
At the beginning of 2018, Angular representatives announced in their official blog that they were planning the last significant release of AngularJS, version 1.7. In July 2018, it entered a three year period of Long Term Support.

在2018年初,Angular代表在其官方博客中宣布他们正在计划AngularJS的最新重要版本1.7版本。 在2018年7月,它进入了三年的长期支持期

Now we are in the middle of 2020, which means that there’s less than a year left before they stop the support. According to the announcement, it is going to happen on June 30, 2021.

现在我们正处于2020年中期,这意味着距离他们停止支持还剩不到一年的时间。 根据公告 ,它将在2021年6月30日发生。

In case you are wondering what exactly is going to happen then or what measures you should take if your product is on AngularJS — welcome.


AngularJS的历史 (AngularJS history)

The story of Angular started in 2008–2009. A developer from Google and his friend worked on the side-project that had to simplify the development of web applications. That was intended for web designers who knew nothing or too little about web development. The project was called AngularJS.

Angular的故事始于2008-2009年。 来自Google的开发人员和他的朋友从事的辅助项目必须简化Web应用程序的开发。 那是为那些对Web开发一无所知的Web设计人员准备的。 该项目称为AngularJS。

In 2010 it went open source. The community began to build amazing applications with it, and even some of the biggest brands started to incorporate AngularJS into their core toolset for web and mobile application development.

在2010年,它开始开源。 社区开始使用它来构建出色的应用程序,甚至一些最大的品牌也开始将AngularJS纳入其用于Web和移动应用程序开发的核心工具集中。

A few years later, web development had improved significantly, so AngularJS had to be rewritten just to keep up with those changes. So they rebuilt the framework up from the ground, and Angular 2.0 was born. From that moment, all the Angular versions do not include that JS ending.

几年后,Web开发取得了长足的进步,因此必须重写AngularJS才能跟上这些变化。 因此,他们从头开始重新构建了框架,Angular 2.0诞生了。 从那时起,所有Angular版本都不包括该JS结尾。

Angular is the name for the Angular of today and tomorrow. AngularJS is the name for all 1.x versions of Angular.

Angular是今天和明天的Angular的名称。 AngularJS是 Angular 所有1.x版本的名称

What concerns AngularJS, as we mentioned above, it was versioned up to 1.7, and then entered the period of Long Term Support.


AngularJS长期支持 (AngularJS Long Term Support)

AngularJS developers continue to fix some critical issues that relate to one of the following criteria:


  • A security flaw is detected in the 1.7.x branch of the framework;

  • One of the major browsers releases a version that will cause current production applications using AngularJS 1.7.x to stop working;

    其中一个主要的浏览器发布了一个版本,该版本将导致当前使用AngularJS 1.7.x的生产应用程序停止运行;
  • The jQuery library releases a version that will cause current production applications using AngularJS 1.7.x to stop working.

    jQuery库发布了一个版本,该版本将导致当前使用AngularJS 1.7.x的生产应用程序停止工作。

And there is some more good news: all AngularJS versions will continue to work independently, which means if your product is on AngularJS, it will not just disappear. However, if you do not do anything and just stick with what you’ve got, it can cause many problems.

还有更多的好消息:所有AngularJS版本将继续独立运行,这意味着,如果您的产品在AngularJS上使用,它不仅会消失。 但是,如果您什么也不做,只是坚持自己所拥有的,就会导致很多问题。

如果产品停留在AngularJS上会发生什么 (What happens if a product stays on AngularJS)

The end of security support may have many consequences. For example, it is highly likely that your store will be hacked, causing financial losses, lawsuits, and even the loss of business. The end of support also means that if a major browser releases the version that is not compatible with AngularJS, your app will probably just stop working.

安全支持的终止可能会带来许多后果。 例如,您的商店很可能会遭到黑客入侵,造成财务损失,诉讼甚至业务损失。 终止支持还意味着,如果主要的浏览器发布的版本与AngularJS不兼容,则您的应用可能会停止运行。

To avoid such issues, we highly recommend migration. However, there are cases when it can be not as necessary:

为避免此类问题,我们强烈建议迁移。 但是,在某些情况下可能不必要:

  • If you no longer actively develop your app;

  • If you are planning to cease it in the nearest time;

  • If there is some feature in AngularJS, which is critical for your product.


If you are not planning to stop and want to develop and upgrade your app, there are two options — switch to some other JS framework (Vue.js, React, etc.) or upgrade to Angular.


升级到Angular (Upgrade to Angular)

We highly recommend this option if:


  • you do not have much time on rewriting the entire app from scratch;

  • you want to upgrade gradually;

  • you want to take advantage of Angular features (such as CLI, TypeScript, ngRX, etc.).


If you chose to upgrade to Angular, there is good news: the process is already well-defined. There are even some tools and resources that will significantly help with the upgrade — take some time to consult the official documentation.

如果您选择升级到Angular,则有个好消息:该过程已经明确定义。 甚至还有一些工具和资源将对升级有很大帮助-需要一些时间来查阅官方文档

角度优势 (Angular advantages)

Before accepting or rejecting this option, you might want to learn a bit about Angular key advantages.


  1. Angular gives you all the needed functionality right out of the box, which means that you don’t have to use third-party services to build basic app functionality. This ensures better code quality and a higher level of security.

    Angular为您立即提供了所有必需的功能,这意味着您不必使用第三方服务来构建基本的应用程序功能。 这样可以确保更好的代码质量和更高的安全性。
  2. Angular is based on TypeScript, which helps to keep the code clean and readable. Therefore, it’s easier to detect and fix bugs. It is also easier to maintain a large codebase which is excellent for enterprise projects.

    Angular基于TypeScript,有助于保持代码的清洁和可读性。 因此,更容易检测和修复错误。 维护适用于企业项目的大型代码库也更加容易。
  3. Angular is a full-fledged responsive web framework. It offers a way to create a service, module, or component. This helps to avoid the questions on how something was built, so it’s easier for new developers to pick up.

    Angular是成熟的响应式Web框架。 它提供了一种创建服务,模块或组件的方法。 这有助于避免有关如何构建事物的问题,因此,新开发人员更容易上手。

If you are not a techie, this may mean nothing to you. The most important thing you should know is that all these features save significant time and make it easier to scale the project.

如果您不是技术人员,这可能对您没有任何意义。 您应该知道的最重要的事情是所有这些功能都可以节省大量时间,并使扩展项目更加容易。

AngularJS迁移 (AngularJS Migration)

Now, let’s get down to another option — migration to React, Vue, or some other JavaScript framework.


In what cases you can consider this alternative:


  • you want to try something completely new;

  • you think some other particular framework is better and will make your product more efficient;

  • you have the time and budget to rewrite your product from scratch;

  • your team is proficient with another framework.


If you resonate with any of these points, you probably need to take a shot. If you want to learn more about different JavaScript frameworks and their specifics, we have the article that will help you.

如果您对以上几点有共鸣,则可能需要尝试一下。 如果您想了解更多有关不同JavaScript框架及其特定内容的信息,我们的文章将为您提供帮助

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see from the info, if your app is on AngularJS, you can’t leave it as it is, especially if you are planning to continue the development and stable operation of your product. Sooner or later, it needs to be migrated.

从信息中可以看到,如果您的应用程序是基于AngularJS的,则不能保持原样,尤其是如果您打算继续开发产品并稳定其运行。 迟早需要将其迁移。

Have a nice, safe migration!


Originally published at on August 19, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月19日 发布在 上。






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