

In the last two months Apple has released three new iPads, first was the iPad Pro, which was released last month & then the iPad Air and the iPad in the event (time flies). This event was very big for Apple, not only new iPads we also got new Apple watches (the Series 6 and the Apple Watch SE), Apple fitness+ and a new Apple One Bundle. There’s always a hype for Apple events and its products, Apple’s major change in the Apple Watch lineup was series 6 with a new and fast processor along with the all new blood oxymeter. The Apple watch SE on the other hand was introduced at a lower price range. Apple Watch SE offers the same processor which was present in the last years Apple Watch Series 5.

在过去的两个月中,Apple发布了三款新iPad,首先是上个月发布的iPad Pro,然后是活动中的iPad Air和iPad(时光飞逝)。 这次活动对Apple来说意义重大,不仅有新的iPad,我们还有新的Apple Watch(系列6和Apple Watch SE),Apple Fitness +和新的Apple One Bundle。 苹果活动及其产品一直备受炒作,苹果在Apple Watch产品阵容中的重大变化是6系列,其中配备了新型快速处理器以及全新的血氧仪。 另一方面,Apple Watch SE是在较低的价格范围内推出的。 Apple Watch SE提供了与最近几年Apple Watch Series 5相同的处理器。

The company announced an updated all new iPad and iPad Air. Talking about the iPad Air, the device was introduced in five colours and it starts from $599. Where as the iPad Pro starts from $799, the starting variant of the iPad Air is of 64GB whereas the iPad Pro starts from 128GB. Both the iPads are almost similar in terms of display & performance.

该公司宣布更新了所有新的iPad和iPad Air。 谈到iPad Air,该设备推出了五种颜色,起价为599美元。 iPad Pro的起价为799美元,而iPad Air的起始版本为64GB,而iPad Pro的起始版本为128GB。 这两款iPad在显示和性能上几乎都是相似的。

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Source: 9to5Mac

The A14 is Apple’s first chip built on the 5nm process and the company says it “features a new 6-core design for a 40 percent boost in CPU performance, and a new 4-core graphics architecture for a 30 percent improvement in graphics.” Meanwhile, the new 16-core neural engine is said to be 2x as fast and new machine learning accelerators are expected to offer 10x faster performance.

A14是苹果公司第一款基于5纳米制程的芯片,该公司表示“它采用了新的6核设计,可将CPU性能提高40%,而新的4核图形架构,则可以将图形性能提高30%。” 同时,据说新的16核神经引擎的速度是以前的2倍,而新的机器学习加速器的性能有望提高10倍。

Other notable hardware changes is the touch ID in the iPad Air, the touch ID is moved to the lock button and should be very convenient. In terms of convenience for most of the users touch ID is far better than Face ID, it’s also great to see USB-C coming to the new iPad Air like the Pro which offers more flexibility with peripherals. The new iPad Air can also support the Apple Pencil Second Generation and the Magic Keyboard.

其他值得注意的硬件更改是iPad Air中的触摸ID,触摸ID已移至锁定按钮,应该非常方便。 在大多数用户的便利性方面,触摸ID远胜于Face ID,很高兴看到USB-C像Pro一样出现在新的iPad Air中,它为外围设备提供了更大的灵活性。 新的iPad Air还可以支持Apple Pencil Second Generation和Magic Keyboard。

But the question arises when we compare both the models side by side, Is it worth spending more money on the Pro model ? In Apple, Pro stands for the most premium product in the lineup, but after releasing the iPad Air the lineup is completely messed up, the iPad Air seems more promising and cheaper than the iPad Pro, if Gigabytes is not a concern one should blindly consider iPad Air.

但是,当我们将两个模型进行比较时,就会出现一个问题,是否值得在Pro模型上花更多的钱? 在苹果公司中,Pro代表了该产品系列中最优质的产品,但是在发布iPad Air之后,产品系列完全被搞砸了,如果不考虑千兆字节的问题,那么iPad Air似乎比iPad Pro更有前景,更便宜,应该盲目考虑iPad Air。

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Source: 9to5Mac

If we talk about the camera setup on both the devices, iPad Pro has a dual camera setup along with the LiDAR scanner (for better Augmented Reality) which supports wide angle range but surprisingly doesn't support portrait mode, on the other hand iPad Air is a single camera setup. However, you’re still getting a very capable rear camera on the 2020 iPad Air that can shoot 4K video and slow-motion at 1080p as well as the same FaceTime camera that comes with the iPad Pro. And how much are you really going to use the LiDAR scanner, ultrawide, and flash on an iPad anyway?

如果我们谈论两种设备上的摄像头设置,则iPad Pro具有双摄像头设置以及LiDAR扫描仪(以实现更好的增强现实),该摄像头支持广角范围,但令人惊讶的是不支持人像模式,另一方面,iPad Air是单相机设置。 但是,您仍然在2020 iPad Air上获得了功能强大的后置摄像头,可以以1080p拍摄4K视频和慢动作,以及iPad Pro随附的同一FaceTime摄像头。 您到底要在iPad上使用超宽幅LiDAR扫描仪和闪光灯吗?

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Source: 9to5Mac

The battery life of the 2020 iPad Air is same as the iPad Pro 11", which is a great deal. The iPad Air weighs just one pound and has 10 hours battery life and the dimensions are identical to the iPad Pro 11".

2020年iPad Air的电池寿命与iPad Pro 11英寸相同,这非常重要。iPadAir的重量仅为1磅,电池寿命为10个小时,尺寸与iPad Pro 11英寸相同。

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Source: 9to5Mac

Which one should you consider?


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iPad Pro v iPad Air
iPad Pro v iPad Air

It depends on the usage of the consumer. If an ultrawide camera and LiDAR aren’t a big deal, you don’t need more than 256GB built-in storage, ProMotion 120Hz refresh rate isn’t a necessity, and you’re good with Touch ID in the top button vs Face ID, the 2020 iPad Air is the clear choice. But spending 200$ more for these features, that are not really important isn't worth it. As per me, iPad Air is a winner. As per the lineup Apple has released a cheaper and a better version than the premium model Pro, the product is a hit, but the question is, Will it affect the sales of the iPad Pro?

这取决于消费者的使用情况。 如果超宽镜头和LiDAR没什么大不了的,则您不需要超过256GB的内置存储,ProMotion 120Hz刷新率不是必需的,并且顶部按钮与Face相对应的Touch ID是您的不二之选ID,2020 iPad Air是不二之选。 但是,为这些功能多花200美元,那并不是很重要,这是不值得的。 按照我的说法,iPad Air是赢家。 根据产品阵容,苹果发布了比高端专业版便宜和更好的版本,该产品很受欢迎,但问题是,这会影响iPad Pro的销售吗?

By Yash Lalwani

亚什·拉瓦尼(Yash Lalwani)

翻译自: https://medium.com/macoclock/apples-ipad-lineup-is-a-complete-mess-up-4ceea6bcd407


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在风能领域,准确预测风速对于风电场的运行与管理至关重要。Matlab作为一个强大的数学计算和数据分析平台,被广泛应用于风速预测模型的构建。本文将深入探讨基于四种风速——随机风、基本风、阵风和渐变风的组合风速预测技术。 我们来理解这四种风速类型: 1. **随机风**:随机风是指风速呈现出随机性的变化,通常由大气湍流引起。在建模中,通常通过统计方法如高斯分布或Weibull分布来模拟这种不确定性。 2. **基本风**:基本风速是指在无特定扰动条件下的平均风速,它是长期观测结果的平均值,通常用于结构设计和风能评估。 3. **阵风**:阵风是短时间内风速显著增强的现象,对建筑物和风力发电机造成的主要威胁之一。阵风的预测涉及到风的脉动特性分析。 4. **渐变风**:渐变风是指风速随时间和空间逐渐变化的过程,常见于风向转变或地形影响下的风场变化。 在Matlab中,利用这四种风速类型进行组合预测,可以提高预测的准确性。预测模型可能包括以下几个步骤: 1. **数据收集与预处理**:收集历史风速数据,包括随机风、基本风、阵风和渐变风的数据,进行异常值检测、缺失值填充以及数据标准化。 2. **特征工程**:提取风速变化的相关特征,如平均值、标准差、极值、频率分布等,这些特征可能对预测有重要影响。 3. **模型选择**:可以选择多种预测模型,如时间序列分析(ARIMA、状态空间模型等)、机器学习算法(线性回归、决策树、支持向量机、神经网络等)或深度学习模型(LSTM、GRU等)。 4. **模型训练**:利用历史数据训练选定的模型,调整模型参数以优化性能,例如通过交叉验证来避免过拟合。 5. **模型验证与评估**:使用独立的测试集验证模型预测效果,常见的评估指标有均方误差(MSE)、平均绝对误差(MAE)和决定系数(R²)。 6. **组合预测**:结合四种风速的不同模型预测结果,可以采用加权平均、集成学习(如bagging、boosting)等方式,以提升整体预测精度。 7. **实时更新与动态调整**:实际应用中,模型需要不断接收新的风速数据并进行在线更新,以适应风场环境的变化。 通过以上步骤,可以构建一个综合考虑各种风速特性的预测系统,这对于风电场的功率输出预测、风电设备的维护计划以及电网调度都具有重要价值。然而,需要注意的是,每个风场的地理环境、气候条件和设备状况都有所不同,因此模型的建立应根据实际情况进行定制和优




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