android初学者_适用于初学者的Android Espresso


本文的重点 (Takeaway From This Article)

In this article, you’ll learn how to use Espresso to find views in the layout based on properties like id, text, and more. Then you’ll learn how to check view behavior like visibility and to perform actions like click. This article also includes how to perform tests on RecyclerView.

在本文中,您将学习如何使用Espresso基于idtext等属性来在布局中查找视图。 然后,您将学习如何检查视图行为(如可见性)和执行诸如click 。 本文还包括如何在RecyclerView上执行测试。

介绍 (Introduction)

No matter what platform you’re working on, testing gets complicated as the product evolves. For that reason, it’s preferable to use testing frameworks like Espresso to make the process reliable, easy, and effective. Espresso is a testing framework from the Android team to make developers’ lives easy when implementing test cases. It acts as an abstract layer over unit tests and makes it easy to write reliable Android UI tests. Without any further delay, let’s get started.

无论您使用哪种平台,随着产品的发展,测试都会变得复杂。 因此,最好使用诸如Espresso之类的测试框架来使该过程可靠,容易且有效。 Espresso是Android团队的测试框架,可在实施测试用例时简化开发人员的工作。 它充当单元测试的抽象层,使编写可靠的Android UI测试变得容易。 不用再拖延了,让我们开始吧。

When we create an Android project, under the Java directory, you’ll find three subdirectories with application package names.


  • The first directory is to write the application source code.

  • The second directory is to write Android test cases, as we do in this article with Espresso.

  • The third directory is for unit test cases.


积分 (Integration)

These days, when you create a new project in Android Studio, Espresso is integrated by default. If you removed those libraries in the existing project or if you don’t see the Espresso implementation library under the dependency tag, add the following lines.

如今,当您在Android Studio中创建新项目时,默认情况下会集成Espresso。 如果您在现有项目中删除了这些库,或者在dependency标签下看不到Espresso实现库,请添加以下行。

androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0'

组件 (Components)

Espresso has basically three components:


  • viewMatchers: allows you to find a view in the current view hierarchy through various parameters like id, text, and more

    viewMatcher s:允许您通过各种参数(例如idtext等)在当前视图层次结构中查找视图

  • viewActions: allows you to perform actions on the views like click and more

    viewAction 允许您对视图执行操作,例如click和更多

  • viewAssertions: allows you to assert the state of a view

    viewAssertion s:允许您声明视图的状态

Have a look at the generic usage of these components.



onView (onView)

Using this function, we can narrow down to the desired view in the view hierarchy. It can be done by using the following functions inside onview:

使用此功能,我们可以缩小视图层次结构中的所需视图。 可以通过在onview使用以下功能来完成:

  • withId(— With this function, we can narrow down the view search using ids of the view.

    withId( —使用此功能,我们可以使用视图的ID缩小视图搜索范围。

  • withText() — Here we can pass the desired text to narrow down the views based on the text.

    withText() —在这里,我们可以传递所需的文本以根据文本缩小视图范围。

检查 (check)

This is used to check the behavior of the desired view, like visibility, focus, and more using matches and doesNotExist.


执行 (perform)

Through perform, we can execute actions on the views. Following are some of the actions that we can execute using Espresso:

通过perform ,我们可以对视图执行操作。 以下是我们可以使用Espresso执行的一些操作:

  • click()— Clicks the view passed in onView


  • typeText() — Through this function, we can pass the string to be entered in the view. This comes handy with EditText.

    typeText() —通过此函数,我们可以传递要在视图中输入的字符串。 EditText可以很方便地使用它。

  • replaceText() — Replaces the current text with the string that’s passed

    replaceText() —用传递的字符串替换当前文本

  • closeSoftKeyboard() — Dismisses the keyboard

    closeSoftKeyboard() - closeSoftKeyboard()键盘

用法 (Usage)

Let’s say we have an application with an activity and its layout contains a view with id tv_hello. Our goal here is to find whether the view with the id tv_hello is displayed on the screen. Have a look:

假设我们有一个带有活动的应用程序,其布局包含一个ID为tv_hello的视图。 我们的目标是确定是否在屏幕上显示ID为tv_hello的视图。 看一看:

fun simpleDisplyTest(){

First, it’ll start searching a view with id tv_hello, and once it found the view using check function, it’ll verify the visibility through isDisplayed().


We can also use multiple constraints to narrow down the view search, as shown below:


fun multipleConstraintsTest(){
                    withText("Hello World!")))

In this test, while searching for a view, it will consider two constraints: withId (with a specific id) and withText (with a specific text in the view).

在此测试中,在搜索视图时,它将考虑两个约束: withId (具有特定的id)和withText (具有视图中的特定文本)。

动作 (Actions)

Now it’s time to perform actions on the narrowed views. To execute actions, we have to invoke a perform-function on onView with the desired action, as shown below:

现在是时候对缩小的视图执行操作了。 要执行动作,我们必须使用所需的动作在onView上调用性能函数,如下所示:

fun simpleClickTest(){

We can also pass multiple actions as parameters to the perform function, as shown below:


fun multipleActionsTest(){

In this test first, it’ll type “Hello” on the view and then perform the click action. Only if both actions are executed without any error will the test succeed.

首先在此测试中,它将在视图上键入“ Hello”,然后执行click操作。 只有同时执行两个操作而没有任何错误,测试才能成功。

清单 (Lists)

We’ve completed basic testing with the standard layout. What if we have complicated views, like a list? To write test cases on lists, we have another function called onData, similar to onView.

我们已经使用标准布局完成了基本测试。 如果我们有复杂的视图(例如列表)怎么办? 为了在列表上编写测试用例,我们还有另一个函数onData ,类似于onView

Let’s say we have a list with a string ArrayList, and we need to find the item with text Kotlin and perform click functionality on that particular item. Have a look:

假设我们有一个包含字符串ArrayList的列表,我们需要找到带有文本Kotlin的项目并对该特定项目执行click功能。 看一看:


In a real-time scenario, things won’t be simple like this. Let’s say we have a listview-item with multiple clicks, and we need to test click functionality of a view with id edit in the item with content Kotlin. Have a look:

在实时场景中,事情不会像这样简单。 假设我们有一个带有多次单击的listview-item ,我们需要在内容为Kotlin的项目中测试ID为edit的视图的click功能。 看一看:


带有Espresso的RecyclerView (RecyclerView with Espresso)

RecyclerView objects behave differently than AdapterView objects; we can’t use onData() to test RecyclerView.

RecyclerView对象的行为与AdapterView对象不同。 我们不能使用onData()测试RecyclerView

To create an interaction between RecyclerView and Espresso, we need to add the espresso-contrib module, which has RecyclerViewActions to perform actions like click, scrollTo, and more useful stuff.


积分 (Integration)

To integrate the espresso-contrib module, add the following line under the dependency node in the app level build.gradle file.


dependencies {
     androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-contrib:3.2.0'

RecyclerViewActions (RecyclerViewActions)

  • scrollTo: Scrolls the RecyclerView to matched item

    scrollTo :将RecyclerView滚动到匹配的项目

  • scrollToHolder: This is used to scroll the RecyclerView to a matched view holder.

    scrollToHolder :用于将RecyclerView滚动到匹配的视图持有者。

  • scrollToPosition: This is used to scroll the RecyclerView to the mentioned position, and if it doesn’t have that position, the test will fail.

    scrollToPosition :用于将RecyclerView滚动到提到的位置,如果没有该位置,则测试将失败。

  • actionOnHolderItem: This RecyclerViewAction performs a ViewAction on a matched view holder.

    actionOnHolderItem :此RecyclerViewAction在匹配的视图持有者上执行ViewAction

  • actionOnItem: This RecyclerViewAction performs a ViewAction on a matched view.

    actionOnItem :此RecyclerViewAction对匹配的视图执行ViewAction

  • actionOnItemAtPosition: This RecyclerViewAction performs a ViewAction on a view at a specific position.

    actionOnItemAtPosition :此RecyclerViewAction在特定位置的视图上执行ViewAction

用法 (Usage)

The first step to work with RecyclerView is to find RecyclerView using onView function and the id of RecyclerView, as shown below:

第一步与工作RecyclerView是找到RecyclerView使用onView功能和idRecyclerView ,如下图所示:


Let’s start with a simple scroll test. Our object here is to scroll the RecyclerView to a specific position. To do that, we use scrollToPosition on recyclerviewAction, as shown below:

让我们从一个简单的滚动测试开始。 我们的目的是将RecyclerView滚动到特定位置。 为此,我们使用scrollToPosition recyclerviewAction ,如下所示:

fun scrollTopositionTest(){

To explore a bit more, let’s write a test where our objective is to click the item with content Kotlin. Have a look:

要进一步探索,让我们编写一个测试,我们的目标是click内容为Kotlin的项目。 看一看:

fun clickItemtWithPosition(){

Here hasDescendant function is the key. It’ll check the descendant views of every item in the list, and if it gets a match, then it’ll perform the click action.

这里hasDescendant函数是关键。 它将检查列表中每个项目的后代视图,如果找到匹配项,则将执行click动作。

在RecyclerView中单击项目级别视图 (Item level view-clicks in RecyclerView)

Unfortunately, there is no direct function out of the box to test the inner view clicks of the RecyclerView item. To achieve this, first we need to create a custom action that extends ViewAction, as shown below:

不幸的是,没有开箱即用的直接功能来测试RecyclerView项的内部视图点击。 为此,首先我们需要创建一个扩展ViewAction的自定义动作,如下所示:

fun clickChildViewWithId(id: Int): ViewAction {
    return object : ViewAction {
        override fun getConstraints(): Matcher<View>? {
            return null
        override fun getDescription(): String {
            return "Click on a child view with specific id."
        override fun perform(
            uiController: UiController,
            view: View
        ) {
            val v = view.findViewById<View>(id)

Now using the above custom, we can perform item-level view clicks, as shown below:


fun customActionTestRecyclerview(){

That’s all. I hope you learned something useful. Thanks for reading.

就这样。 我希望你学到了一些有用的东西。 谢谢阅读。







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