

Staring at code all day can be a real drag. Git can be frustrating and is mind-numbing at the best of times. Code reviews and project plans do not spark joy. You have to inject a little fun into your day. You have to take a little time to blow off some steam. What better way than with a few neat little command-line toys?

整天盯着代码是一个真正的阻力。 最好的时候,Git可能令人沮丧并且令人麻木。 代码审查和项目计划并不会带来喜悦。 您必须为自己的一天注入一点乐趣。 您必须花一些时间吹散一些蒸汽。 有什么比几个简洁的命令行玩具更好的方法呢?

Adding some fun and especially a little color to your terminal will lighten the mood and really helps when the work tasks start to grind. Some of these utilities are more functional and actually serve a technical purpose, while others are just pure fun. It might seem like these are just nonsense distractions, and that’s because they mostly are. A distraction can be a good thing under the right circumstances.

在终端上添加一些乐趣,尤其是一点点颜色,将减轻心情,并在工作任务开始磨合时真正有所帮助。 这些实用程序中的一些实用程序功能更强大,并且实际上是为技术目的服务的,而其他实用程序只是纯粹的乐趣。 看来这些只是胡说八道,这是因为它们主要是这样。 在适当的情况下,分心可能是一件好事。

When you’re hyper focused on crushing some big project before a deadline, or fixing a particularly tricky bug your brain needs a break. Some people take breaks by getting up and walking around, other people distract themselves with some other task or a game. That is exactly what these can be for your productivity; a healthy distraction. Give your brain a rest and relax with some silly applications.

当您过于专注于在截止日期之前粉碎某个大型项目或修复一个特别棘手的错误时,您的大脑需要休息。 有些人通过起身走走休息,其他人则通过其他任务或游戏分散自己的注意力。 这些正是可以提高您的生产率的; 健康的分心。 使用一些愚蠢的应用程序让大脑休息并放松。

考赛 (Cowsay)

This is an absolute classic. Cowsay has been around since 1999 and provides endless possibilities for usage. In the simplest form cowsay provides you with an ASCII art cow that accepts stdin and then displays the results inside a speaking cow bubble. Cowsay can be a lot of fun for jazzing up monotonous tasks.

这是绝对的经典。 Cowsay自1999年以来一直存在,并提供了无限的使用可能性。 cowsay以最简单的形式为您提供了一个ASCII艺术母牛,该母牛接受stdin ,然后在有讲话的母牛泡泡内显示结果。 对于单调的任务来说, Cowsay可能会很有趣。

Cowsay could be built into many different useful things. You could include cowsay inside your machine login banner or even have errors and warnings displayed via cowsay (maybe not in production). Cowsay has even been built into some widely popular applications like Ansible as an optional output theme.

Cowsay可以内置到许多其他有用的东西中。 您可以在计算机登录横幅中包含cowsay ,甚至可以通过cowsay显示错误和警告(可能不在生产中)。 Cowsay甚至已作为一些可选的输出主题内置于诸如Ansible之类的一些广受欢迎的应用程序中。

Trying out cowsay is super easy, just install for your platform using the commands these cows tell you about below:


### debian install
< sudo apt install cowsay >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||### MacOS install
< brew install cowsay >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||# run it!
echo "hello from cowsay!" | cowsay
< hello from cowsay! >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||

鹦鹉活 (Parrot.live)

The Party Parrot is one of my all time favorite things in the universe. There are so many different forms of Party Parrot. Whether its Aussie Parrot, Exploding Parrot, doesn’t matter because I love them all. Many companies using Slack have quite the repertoire of parrot emojis added.

派对鹦鹉是我一直以来最喜欢的事物之一。 派对鹦鹉有很多不同的形式。 不管它的澳洲鹦鹉,爆炸鹦鹉,都没关系,因为我都很喜欢它们。 许多使用Slack的公司都添加了很多鹦鹉表情符号

But what if you’re stuck working on a headless machine with only a terminal? What if you can’t really install superfluous things like this and all you have access to is boring old curl? Don’t worry, you can still party!

但是,如果您被困在只有终端的无头机器上工作,该怎么办? 如果您不能真正安装像这样的多余东西,而您只能使用无聊的旧curl怎么办? 不用担心,您仍然可以聚会!

Image for post
parrot.live in terminal.

Simply type the following and take a Party Parrot break:


curl parrot.live

SL(蒸汽机车) (SL (steam locomotive))

What is one of the most useful commands you could ever use on a Unix-based system? That’s right. It’s ls.

您可以在基于Unix的系统上使用的最有用的命令之一是什么? 那就对了。 是ls

Have you ever accidentally typed ls wrong before? Maybe you’ve found yourself committing this classic fat finger:

您以前是否偶然输入过ls错误? 也许您发现自己犯下了这个经典的胖手指:

tate@computer:~ $ sl
bash: sl: command not found

Yes, clearly we meant ls but yet here we are with Bash yelling at us about a classic misunderstanding.


It’s time to train yourself out of this pathological ls typo behavior. sl to the rescue! The next time you accidentally type sl when you mean ls you will be greeted with an excruciatingly long steam locomotive chugging across your terminal:

它的时间来训练自己摆脱这种病态ls错字行为。 sl来救援! 下次当您误以为ls时不小心输入sl时,您会在终端机上遇到一个令人费解的长蒸汽机车:

Image for post
Terminal output of sl.

You’ll be afraid to accidentally type sl ever again after waiting for that damn train to finish scrolling across the screen. Start correcting those pesky habits today by installing with the following commands:

在等待那该死的火车完成在屏幕上的滚动之后,您会担心再次不小心键入sl 。 通过使用以下命令进行安装,立即开始纠正那些讨厌的习惯:

### debian
sudo apt install sl### MacOS
brew install sl

洛尔卡特 (lolcat)

Your terminal needs more color (probably). By far the easiest way for your terminal to “taste the rainbow” is using lolcat. This handy little utility will accept stdin and paint whatever you pass it in a rainbow gradient effect. Look we can even combine it with cowsay:

您的终端需要更多颜色(可能)。 到目前为止,您的终端“品尝彩虹”的最简单方法是使用lolcat 。 这个方便的小实用程序将接受stdin并绘制您通过彩虹渐变效果传递的所有内容。 看起来我们甚至可以将其与cowsay结合使用:

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Piping Cowsay text to lolcat.

And if that isn’t fun enough, we can even make lolcat animate the text we pass it too by using the --animate flag:


Image for post
Using the animate flag with lolcat.

Colorize some of that drab text output by installing lolcat:


# Debian
sudo apt install lolcat# MacOS
brew install lolcat

Thank you for reading! I hope you could blow off a little steam and maybe even have a chuckle with some of these amusing utilities. Don’t forget to take some breaks during those coding marathons and entertain yourself!

感谢您的阅读! 我希望您可以放一些劲,甚至可以对其中一些有趣的实用程序感到高兴。 不要忘记在编码马拉松比赛中休息一下,娱乐一下自己!

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/4-fun-command-line-utilities-to-take-the-edge-off-472129b1af41


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