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翻译 黑客如何利用技术赚钱_是中国利用黑客在技术战争中取得成功

黑客如何利用技术赚钱This appeared in The Millennial Source 这出现在千禧年的来源 Chinese state-backed hackers have pillaged Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, according to reports. The hack once again shows that cyber warf...

2020-09-30 05:06:43 776

翻译 api存在csrf攻击吗_使用rest api防止单页应用上的csrf攻击

api存在csrf攻击吗tl;dr — If your SPA uses a private REST API, use CORS and a CSRF Token header. If your SPA uses a public REST API, use a SameSite Strict cookie for mutating operations (if you only support...

2020-09-30 04:57:13 1260

翻译 微信视频通话视频录制_录制视频通话和数据保护

微信视频通话视频录制I am old enough to remember 2019. In those days, most people had face to face meetings and sometimes even travelled to other countries just to get business done. Fast forward six months and ...

2020-09-30 04:39:02 1674

翻译 哈希表 哈希函数 时间_哈希函数的简单说明

哈希表 哈希函数 时间 首先,什么是哈希函数? (First, what is a hash function?)Simply speaking, a hash function is a mathematical function that takes any input size and convert it to a fixed output size. Consider this sim...

2020-09-08 23:03:45 705

翻译 个人数据泄露问题的数据_非个人的个人数据

个人数据泄露问题的数据Written by Dzaki Al-Farid 由Dzaki Al-Farid撰写 Disclaimer: This paper is an opinion article without scientific study which is the personal opinion of the author, not a reflection of the attit...

2020-09-08 22:34:10 894

翻译 直接在Visual Studio代码编辑器中加密字符串文件

String encryption is used everywhere in desktop & mobile software. You might not even know about it, but it’s there and I’m going to show you how to do it easier and faster. 字符串加密在台式机和移动软件中无处不在。 您...

2020-09-06 16:52:58 1856

翻译 红队 入门_我穿越网络安全红队的硕士证书的旅程

红队 入门August 26 BY Kaavyaa.A 8月26日,Kaavyaa.A This is my personal experience with the one-of-a-kind program powered by HackerU, Isreal’s Premier Cyber Security Training Provider and Jigsaw Academy, Ind...

2020-09-06 16:42:32 796

翻译 冠状病毒绘制了感染全球PC的恶意软件

The malware specifically aims to target those who are looking for cartographic presentations of the spread of COVID-19 on the Internet. In light of Johns Hopkins University releasing the official COVI...

2020-09-03 12:58:34 212

翻译 利用服务器端模板注入

Server Side Template Injection: To present data dynamically from emails or webpages we use templates and unsafely use of it leads to server exploits like RCE and many more. 服务器端模板注入:为了从电子邮件或网页中动态显示数据,...

2020-09-03 12:39:29 360

翻译 ibm 银行风险管理软件_ibm i中两个常见的安全风险以及如何处理

ibm 银行风险管理软件The highest points of vulnerability in data centers using IBM i aren’t IBM i related at all. They are simply caused by human error. IBM i is highly securable when protocols are enforced to...

2020-09-03 12:09:48 482

翻译 在浏览器中输入holbertonschool com并按Enter时会发生什么

Hello dear lector, if you are reading this is because everything is working. What I mean by “is working”? Well, you will understand it at the end of this post. Nowadays, if you are one of those people...

2020-09-03 12:00:08 456

翻译 tor 匿名访问_如何使用tor匿名化Node js应用程序

tor 匿名访问Like every developer, I find myself writing many scripts, bots and cron jobs, that regularly hit certain servers. Occasionally, I need these scripts to appear to be in random remote locations....

2020-09-03 11:50:05 575

翻译 sql二阶注入_二阶sql注入里面隐藏了一些东西

sql二阶注入Summary : 总结: Everyone knows what is SQL Injection, but just to give you a brief about SQL Injection, it is a code injection technique that might destroy your database. It usually occurs when ...

2020-09-03 11:39:33 444

翻译 非对称加密 公钥解密_了解非对称公钥加密

非对称加密 公钥解密Asymmetric cryptography, also called public key cryptography, is an essential element of a secure cyberspace. However, understanding asymmetric cryptography can be challenging for people who...

2020-09-03 11:18:35 1095

翻译 香港专业教育学院写了超过一年的数据隐私这是我学到的东西

It’s boring, abstract, and honestly ‘privacy’ isn’t even the right word. After being immersed in the data privacy space for a solid year, I’ve noticed some common themes in rhetoric and attitudes — as...

2020-09-03 10:39:30 187

翻译 Mozilla Lockwise更好的密码管理器

Password managers are a dime a dozen. There seems to be something for every taste and purse. However, the quality, level of comfort and security often differ — even though advertising always promises ...

2020-08-18 20:55:23 247

翻译 数据库身份证号加密密码加密_使用密码加密数据

数据库身份证号加密密码加密 介绍 (Introduction)When we’re encrypting data, typically we will create a random key that is able to decrypt that data. In some specific cases one wants to use a user specified key to dec...

2020-08-18 20:45:14 4079

翻译 python非对称加密_内存python中敏感数据的非对称加密

python非对称加密Sometimes it is necessary to encrypt data between read and write cycles, where for instance we have a device which takes sensitive data and records it for processing. However, since the dat...

2020-08-18 20:35:07 294

翻译 使用python中的天蓝色密钥库来保护您的秘密安全

When you are developing applications, you often encounter that point where you have to connect your work to other applications and resources. As you just want to check quickly if the connection method...

2020-08-18 20:25:27 401

翻译 nmap扫描端口_关于nmap端口扫描的haklukes指南仅仅是开始

nmap扫描端口A while back, I posted a Twitter thread that described the Nmap features that I actually use. It really blew up! Nearly 80,000 people saw that thread, so I thought it would be good to put it i...

2020-08-18 20:14:32 322

翻译 csrfs还是一回事吗

CSRF vulnerabilities happen when attackers can initiate forged state-changing requests from a foreign domain. This usually occurs because the user’s browser sends session cookies regardless of where t...

2020-08-18 20:03:37 67

翻译 unifi 华为_使用Unifi Dream Machine Pro自定义动态DNS

unifi 华为I recently bought a UniFi Dream Machine Pro (UDM Pro). I did a ton of research before getting it and saw Dynamic DNS (DDNS) support. But it only supported a hand full of DDNS providers. My dom...

2020-08-18 19:53:45 1873

翻译 数字房子着火了

On July 15, 2020, Twitter Inc. suffered a cyberattack during which three Florida teenagers took control of several high-profile Twitter accounts, including those of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Elon Musk ...

2020-08-18 19:43:44 198

翻译 斯坦福大学神经网络_斯坦福大学欺骗专家和网络安全首席执行官解释了为什么人们迷上网络骗局

斯坦福大学神经网络By Tim Sadler and Jeff Hancock 蒂姆·萨德勒和杰夫·汉考克 We all know the feeling, that awful sinking in your stomach when you realize you’ve clicked a link that you shouldn’t have. Maybe it was late at ...

2020-08-18 19:34:00 688

翻译 放心 看我名字_放心,大多数公司不会偷您的数据

放心 看我名字You’ve likely seen a fair amount in the news about how companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon are hoarding every piece of information about their users they come in contact with. Sometimes...

2020-08-18 19:24:17 88

翻译 ac管理器管理员密码忘记了_人们为什么不使用密码管理器

ac管理器管理员密码忘记了Password managers generate secure, complex and unique passwords automatically for each website you make an account for. They remember the username and password automatically, too. This is...

2020-08-18 19:13:25 266

翻译 简历造假_深造假的技术对策

简历造假GAN and Deepfakes have become more than research topics or engineering toys. Starting as an innovative research concept, now they can be used as a communication weapon. Deepfakes have numerous pos...

2020-08-18 19:03:57 852

翻译 4种在线保护自己的方法

It’s time to build privacy into your app stack. 现在是时候在您的应用程序堆栈中建立隐私了。 Online scams are rife and a mere three clicks away as any digital native parked in cyberspace will know. Even more so now that th...

2020-08-18 18:54:49 345

翻译 手机浏览器被黑_我的手机被黑了,这就是保护自己的方法

手机浏览器被黑 免责声明 (Disclaimer)Some of my friends were saying, my mobile phone didn’t hack and I am doing a prank. Then before you read my hacking story, I want to give you a disclaimer that it’s not a pra...

2020-08-18 18:44:12 1596

翻译 特斯拉名言_特斯拉员工抵制俄罗斯组织的网络攻击

特斯拉名言Hacking attempts by nefarious players have increasingly become commonplace with major corporate networks being targeted. Recent cyberattacks point to the severity of the situation. The first such...

2020-08-18 18:34:47 247

翻译 神界危机3.4隐藏英雄密码_这就是我解决密码记忆危机的方法

神界危机3.4隐藏英雄密码Note : This content applies to those who have spent a good amount of frustrating time in remembering, correcting, copy-pasting passwords. The logic I built to overcome this is tried &...

2020-08-18 18:15:45 4618

翻译 黑客入侵16进制密码_密码与密码黑客如何诱骗您入侵您的详细信息

黑客入侵16进制密码Time to read — 5 to 15 minutes. 阅读时间-5至15分钟。 1.密码与密码 (1. Assword vs Password)ASSWORD vs PASSWORD (The only difference is ‘P’). Your PASSWORD could have been better & protected by ‘P’....

2020-08-18 18:06:37 7129

翻译 天蓝色在ps中的色值_天蓝色的cosmosdb文档中的字段级加密

天蓝色在ps中的色值In today’s world customer’s data security and privacy is of utmost importance. This becomes additionally important when you start adopting cloud. 在当今世界,客户的数据安全性和隐私至关重要。 当您开始采用云时,这变得尤为重要。 Of...

2020-08-18 17:56:48 329

翻译 对北马其顿的新网络攻击刺激要求加强防御

Fresh cyber attacks in North Macedonia, this time targeting the health and education ministries, are spurring calls for more sophisticated cyber protection. 北马其顿的新一轮网络攻击,这次针对卫生和教育部,正在促使人们呼吁进行更复杂的网络保护。...

2020-08-18 17:46:20 224

翻译 金融科技appsec的未来比您想象的要光明

The security industry has the unenviable task of educating and reminding organizations of the rising risks to their FinTech applications and customers’ data. They’re certainly not wrong — financial se...

2020-08-18 17:36:35 214

翻译 c#验证验证码输入正确_大多数情况下,输入验证是多余的

c#验证验证码输入正确Before I draw all the flashes of anger from all the software security-aware professionals out there, I insist you give some time to contemplate on the subtitle for some time. 在我吸引所有软件安全意识专业...

2020-08-18 17:27:11 177



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