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翻译 无障碍开发_不要让数据库成为您应用程序开发速度的障碍

无障碍开发As described in SpringBoot’s website — “Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can “just run”.” In the current trend of moving toward...

2020-09-20 14:15:00 374

翻译 价值线在

Hat tip to my friend James Watters (@wattersjames) for teaching me about the value line. 给我的朋友詹姆斯·沃特斯( @wattersjames )的 帽子小贴士,以 帮助我了解价值观念。 What is the value line? The value line is how you distinguis...

2020-09-20 14:04:53 737

翻译 kubernetes方案_为什么采用kubernetes不是最终的解决方案

kubernetes方案Adopting Kubernetes can only be a first step towards organizational-wide diffusion to get the real Kubernetes benefits. 采用Kubernetes只是向全组织范围扩散以获得Kubernetes真正利益的第一步。 Kubernetes is everywhe...

2020-09-20 13:54:55 455

翻译 scrum_7年前,我开始使用Scrum

scrumOnce upon a time, I worked at a software company building products for oil rigs. One of the freelance developers working there, Ibrahim ben Salah, introduced Scrum to the organisation. This was m...

2020-09-20 13:44:53 240

翻译 初学api测试_api初学者指南

初学api测试If you’re a student studying Computer Science or someone who’s trying their luck getting into the software industry, one might often encounter the phrase API. API stands for Application Program...

2020-09-20 13:34:44 294

翻译 mac 没有所有开发者_开发团队说不可能,产品所有者应该怎么做

mac 没有所有开发者Whenever developers want to shut down a conversation, they may say, “it’s impossible.” Over the years as a Product Owner, I’ve heard this sentence quite often. But why does it happen so oft...

2020-09-20 13:24:23 293

翻译 手机屏幕xy坐标软件_软件工程中的xy问题

手机屏幕xy坐标软件XY problem is classified as a communication problem in which the person who asks the question cannot communicate the problem statement clearly. This situation arises when the questioner need...

2020-09-20 13:13:52 2341

翻译 openapi_没有理由手工编写openapi

openapiSome API developers use API descriptions to plan the interface of an API before building it, which is known as the “API design first” workflow. Others build the API then generate (or manually p...

2020-09-20 13:03:59 526

翻译 nlp对语料进行分类_如何使用nlp对推文进行分类

nlp对语料进行分类Over the years, we have seen Twitter evolve from just a social media to also a business and news platform. While this growth is excellent, it has also caused an increase in the spread of fak...

2020-09-20 04:57:03 753

翻译 了解第二部分多武装匪徒的强化学习手

系列的链接: (Series’ Links:)Introduction 介绍 Multi-Armed Bandits | Notebook 多臂土匪 | 笔记本 This is the second entry of a series on Reinforcement Learning, where we explore and develop the ideas behind learnin...

2020-09-20 04:46:59 305

翻译 学习非学习和机器学习

If you ever tried to read articles about machine learning on the internet, most likely you came across two types of them—cryptic algebraic texts entrusted to a secret society of statisticians and data...

2020-09-20 04:37:50 589

翻译 人工智能ai应用高管指南_成为AI专家的逐步指南

人工智能ai应用高管指南Experts claim artificial intelligence (AI) will shape the lives of people within the next ten years. Ultimately, AI can be a game-changer in amplifying human effectiveness and remove munda...

2020-09-20 04:27:41 177

翻译 如何为React Native开发TypeScript NPM软件包

介绍 (Introduction)This piece explores the development and management of TypeScript-based NPM packages for React Native. It will cover how to configure TypeScript linting and tsconfig for a package to...

2020-09-17 17:32:00 466

翻译 React Native —使用“堆栈”和“选项卡”导航在屏幕之间导航。

Within native apps there are some common patters used when navigating between different sections of your iOS or Android App. Luckily when you’re ready to add navigation to your project, we have some g...

2020-09-17 17:22:28 311

翻译 实例构造函数原型_使用构造函数和原型创建内存优化的实例

实例构造函数原型If you have been using JavaScript for a while, you would have come across the term “Constructor functions”, which are a fancy way to call a function that will be used as a blueprint to create ...

2020-09-17 17:12:18 144

翻译 打开所有灯_谁打开灯?

打开所有灯Undoubtedly one of the most annoying side effects our phones have is its ability to change screen brightness dynamically. Whether it’s a setting enabled on your device to automatically adjust bri...

2020-09-17 17:02:48 249

翻译 react.js获取定位_如何使用React和Tabletop.js从Google表格中获取数据

react.js获取定位Spreadsheets are popular since they act as a database that’s easy to modify for non-developers. Anyone with a laptop and internet connection can use spreadsheets and insert useful informat...

2020-09-17 16:52:45 296

翻译 nvm 安装node.js_如何使用NVM在项目之间更改Node.js版本

nvm 安装node.jsNode v14.0.0 is out and this time I want to show I managed to change Node to different versions. Changing the Node.js version between projects using NVM really help me to handle and switc...

2020-09-17 16:42:20 2293

翻译 帕金森定律_通过图像分析对帕金森病进行分类

帕金森定律 应用计算机视觉 (Applied Computer Vision) 简介 (Introduction)Parkinson’s disease is often associated with movement disorder symptoms such as tremors and rigidity. These can have a noticeable effect on t...

2020-09-15 21:00:00 1194

翻译 王阳明心学 量子物理_量子物理学论文的文本分类

王阳明心学 量子物理Have you ever been looking for the most recent research findings in machine learning or AI, and found yourself on arxiv.org, perusing the Computer Science section? (If you haven’t you should...

2020-09-15 20:49:05 489

翻译 公平性 机器学习_比较机器学习模型的案例研究公平性

公平性 机器学习 COMPAS和分类器公平性 (COMPAS and classifier fairness)Recent events around the world raise many questions — is the society we are living in biased to a particular sect. With many unanswered question...

2020-09-15 20:38:19 1282

翻译 wordpress数据统计_在Wordpress中管理您的数据层

wordpress数据统计Managing your data layer is key for your success. In this post, we will review how to handle that using the popular WordPress CMS. 管理数据层是成功的关键。 在这篇文章中,我们将回顾如何使用流行的WordPress CMS处理该问题。 A c...

2020-09-12 19:32:25 156

翻译 前端构建工具_构建工具

前端构建工具 深度JavaScript (Deep JavaScript)Choosing a development tool based on its popularity isn’t a bad idea. Popular tools are usually more stable, and they often have more resources and community supp...

2020-09-10 15:28:29 319

翻译 js对象嵌套数组_使用角管过滤嵌套数组和对象的数组并突出显示结果

js对象嵌套数组If you would like to check the implementation of how to filter and sort an array of nested objects only, you can check the below story: 如果您只想检查如何对嵌套对象数组进行过滤和排序的实现,则可以查看以下内容: Searching through...

2020-09-10 15:17:32 1588

翻译 在JavaScript中排队

Queue is a linear data structure, which follows the order of FIFO(first in first out). The real life example of queue is the waiting line in front of a cinema, first come first served. Also when it co...

2020-09-10 14:48:47 279

翻译 vue.js库_我不能没有的5个Vue.js库

vue.js库As experienced developers know, sometimes using another person’s package to solve a feature of your app ends up costing you more time than it saves. Opinionated systems and a lack of edge-case ...

2020-09-10 14:28:05 125

翻译 令牌桶生成令牌_设计令牌—什么才是出色的设计令牌,以及如何构建令牌(第2部分)...

令牌桶生成令牌This is a three-part series where I present what I believe is a great way to consume and maintain design tokens. Examples are written in React and styled-components but the ideas in this articl...

2020-09-10 14:18:54 226

翻译 这是什么”? —在JavaScript中使用调用,应用和绑定方法

When we use the keyword thisin a function in JavaScript, we are allowing a function the flexibility to be called on various objects, each time using a different definition of this when invoked. This i...

2020-09-10 14:08:06 113

翻译 链表查找中间节点_JavaScript。链表。 查找中间节点。

链表查找中间节点Hello everyone! Today we have great chance to dive more into linked list and its functionality. I hope you already know basics about linked list and methods that it has. Today, we are going to...

2020-09-10 13:39:03 542

翻译 discord china_2020 Discord Bot教程

discord chinaMaking a Discord bot can be pretty confusing and intimidating, but don’t worry! This step-by-step guide will have your own bot running in just a few minutes using Javascript and the Disco...

2020-09-10 13:19:47 4555

翻译 chrome扩展crx构建_如何构建您的第一个Chrome扩展程序

chrome扩展crx构建“Sit up straight!” my mom used to yell at me when I am fixated on my laptop for too long. “坐直了!” 当我将笔记本电脑注视时间过长时,我妈妈曾经对我大喊大叫。 Ten years later, when I am writing code instead of playing v...

2020-09-10 13:00:52 531

翻译 node.js笔记_Node.JS模块系统第1部分(笔记应用程序)

node.js笔记The module system is what allows you to load functionality into your application and use it to do things like reading or writing from the file system, connect to a DB or start up a web server...

2020-09-10 12:20:48 63

翻译 react 显示pdf_如何显示PDF但阻止它们在React中下载

react 显示pdfIt’s pretty easy to embed a PDF file into your website, but this might give your users more access than you would like. 将PDF文件嵌入到您的网站中非常容易,但这可能会使您的用户获得比您想要的更多的访问权限。 Maybe you want to show ...

2020-09-09 18:22:50 1160

翻译 递归函数问题_递归函数

递归函数问题Recursion is an important concept in computer science. It is a programming technique that involves a function repeatedly calling itself until it reaches a solution. A recursive function, then, i...

2020-09-09 18:12:57 338

翻译 创建react应用程序_创建多版本React应用程序的6个步骤

创建react应用程序The React team said that there are no new features in React 17, but react@17.0.0-rc.0 comes with the power to lazy load and deep integrate multiple versions of React. This no-feature is lar...

2020-09-09 18:02:01 615

翻译 javascript vs_Blazor VS JavaScript

javascript vsOver the last several years, JavaScript has been the most popular and widely used language for Single Page Applications. But recently, Microsoft introduces a new framework named Blazor, w...

2020-09-09 17:43:23 314

翻译 自动化构建react_自动化React内部化

自动化构建reactThe ability to use a system across different locals based on the region. 能够根据区域在不同的本地使用系统。 ✅According to W3C: W根据W3C : Internalization is the design and development of a product, applicati...

2020-09-09 17:33:09 106

翻译 qa问答里的qa什么意思_您应该使用QA Wolf吗?

qa问答里的qa什么意思Recently a client asked me if I had heard of the QA Wolf test automation framework. 最近,一位客户问我是否听说过QA Wolf测试自动化框架。 I said, “No ????” 我说:“不????” So, naturally, I decided to take a peek at it and...

2020-09-09 17:23:11 2891

翻译 如何修复Ubuntu / Linux Mint 18.04中的Brackets字体渲染问题

为什么要使用Adobe Brackets? (Why Use Adobe Brackets ?)Brackets ships with an out-of-the box live preview solution which is quite unique compared to the many other live-server solutions that you can instal...

2020-09-09 17:19:37 180

翻译 样式组件化_为什么我喜欢样式化的组件

样式组件化Everyone has probably heard about them by now, though many have been probably been scared off by hearing the words “CSS in JS”. I wouldn’t blame them, I was very pessimistic when I first heard th...

2020-09-09 16:52:43 71



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