JSLint. According to its website, JSLint is a “JavaScript Code Quality Tool.” Its author, Douglas Crockford, is well known for his work on the development of JavaScript (also known as ECMAScript) and JSON. JSLint helps JavaScript programmers by making sure certain coding conventions are followed. JSLint is based on the premise of strict mode, which is available in the fifth edition of the ECMAScript standard. With strict mode, you are making your code run with a set of more restrictive rules than normal.

输入JSLint 。 根据其网站,JSLint是“ JavaScript代码质量工具”。 它的作者Douglas Crockford因其在JavaScript(也称为ECMAScript)和JSON开发方面的工作而闻名。 JSLint通过确保遵循某些编码约定来帮助JavaScript程序员。 JSLint基于严格模式的前提,该模式在ECMAScript标准的第五版中可用。 使用严格模式,您将使代码以一组比正常情况更严格的规则运行。

列出AngularJS和NodeJS之间的区别。 (List out the differences between AngularJS and NodeJS.)


  • Node.js is a cross-platform run-time environment for applications written in JavaScript language, whereas AnglarJS is an open-source web application development framework.

  • Node needs to be installed on the computer system whereas AnglarJS needs only AngularJS file just like any other JavaScript file to use it in applications.

  • Node.JS is a useful tool to build fast and scalable server-side networking applications while AngularJS is best suited for building single-page client-side web applications.

  • Node.JS is an ideal language for developing small size projects, and AngularJS is an ideal language for creating highly interactive web apps.

  • Node.JS is written in C, C++, and JavaScript languages whereas AngularJS is written entirely in JavaScript.

    Node.JS用C,C ++和JavaScript语言编写,而AngularJS则完全用JavaScript编写。
  • Important Node.js frameworks like Sails.js, Partial.js, and Express.js while AngularJS is itself web application framework.


NodeJS的优点是什么? (What are the advantages of NodeJS?)

Node JS allows developers to execute their code on the server-side. It provides a faster way to write scripts that are scalable and light. Developers can write real-time applications, and at the same time, it provides scope for mobile application development.

Node JS允许开发人员在服务器端执行其代码。 它提供了一种更快的方式来编写可伸缩且轻量级的脚本。 开发人员可以编写实时应用程序,同时,它为移动应用程序开发提供了范围。

One can easily utilize Node JS for the front end as well as for back-end development as it allows the use of the same JavaScript. Server-side capabilities are provided extensively in Node JS, a developer can listen to and reply to HTTP requests on the computer, listen to traffic network and at the same time can access the database from a computer directly. Node JS uses an event-based model to address scalability, and allow rich JavaScript libraries for JavaScript modules which helps in simplify the coding.

可以轻松地将Node JS用于前端和后端开发,因为它允许使用相同JavaScript。 Node JS中广泛提供了服务器端功能,开发人员可以在计算机上侦听和回复HTTP请求 ,侦听流量网络,同时可以直接从计算机访问数据库。 Node JS使用基于事件的模型来解决可伸缩性,并为JavaScript模块提供了丰富JavaScript库,这有助于简化编码。

JSON是什么意思? (What is meant by JSON?)

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. It is commonly used for transmitting data in web applications (e.g., sending some data from the server to the client, so it can be displayed on a web page, or vice versa).

JavaScript Object Notation( JSON )是一种基于文本的标准格式,用于表示基于JavaScript对象语法的结构化数据。 它通常用于在Web应用程序中传输数据(例如,从服务器向客户端发送一些数据,因此可以将其显示在Web页面上,反之亦然)。

讨论到目前为止您对敏捷的理解。 (Discuss your understanding of Agile so far.)

Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to their customers faster and with fewer headaches. … Requirements, plans, and results are evaluated continuously so teams have a natural mechanism for responding to change quickly.

敏捷是一种用于项目管理和软件开发的迭代方法,可帮助团队更快地为客户提供价值,并减少麻烦。 …需求,计划和结果得到持续评估,因此团队具有自然的机制来快速响应变化。

混乱与瀑布有何不同? (How is scrum different from waterfall?)

  • Waterfall works best for projects completed in a linear fashion and does not allow going back to a prior phase.

  • Agile focuses on adaptive, simultaneous workflows. Agile methods break projects into smaller, iterative periods.

    敏捷专注于自适应,同步的工作流程。 敏捷方法将项目分成更小的迭代周期。
  • Scrum is concerned with getting more work done faster.


Scrum中的三个朋友是什么? (What are the Three Amigos in Scrum?)

Three amigos refers to the primary perspectives to examine an increment of work before, during, and after development. Those perspectives are:

三个朋友指的是主要观点,以检查开发之前,期间和之后的工作量。 这些观点是:

  • Business — What problem are we trying to solve?

  • Development — How might we build a solution to solve that problem?

  • Testing — What about this, what could possibly happen?


People holding these different perspectives should collaborate to define what to do, and agree on how they know when it is done correctly. The end result of such a collaboration results in a clearer description of an increment of work often in the form of examples, leading to a shared understanding for the team.

持不同观点的人们应该合作定义应该做什么,并就如何正确完成工作达成共识。 这种合作的最终结果通常是通过示例的形式来对工作量的增加进行更清晰的描述,从而导致团队的共同理解。

It’s also good practice for to review increments of the product that have been implemented to make sure it’s correct from those different perspectives.


The concept of three amigos intends to balance between no collaboration between people with different perspectives and involving an entire team in discussing all the details of every increment of work.


Scrum流程的“时间装箱”是什么? 请描述一下。 (What is the “timeboxing” of a scrum process called? Describe, please.)

Under the Scrum framework, all activities are time boxed, also known astimeboxing” or timeboxed, is to give a “fixed length” time segment to a specific event or activity. That unit of time is called a time box. The goal of timeboxing is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to an activity.

Scrum框架下,所有活动都具有时间限制,也称为 “时间限制 ”或时间限制,即为特定事件或活动指定“固定长度”时间段。 该时间单位称为时间盒。 计时的目标是定义和限制活动的专用时间。

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Scrum管理员和产品所有者的角色是什么? (What are the roles of a scrum master and product owner?)

While the Scrum Master and Product Owner work closely together, these roles are very different. A Scrum Master leads the Agile development team and supports the Product Owner by relaying updates to relevant employees. Product Owners manage the product backlog and ensure the company gains maximum value from the product.

尽管Scrum Master和产品负责人紧密合作,但这些角色却大不相同。 Scrum Master领导敏捷开发团队,并通过将更新传递给相关员工来支持产品负责人。 产品负责人管理产品积压,并确保公司从产品中获得最大价值。

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Austin Coding Academy


翻译自: https://medium.com/@destinysetzer/scrum-ptious-programming-9563ba054c0f






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