

Canary-releasing or zero-downtime/blue-green deployments are made easy by the tools and techniques we have today. Running a second instance of a service is a piece of cake. Especially in the cloud. But aren’t we forgetting something?

我们今天拥有的工具和技术使金丝雀释放或零停机时间/蓝绿色部署变得容易。 运行服务的第二个实例是小菜一碟。 特别是在云中。 但是我们不是忘记了什么吗?

Canary-releasing and blue-green deployments have something in common: They require two versions of the software to be up and running at the same time.


It’s not just a matter of running multiple instances of software somewhere. You’ve got to think about backward compatibility, too! One of the instances will break if it’s dependency isn’t compatible.

这不仅仅是在某个地方运行多个软件实例的问题。 您还必须考虑向后兼容性! 如果其依赖项不兼容,则实例之一将中断。

What’s the most common shared dependency? The database! Blue-green deployments and canary-releases require your database to be backward-compatible. Use a pattern called Expand and Contract, or Parallel Change to get it sorted!

最常见的共享依赖项是什么? 数据库! 蓝绿色部署和Canary版本要求您的数据库向后兼容。 使用称为扩展和收缩或并行更改的模式对其进行排序!

一个实际的例子: (A practical example:)

Assume we’re running a web store and the team is going to build the following story:


To receive my purchase when I’m not at homeAs a customer with an office-jobI want to have my purchase sent to the office instead of my home address

当我不在家时 可以 收到我的订单 作为 办公室工作的客户, 想要 将我的购买商品发送到办公室而不是我的家庭住址

Let’s assume there’s a database that contains a table with orders and the table already contains addresses. The current data structure looks like this:

假设有一个数据库,其中包含带有订单的表,并且该表已经包含地址。 当前的数据结构如下所示:

Say we’ll solve the user story by storing two addresses instead of one: The delivery address and the billing address. Meaning the “old” address column in the database will be dropped, and two new columns will appear. This will be the new data structure:

假设我们将通过存储两个地址而不是一个地址来解决用户问题:交货地址和帐单地址。 意味着将删除数据库中的“旧”地址列,并出现两个新列。 这将是新的数据结构:

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Image 2.) The new data structure

问题 (The problem)

These data structures aren’t compatible. The current version of the web store depends on the address field. Deploying the new data structure will drop that field, causing the current version of the web store to break.

这些数据结构不兼容。 网络商店的当前版本取决于地址字段。 部署新的数据结构将删除该字段,从而导致网络商店的当前版本中断。

As a result, neither blue-green deployments nor canary releases will work. It requires two versions of the same software are “up” simultaneously. In this case, the newer software is incompatible with the current database, and visa versa. If the “newer” database is “up”, the current version of the software will be “down”, and visa versa.

结果,蓝绿色部署或金丝雀版本都将无法工作。 它要求同一软件的两个版本必须同时“启动”。 在这种情况下,较新的软件与当前数据库不兼容,反之亦然。 如果“较新的”数据库为“上”,则该软件的当前版本为“下”,反之亦然。

向后兼容的架构更改 (Backward-compatible schema changes)

Implementing a new database schema in a backward-compatible way is done using multiple releases:


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Image 3.) Changing a database-schema the backward-compatible way

Let’s apply it: We’re introducing the “BillingAddress” and the “DeliveryAddress” field, and we’re dropping the “Address” field.

让我们应用它:我们引入“ BillingAddress”“ DeliveryAddress”字段,并删除“ Address”字段。

步骤1.)部署新架构 (Step 1.) Deploy the new schema)

The first thing to do is to deploy the new schema. The old schema needs to remain intact and should be considered the source of truth. Assume the data in the new schema is incorrect or missing in Software Version B.

首先要做的是部署新架构。 旧的模式需要保持完整,并应被视为真理的来源。 假定新版本中的数据不正确或在软件版本B中丢失。

In the example of the billing address, that will result in the following data-structure:


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Image 4.) Introducing the new columns, but leave the current data structure intact

Assume we’ve got canary releases. 10% of the users will be routed to the newest version of the software, 90% will be routed to the current version of the software.

假设我们有金丝雀版本。 10%的用户将被路由到该软件的最新版本,90%的用户将被路由到该软件的当前版本。

In that case, for a given amount of time, Software Version A and Software Version B will be running simultaneously. Both versions will update the database simultaneously. As a result, 90% of the records in the new schema will not have (correct) values.

在这种情况下,在给定的时间内,软件版本A和软件版本B将同时运行。 这两个版本将同时更新数据库。 结果,新架构中90%的记录将没有(正确)值。

The version of the software that introduces the new schema should be writing to it, but not read from it.


步骤2。)开始使用新的数据库架构 (Step 2.) Start using the new database schema)

With the new schema in place, the next version of the software can start using it.


Software Version C has the same data structure Software Version B has. But there’s a difference: Version C depends on correct data in the new schema. Software Version C will consider the new database schema to be the source of truth.

软件版本C具有与软件版本B相同的数据结构。 但是有一个区别:版本C依赖于新模式中的正确数据。 软件版本C将认为新的数据库架构是事实的来源。

If we don’t migrate the data from the old schema into the new schema in Release 2 (as shown in Image 3.), then Software Version C will not work. It depends on correct data in the new schema.

如果我们不将数据从旧模式迁移到版本2中的新模式(如图3所示),则软件版本C将无法工作。 它取决于新架构中的正确数据。

To make Software Version C compatible with Software Version B, Software Version C needs to keep the data in both the old- and the new schema up to date. Software Version B. does not “trust” the data from the new schema yet, so it depends on the data in the old schema.

为了使软件版本C与软件版本B兼容,软件版本C需要使旧模式和新模式中的数据保持最新。 软件版本B.尚未“信任”新架构中的数据,因此它取决于旧架构中的数据。

步骤3。)停止使用旧模式 (Step 3.) Stop using the old schema)

Next, focus on removing the old data structure. To get there, the first step is to stop using the field. As a result, this is what Software Version D looks like:

接下来,集中精力删除旧的数据结构。 要到达那里,第一步是停止使用该字段。 结果,这是软件版本D的样子:

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Image 5.) Stop using the old database fields

We can’t drop the columns from the old schema yet, because Software Version C needs to be able to keep it up to date.


步骤4.)删除旧模式 (Step 4.) Drop the old schema)

After Software Version D stopped using the old database schema, it can finally be dropped. Software Version E will have the following data structure:

在软件版本D停止使用旧数据库架构后,可以最终将其删除。 软件版本E将具有以下数据结构:

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Image 6.) Drop the old fields

不足之处 (The downside)

Using this method to change database schema’s is great. It makes things like Canary Releases possible. But there’s a downside.

使用此方法来更改数据库架构的效果很好。 它使诸如Canary Releases之类的事情成为可能。 但是有一个缺点。

Don’t use expand-and-contract if you’re not releasing often. Changing the database schema takes many releases. If you’re not releasing every month, a change to a schema takes half a year before you know it.

如果您不经常发布内容,请不要使用扩展合同。 更改数据库架构需要许多版本。 如果您不是每个月都发布,则对架构的更改需要半年的时间才能知道。

摘要 (Summary)

Modern progressive delivery depend on having multiple versions of the software “up” at the same time. To be able to do so, their dependencies need to be compatible. The database is the most common dependency.

现代渐进式交付依赖于同时“运行”多个软件版本。 为此,它们的依赖项必须兼容。 数据库是最常见的依赖项。

Making changes to a database-schema can cause previous versions of the software to break. To prevent that, use a practice called expand and contract. Use multiple releases to create the new schema first, use it in the next release, stop using the previous schema in the next release, and drop it in the next.

对数据库架构进行更改可能会导致该软件的先前版本中断。 为避免这种情况,请使用称为扩展和收缩的做法。 使用多个发行版首先创建新架构,在下一个发行版中使用它,在下一个发行版中停止使用上一个架构,然后在下一个发行版中删除它。

Last, but not least: Release frequently!


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翻译自: https://medium.com/vx-company/expand-and-contract-d5635e31776e






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