

Web improvement encompasses a gigantic arrangement of rules and procedures each site engineer should think about. Sometime in the past HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL were utilized to be the fundamental web improvement advances to build up a site or web application. In any case, with the rise of a few new web improvement advances, instruments, structures, and dialects over the most recent couple of years, it has now gotten very trying for one to choose what to focus on (and what to skip).

Web改进包括每个站点工程师应考虑的巨大规则和程序。 在过去的某个时候,HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript,PHP和MySQL被用作构建站点或Web应用程序的基本Web改进。 无论如何,在最近几年中,随着一些新的Web改进,工具,结构和方言的兴起,现在它已经非常努力地尝试着选择一个重点(和一个要跳过的内容)。

It isn’t generally news that organizations today need to have a solid online nearness and for that building a site is critical. The web and the computerized world are developing ceaselessly and developing at an amazing rate. Glance around, and you’ll see that nearly everybody is attempting to become one on the grounds that the interest out there is very high. In such a circumstance, you have to concoct approaches to make yourself stick out and be exceptional

通常,今天的组织需要有扎实的在线距离并不是什么新闻,因此,建立站点至关重要。 网络和计算机世界正在不断发展,并以惊人的速度发展。 环顾四周,您会发现几乎每个人都出于对这个话题的浓厚兴趣而尝试合而为一。 在这种情况下,您必须制定方法使自己脱颖而出并表现出色

In 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year. Mobile currently accounts for half of all global web pages served.

2018年,全球所有网站流量的52.2%是通过手机产生的,高于去年的50.3%。 当前,移动设备占所服务的所有全球网页的一半。

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(Image Source: (图片来源: Statistics统计 ) )

I present you with a detailed guide on the latest web development technologies of 2020 and an entire list trusting it will make things at any rate somewhat simpler for you. Let’s dive in.

我为您提供了有关2020年最新Web开发技术的详细指南,并提供了完整的列表,相信它将使您的工作变得更简单。 让我们潜入。

顶级Web应用开发技术 (Top Web App Development Technologies)

Most popular web development technologies are bringing revolution to the people around them. Some of the renowned ones are:

最流行的Web开发技术正在给周围的人们带来革命。 一些著名的是:

1. WebAssembly (1. WebAssembly)

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WebAssembly is another huge accomplishment in the web improvement world. This is viewed as the closest companion of JavaScript with some announcing the up and coming age of Javascript which is a little and quick parallel configuration that guarantees close local execution for web applications. WebAssembly can assist designers with building rapid web applications that are especially required in games, music, CAD applications, video altering, and transferring.

WebAssembly是Web改进世界中的另一个巨大成就。 它被认为是JavaScript的最紧密的同伴,并宣布了Javascript的出现和即将到来的时代,这是一个小而快速的并行配置,可确保对Web应用程序进行紧密本地执行。 WebAssembly可以帮助设计人员构建快速的Web应用程序,这在游戏,音乐,CAD应用程序,视频更改和传输中特别需要。

2.运动用户界面(UI)设计 (2. Movement User Interface (UI) Design)

Clients today request remarkable client experience, a better UI plan that is simple than use with natural safe progression of data is the mystery of drawing in target crowds. Site pages created with appealing and intuitive components and intriguing page format will have clients running to website pages and convey expanded harp time on site pages. Innovative enlivened headers and pennants, vivified outlines, foundation liveliness, and drift impacts offer life to pages and draw in clients are some of the best technology to build website.

如今的客户要求卓越的客户体验,比使用自然安全的数据进展更简单,更好的UI计划是吸引目标人群的奥秘。 用吸引人的直观组件和引人入胜的页面格式创建的网站页面将使客户端运行到网站页面,并在网站页面上传达扩展的竖琴时间。 创新的活页眉和三角旗,生动的轮廓,基础的活泼性和漂移效果为页面增添生命力,吸引客户是构建网站的最佳技术。

3.聊天机器人的利用 (3. Utilization of Chatbots)

In the event that you embrace a Chatbot, at that point, it will upgrade your online help by giving more accommodation to your clients. As per the NewVoiceMedia research report, organizations bear the loss of almost $62 million consistently in light of badly arranged client administrations in the USA. Chatbots are generally trusted to fulfill client care needs well indeed. Furthermore, you will likewise be profited by the day in and day out help. Doing as such, you can spare the compensation of a full-time online client assistance agent and spend that on something attainable.

如果您使用聊天机器人,届时它将为您的客户提供更多便利,从而升级您的在线帮助。 根据NewVoiceMedia的研究报告,鉴于美国客户管理安排不善,各组织持续承受近6,200万美元的损失。 通常,聊天机器人确实可以很好地满足客户的护理需求。 此外,每天的帮助也会使您受益。 这样做,您可以节省专职在线客户帮助代理人的报酬,并将其花费在可以实现的目标上。

4.人工智能 (4. Artificial Intelligence)

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As per Gartner, man-made brainpower (AI) is estimated to reach $3.9 trillion out of 2022. Numerous associations are fusing AI into their advanced change technique, and there’s no indication of it easing back down. As of late, Babylon by TELUS Health made a free social insurance versatile application that permits you to check manifestations, talk with specialists, and access your wellbeing records.

根据Gartner的数据,到2022年,人造智慧(AI)估计将达到3.9万亿美元。许多协会正在将AI融入其先进的变革技术中,并且没有迹象表明它会回落。 最近,TELUS Health的Babylon制作了一个免费的社会保险多功能应用程序,可让您检查表现,与专家交谈并访问您的健康记录。

Created by a gifted group of specialists and researchers, the application rises above ordinary online wellbeing counsel by consolidating man-made reasoning (AI) innovation with genuine up close and personal conferences.


According to the market research firm Tractica, the global artificial intelligence software market is forecast to experience massive growth in the coming years, with revenues increasing from around ten billion U.S. dollars in 2018 to an expected 126 billion by 2025.

根据市场研究公司Tractica的数据, 预计 全球人工智能软件市场 在未来几年将经历大规模增长,其收入将从2018年的约100亿美元增长到2025年的1260亿美元。

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(Source: (来源: StatisticaStatistica ) )

Be that as it may, we should not disregard the brands who have just been utilizing AI for quite a long while and are receiving the benefits regarding benefits, brand notoriety, and permeability, like Starbucks, for instance. Starbucks utilizes a versatile application to drive customized encounters to their clients. Presently they are utilizing that information to improve their drive-through experience as well.

即便如此,我们也不应无视那些已经使用AI已有很长时间并且正在获得好处,品牌声誉和渗透性等好处的品牌,例如星巴克。 星巴克利用多功能应用程序为客户带来量身定制的聚会。 目前,他们正在利用这些信息来改善他们的通行体验。

5.动态Web应用程序(PWA) (5. Dynamic Web Applications (PWA))

Dynamic Web Applications is the following enormous thing in the realm of versatile Apps and web development solutions. It’s an application that can be gotten to without downloading a portable application. PWA gives applications like understanding to clients directly in their programs through its advanced web capacities. This is slanting and picking up its force due to its ability to work disconnected and match up substance to different gadgets.

动态Web应用程序是通用应用程序和Web开发解决方案领域中的下列重大工作。 无需下载便携式应用程序即可获得该应用程序。 PWA通过其先进的Web功能直接在其程序中为客户提供诸如理解之类的应用程序。 由于它能够分离工作并能够将物质与不同的小工具相匹配,因此它的倾斜和吸收力量。

6.区块链 (6. Blockchain)

Blockchain has changed advancement effectiveness and changed security and information innovations. Blockchain is an appropriated record innovation and makes it conceivable to store information all around on various workers. Allowing everyone on the system see every other person’s entrances in near-continuous. Making it inconceivable for clients to change or control the system.

区块链改变了推进效率,改变了安全性和信息创新。 区块链是适当的记录创新,可以想象将信息存储在各种工人上。 允许系统中的每个人都近乎连续地看到其他人的入口。 使客户无法更改或控制系统。

Blockchain innovations have been grasped by money related, instructive, human services divisions and expected to produce an incredible $10.6 billion income by 2023.


7.蓬勃发展的消息弹出窗口 (7. Flourishing message pop-ups)

The route in mobile applications, a site having pop-up messages can take you to countless watchers. Additionally, you can likewise exploit this in the web-based advertising structure.

在移动应用程序中,拥有弹出消息的网站可以将您带到无数的观察者手中。 此外,您同样可以在基于网络的广告结构中利用它。

Pop-up messages are seen as the most powerful administrations to catch the eye of guests and clients. Therefore hire a web developer who knows how important this point is. Be that as it may, you should abstain from abusing them. They permit you to illuminate clients about enticing limits, their helpful exercises, and some more.

弹出消息被认为是吸引来宾和客户注意的最强大的管理机构。 因此,请一名知道这一点有多重要的Web开发人员。 尽管如此,您应该避免滥用它们。 它们使您可以向客户说明有关诱人的限制,他们的有益练习以及其他内容。

8,单页应用程序(SPA) (8.Single Page Applications (SPA))

A solitary page application is a web application or site that interfaces with the client by progressively changing the current page as opposed to stacking whole new pages from a worker. This methodology will abstain from intruding on client collaboration between sequential pages. SPA saves guests from the troublesome route and twirling menus and adjusts to any gadget.

单独页面应用程序是一个Web应用程序或站点,它通过逐步更改当前页面而不是堆叠工作人员的整个新页面来与客户端交互。 这种方法将避免干扰连续页面之间的客户端协作。 SPA可让客人从麻烦的路线和旋转菜单中解脱,并适应任何小工具。

9. Web服务器软件 (9. Web Server Software)

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The term web worker can allude to either the equipment (the physical PC) or the product (the PC application) that conveys your site to the end client. Since we are discussing layers of your site’s innovation cake, we are alluding to the product on the worker that makes your site work. The web worker is the layer between the Operating System and the remainder of the cake. The decision commonly relies upon what different advancements you are utilizing and where you will have your site. Two web workers that rule the scene of the Internet: Apache (Linux) and IIS (Microsoft).

Web Worker一词可以指将您的网站传达给最终客户的设备(物理PC)或产品(PC应用程序)。 由于我们正在讨论站点创新蛋糕的各个层面,因此我们在暗示使站点正常工作的工作人员的产品。 网络工作者是操作系统和蛋糕其余部分之间的层。 该决定通常取决于您正在利用哪些不同的进步以及您将在何处拥有站点。 统治Internet场景的两个网络工作者:Apache(Linux)和IIS(Microsoft)。

10.计算机化转型 (10. Computerized Transformation)

Computerized change can be overwhelming and each industry needs to stay arranged for another change. Numerous businesses that utilized conventional CMS are going towards Headless CMS. Headless is a CMS planned explicitly for static sites that can be coordinated with numerous stages through different gadgets. It very well may be utilized for a long length and is turning into a standard method to convey content. The headless CMS has more advantages for the web development company when contrasted with customary CMS.

计算机化的变革可能是压倒性的,每个行业都需要为另一种变革做好准备。 许多使用常规CMS的企业都在走向无头CMS。 无头是为静态站点明确计划的CMS,可以通过不同的小工具与多个阶段进行协调。 它可以很好地利用很长的时间,并且正在变成传送内容的标准方法。 与常规CMS相比,无头CMS对于Web开发公司具有更多优势。

11. AMP胜利 (11. AMP wins)

Since the time Google discovered versatile agreeable sites more significant, the responsive website architecture technique became mainstream.it has all the earmarks of being a promising pattern in website composition According to the report from Adobe in February 2017, Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP added to 7% of all web traffic for the best distributors of the US.

自从Google发现通用的通用网站变得更加重要以来,自适应网站架构技术已成为主流,它具有成为网站组成中一种有前途的模式的所有迹象。根据Adobe在2017年2月的报告,Accelerated Mobile Pages或AMP添加了7美国最佳发行商在所有网络流量中所占的百分比。

AMP is worked to make the entire execution of web advertisements and substance much better when chipping away at site speed and client experience. Its smooth method of working has made it individuals’ top choice. It guarantees its own unblemished spot and notoriety over the long haul.

AMP的工作是使网站广告和网站体验的整体执行效果更好,以网站速度和客户体验为出发点。 其流畅的工作方法使其成为个人的首选。 从长远来看,它保证了自己无瑕的斑点和恶名。

12. VR和AR (12. VR and AR)

Expanded reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) advancements look encouraging later on because of their capability to change the manner in which associations happen among the sites. There is different top web development company like Google, Samsung, and Microsoft are spending a ton of their income on these most recent advances.

后来,由于扩展现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)的功能可以改变站点之间关联的方式,因此它们看起来令人鼓舞。 有不同的顶级网络开发公司,例如Google,三星和微软,将大量的收入用于这些最新发展。

You can submerge your clients in the virtual world with the assistance of computer-generated reality innovation. Then again, Augmented Reality (AR) shows the vision of a virtual world in this genuine world while significantly improving the client experience.

您可以借助计算机生成的现实创新将客户淹没在虚拟世界中。 然后,增强现实(AR)展示了这个真实世界中虚拟世界的愿景,同时显着改善了客户体验。

This report includes our 2017–2021 forecast for VR and AR users in the US and an analysis of the forces shaping the growth of these technologies.


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(Image Source: (图片来源: emarketeremarketer ) )

VR and AR have surpassed the constraints of versatile applications. Their aggregate market is evaluated to add up to about US $ 215 billion constantly 2021.

VR和AR已经超越了通用应用程序的限制。 据估计,到2021年,他们的市场总额将累计达到约2,150亿美元。

顶级Web App开发框架 (Top Web App Development Frameworks)

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You should expect to create intuitive web applications with the most recent apparatuses and innovations to stay pertinent in the market and thus, hire a software developer accordingly. The following are probably the best web application advances.

您应该期望使用最新的设备和创新来创建直观的Web应用程序,以保持与市场的相关性,因此,应聘请软件开发人员。 以下可能是最佳的Web应用程序改进。

1. PHP (1. PHP)

Hypertext Pre-Processor or PHP is a worker side scripting language planned for making ground-breaking, dynamic, and intuitive sites. This language is famous to the point that in excess of 80% sites in the advanced world are controlled by this language and this uncommon accomplishment was made conceivable by its many element rich and mainstream structures, for example, Symfony, Laravel, CakePHP, and so forth. It has a short expectation to absorb information and can undoubtedly insert it into HTML code without requiring another IDE.

Hypertext Pre-Processor或PHP是一种工作者端脚本语言,旨在创建突破性,动态且直观的网站。 这种语言非常有名,以至于先进世界中超过80%的站点都受该语言控制,这种不寻常的成就是可以想象得到的,因为它具有许多元素丰富和主流的结构,例如Symfony,Laravel,CakePHP等。向前。 它期望吸收信息,并且可以毫无疑问地将其插入HTML代码,而无需其他IDE。

According to WordPress.org, ~64.0% of WordPress sites are using PHP 7.1 or lower, with 22.9%, the plurality, using PHP 5.6

根据WordPress.org的统计 ,约有64.0%的WordPress网站使用的是PHP 7.1或更低版本,其中22.9%的网站使用的是PHP 5.6

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(Image Source: (图片来源: WordPressWordPress ) )

It is likewise the center of different famous substances the board frameworks including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Magento. Another energizing element is that it is cross-stage and cross-program perfect and supports all the current internet browsers also.

它同样是包括WordPress,Drupal,Joomla和Magento在内的各种董事会框架的中心。 另一个令人振奋的因素是,它是跨阶段和跨程序的完美选择,并且还支持所有当前的Internet浏览器。

2. Symfony (2. Symfony)

Symfony is a web application that was at first evolved by a Frenchman called Fabien Potencier. His web advancement organization called Sensio Labs upheld this task. This is a web application with a lot of reusable PHP modules.

Symfony是一个网络应用程序,最初由法国人Fabien Potencier开发。 他的网络改进组织Sensio Labs坚持了这一任务。 这是一个具有许多可重复使用PHP模块的Web应用程序。

The motivation behind why you may cherish Symfony is that it has all the highlights required for a web application improvement. It offers phenomenal documentation and has many modules to accelerate your making of web applications.

为什么珍惜Symfony的动机是它具有Web应用程序改进所需的所有亮点。 它提供了惊人的文档,并具有许多模块来加快Web应用程序的制作速度。

Its open-source segments are allowed to utilize, and you will likewise get normalized apparatuses from its library. You can utilize the apparatuses in different activities and maintain a strategic distance from tedious, monotonous errands. Its Model-View-Controller design makes everybody’s work understood while filling in as a group.

它的开放源代码段被允许使用,并且您同样会从其库中获取规范化的设备。 您可以在各种活动中使用这些设备,并与乏味,单调的差事保持战略距离。 其“模型-视图-控制器”设计使每个人的工作都可以成组地进行理解。

3. Express.js (3. Express.js)

Created in Node.js, Express.js is a web application improvement and software development company that is incredible for the individuals who need to create applications and APIs as quickly as could reasonably be expected. A ton of extraordinary highlights is given the assistance of modules. This course gives a decent understanding of cutting edge use of Express.js in blend with MongoDB and Mongoose and shows various methods of conveying an Express application and running it underway.

Express.js由Node.js创建,是一家Web应用程序改进和软件开发公司,对于需要尽快创建应用程序和API的个人而言,这是不可思议的。 模块提供了大量的非凡亮点。 本课程对与MongoDB和Mongoose混合使用Express.js的最新用法有一个不错的了解,并展示了各种传达Express应用程序并使其运行的方法。

4. Python和Django (4. Python and Django)

With more than 5,000 occupation postings around the world, Python has been one of the most famous and inclining web advancement innovations in the course of the most recent couple of years. On the off chance that you haven’t added Python to your arrangement of to-learn web improvement innovations yet, it’s presently the ideal chance to begin learning this significant level programming language previously powering logical registering, AI, and information mining.

在全球范围内,Python拥有5,000多个职业职位,在最近几年中一直是最著名,最倾斜的网络改进创新之一。 在您尚未将Python添加到学习网络改进创新的安排中,这是一个绝佳的机会,现在是现在开始学习这种重要级别的编程语言(以前为逻辑注册,AI和信息挖掘提供支持)的理想机会。

According to Stack Overflow Trends that Python has been growing rapidly in the last few years

根据 Stack Overflow Trends的 说法,Python在过去几年中发展Swift

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(Image Source: (图片来源: StackOverflowStackOverflow ) )

Being a universally useful programming language, Python can be utilized in various web improvements situations, such as actualizing order line contents and making GUI and web applications. When learning Python, remember to get your hands on other Python-based web improvement advances and systems like Django or Flask for the fast turn of events

作为一种通用的编程语言,Python可用于各种Web改进场合,例如实现订单行内容以及制作GUI和Web应用程序。 学习Python时,请记住获得其他基于Python的Web改进进步以及Django或Flask之类的系统,以快速了解事件

5. Ruby on Rails (5. Ruby on Rails)

Popularly alluded to, as RoR, Ruby on Rails has risen as one of the top picks among the web engineers today. Since its dispatch in 2005, RoR is still totally allowed to utilize, is open source, and runs on Linux. It is enjoyable to work with and is amazingly snappy in getting you through the arranging stage and on to the formative stage. Probably the greatest sites that were manufactured utilizing RoR incorporate Hulu, Airbnb, Basecamp among others.

众所周知,作为RoR,Ruby on Rails已成为当今Web工程师中的首选之一。 自2005年发布以来,RoR仍被完全允许使用,它是开源的,并且可以在Linux上运行。 使用起来很有趣,而且非常敏捷,可以帮助您顺利进入编排阶段并进入形成阶段。 使用RoR制作的最棒的网站可能包括Hulu,Airbnb,Basecamp等。

6. 角度 (6. Angular)

Here is another well-known web application innovation that originates from Google and is the best fit for website development services. At first, this was propelled as a Java content open-source structure which makes it conceivable to make lightweight blazingly quick single-page web applications with a model-see regulator.

这是源自Google的另一项著名的Web应用程序创新,最适合于网站开发服务 。 最初,它是作为Java内容开放源代码结构推动的,这使得可以使用模型查看调节器来制作轻量级的快速单页Web应用程序。

Angular has eight renditions till the hour of composing this article. Precise 1 and Angular 2 depended on JavaScript and from that point, it was changed to typescript. The tremendous prominence and careful open-source web improvement have made Angular a profoundly modern web advancement system. Toward the finish of 2018, PrimeNG was propelled where they have furnished an open-source rakish library with pretty much every segment which is required to manufacture a web application.

撰写本文之前,Angular有八种演绎形式。 精确1和角度2取决于JavaScript,从那时起,它已更改为打字稿。 巨大的知名度和精心的开源Web改进使Angular成为了一个非常现代的Web推进系统。 到2018年末,PrimeNG受到了推动,他们为开源rakish库提供了一个几乎所有制造Web应用程序所需的细分市场的库。

7. Laravel (7. Laravel)

Laravel is a PHP advancement system perfect for little sites. It accompanies various valuable highlights including the MVC support, object-situated libraries, Artisan, approval strategy, database relocation, and so forth. As of now, it is one of the most network upheld and network created systems, and given that PHP has probably the biggest network out there, Laravel is an extraordinary apparatus driving both little sites and huge scope B2B web applications overseeing a huge number of exchanges day by day.

Laravel是一个PHP提升系统,非常适合小型站点。 它伴随着各种有价值的亮点,包括MVC支持,对象库,Artisan,批准策略,数据库重定位等。 到目前为止,它是最受网络支持和网络创建的系统之一,并且考虑到PHP可能是目前最大的网络,Laravel是一种非凡的设备,既可以驱动小的站点又可以监视范围广泛的B2B Web应用程序的大量交易日复一日。

结论 (Conclusion)

The web development company is working admirably concocting new structures, plan patterns, and versatile web application advancements to fulfill the ceaseless requests and desires for humankind. Also, notwithstanding a few difficulties and imperfections, it keeps on flourishing, thrive, and improve.

Web开发公司正在努力地构想新的结构,计划模式和通用的Web应用程序改进,以满足对人类不断的需求和渴望。 同样,尽管有一些困难和不完善之处,但它仍在蓬勃发展,蓬勃发展和改善。

Along these lines, regardless of what venture you’ll be dealing with in 2019, discover time to refresh your range of abilities and learn new dialects and structures to keep steady over your game. What’s more, for the individuals who are wanting to change their activity or vocation, attempt web programming — its fun, testing, and worth investigating.

遵循这些思路,无论您在2019年将要从事何种冒险活动,都应抽出时间来刷新自己的能力范围,并学习新的方言和结构以保持游戏的稳定性。 此外,对于想要更改其活动或职业的个人,请尝试进行Web编程-它的乐趣,测试和值得研究的地方。

If you have any doubts regarding the above topic then you can write your query in the comment section below.


翻译自: https://medium.com/quick-code/top-technologies-that-will-transform-the-web-development-in-2020-cccb8abe8f4e


提供典型应用案例,剖析JSP/Servret技术与Struts 2技术Web开发中的不同 提供完整的应用案例,使读者可以深入体会SSH开发模式的精髓 所有开发工具和框架均使用目前的最新版本,紧跟技术发展的趋势 提供230个实例和4个综合案例,可以作为案头必备的查询手册 一线开发人员全力打造,分享技术盛宴! 重点内容及特色 《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》介绍了Web开发中客户端技术的基础知识,包括JavaScript、CSS、AJAX等,这些技术都是Web应用中常用的客户端技术。 《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax+》讲解了JSP/S rvlet技术的基础知识,并提供了一个综合案例展示其具体应用,它们是Java Web服务端技术的基石,也是学习Java Web开发所要必须掌握的技术。 《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》重点讲解了Struts 2、Speing和HIbernate框架的基础知识和高级技术,如Sruts 2中的*、类型转换、国际化和标签等,HIbe rna{e的会话、0/R映射和事务管理等,Spring中的数据库技术与AOP等。 《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》特别介绍了Struts 2对AjAX的支持,还重点剖析了SSH框架的整合开发,并给出了两个综合案例来展示整合SSH框架开发Web应用。 和已经出版的同类图书相比,《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》讲解由浅入深,涵盖更多内容,列举了大量典型实例具有超强的实用性,另外,《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》各篇独立,适合读者全面学习或对部分内容重点学习。 读者对象 有Java基础,想进一步学习SSH框架整合开发的人员 了解SSH整合开发,想进一步提高开发技术的人员 正在使用SSH整合技术开发项目,想查阅资料的人员 大中专院校的学生和老师,以及Java培训班的学员和讲师 需要一本案头必备查询手册的程序员 光盘内容 6小时多媒体体视频讲解 《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》所涉及的源代码 布衣暖,菜根香,好书滋味长!清华大学出版社长期以来一直秉承为读者多出好书的宗旨,多来为读者奉献了大量脍炙人口的精品图书。尤其在计算机图书出版领域更是形成了鲜明特色,所出版的各类计算机图书受到了广大读者的好评。本次出版的“原创经典,程序员典藏”系列图书是清华大学出版社的重点精品计算机图书,旨在帮助读者全面学习各类程序设计语言和开发工具,提高开发水平。同时也为广大程序员提供良好的技术参考,以便作为案头必备的查询手册。 内容提要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》通过对SSH中的各种技术循序渐进地讲解,使读者尽快掌握开发基于SSH的Web程序的方法。《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》内容包括Web客户端技术、JSP/Servlet技术、Struts 2(*、类型转换、输入校验、上传和下载文件、Struts 2的各种标签、对 AJAX的支持等)、Spring(Ioc容器、装配Java Bean、Jdbc和Hibernate模板、事务管理、Spring AOP等)以及 Hibernate(会话、映射、标准查询API、HQL、事务管理、锁等)。除此之外,《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》还提供了两个完整的实例来讲解开发SSH的详细步骤和方法。通过对这两个实例的学习,读者可以对SSH开发模式有更透彻地理解和认识。SSH是目前最流行的Java Web开发技术。 《Java Web开发技术大全:JSP+Servlet+Struts+Hibernate+Spring+Ajax》适合广大从事Java Web开发工作的技术人员、对SSH开发感兴趣的人员以及大专院校学生阅读,尤其是具有一定的Web开发经验的技术人员。 目录 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第1篇 web开发基础篇 第1章 搭建开发环境 1.1 本书使用的软件和框架的版本 1.2 JDK6的下载与安装 1.3 Eclipse3.4 的下载与安装 1.4 MyEclipse6.5 的下载与安装 1.5 Eclipse:IDEforJavaEEDevelopers的下载与安装 1.6 Tomcat6的下载与安装 1.7 在MyEclipse中配置。Tomcat 1.8 在EclipseIDEforJavaEEDevelopers中配置Tomcat 1.9 小结 第2章 JavaWeb应用开发基础 2.1 Web技术的发展 2.2 JavaWeb技术 2.2.1 Java.Welb程序的基本组成 2.2.2 JavaWeb程序的目录结构 2.2.3 JavaWeb程序的配置文件 2.3 MVC模式与MvC框架 2.3.1 JSP模型1和JSP模型2 2.3.2 Web应用程序需要的基础服务 2.3.3 MVC模式概述 2.3.4 常用的MvC框架 2.4 小结 第3章 Web开发中的客户端技术 3.1 常用的JavaScriptIDE简介 3.1.1 在MyEclipse中使用JavaScript 3.1.2 在EclipseIDEforJavaEE中使用JavaScript 3.1.3 在NetBeans中使用JavaScript 3.1.4 其他的JavaScriptIDE 3.2.1 avaScdpt语法基础 3.2.1 实例:编写第一个JavaScript程序:Greet 3.2.2 变量 3.2.3 原始类型 3.2.4 类型转换 3.2.5 函数与函数调用 3.2.6 类和对象 3.3 JavaScript高级技术 3.3.1 DOM技术概述 3.3.2 获得HTML元素的3种方法 3.3.3 实例:图像自动切换 3.3.4 正则表达式 3.3.5 实例:表格排序 3.4 CSS基础 3.4.1 CSS的基本语法 3.4.2 在Style属性中定义样式 3.4.3 在HTML中定义样式 3.4.4 在外部文件中定义样式 3.4.5 样式的继承 3.5 AJAX.基础 3.5.1 AJAX概述 3.5.2 实例:使用XMLHttpRequest获得Web资源 3.5.3 实例:使用XMLHttpRequest跨域访问Web资源 3.5.4 实例:AJAX的3种交换数据方法 3.6 小结 第4章 Servlet技术 4.1 Servlet的Helloworld程序 4.1.1 实例:在My Eclipse中编写Helloworld程序 4.1.2 实例:手工编写:Helloworld程序 4.2 Servlet基础 4.2.1 配置数据库连接池 4.2.2 数据库连接池的应用 4.2 -3实例:用doGet方法处理客户端请求 4.2.4 实例:用doPost方法处理客户端请求 4.2.5 实例:用service方法处理客户端请求 4.2.6 实例:初始化(init)和销毁(destroy)Servlet 4.2.7 实例:使用PrintWriter输出响应消息 4.2.8 实例:用ServletOutputStream显示图像 4.2.9 实例:使用RequestDispatcher包含Web资源 4.2.10 实例:使用RequestDispatcher转发Web资源 4.3 HttpServletResponse类的其他功能 4.3.1 产生状态响应码 4.3.2 设置响应消息头 4.3.3 实例:验证响应头设置情况 4.4 使用:HttpServletRequest获得请求消息 4.4.1 获取请求行消息 4.4.2 获取网络连接消息 4.4.3 获取请求头消息 4.5 处理Cookie 4.5.1 什么是Cookie 4.5.2 Cookie类中的方法 4.5.3 实例:用Cookie读写客户端信息 4.5.4 实例:用Cookie读写复杂数据 4.6 处理Session 4.6.1 什么是Session 4.6.2 HttpSession接口中的方法 4.6.3 HttpServletRequest接口中的Session方法 4.6.4 实例:通过Cookie跟踪Session 4.6.5 实例:通过重写uRL跟踪Session 4.7 Web开发的中文问题 4.7.1 Java的编码原理 4.7.2 实例:解决输出中文乱码问题 4.7.3 实例:解决服务端程序读取中文请求消息的乱码问题 4.7.4 实例:用AJAX技术发送和接收中文信息 4.7.5 实例:在请求消息头和响应消息头中转输中文 4.8 小结 第5章 JSP技术 5.1 用MyEclipse编写第一个JSP程序 5.1.1 实例:编写显示服务器当前时间的JSP程序 5.1.2 调试JSP程序 5.1.3 改变JSP的访问路径和扩展名 5.1.4 手动发布JSP程序 5.2 JSP的运行原理 5.2.1 Tomcat如何处理JSP页 5.2.2 分析由JSP生成的Servlet代码 5.3 JSP基本语法 5.3.1 JSP表达式 5.3.2 在JSP中嵌入Java代码 5.3.3.JSP声明 5.3.4.JSP表达式语言(EL) 5.3.5 实例:用EL函数替换HTML中的特殊字符 5.3.6 JSP页面中的注释 5.4 JSP指令 5.4.1 JSP指令简介 5.4.2 page页面指令 5.4.3 include加入指令 5.5.JSP的9个内置对象 5.5.1 out输出对象 5.5.2 pageContext封装对象 5.5.3 其他的JSP内置对象 5.6 JSP标签 5.6.1 插入标签 5.6.2 转发标签 5.6.3 传参标签 5.6.4 创建:Bean标签 5.6.5 设置属性值标签 5.6.6 获取属性值标签 5.7 JSP的标准标签库(JSTL) 5.7.1 如何使用JSTL 5.7.2 条件标签 5.7.3 循环标签 5.8 小结 第6章 用Servlet和JSP实现注册登录系统 第2篇 Struts 2篇 第7章 编写Struts 2的第一个程序 第8章 Struts 2进阶 第9章 Struts 2的* 第10章 Struts 2的类型转换 第11章 Struts 2的输入校验 第12章 文件的上传和下载 第13章 国际化 第14章 Struts 2的标签库 第15章 Struts 2对AJAX的支持 第16章 用Struts 2实现注册登录系统 第3篇 Hibernate篇 第17章 Hibernate的Helloworld程序 第18章 配置Hibernate 第19章 Hibernate的会话与O/R映射 第20章 Hibernate的查询与更新技术 第21章 Hibernate的高级技术 第4篇 Spring篇 第22章 Spring的Helloworld程序 第23章 反向控制(Ioc)与装配JavaBean 第24章 Spring中的数据库技术 第25章 Spring的其他高级技术 第5篇 综合实例篇 第26章 Struts 2与Hibernate、Spring的整合 第27章 网络硬盘 第28章 论坛系统




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