

Written by Dzaki Al-Farid

由Dzaki Al-Farid撰写

Disclaimer: This paper is an opinion article without scientific study which is the personal opinion of the author, not a reflection of the attitudes or opinions of any agency and organization.


Are you sure your data is currently safe? Maybe after you read this article you started worrying about how your data is managed. Because if you don’t, you are the right target.

您确定您的数据当前安全吗? 也许在您阅读本文后,您开始担心如何管理数据。 因为如果您不这样做,那么您就是正确的目标。

When you create an account on social media or other platforms, you are given several statements regarding data management in using that media. Each digital platform has its terms & conditions, and everyone is given the choice to agree or disagree with them. Have you been considering it all this time?

在社交媒体或其他平台上创建帐户时,系统会为您提供一些有关使用该媒体进行数据管理的声明。 每个数字平台都有其条款和条件,每个人都可以选择同意或不同意。 您一直都在考虑吗?

2020, the year when the digital system is increasingly sophisticated and makes it very easy for the lives of all people in the world. With the smartphone that you have, you can talk with your lover for hours, order food that is out of your reach, even you can buy your underwear via your smartphone easily. But is it easier for all things to happen? I don’t think so, because there are people who don’t use it wisely.

2020年,数字系统变得越来越复杂,这一年对于全世界所有人的生活来说都是非常容易的。 使用您拥有的智能手机,您可以与爱人交谈数小时,订购无法触及的食物,甚至可以轻松地通过智能手机购买内衣。 但是,发生所有事情是否更容易? 我不这么认为,因为有些人没有明智地使用它。

The difficulty of competition in the world, including politics, economics, culture, and others, causes various parties to do dirty ways to win something they want. Without thinking about the impact, some parties take advantage of the lack of supervision by several parties regarding the management of personal data. The rise of data leakage is one of the gaps of destruction for some parties. With digital media being part of the lives of all human beings, it has become a means of crime for those who understand this field. Many parties who seek an advantage in some way, such as stealing people’s data to be used for personal gain.

世界上包括政治,经济,文化和其他方面的竞争困难,导致各方面采取肮脏的方式来赢得他们想要的东西。 在不考虑影响的情况下,某些团体利用了多个团体对个人数据管理缺乏监督的优势。 数据泄漏的增加是某些方面破坏的空白之一。 随着数字媒体成为全人类生活的一部分,对于已经了解这一领域的人们来说,数字媒体已成为一种犯罪手段。 许多以某种方式寻求优势的政党,例如窃取人们的数据以谋取个人利益。

When opening the Youtube application, are you looking for the video that you want to watch, or are you just watching what appears on the Youtube start page? Maybe you never realized it, you only choose videos that you think are interesting but don’t know about the origin of the video appearing on your timeline. Youtube has an algorithm that studies data resulting from livelihoods, videos watched, even videos that have links to videos that have been watched before. These data are used to map the patterns of the users of the media so that the media can present videos that might interest us. This is very dangerous for someone’s life. Our data and all people on this earth have been collected in a storage place so that at any time it can be used for various purposes without the consent of the owner of the data.

打开Youtube应用程序时,您是在寻找要观看的视频,还是只是在观看YouTube开始页面上显示的视频? 也许您从未意识到,您只选择了自己认为有趣的视频,却不知道出现在时间轴上的视频的来源。 YouTube上有一种算法,可以研究由生计,观看的视频甚至是链接到以前观看过的视频的视频产生的数据。 这些数据用于映射媒体用户的模式,以便媒体可以展示我们可能感兴趣的视频。 这对某人的生命非常危险。 我们的数据和地球上所有的人都被收集在一个存储地点,以便在任何时候都可以将其用于各种目的,而无需数据所有者的同意。

The sheer volume of data that has been created and stored at a global level is to this day unimaginable. The data continue to grow endlessly. Thus, Big Data has a high potential to collect important information and is also the key to success in determining business strategy. In processing internal and external data, an institution can take data from various axes to be exploited for profit in business. When an institution\organization can combine a large amount of data it has with powerful analysis, it can complete several tasks related to its business such as in the controversial USA Donald Trump presidential election campaign.

迄今为止,在全球范围内创建和存储的庞大数据量是无法想象的。 数据持续不断增长。 因此,大数据具有收集重要信息的巨大潜力,也是成功确定业务策略的关键。 在处理内部和外部数据时,机构可以从各个角度获取数据,以利用这些数据来牟取商业利润。 当一个机构\组织可以将其拥有的大量数据与强大的分析相结合时,就可以完成与其业务相关的多项任务,例如在有争议的美国唐纳德·特朗普总统竞选活动中。

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Source: Pinterest

The case of data leakage in the world, Trump’s victory in the United States Presidential Election.


Donald Trump was elected as President of the US through the Republic Party on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. He won 276 electoral votes, beating the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who won 218 electoral votes. After some time during the administration of Donald Trump, there have been several issues regarding data leaks being exploited in the US presidential election. This was even featured in a documentary film entitled “The Great Hack”.

唐纳德·特朗普于2016年11月8日星期二通过共和党当选为美国总统。他赢得276张选举人票,击败了赢得218张选举人票的民主党总统候选人希拉里·克林顿。 在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)执政一段时间后,关于美国总统大选中利用的数据泄漏问题出现了几个问题。 甚至在纪录片《大黑客》中也有介绍。

The Great Hack is a documentary film about the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal. The film, which was released on Netflix in July 2019, is the work of Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer. This documentary focuses on Professor David Carroll of the Parsons School of Design, Brittany Kaiser (former director of business development for Cambridge Analytica), and British investigative journalist Carole Cadwalladr.

The Great Hack是一部有关Facebook-Cambridge Analytica数据丑闻的纪录片。 该电影于2019年7月在Netflix上发行,是Jehane Noujaim和Karim Amer的作品。 该纪录片的重点是帕森斯设计学院的David Carroll教授,Brittany Kaiser(Cambridge Analytica的业务发展前总监)以及英国的调查记者Carole Cadwalladr。

Cambridge Analytica, the company responsible for the scandal, has big data expertise. The data collected is used as part of a massive campaign creation strategy targeting individual users. The outcome of this campaign ultimately disrupted US and UK politics to the point that it led to claims of involvement by social media companies such as Facebook.

负责该丑闻的公司Cambridge Analytica具有大数据专业知识。 收集的数据用作针对单个用户的大规模广告系列创建策略的一部分。 这场运动的结果最终扰乱了美国和英国的政治,以至于它导致声称诸如Facebook之类的社交媒体公司参与其中。

Cambridge Analytica’s illegal collection of personal data was first reported in December 2015 by Harry Davies, a journalist for The Guardian. He reports that Cambridge Analytica works for the United States Senator Ted Cruz and uses data taken from millions of people’s Facebook accounts without their consent. Facebook declined to comment on the report other than saying it was investigating it. Subsequent reports that review Cambridge Analytica is the Swiss publication Das Magazin by Hannes Grasseger and Mikael Krogerus in December 2016, Carole Cadwalladr at The Guardian (starting February 2017) and Mattathias Schwartz at The Intercept (March 2017). Brittany Kaiser, former director of Business Development at Cambridge Analytica, says that everything published involving Cambridge Analytica in the Brexit campaign and the Ted Cruz campaign is correct.

《卫报》的记者哈里·戴维斯(Harry Davies)于2015年12月首次报道了Cambridge Analytica的非法收集个人数据的行为。 他报告说,Cambridge Analytica为美国参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)工作,未经其同意就使用了从数以百万计的Facebook帐户中获取的数据。 Facebook拒绝对此报道发表评论,只是表示正在对此进行调查。 随后的评论《 Cambridge Analytica》的报告是Hannes Grasseger和Mikael Krogerus于2016年12月在瑞士出版的《 Das Magazin》,《卫报》的Carole Cadwalladr(自2017年2月开始)和《 The Intercept》的Mattathias Schwartz(2017年3月)。 Cambridge Analytica的业务发展前总监Brittany Kaiser表示,英国脱欧战役和Ted Cruz战役中涉及Cambridge Analytica的一切发行都是正确的。

The leaked Facebook user data was used by Cambridge Analytica to map the characteristics of voters in the 2016 US presidential election that won Donald Trump. The leaked personal data of Facebook users also have the potential to be used for political purposes. Reflecting on the case of Facebook user data leaks in the United States. The personal data of more than 50 million users of the social media application made by Mark Zuckerberg was leaked to third parties for various purposes. There were 1,096,666 personal data of the leaked Facebook account owners in Indonesia.

泄露的Facebook用户数据被Cambridge Analytica用来绘制2016年美国唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统大选的选民特征。 Facebook用户泄露的个人数据也有可能被用于政治目的。 反思美国Facebook用户数据泄漏的情况。 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)制造的超过5000万社交媒体应用程序用户的个人数据出于各种目的泄露给了第三方。 在印度尼西亚,泄露的Facebook帐户所有者有1,096,666个人数据。

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Source: Pinterest

Leaking cases in Indonesia, Leaking of Tokopedia user data.


One of the new startups in Indonesia, Tokopedia, experienced a data leak in early May, leaving most of its user data vulnerable to abuse. A total of 91 million personal data is traded on dark web sites for $ 5,000 or the equivalent of 72 million rupiahs. The leaking of data includes full name, hash password, email, telephone number, gender, and date of birth.Starting from this personal data, some people can use it for their gain. Capitalizing on population profiling for political needs, deciding on advertising targets on social media, even cybercrime with social engineering techniques combined with malware (software to carry out criminal acts), phishing, to SIM swaps. Crimes with personal data have occurred in government institutions, where this case has stolen personal data: the leakage of 1.3 million Ministry of Education and Culture employee data containing Identity Number, Family Card number, full name, date of birth, address, and full names of parents. How is the government responding to this problem?Leaking data on Tokopedia and Kemendikbud users are just a few of the existing leakage cases. Unfortunately, the government seems not serious in responding to this problem. The government has instead focused more on using personal data for its interests. Poor handling from the government can be seen in the case of leakage of startup companies, so it can be assessed the performance of a stupid government that just accepts reports from companies without following up on the truth of the report.

印度尼西亚的一家新创公司之一Tokopedia在5月初经历了数据泄露,使大多数用户数据容易受到滥用。 在深色网站上,总共有9,100万个个人数据以5,000美元或相当于7,200万印尼盾的价格交易。 数据泄漏包括全名,哈希密码,电子邮件,电话号码,性别和出生日期。从这些个人数据开始,某些人可以利用它获取收益。 利用针对政治需要的人口概况分析,确定社交媒体上的广告目标,甚至将社交工程技术与恶意软件(用于执行犯罪行为的软件)相结合的网络犯罪,网络钓鱼,以及SIM交换。 在政府机构中曾发生过带有个人数据的犯罪活动,该案件中的个人数据被盗:泄露了130万教育和文化部员工数据,其中包括身份证号码,家庭卡号,全名,出生日期,地址和全名的父母。 政府如何应对这一问题?Tokopedia和Kemendikbud用户的泄漏数据只是现有泄漏事件中的少数。 不幸的是,政府似乎对解决这个问题并不认真。 相反,政府将更多精力放在利用个人数据谋取利益上。 在初创公司流失的情况下,可以看出政府的处理不善,因此可以评估一个愚蠢的政府的绩效,该政府只接受公司的报告,而没有遵循报告的真实性。

By knowing some of the cases above and how the regulations work in government. It can be seen from the government side that handled these cases cannot be 100% judged that their work was negligent. Even though the government has done its best for the interests of the country, the people have not also helped in the implementation process, this is futile and will happen again. As a society, we can help by being more aware of using the media. Because there are still many people who still underestimate this, but when this problem occurs it creates hoax news and spreads this news in a distorted direction. Start thinking about your surroundings, you have a very big influence on your environment!

通过了解上述某些情况以及法规在政府中的运作方式。 从政府方面可以看出,不能100%地判断处理这些案件的工作是过失的。 尽管政府为国家利益尽了最大的努力,但人民在实施过程中也没有提供帮助,这是徒劳的,而且还会再次发生。 作为一个社会,我们可以通过更加意识到使用媒体来提供帮助。 因为仍然有很多人仍然低估了这一点,但是当出现此问题时,它会制造出恶作剧新闻,并以扭曲的方向传播此新闻。 开始考虑您的周围环境,您对环境的影响很大!

At least if you are lazy in reading the Terms & Agreement of an application because it is so long, think again how to place your data on any social media. Because maybe, you are being watched!

至少如果您因为太长而无法阅读应用程序的条款和协议,请再考虑一下如何将数据放置在任何社交媒体上。 因为也许正在监视您!

翻译自: https://medium.com/@dpmndtx/personal-data-that-is-not-personal-956d356579f0






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