

I attended a talk last year by Mike Gifford where he said, “the web has actually become LESS accessible since 2011.”

去年,我参加了Mike Gifford的演讲,他说:“自2011年以来,实际上已经可以访问LESS了。”

It’s cheap and easy for anyone to create a website these days, and hardly anyone considers accessibility. And why would you? If it’s not in your daily purview, it’s not going into your list of website requirements. Heck, most people don’t even think of the end user, Disabled or not, when creating a website. Especially not when they use a “drag and drop” style website creation platform. Nothing against those, just that those platforms often don’t have accessibility built in, and it’s very difficult to make them so, even if you had the desire.

如今,任何人创建网站都既便宜又容易,而且几乎没有人考虑可访问性。 那你为什么呢? 如果不在您的日常管理范围之内,则不会纳入您的网站要求列表。 哎呀,大多数人甚至在创建网站时都不会想到最终用户(无论是否禁用)。 特别是当他们使用“拖放”样式的网站创建平台时,尤其如此。 毫无疑问,只是那些平台通常没有内置可访问性,即使您有这种意愿,也很难做到这一点。

The other aspect working against website accessibility is when you say the word, ‘accessibility’ not every even has a concept of what that means. I asked a website designer recently if he makes accessible websites, and he said, “yes…we add alt-tags to all our images.” Ummmm, OK. Great. But can a screen reader read your website?

妨碍网站可访问性的另一个方面是,当您说“可访问性”一词时,并不是每个人都具有含义。 我最近问一个网站设计师,他是否提供可访问的网站,他说:“是的,我们在所有图片中都添加了alt标签。” 嗯好 大。 但是屏幕阅读器可以阅读您的网站吗?

So let’s dispel some myths and dive a bit into the world of what it means to implement web accessibility.


First off, it’s important to note that the USA actually has very clear legislation regarding accessibility. It’s called the Americans With Disabilities Act, and it includes websites. US-based companies should be aware that not having a minimally accessible business website can leave you open to a law suit and fines. I’m Canadian with a Canadian registered company, so I do not actually have to worry about getting sued for not having an accessible website, but bonus, I have one anyway! I’ll explain why it’s beneficial to have an accessible website even if you are not a US-based company.

首先,需要注意的是,美国实际上对无障碍性有非常明确的立法。 它被称为《美国残疾人法案》,其中包括网站。 总部位于美国的公司应意识到,没有一个访问量最少的商业网站可能会使您面临诉讼和罚款的风险。 我在加拿大的一家加拿大注册公司工作,所以我实际上不必担心因没有可访问的网站而被起诉,但是奖金,我还是有一个! 我将解释为什么即使您不是美国公司,拥有可访问的网站也有好处。

A little reminder when people are concerned about the trouble or potential cost of creating an accessible website is that accessibility benefits everyone. If we get down to the nitty gritty, we know 22% of Canadians have a disability of some sort (18% in the USA), and without doing the math, that’s a lot of people. A lot of people who want to shop online, buy your products, learn about your services, or take your online classes. Disabled people have been connected online, breaking isolation, and working remotely for years before the pandemic hit. This is old hat for us. So now that the pandemic lockdown has given everyone some insight into what it’s like to be stuck at home (lots of online shopping, educational webinars, arts and entertainment), maybe we can all appreciate how important being able to access the web easily actually is.

当人们担心创建可访问网站的麻烦或潜在成本时,提醒我们的一点是, 可访问性使所有人受益 。 如果我们精打细算,我们知道22%的加拿大人有某种程度的残疾(美国为18%),如果不进行数学计算,那就是很多人。 很多想在线购物,购买产品,了解您的服务或参加在线课程的人 。 在大流行发生之前,残疾人已经在线连接,打破隔离并在远程工作了多年。 这对我们来说是一顶旧帽子。 因此,既然大流行封锁已使每个人都了解到被困在家中的感觉(很多在线购物,教育网络研讨会,艺术和娱乐),也许我们都可以体会到实际上能够轻松访问网络的重要性。

Like I said, accessibility makes everyone’s life easier, and if you’re trying to make a business case for it, you’re not just creating a website for that 18–22% of the population; you should be thinking about the whole population. Do you want to limit the amount of potential customers you can attract? It would be like having a physical store and saying, ‘I don’t actually want people to come in and shop here. I think they should go to the competitor’. Which is your prerogative, and your business, and of course there are many reasons a business may choose to filter their clients from the get-go. However, I’m speaking specifically about creating barriers for people who otherwise would be your target customer, but you’ve shut the door on them inadvertently.

就像我说过的那样,可访问性使每个人的生活变得更加轻松,如果您要为其提供商业案例,不仅是在为18-22%的人口创建网站。 您应该考虑整个人口。 您是否想限制可以吸引的潜在客户数量? 这就像开一家实体店,然后说:“我实际上并不希望人们进来这里购物。 我认为他们应该去竞争对手。 这是您的特权,也是您的业务,当然,出于多种原因,一家公司可能会选择从一开始就过滤其客户。 但是,我是专门为那些原本会成为您的目标客户的人设置障碍的,但是您无意间给他们打开了大门

With all of that out of the way, let’s look at what web accessibility really entails. It all comes down to user-experience and you want everyone to have the best and most positive experience with your brand.

完所有这些工作后,让我们看看真正的Web可访问性意味着什么。 一切都取决于用户体验,您希望每个人都对您的品牌拥有最佳和最积极的体验。

To be accessible, website visitors should, at a minimum, be able to do a few key things:


  • browse your website in the language they prefer

  • change the font style or font size

  • change the background contrast

  • navigate the site using a screen reader

  • navigate the site without the use of a mouse

  • turn off/stop any music, video, or rotating picture carousels

  • know what a link contains before clicking on it

  • have captions on any videos contained on the site

  • hear accurate and relevant image descriptions on pictures or icons

  • have colourblind friendly colours on any graphs or important images


This is just a start, but it should be a nice jumping point. Again, thinking about the end user first, and realizing that your end users have a variety of needs. Also, test your site with real people (and pay them). Yes, there are simulators and there are sites where you can input your website URL and it gives you a score, but having real feedback from real users will give you valuable insight that is priceless. Gather a focus group of people from different age groups, people with different Disabilities, and different backgrounds, and take their opinions seriously. I guarantee you will create an excellent experience and build a positive reputation for your brand.

这只是一个开始,但这应该是一个不错的跳跃点。 再次,首先考虑最终用户,并意识到您的最终用户有各种各样的需求。 另外,与真实的人一起测试您的网站 (并向他们付款)。 是的,有模拟器,有一些站点可以在其中输入您的网站URL,它可以为您打分,但是获得真实用户的真实反馈将为您提供无价的宝贵见解。 召集一个由不同年龄段,不同残障人士和不同背景的人组成的焦点小组,并认真对待他们的意见。 我保证您将创造出色的体验并为您的品牌树立良好的声誉。

Not to mention, search engines will rank your site higher if it has clear and easy navigation. What is good for people is good for search engine robots. It’s a win-win!

更不用说,如果搜索引擎具有清晰便捷的导航,它们将使您的网站排名更高。 对人有好处的对搜索引擎机器人也有好处。 这是双赢!

Look at web accessibility as opening doors for new clients, new relationships, satisfied customers, and increased profits. Also, it’s just the right thing to do.

将Web的可访问性视为为新客户,新关系,满意的客户和增加的利润打开大门的门。 此外,这也是正确的做法。

Kelly Bron Johnson is the founder of Completely Inclusive, a consultancy devoted to helping businesses create inclusive and accessible workplaces and spaces.

凯利·布朗·约翰逊(Kelly Bron Johnson)是“ 完全包容” 的创始人 ,该公司致力于帮助企业创造包容且可访问的工作场所和空间。

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/the-world-needs-web-accessibility-now-more-than-ever-df8dc4aab2b6


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