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翻译 javascript 编码_7种javascript编码标准以提高可读性

javascript 编码 重点 (Top highlight)Coding standards can help with the below: 编码标准可以帮助以下方面: Keeps the code consistent 保持代码一致 Easier to read and understand 易于阅读和理解 Easier to maintainer 易于维护 Easier to refa...

2020-10-16 15:26:25 478

翻译 javascript 异步_javascript异步操作使您的网站充满活力

javascript 异步One of the most powerful features of javascript is its ability to execute code asynchronously. Most of the programming languages are designed in such a way that the code is executed as so...

2020-10-16 15:16:21 402

翻译 为什么用nestjs_为什么你应该开始使用nestjs

为什么用nestjsNestJS is a framework for building serverside NodeJS applications. NestJS comes with the philosophy of Angular application. When I say Angular like application that means loosely coupled, hi...

2020-10-16 15:05:34 1317

翻译 深层和浅层卷积_具有对象的深层和浅层副本分配javascript

深层和浅层卷积Working with JavaScript Object.assign Function 使用JavaScript Object.assign函数 TechnoFunnel presents another article focussed on Cloning an Object using Object.assign Function in JavaScript. Obje...

2020-10-16 14:54:52 287

翻译 angle2quat_我希望我开始使用Angle 2时要知道的3件事

angle2quatIt’s 2020, and Angular is on version 10 with over 1200 contributors and 18,500 commits. I think it’s safe to say that this project has picked up some momentum over the years. 现在是2020年,Angula...

2020-10-16 14:44:10 568

翻译 分类数据失衡_分类失衡的局部离群因素

分类数据失衡 介绍 (Introduction)The presence of imbalanced class sizes when discriminating class membership in a body of data can be a large problem if one’s results are not interpreted appropriately. Achiev...

2020-10-14 09:58:19 355

翻译 db2 数据库学习_如果我能在2年以上的时间开始学习,id如何学习数据科学

db2 数据库学习 表中的内容 (Table of Content)Preface 前言 Introduction 介绍 Mathematics and Statistics 数理统计 Programming Fundamentals 编程基础 Machine Learning Algorithms and Concepts 机器学习算法和概念 Data Science Projects 数据科...

2020-10-14 09:48:04 193

翻译 如何进行探索性数据分析_为什么进行探索性数据分析

如何进行探索性数据分析With the onset of my series on EDA, I decided to start it with a question. The answer to the above ‘Why’ lies in what exactly EDA has to give in to the world of data? 随着我关于EDA的系列文章的开始,我决定从一...

2020-10-14 09:38:29 1096

翻译 python棋子_使用Tensorflow对象检测API检测棋子

python棋子I recently subscribed to a weekly data science newsletter that sent a new dataset to work on every Monday. Working as a web developer, I get little time to practice and learn all the data rela...

2020-10-14 09:29:25 261

翻译 度量学习 流形学习_流形学习2

度量学习 流形学习 潜图深度学习 (Deep learning with latent graphs)TL;DR: Graph neural networks exploit relational inductive biases for data that come in the form of a graph. However, in many cases we do not have th...

2020-10-14 09:19:50 1315

翻译 covid 19的负担

In this work we will look at how COVID-19 deaths compare with the expected number of deaths in a country, based on historical mortality data. We define the COVID-19 burden to be the number of COVID-19...

2020-10-14 09:10:09 1430

翻译 数据仓库 python_python新手如何通过即时转换彻底改变收藏的数据仓库

数据仓库 pythonA user buying a Fave Deal or an eCard or using FavePay at Fave’s merchant partners has the option of paying using credit/debit cards or using online banking. They can get further discounts ...

2020-10-14 09:00:36 460

翻译 测度measurement_社交媒体情感测度系统

测度measurementAlong with a friend of mine, I recently completed building a website that scrapes data from social media platforms and major news websites regarding particular topics. It then uses deep l...

2020-10-14 08:51:32 305

翻译 python 验证模型_python中的模型验证

python 验证模型Scikit-learn is an open source machine learning library that provides tools for building, training and testing models. The model selection module has many functions that are useful for mode...

2020-10-14 08:40:54 1144

翻译 vscode编写react_编写您的第一个React集成测试

vscode编写reactWhen you are new to testing, it can feel daunting. Learning how to write integration tests for React applications is not easy. Most tutorials out there deal with simple “hello world” type...

2020-10-14 05:14:30 434

翻译 状态管理React上下文api与redux

Modern front-end frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular has changed the way our web looks like today. A maximum of them are using a component-based approach. But communication among the components is...

2020-10-14 05:05:04 205

翻译 laravel vue组件_laravel延迟加载Vue组件

laravel vue组件This article will outline how to lazy load (dynamically load) VueJS Single File Components本文将概述如何延迟加载(动态加载)VueJS单文件组件目的(Objective)The objective is to create components that can be loade...

2020-10-14 04:55:16 340

翻译 前端如何封装一个组件或模块_可观察的角度存储或如何通过封装在组件之间传递信息...

前端如何封装一个组件或模块*This article assumes a basic familiarity with rxjs observables.**本文假设您对rxjs observables基本熟悉。Last week I saw a post on dev.to by Nicolas Larrode titled ‘Communicate between Angular compo...

2020-10-14 04:44:23 669

翻译 javascript_javascript吊装

javascriptIn this article, we’ll go through concept of hoisting, it’s definition and implementation.在本文中,我们将介绍起重的概念,定义和实现。Hoisting represents a system or mechanism by which variables and functions ar...

2020-10-14 04:34:05 174

翻译 angular2 建立工程_在angular10中建立购物车

angular2 建立工程In this article we are going to build shopping cart frontend with Angular 10 for our application.在本文中,我们将使用Angular 10构建购物车前端。You can check our backend part built in Nodejs, which we alre...

2020-10-14 04:23:35 186

翻译 同步 异步 编程_同步与异步编程

同步 异步 编程 介绍 (Introduction)In this article, we will discuss What Synchronous Programming is? What Asynchronous Programming is? And whether JavaScript is Synchronous or Asynchronous? 在本文中,我们将讨论什么是同步编程?...

2020-10-14 04:14:26 504

翻译 webpack代码拆分_使用webpack代码拆分

webpack代码拆分Code splitting will allow you to reduce the size of your main JavaScript file by splitting it up into different files and lazy load these as and when they’re required. 通过代码拆分,您可以将主JavaScrip...

2020-10-14 04:03:54 342

翻译 Angular 10的新功能

The new version, v10, of Angular has been published only hours ago and announced by this blog post. Although it may not appear as impactful as v9 (with Ivy and all), this release displays Angular team...

2020-10-14 03:53:55 2425

翻译 数据库 一年的不同时间段_比较不同时间段的数据

数据库 一年的不同时间段Comparing a single metric over different time periods is a quite common procedure in data analytics. You can evaluate your company’s performance by comparing this year’s revenue with the p...

2020-10-14 03:42:59 1870

翻译 创建react应用程序_您应该如何构建您的React应用程序

创建react应用程序Is there a perfect method for structuring a React project? The official documentation won’t help you much. React is a library and not a framework, which is why it doesn’t have opinions on h...

2020-09-17 22:58:03 232

翻译 如何在javascript中轻松访问数据

In Javascript, it can be difficult to access specific data in HTML by traversing the Document Object Model and using that data in your Javascript functions. Introducing, datasets. 在Javascript中,通过遍历文档对...

2020-09-17 22:47:49 101

翻译 incl汇编_闪亮的incl演示应用程序中的动态ui

incl汇编 先进的R Shiny技巧系列 (The advanced R Shiny tips series) 前言 (PREAMBLE)Shiny has become an extremely popular solution to build interactive web apps straight from R. So popular that most data & an...

2020-09-13 15:25:47 516

翻译 熊猫数据集_数据科学家的熊猫

熊猫数据集 数据科学 , 程序设计 (Data Science, Programming)There are many tutorials about pandas on the internet and books. Pandas library is one of the most used libraries by data scientists and data engineers. I...

2020-09-13 15:16:23 316

翻译 学位类型 sql数据_我如何以艺术学位量身定制的方法进入数据科学领域

学位类型 sql数据Previously, I walked through the 2 pillars of data science roles: statistics and programming knowledge, as well as how to prepare to enter the field based on your expertise in those 2 pillar...

2020-09-13 15:05:27 272

翻译 树莓派上安装 docker_在树莓派上使用dht11 docker prometheus和grafana设置本地气象站...

树莓派上安装 dockerThis article will guide you through creating a simple weekend project to read data from a DHT11 sensor and broadcast it to a Grafana instance, so you can visualize it and access it throug...

2020-09-13 14:54:40 449

翻译 数据可视化 信息可视化_什么是元数据可视化器

数据可视化 信息可视化 介绍 (Introduction)An algebraic representation of systematic and compositional elements in a diagrammatic format is a metadata visualizer. 以图表格式的系统元素和组成元素的代数表示形式是元数据可视化器。 The act of visuali...

2020-09-13 14:44:04 223

翻译 excel 棒球数据游戏_使用librosa的棒球应用的音频发作检测数据准备

excel 棒球数据游戏 介绍 (Introduction)I wish to build a deep learning project for a baseball application, one of the challenges is the data collection. I need a lot of short clips of batters hitting baseball...

2020-09-13 14:34:56 595

翻译 abcd选项后的数据分析_引入新的数据abcs

abcd选项后的数据分析In 2020, it’s simply not enough to collect data about your company to be “data-driven”; to stay relevant, you must also know how to apply it. Underlying this evolution from gut-based decis...

2020-09-13 14:25:13 707

翻译 nfl定理_NFL 2020预览与python团队防御

nfl定理NFL 2020 season is coming soon. For preview this season, I’m going to visualize some quarterbacks data using 2019 dataset. NFL 2020赛季即将到来。 为了预览本季,我将使用2019年数据集可视化一些四分卫数据。 1.概述 (1. Overview)In t...

2020-09-13 14:15:51 213

翻译 不平衡分类_不平衡分类完整的路线图

不平衡分类The very interesting problem of imbalanced classification is quite famous in articles and academic papers. Most of the work focus is on one part of the big image where it addresses a specific dat...

2020-09-13 14:05:34 353

翻译 图像 识别算法 分类算法_最先进的图像分类算法fixefficientnet l2

图像 识别算法 分类算法FixEfficientNet is a technique combining two existing techniques: The FixRes from the Facebook AI Team[2] and the EfficientNet [3] first presented from the Google AI Research Team. FixRes ...

2020-09-13 13:54:36 3284

翻译 使用Google表格作为数据湖的数据小河

Most of your data will be transferred via stream or batch process into your Data Warehouse or Data Lake. You will choose stable ETL or ELT processes to bring the majority and most relevant data from y...

2020-09-13 13:43:40 190

翻译 Facebook对我的非Facebook活动了解什么

We all know that it can often seem like Facebook are listening to your private conversations and part of the puzzle is that they have a pretty good idea of what you like and what you don’t like. 我们都知道...

2020-09-13 13:33:13 956

翻译 个性篮球队名_你的篮球个性是什么

个性篮球队名The game of basketball continues to evolve as time passes. It is hard to imagine, but the game began without dribbling and the three point shot is a ‘modern’ invention many people alive today ca...

2020-09-13 13:22:22 7249

翻译 数据仓库数据清理_数据科学中的数据清理

数据仓库数据清理Removing duplicate values 删除重复值 Removing null values 删除空值 Changing column names to readable, understandable, formatted names 将列名称更改为可读,可理解的格式化名称 Removing commas from numeric values i.e. (1,...

2020-09-13 13:12:21 293



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