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原创 hadoop2.6在window上搭建测试环境

解决Exception: org.apache.hadoop.io.nativeio.NativeIO$Windows.access0(Ljava/lang/String;I)Z 等一系列问题,ljavalangstring  一.简介   Windows下的 Eclipse上调试Hadoop2代码,所以我们在windows下的Eclipse配置hadoop-eclipse-pl...

2016-05-10 11:00:25 547

原创 递归归并排序

/* MergeSort.java CSC 225 - Spring 2016 Assignment 2 - Template for Merge Sort (Linked List version) This template includes some testing code to help verify the implementation. ...

2016-02-11 20:26:20 419

原创 C++小测2

 1.Today's recitation is a quick introduction to iterators, which will be used extensively in the next couple homework assignments. An iterator is used to visit the elements of ...

2016-02-01 11:27:19 481

原创 C++小测1

1.This is the first in a series of thirteen recitation activities for CMPSC 122. These activities are designed to be performed in a computer lab with some assistance from the instructor, te...

2016-02-01 11:26:23 315

原创 java冒泡排序对布尔类型进行排序

QQ 928900200  程序代写 java不能对布尔类型进行比较,如何冒泡排序?public static void sort(boolean[] values){ for(int m=0;m<values.length-1;m++){  for(int k=0;k<values.length-1;k++){   if(values[k]&&!values...

2015-12-11 23:06:31 719

原创 Assignment 1 CS 436 W15 Mail User Agent / Server

QQ:928900200  Assignment 1 CS 436 W15Mail User Agent / ServerWork on this assignment is to be completed individuallyThis assignment is divided into three parts. In the first part, you use telne...

2015-03-24 08:49:37 352

原创 Java开源问答系统

开源问答系统 OpenEphyrahttp://www.oschina.net/p/openephyraOpenEphyra 是一个使用 Java 开发的模块化、可扩展的问答系统、安装简单。 It retrieves answers to natural language questions from人机问答系统 QuestionAnsweringSyst...

2014-12-18 16:19:47 5860

原创 共有18款 开源问答系统开源软件

威客平台,可以参考 http://www.taskcn.com/ http://www.oschina.net/project/tag/299/qa开源问答系统 OSQAOSQA是一款免费且开源的问答系统,采用Python的Django开发框架,基于中国优秀的问答系统CNProg,非常类似国外著名的技术问答网站http://stackoverflow.com。 更...

2014-12-13 14:16:12 10083

原创 MATH QUIZ java

木其工作室 qq:928900200ITE3101-Introduction to Programming Assignment (14/15) Ver. 1.0 (last updated: 22-Oct-2014) ITE3103 Programming Assignment v1.0 Page 1 of 5 Last updated: 3Oct14 Deadline: 5-Dec-20...

2014-12-02 16:07:28 279

原创 java cms jsp cms 开源的几个选择

Jspxcms 只要不删除版权可以商用Lerx Apache LicenseJAVAPMS 只要不删除版权可以商用

2014-11-29 14:22:25 473

原创 判断宏是否是“安全”的

给了一系列C++的宏定义,问你一个表达式是否是“安全”的。安全的定义是,展开后的表达式中,所有的宏在计算过程中都被作为一个整体运算。如#definesumx+y后,2∗sum就会被替换乘2∗x+y,此时因为乘号优先级比加号高,导致sum宏在实际计算中被拆开了,可能产生错误。宏的个数≤100,每个表达式长度≤100.只有四则运算和括号。木其工作室 qq:928900200我们考虑一个宏...

2014-11-22 22:54:13 383

原创 C语言求平均值

木其工作室:QQ928900200Computing IProgram 3 – Treat this like a take home exam. You may not work together.Write a program to compute average grades for a course. The course records are in a single file a...

2014-11-19 19:14:15 724

原创 C语言连连看

(1)定义一个矩阵,随机产生字符布置地图,例如下面这个4x4 的地图。1 2 3 4B C H C 1C F B E 2A E D F 3C H A D 4(2)游戏者通过坐标(1,2)、(3,4)判定第一行第二列的字符与第三行第四列的字符是相同的),判定争取则相应位置的字符消失,如判断错误给出相应的错误提示,允许重新判定。(3)如果找不出配对的字符,提供restart 模式,给现存的地图重新...

2014-11-18 16:34:07 1748 1

原创 java 数据结构最短路径

木其工作室 QQ 928900200 COMP3712/8712 GE    COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 3    ASSIGNMENT 2  Assignment 2: Shortest Paths in Graphs   Write a Java program that implements  Dijkstra's  algorithm to find shortes...

2014-10-21 21:55:51 192

原创 The Monty Hall Problem

GNG1106 Lab 3The Monty Hall ProblemBackgroundThe Monty Hall Problem is a famous probability puzzle, based on an old television show, in which the host,Monty Hall, plays a game with a player. It goes l...

2014-10-19 12:58:22 209

原创 c++面向对象

 木其工作室 http://www.xmsydw.comCOMPSYS202 / MECHENG270 Semester Two, 2014 Project 2 Due: 24 October 2014 (before 6pm) Worth: 20% of Course Mark. Introduction A team of two software designers are ask...

2014-10-19 11:42:08 129

原创 c语言二叉树

木其工作室 http://www.xmsydw.com Department of Computing and Information SystemsCOMP10002 Foundations of AlgorithmsSemester 2, 2014Assignment 2Learning OutcomesIn this project you will demonstrate you...

2014-10-19 11:39:39 187

原创 java类

木其工作室 qq 928900200 You are to write a program that uses a class that you have created called Person.  Your program will demonstrate that your class is working properly by testing each and every r...

2014-10-16 08:27:31 157

原创 ECE/CPSC 3520

ECE/CPSC 3520Fall 2014Software Design Exercise #1Blackboard submission onlyAssigned 9-08-2014Due 9-24-2014 11:59PMContents1 Preface 31.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

2014-10-13 09:49:10 250

原创 sql查询语句

木其工作室 qq:928900200Students can submit the same assignment multiple times. All of them are recorded, but only the last one for one assignment is graded. The deadline and timestamp are the number of ...

2014-10-10 17:33:19 147

原创 计算机安全

CS461 MP 1: Due Wednesday 09/17 by 11:59 pm Fall 2014\Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithmthat he himself can't break."{ Bruce SchneierGuidelines Y...

2014-10-07 14:52:42 110

原创 java星球机器人建模UML

Your task is to design and implement a system for controlling a Mars rover – a wheeled robot for planetary exploration. The rover will be able to drive around on the planet’s surface, and will have a...

2014-10-06 22:29:05 185

原创 数据库sql

service QQ 928900200   Monash University,    Faculty of Information Technology FIT1004 (Data Management)   Assignment 2 2nd Semester 2014   Cities Data Model   We will  now  proceed  to  deve...

2014-10-06 22:25:26 391

原创 java循环

Computer Science, Claremont McKenna CollegeCS51.2 - Introduction to Computer Science, Fall 2014Problem Set 2 Due: 11:55 AM, Sept 18, 2014General InstructionsPlease carefully read and follow the direct...

2014-09-19 09:56:49 195

原创 C语言 cgi(3)

1cs3157 – Advanced ProgrammingSummer 2014, Project 1, 150 pointsJune 17, 2014Follow these step-by-step instructions. This homework must be submitted electronically bySunday night July 6th, 11pm. Pleas...

2014-08-04 09:17:21 191

原创 C语言 cgi(2)

1Columbia Universitycs3157 – Advanced ProgrammingSummer 2014, Lab #3, 40 pointsJune 10, 2014This lab is due June 23rd 11:59 pm.• lab in C. We will be using Makefiles.• Don’t forget to FREE up any memo...

2014-08-04 09:10:39 100

原创 C语言cgi(1)

1Columbia Universitycs3157 – Advanced ProgrammingSummer 2014, Lab #2, 60ish pointsJune 9, 2014Follow these step-by-step instructions. This lab must be submitted electronically by Monday June16th, 11:5...

2014-08-04 09:08:50 236

原创 c++ input,output

 You should be comfortable with the content in the modules up to and including the module "Input Output" for this project.You must follow the style guidefor all projects.For this project, downl...

2014-08-04 08:37:08 343

原创 Array of Objects

 You should be comfortable with the content in the modules up to and including the module "Arrays" for this project.Create a class called consultCo that holds a private class called employee that...

2014-08-04 08:30:19 154

原创 java线程学生进实训室

Instructor: Dr. Simina FlutureCSCI 34 CSCI 34 CSCI 34CSCI 34 0 Summer 201 ummer 201 ummer 201ummer 201ummer 201 4Project 1 – Due Date: Friday, Aug. 1stThrough its implementation, this project will fam...

2014-07-28 10:35:23 108

原创 java线程例子登山

Through its implementation, this project will familiarize you with the creation and execution of threads, and with the use of the Thread class methods. In order to synchronize the threads you will ha...

2014-07-28 10:32:47 453

原创 bat脚本打开网页

start iexplore "http://www.xmsydw.com" explorer open="http://www.code17.net" start "text.url"

2014-07-13 09:54:34 5171

原创 java 汉诺塔实现自动演示

1、增加计时功能,显示用户完成移动盘子所花费的时间2、用户可以设置最大和最小盘子的大小3、用户可以选择播放和暂停背景音乐4、用户可以设置盘子的数目5、用户可以设置盘子的颜色以及背景的颜色6、用户可以将自动移动盘子的文本信息保存到文件在原有代码上增加,增加的新代码要注释import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;...

2014-07-10 11:53:22 405

原创 模拟高考平行志愿投档


2014-07-02 09:50:58 720

原创 GUI & Event例子

Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________1TK2934 Object-Oriented ProgrammingProject : GUI & EventIn this lab you will be using the following Java Swing & awt...

2014-06-26 08:37:46 216

原创 JavaEEB2C网上商城前端系统


2014-06-23 08:20:38 651

原创 java试题

You should be comfortable with the content in the modules up to and including the module "Methods" for this project.A reporter needs a security application that will encrypt their phone numbers in th...

2014-06-22 20:10:42 118

原创 租房网需求

租房网1、功能: 区域(1级和2级) 发布租房信息  主页:  显示区域,1级和2级实现折叠导航或者级联  显示最新租房房源。 发贴页:发布房源信息 附加功能(选做)  增加注册,登录功能  增加用户权限功能(VIP,钻石客户)  增加下载功能  增加关键词屏蔽功能2、项目要求 项目人员:个人为单位 考核点:先功能再美观,必须SSH集成 提交内容:  a、数据库设计文档(数据...

2014-06-22 20:07:28 260

原创 参加海涛节


2014-06-22 15:03:55 67

原创 C语言程序设计

1cs3157 – Advanced ProgrammingSummer 2014, Project 1, 150 pointsJune 17, 2014Follow these step-by-step instructions. This homework must be submitted electronically bySunday night July 6th, 11pm. Pleas...

2014-06-19 08:32:25 140



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