livedata使用详解_具有协程和流程的LiveData —第二部分:使用体系结构组件启动协程...


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This article is part II of a summary of the talk I gave with Yigit Boyar at the Android Dev Summit 2019.

本文是我与Yigit Boyar在2019 Android Dev Summit上的演讲摘要的第二部分。

LiveData with Coroutines and Flow (ADS 2019)
具有协程和流程的LiveData(ADS 2019)

Part I: Reactive UIs


Part II: Launching coroutines with Architecture Components (this post)


Part III: LiveData and Coroutines patterns


Jetpack’s Architecture Components provide a bunch of shortcuts so you don’t have to worry about Jobs and cancellation. You simply have to choose the scope of your opeations:

Jetpack的体系结构组件提供了许多快捷方式,因此您不必担心作业和取消。 您只需要选择操作范围即可:

ViewModel范围 (ViewModel scope)

This is one of the most common ways to launch a coroutine because most data operations begin in the ViewModel. With the viewModelScope extension, jobs are cancelled automatically when the ViewModel is cleared. Use viewModelScope.launch to start coroutines.

这是启动协程的最常用方法之一,因为大多数数据操作始于ViewModel。 使用viewModelScope扩展,清除ViewModel时将自动取消作业。 使用viewModelScope.launch启动协程。

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class MainActivityViewModel : ViewModel {

    init {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            // Do things!

活动和片段范围 (Activity and Fragment scopes)

Similarly, you can scope an operation to a specific instance of a view if you use lifecycleScope.launch.

同样,如果您使用lifecycleScope .launch ,则可以将操作范围lifecycleScope .launch于视图的特定实例。

You can even have a narrower scope if you limit the operation to a certain lifecycle state with launchWhenResumed, launchWhenStarted or launchWhenCreated.

如果使用launchWhenResumedlaunchWhenStartedlaunchWhenCreated将操作限制在某个生命周期状态, launchWhenResumed范围甚至更窄。

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class MyActivity : Activity {
    override fun onCreate(state: Bundle?) {

        lifecycleScope.launch {
            // Run

        lifecycleScope.launchWhenResumed {
            // Run

适用范围 (Application scope)

There are good use cases for an application-wide scope (read all about it here) but, first, you should consider using WorkManager if your job must be executed eventually.


ViewModel + LiveData (ViewModel + LiveData)

So far we’ve seen how to start a coroutine but not how to receive a result from it. You could use a MutableLiveData like so:

到目前为止,我们已经看到了如何启动协程,但是没有看到如何从协程中接收结果。 您可以这样使用MutableLiveData

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// Don't do this. Use liveData instead.
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val _result = MutableLiveData<String>()
    val result: LiveData<String> = _result

    init {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            val computationResult = doComputation()
            _result.value = computationResult

But, since you will be exposing this result to your view, you can save some typing by using the liveData coroutine builder which launches a coroutine and lets you expose results through an immutable LiveData. You use emit() to send updates to it.

但是,由于您会将结果展示给视图,因此可以使用 liveData 协程生成器 它将启动一个协程,并允许您通过不可变的LiveData公开结果。 你用 emit() 发送更新。

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class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val result = liveData {

带switchMap的LiveData Coroutine构建器 (LiveData Coroutine builder with a switchMap)

In some cases you want to start a coroutine whenever the value of a LiveData changes. For example when you need an ID before starting a data load operation. There’s a handy pattern for that using Transformations.switchMap:

在某些情况下,只要LiveData的值发生更改,您都希望启动协程。 例如,当您在开始数据加载操作之前需要ID时。 使用Transformations.switchMap有一个方便的模式:

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private val itemId = MutableLiveData<String>()
val result = itemId.switchMap {
    liveData { emit(fetchItem(it)) }

result is an immutable LiveData that will be updated with the result from calling the fetchItem suspend function, whenever itemId has a new value.


发射另一个LiveData中的所有项目 (Emit all items from another LiveData)

This feature is less common but can also save some boilerplate: you can use emitSource passing a LiveData source. Useful when you want to emit an initial value first and a succession of values later.

此功能不太常用,但也可以节省一些样板:您可以使用emitSource LiveData源的emitSource。 当您要先发出初始值,然后再发出一系列值时很有用。

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liveData(Dispatchers.IO) {

取消协程 (Cancelling coroutines)

If you use any of the patterns above you don’t have to explicitly cancel jobs. However, there’s an important thing to remember: coroutine cancellation is cooperative.

如果您使用上述任何一种模式, 则不必显式取消作业 。 但是,有一点要记住: 协程取消是合作的

This means that you have to help Kotlin stop a job if the calling coroutine is cancelled. Let’s say you have a suspend function that starts an infinite loop. Kotlin has no way of stopping that loop for you, so you need to cooperate, checking if the job is active regularly. You can do that by checking the isActive property.

这意味着如果调用协程被取消,您必须帮助Kotlin停止工作。 假设您有一个开始无限循环的暂挂函数。 Kotlin无法为您停止该循环,因此您需要合作 ,定期检查工作是否活跃。 您可以通过检查isActive属性来实现。

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suspend fun printPrimes() {
    while(isActive) {
        // Compute

By the way if you use any of the functions in kotlinx.coroutines (like delay), you should know they’re all cancellable, meaning that they do that check for you.

顺便说一下,如果您使用kotlinx.coroutines任何功能(例如delay ),您应该知道它们都是可取消的 ,这意味着它们会为您进行检查。

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suspend fun printPrimes() {
    while(true) { // Ok-ish because we call delay inside
        // Compute

That said, I recommend you add the check regardless, since it could happen that someone removes that delay call in the future, introducing a subtle bug in your code.


一拍多值 (One-shot vs multiple values)

To understand coroutines (and reactive UIs for that matter) we need to make an important distinction between:


  • One-shot operations: They run once and can return a result

  • Operations that return multiple values: Subscriptions to a source of data that can emit multiple values over time.

Image for post
Twitter app showing parts of the UI requiring different types of operations. Retweets and likes update over time.
Twitter应用程序显示需要不同类型操作的UI部分。 转推和喜欢会随着时间更新。

用协同程序进行一次操作 (One-shot operations with coroutines)

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Using suspend functions and calling them with viewModelScope or liveData{} is a very convenient way to run non-blocking operations.


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class MyViewModel {
    val result = liveData {

However, things get a bit more complicated when we’re listening to changes.


使用LiveData接收多个值 (Receiving multiple values with LiveData)

I covered this topic in LiveData beyond the ViewModel (2018), where I talked about patterns you could use to work around the fact that LiveData was never designed as a fully-featured streams builder.

除了ViewModel (2018)之外,我还在LiveData中讨论了这个主题,其中我讨论了可以用来解决LiveData从未被设计为功能齐全的流生成器​​的事实的模式。

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An app’s presentation layer (green) and data layer (blue) using LiveData for communication

Nowadays, a better approach is to use Kotlin’s Flow (warning: some parts are still experimental). Flow is similar to the reactive streams features within RxJava.

如今,一种更好的方法是使用Kotlin's Flow (警告:某些部件仍在试验中)。 流类似于RxJava中的React流功能。

However, while coroutines make non-blocking one-shot operations way easier, this is not the same case for Flow. Streams are still hard to grasp. Still, if you want to create fast and solid reactive UIs, I’d say it’s worth the time investment. Since it’s part of the language and a small dependency, many libraries are starting to add Flow support (such as Room).

但是,尽管协程使非阻塞式单发操作更容易,但对于Flow来说情况并非如此。 流仍然很难掌握。 不过,如果您想创建快速而可靠的React式UI,我认为值得花时间进行投资。 由于它是语言的一部分,并且依赖性很小,因此许多库开始增加对Flow的支持( 例如Room )。

So, instead of LiveData, we can expose Flows from the Data Source and the Repository but the ViewModel still exposes LiveData because it’s lifecycle-aware.


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Using Flow for communication instead of LiveData in the data layer



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