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翻译 我从优秀程序员那里学到的7件事

重点(Top highlight)I am working as a Full-Stack developer for the last five years. In these five years, I have worked with different types of programmers. Together, we have worked on existing modules as...

2020-10-13 02:21:19 668

翻译 小行星项目第2部分测试驱动开发

太空科学与Python(Space Science with Python) 前言(Preface)This is the 22nd part of my Python tutorial series “Space Science with Python”. All codes that are shown in the tutorial sessions are uploaded on G...

2020-10-13 02:10:21 1532

翻译 使用最好的python ide

Throughout this article, I will discuss a step-by-step guide for using some of the top Python Integrated Development Environments/Code Editors:I. Google Colaboratory | II. Jupyter Notebook | III. Spyd...

2020-10-13 02:01:05 656

翻译 Coursera指导的项目值得吗

背景故事(Backstory)I was first made aware of Coursera’s Guided Project when I received an email from them. Out of curiosity, I wanted to check them out, just to see if they can help with my learning. On ...

2020-10-13 01:51:14 878

翻译 python中的mcar统计测试

Have you wondered if missing “age” is related to the “Salary” of the respondant in a survey? Have you ever thought of analysing associations between various missing values in a dataset? How can you be...

2020-10-13 01:40:26 1558

翻译 sql初级题_初级开发人员不要避免学习SQL,您将需要它

sql初级题Whenever I meet junior developers, usually, they either have no idea about SQL or they have very limited, practically-unapplicable knowledge.通常,每当我遇到初级开发人员时,他们要么对SQL一无所知,要么掌握的知识非常有限,几乎不适用。Why? ...

2020-10-13 01:30:53 157

翻译 写后读相关 体系结构_我什么时候应该关心测试体系结构和易读性

写后读相关 体系结构My name is Ryan, and I hate jargon. I hate jargon because I am ill-equipped to remember it, but the reason why I still write decent code is that I am well equipped to understand the concepts...

2020-10-13 01:20:20 361

翻译 pandas实现sql查询_在Pandas中编写高级SQL查询

pandas实现sql查询Being able to skillfully manipulate data with both SQL and pandas, a data analysis library in Python, is a valuable skill to have for data analysts, data scientists and anyone working wit...

2020-10-13 01:09:50 1596

翻译 ui自动化测试测试报告_ui测试的screenidentifier模式

ui自动化测试测试报告A good principle to follow in automated tests, particularly UI tests, is identifying a problem and failing the test as early as possible while also providing an error message which makes it...

2020-10-13 00:59:08 458

翻译 nosql数据库做数据备份_NoSQL数据库的5个陷阱

nosql数据库做数据备份I recorded a video in which I talk about the advantages of NoSQL databases. The response was interesting, but I had the impression that not everyone sees the two sides of the coin. The fa...

2020-10-13 00:49:05 243

翻译 员工讨厌行为管理软件_我讨厌软件工程师

员工讨厌行为管理软件Meddy’s business grew massively over the last few years; our main metrics grew across the board. This meant that our engineering, operations, sales and marketing all had to grow to match the...

2020-10-13 00:38:55 296

翻译 golang 管道_必须具有用于golang构建管道的工具

golang 管道Build pipelines have become one of the most important parts of every software development company, be it a new startup or an established tech giant.无论是新成立的初创企业还是成熟的技术巨头,构建管道都已成为每个软件开发公司最重要的组成...

2020-10-13 00:28:34 319

翻译 数字三角形_三角数

数字三角形In programming, the series that correspond to the triangular numbers seem to occur quite often. In this short story, I would like to discuss it a little with a couple fun algorithms to give some ...

2020-10-13 00:18:02 1354

翻译 路径文件名 编码_当一名学校老师如何使我成为一名编码员

路径文件名 编码Before committing to the idea of binding my fingers to a keyboard and glueing my eyes to a monitor, I was at the front of a fourth grade classroom. You may think that the jobs of coding and te...

2020-10-13 00:07:24 174

翻译 通达 表单设计器 子表单_让用户根据表单中的类别选择子类别

通达 表单设计器 子表单目录(Table of Contents)Introduction介绍Our Steepest Slope我们最陡的斜坡Background/Context of Coterie背景的背景How I conquered the slope!我如何征服了斜坡!4a. 4a。Routes 路线4b. 4b。Meetings Controller 会议负责人((...

2020-10-12 23:56:44 351

翻译 构建url_快速构建使网络缩短URL

构建urlTake a moment to think of your preferred way to learn a new language, framework, or skill. Most likely, there is a certain amount of value that you only get when learning by doing.花点时间思考一下您学习新语言,...

2020-10-12 23:47:12 799

翻译 程序员如何在简历中脱颖而出_4个有趣的命令行实用程序让您脱颖而出

程序员如何在简历中脱颖而出Staring at code all day can be a real drag. Git can be frustrating and is mind-numbing at the best of times. Code reviews and project plans do not spark joy. You have to inject a little f...

2020-10-12 23:36:59 354

翻译 批处理命令 替换_如果使用其他命令和处理程序替换

批处理命令 替换重点(Top highlight)更好的软件设计(BETTER SOFTWARE DESIGN)If you want to learn how I use commands and handlers to keep my code neat and tidy, read on. It’s not about avoiding if-elseif-else. It’s about...

2020-10-12 23:27:57 343

翻译 redhat部署rz_部署到redhat openshift

redhat部署rzA quick walk-through on how to use Red Hat OpenShift to create and deploy a container image from a git project that contains a simple mood board REST service, deploy a redis container that a...

2020-10-12 23:17:26 230

翻译 react生命周期钩子_使用react钩子来响应组件的生命周期方法

react生命周期钩子For working with any tech you must know the lifecycle. When writing React components, we need access to lifecycle events to handle a variety of side effects: like fetching data on mount, ch...

2020-10-12 23:07:26 500

翻译 vuex状态管理几种状态_vuex类型的状态是最干净的方法

vuex状态管理几种状态If you’ve tried to use Vuex with TypeScript, you’ll have realized that it’s not such a straightforward task. Vuex doesn’t provide tooling for working with TypeScript out of the box. TypeSc...

2020-10-12 22:56:51 722

翻译 github ci cd_ci cd带角度的webassembly锈github和azure

github ci cdThis article will show you how to create a web application with a framework around a WebAssembly component. I will use the Angular framework, but the steps will be similar for other framew...

2020-10-12 22:46:47 199

翻译 golang echo_测量golang和echo对kotlin和vert x

golang echo介绍(Intro)Software bench-marking is extremely tough but it is something I really enjoy doing. Whether that is running apache bench on HTTP servers, running redis-benchmark, or pgbench — it ...

2020-10-12 22:37:27 724

翻译 线程池控制线程优先级控制_在锈中使用phantomdata控制线程

线程池控制线程优先级控制I was reading about the PhantomData type and came across the point made that it can be used as a mechanism for controlling lifetimes. From here I started to play around with it a bit and c...

2020-10-12 22:26:31 98

翻译 win10桌面图标有小白标_白标移动应用程序,带有react native和babel

win10桌面图标有小白标In my previous article, I described a solution for white labelling web applications which I used on one of my previous projects. I’m planning to use the same approach in my current projec...

2020-10-12 22:16:18 223

翻译 python 序列成员资格_python中的平等vs身份vs成员资格操作

python 序列成员资格平等vs身份vs成员资格运作(Equality vs Identity vs Membership Operation)In python, we might have seen is, in , == in python. is is used for identity comparison. in is used for membership operations....

2020-10-12 22:05:29 248

翻译 istio使用_开始使用istio之前的六个技巧

istio使用There is no doubt that deploying and maintaining applications in K8s can be harsh for any DevOps team. Services are becoming more and more convoluted, involving several external services, diffe...

2020-10-12 21:56:08 401

翻译 eda 数据分析_使用Earthpy在卫星图像上进行探索性数据分析eda

eda 数据分析中级指南(Intermediate Guide)目录(Table of Contents)Introduction to Satellite Imagery卫星影像导论Installation安装How to Download Satellite Images如何下载卫星图像Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) on Satellite Images卫星...

2020-10-12 21:47:02 1020

翻译 nginx部署flask_使用Nginx单元部署Flask应用

nginx部署flaskFlask is a popular python web framework that is most commonly known for creating REST APIs very easily. They are usually deployed using WSGI servers such as Gunicorn or uWSGI.Flask是一种流行的py...

2020-10-12 21:36:40 1820

翻译 谷歌开源api迁移学习_迁移到graphql API

谷歌开源api迁移学习Build GraphQL APIs faster from an existing relational database从现有的关系数据库更快地构建GraphQL API(If you are new to GraphQL, you are at the right place — this is exactly what you need!) (如果您不熟悉Graph...

2020-10-12 21:25:43 184

翻译 shell脚本调用并行执行_通过并行执行调用使代码闪电化

shell脚本调用并行执行为什么要并行工作?(Why Do Work In Parallel?)In big ????, fast ????‍♂️, and complicated ⁉️ codebases, there is a substantial amount of processing that needs to be done. Doing all of that processing sync...

2020-10-12 21:15:14 979

翻译 可维护性记录了他们的使用

保养102(Maintenance 102)In the first chapter, we saw how to handle exceptions and how to log them to: 在第一章中,我们了解了如何处理异常以及如何将异常记录到:not leak sensitive data to the user. 不会将敏感数据泄漏给用户。have user user-frie...

2020-10-12 21:05:30 173

翻译 我选择成为程序员的5个理由

I still remember when I decided to become a programmer. It was a summer break, and like every year, we used to visit our maternal uncle. My cousins were both older than me. They were studying engineer...

2020-10-12 20:56:11 2539

翻译 静态块 静态方法 静态变量_静态的力量

静态块 静态方法 静态变量In this article I will quickly summarise the concept of the ‘static’ website: what it is, and what its benefits and drawbacks are.在本文中,我将快速总结“静态”网站的概念:它是什么,它的优点和缺点是什么。 历史(History)In th...

2020-10-12 20:46:50 85

翻译 高级python 5设置字典和计数器

Set Methods设定方法(1) Three Features of the Sets(1)集合的三个特征There are 3 important features of sets. Sets are collections that are:集合有3个重要特征。 集合是以下集合:unique elements 独特元素mutable, but the elements in a set...

2020-10-12 20:37:29 205

翻译 连接kafka有超时设置_准备稳定的连接有助于您的组织欣赏kafka

连接kafka有超时设置If you want to enable your organization to leverage the full value of event-driven architectures, it is not enough to just add Kafka to the existing enterprise technology mix and wait for ...

2020-10-12 20:26:53 1473

翻译 goroutines通道在go中的应用

The first part of my Go series, I discuss different applications for best using goroutines and channels with an emphasis towards server-sided Go development.在Go系列的第一部分中,我讨论了使用goroutine和通道来最好地使用不同的应用程序...

2020-10-12 20:16:41 221

翻译 dhh ror_如何自动化您的dhh部署

dhh rorSome time ago, I wrote about the Challenges in Automating Multi-Schema Database Deployments. It was about why automated database deployments are crucial to efficient development processes and w...

2020-10-12 20:07:24 301

翻译 存活扫描_如何使用土壤湿度传感器使植物存活

存活扫描Every good plant mom (or dad) knows there are two important things to keep your indoor plants alive: light and water. The balance of getting the right amount of these two things is like walking a ...

2020-10-12 19:58:19 619

翻译 2020年每月工作日表_2020年工作场所技能再培训的诫命

2020年每月工作日表2020年现代工作场所(The Modern Workplace 2020)Every organization needs a skilled workforce to compete in the changing technological landscape. However, many organizations are falling behind skill ...

2020-10-12 19:47:24 459



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