Vilfredo pareto教给我们的实用主义

工作和生活建议 (Work and Life Advice)

We recently had a whole-day event in the company I work for where we took a step back from daily business and focused on finding the company’s vision. The first step to reach that goal was to find out what kinds of leadership types we have in our employee pool — and as it turns out, I have strength in being pragmatic which made me decide to write this article. I will show you can become more pragmatic as well.

最近,我们在我工作的公司中进行了全天活动,我们从日常业务中退后一步,专注于寻找公司的愿景。 达到该目标的第一步是弄清我们在员工队伍中拥有什么样的领导类型-事实证明,我有务实的能力,这使我决定写这篇文章。 我将告诉您,您也可以变得更加务实。

什么是帕累托原理? (What is the Pareto Principle?)

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Vilfredo Pareto, 1870
维尔弗雷多·帕累托(Vilfredo Pareto),1870年

Engineers tend to be perfectionists. As I have covered in my previous article, engineers are trained from the beginning of their career to find and fix problems. Due to that nature, a project can only be truly finished once all problems have been found and fixed, correct? Let’s look at a different approach.

工程师往往是完美主义者。 正如我在上一篇文章中所讨论的那样 ,工程师从职业生涯开始就受到培训,以发现并解决问题。 由于这种性质,只有找到并修复所有问题后,项目才能真正完成,对吗? 让我们看看另一种方法。

The Pareto principle […] states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.¹


That basically means that we can achieve 80% of something by putting in 20% of the total required work. If we want to achieve the last 20%, we will have to spend another 80% of the work to reach the final 100% goal.

从根本上讲,这意味着我们可以通过投入全部所需工作的20%来实现80%的目标。 如果要达到最后20%的目标,我们将不得不再花费80%的工作来达到最终的100%的目标。

So, how can that help us getting stuff done?


从小开始,从大到大 (Start small, grow big)

In my job, I often write web services to which other software systems connect to. Sometimes things have to move fast and the new web services have to be online by the end of the day. To still reach the deadline, even with bigger web services, I try to implement them according to the Pareto principle.

在工作中,我经常编写其他软件系统所连接的Web服务。 有时情况必须快速发展,新的Web服务必须在一天结束时上线。 为了达到最后期限,即使使用更大的Web服务,我也尝试根据Pareto原则实施它们。

Image for post from,来自 Pexels Pexels

Let’s assume I have to create a new service that returns all bus stations around a point on a map. There are basically two ways how I could implement this.

假设我必须创建一个新服务,该服务将返回地图上某个点附近的所有公交车站。 基本上有两种方法可以实现此目的。

  1. Full-blown bus stop service — works worldwide, allows to define a radius around a point on the map, works with all coordinate systems²

    完善的公交车站服务 -在全球范围内均可使用,允许在地图上的某个点周围定义半径,并适用于所有坐标系²

  2. Basic bus stop service — works for the country where the customer is situated, has a fixed radius, works with decimal degrees³

    基本的公交车站服务 -适用于客户所在的国家/地区,半径固定,以十进制度为单位³

If I go with the first feature catalog, I will probably not finish this before the end of next week, but if I go with the second feature catalog, I can finish this easily today. So, the only thing I have to do is to tell the customer what the conditions of each approach are and ask if the second approach is “good enough” for him today or if he wants the full-blown solution by the end of next week.

如果使用第一个功能部件目录,则可能不会在下周结束之前完成此操作,但是如果使用第二个功能部件目录,则今天可以轻松完成此操作。 因此,我唯一要做的就是告诉客户每种方法的条件,并询问第二种方法对他今天是否“ 足够 ,或者他是否希望在下周末之前获得完整的解决方案。

As my experience has shown, most customers will go with the “good enough” versions because that is most of the time what they are really asking for. If that means for them, that the first version of their bus-stop-product can only show bus stops around a fixed radius, then so be it. We will add the radius later.

正如我的经验所表明的那样,大多数客户会选择“足够好”的版本,因为多数时候这是他们真正要求的。 如果这对他们而言意味着他们的公交车站产品的第一版只能显示固定半径范围内的公交车站,那就这样。 稍后我们将添加半径。

With only 20% of the work, I made the customer happy and probably covered 80% of his feature needs.


每天,无处不在使用帕累托原理。 (Use Pareto’s principle every day, everywhere.)

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Photo by Jeffrey Czum from Pexels
PexelsJeffrey Czum

The Pareto principle can not only be applied to software engineering and satisfying the customer's needs. It can be applied to literally everything and I use it often also in my personal life.

帕累托原理不仅可以应用于软件工程并满足客户的需求。 它可以应用于几乎所有内容,我在个人生活中也经常使用它。

  • Don’t feel like buying groceries today? Just do a quick run through the shop to get what you really need.

    今天不想买杂货吗? 只需快速浏览整个商店即可获得您真正需要的东西。
  • Does your app have a serious bug that causes it to crash for a lot of users? Push out a fix for the bug for the top 80% devices and come back to the remaining 20% when you have more time.

    您的应用程序是否存在严重的错误,导致许多用户崩溃? 推出针对前80%的设备的错误的修复程序,并在有更多时间时恢复到剩余的20%的错误。
  • Do you plan to become financially independent by having 1 million Euros on your bank account? Do you really need that much? Maybe it’s enough to just have enough to quit working, which can normally be achieved with much less.

    您是否打算通过在银行帐户上拥有100万欧元来实现财务独立? 您真的需要那么多吗? 也许有足够的钱退出工作,这通常可以用更少的钱来完成。
  • Do you need a car? Maybe a 300,000€ car is not what you really need to get from point A to point B. Or even better, just use a bicycle.

    你需要车吗? 从A点到B点,可能真的不需要300,000欧元的汽车。甚至更好,只需骑自行车即可。
  • Are you planning to build a house? Go for something small first, to get out of paying rent every month and once you have paid that small house off, go for the bigger one.

    您打算盖房子吗? 首先去买些小的东西,要摆脱每月支付的租金,一旦您还清那所小房子,就去买更大的房子。
  • Planning on creating a new software product? Start small by having maybe just a website and add the app later, when you see that your idea really works.

    正在计划创建新的软件产品? 从仅拥有一个网站开始,然后在发现您的想法真正可行时添加该应用程序。

As a piece of final advice; try to always aim for “good enough” in the first step and get back to the topic to make it to 100% once you have more time at hand. “Good enough” is really “good enough” for most things in life. Don’t forget that when you go for “good enough”, you are not locking any doors. You can always come back to it if you want to.

作为最后的建议; 尝试在第一步中始终以“足够好”为目标,并在有更多时间可用时回到主题以使其达到100%。 对于生活中的大多数事物来说,“足够好”实际上是“足够好”。 不要忘记,当您追求“足够好”时,您并没有锁上任何门。 如果需要,您可以随时返回。

资料来源 (Sources)


¹https ://


²https : //类别:Geographic_coordinate_systems


³https ://






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