ios web应用程序_ios android或Web应用程序

ios web应用程序

By Maxim E.


A mobile app or a web app? If you want to grow, attract new users, and retain old ones, you will have to do both. All major video service providers have mobile and web applications. Look no further than YouTube, Zoom, Instagram, TikTok, Skype.

移动应用程序还是网络应用程序? 如果您想发展壮大,吸引新用户并保留旧用户,则必须同时做到。 所有主要的视频服务提供商都拥有移动和Web应用程序。 除了YouTubeZoomInstagramTikTokSkype ,别无所求

However, the development costs money, and the money isn’t always enough for all options. What to do, where to start? It’s difficult to answer these questions without any further information. It all comes down to what you want to do and what your plan of development is. In this article, we will explain some things about how to choose a platform and provide you with relevant statistics.

但是,开发需要花钱,而且这些钱并不总是所有选择都足够。 怎么做,从哪里开始? 没有更多信息,很难回答这些问题。 这一切都取决于您想做什么以及您的发展计划是什么。 在本文中,我们将说明有关如何选择平台并为您提供相关统计信息的一些信息。

Let’s first take a look at the advantages of both options. Perhaps, it will already be enough for you to make a choice.

首先让我们看一下这两个选项的优点。 也许,选择就已经足够了。

网络应用程序的优势 (Advantages of a web app)

  • Availability. A user doesn’t have to download an app from AppStore or Google Play. It’s enough to follow a link or simply google a website

    可用性 。 用户不必从AppStore或Google Play下载应用。 只需单击链接或仅搜索一个网站就足够了

  • Quick updates. The changes to a website go directly to a user

    快速更新 。 网站更改直接交给用户

  • A big computer screen allows you to insert more information


  • You can choose a payment system. If you have a mobile app, you will have to pay Google Play or AppStore a 30% commission fee. On a website, you are free to choose any payment system you like, and the commission is ten times lower — 3–4%.

    您可以选择一种付款系统 。 如果您拥有移动应用,则必须向Google Play或AppStore支付30%的佣金。 在网站上,您可以自由选择任何您喜欢的支付系统,而佣金则低10倍,即3-4%。

  • You can create a mobile website version. It will work on iOS and Android and cost much less than two native applications. We will compare mobile sites and apps later.

    您可以创建一个移动网站版本 。 它可以在iOS和Android上运行,并且价格要低于两个本机应用程序。 稍后我们将比较移动网站和应用程序。

行动应用程式的优点 (Advantages of a mobile app)

  • Convenience. A cellphone is almost always with a user, and they can use an app any time they want.

    方便。 手机几乎总是随用户一起使用,他们可以随时随地使用应用程序。

  • Offline mode. Although a vast majority of apps need internet to work correctly, some developers allow an offline mode for the app. It’s impossible with a website.

    离线模式 。 尽管绝大多数应用程序都需要Internet才能正常工作,但一些开发人员允许该应用程序使用离线模式。 网站是不可能的。

  • Push notifications. You can launch a promotion, send an advertisement, or just remind inactive users about the app. SocialMediaToday’s research shows that push notifications are more effective than sending out emails or SMS.

    推送通知 。 您可以发起促销,发送广告,或者只是提醒不活跃的用户有关该应用的信息。 SocialMediaToday的研究表明,推送通知比发送电子邮件或SMS更有效。

An opportunity to create a mobile website version is a serious advantage when your budget is limited. By doing that, it’s possible to save money on iOS and Android apps. If, however, you think of doing that, you need to consider what you can get and what you can lose.

当您的预算有限时,创建移动网站版本的机会是一个巨大的优势。 这样,可以在iOS和Android应用程序上省钱。 但是,如果您打算这样做,则需要考虑可以得到什么和可以失去什么。

We get all the website advantages that we had before, plus a user can now use it anywhere where they have a phone and a cell service. It’s also worth noticing that the same development team will create a mobile version of a website. Mobile apps have some advantages, though:

我们获得了以前拥有的所有网站优势,而且用户现在可以在拥有电话和手机服务的任何地方使用它。 还值得注意的是,同一开发团队将创建网站的移动版本。 但是,移动应用程序具有一些优势:

  • Speed. They will launch and work faster. According to research conducted by Kissmetrics, 40% of users leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. It’s crucial because, according to the very same research, a loading delay in one second can lower conversion by 7%. What it means is that if your website makes $100k a day, you risk losing $2,5 mil a year.

    速度 。 他们将启动并更快地工作。 根据Kissmetrics进行的研究 ,如果加载时间超过3秒,则有40%的用户会离开网站。 至关重要的原因在于,根据同一项研究,一秒钟的加载延迟会使转化率降低7%。 这意味着,如果您的网站每天赚取100ka,您就有可能每年损失250万美元。

  • Expanded functionality. You are free to use GPS, Bluetooth, camera, and all the platform functions in the app. It can also interact with other apps, integrate with social networks, etc.

    扩展功能 。 您可以自由使用GPS,蓝牙,摄像头和该应用程序中的所有平台功能。 它还可以与其他应用程序交互,与社交网络集成等。

  • Mobile apps are used more. Due to research by eMarketer, cellphone users spend 90% of their time on apps and only 10% of their time on websites.

    移动应用程序使用更多 。 根据eMarketer的研究,手机用户将90%的时间花在应用程序上,而将10%的时间花在网站上。

我从什么开始呢? (With what do I start?)

Although we’ve taken a look at the advantages of mobile apps and web apps, it’s still unclear as to what to go with first if the budget is limited. There’s no all-round solution, and it depends on your product type. Let’s create an algorithm using popular multimedia apps to help us with that.

尽管我们已经研究了移动应用程序和Web应用程序的优势,但是在预算有限的情况下该如何使用尚不清楚。 没有全方位的解决方案,这取决于您的产品类型。 让我们使用流行的多媒体应用程序创建一个算法来帮助我们。

目标观众 (Target audience)

Are you creating an app for business people or just regular users? Your decision might differ based on your answer. As an example, let’s take YouTube and Zoom.

您是为商务人士还是普通用户创建应用程序? 根据您的答案,您的决定可能会有所不同。 以YouTube和Zoom为例。

  • a service for regular people. According to official statistics, it’s being used by more than 2 billion people monthly, and 70% of them do that with a mobile app. It’s understandable. Whoever doesn’t watch YouTube nowadays? People go there on their way to work and home, on public transport, in queues, in traffic jams. The mobile app is a go-to thing for YouTube because access from anywhere is essential.

    YouTube。是面向普通人的服务。 根据官方统计,每月有超过20亿人使用它,其中70%是通过移动应用程序来使用的。 这是可以理解的。 谁今天不看YouTube? 人们在上班和回家,乘坐公共交通工具,排队,堵车的路上去那里。 移动应用是YouTube的必备工具,因为从任何地方访问都是必不可少的。

  • Zoom is a video conference service. It’s designed more for meetings and business calls; however, no one prohibits you from calling your mom on Zoom. But it’s the planned direction towards conferences that made Zoom to be used more on desktop computers. Judging by the official statistics, you can see that only about 10% of all registered users went into the meeting using their cellphone.

    Zoom是视频会议服务。 专为会议和商务电话而设计; 但是,没有人禁止您给Zoom打电话给妈妈。 但是正是会议的计划方向使Zoom越来越多地用于台式计算机。 根据官方统计数据,您可以看到只有大约10%的注册用户使用手机参加了会议。

The conclusion is simple. If you expect your service to be used on a daily basis, and you want it to be accessible anywhere (Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp), choose a mobile app. If you follow other goals, such as online conferences (Zoom, Google Meet), a web version is your pick. Your partner or employee won’t always be using the service. They will do it during a meeting.

结论很简单。 如果您希望每天使用该服务,并且希望可以在任何地方 (Instagram,TikTok,WhatsApp)访问该服务,请选择一个移动应用程序。 如果您遵循其他目标,例如在线会议 (Zoom,Google Meet),则可以选择网络版本。 您的伴侣或员工将不会一直使用该服务。 他们将在会议期间这样做。

获利机会 (Monetization opportunities)

Do you want to sell subscriptions or goods and services? When you sell digital content inside a mobile app, Google Play or AppStore will take a 30% commission fee. Unlike websites, where the payment will be not that significant, just 3–4%. It’s important because when you start out, you count every cent.

您要出售订阅或商品和服务吗? 当您在移动应用内销售数字内容时,Google Play或AppStore将收取30%的佣金 。 与网站不同的是,该网站的付款不是那么重要,只有3-4% 。 这很重要,因为当您开始时,您会数一分钱。

Also, according to Atrium research, people are ready to spend more on a website rather than on mobile apps. That means that if you sell expensive subscriptions, goods, or services, it’s more likely that a user will buy it on a website.

而且,根据Atrium研究,人们准备在网站上而不是在移动应用上花费更多。 这意味着,如果您出售昂贵的订阅,商品或服务,则用户更有可能在网站上购买。

On the other hand, Jmango’s research shows that the conversion rate (a possibility that a user will buy something again later) is higher on mobile apps.

另一方面, Jmango的研究表明,移动应用程序上的转换率(用户以后会再次购买商品的可能性)更高。

Android与iOS (Android vs. iOS)

What to do if you need to create an app, and there is only enough budget for one of those? Let’s turn to the statistics.

如果您需要创建一个应用,而其中只有一个预算,该怎么办? 我们来看一下统计数据。

According to DeviceAtlas’s research, there are more Android phones out there. But there are regions where that difference is not that substantial, and there are other regions where iOS devices prevail. The knowledge we can take from here is that our decision for a platform will be affected by the market at which the application is aimed.

根据DeviceAtlas的研究 ,那里有更多的Android手机。 但是在某些地区差异并不那么大,在其他地区iOS设备占主导。 我们从这里可以得到的知识是,我们对平台的决定将受到应用程序所针对的市场的影响

For example, in Argentina, Egypt, Brazil, India, and Indonesia iOS devices aren’t popular at all. In the States, Great Britain, Sweden, and Thailand iPhone competes hard with Android phones and sometimes even ends up on top.

例如,在阿根廷,埃及,巴西,印度和印度尼西亚,iOS设备根本不受欢迎。 在美国,英国,瑞典和泰国,iPhone与Android手机竞争激烈,有时甚至排名第一。

BusinessOfApps also reports that those who own Apple devices pay two times more in apps that those with Android. Although there are fewer iOS devices, they are more expensive and are being used by more solvent people.

BusinessOfApps还报告称,拥有Apple设备的用户在使用Android的应用程序中所支付的费用高出两倍。 尽管iOS设备较少,但它们更昂贵,并且越来越多的溶剂人正在使用它们。

DeviceAtlas statistics also show that iOS devices are popular in regions with a higher quality of life. You can see the region statistics for 2018 down below (blue is for iOS, green is for Android)

DeviceAtlas统计数据还显示,iOS设备在生活质量较高的地区非常流行。 您可以在下面看到2018年的区域统计信息(蓝色表示iOS,绿色表示Android)

Android app revenue in the world by region 2018
iOS app revenue in the world by region 2018

By the way, the same thing stays with the mobile games industry — those with iOS pay more. Gamers from countries with a high quality of life (States, China, Japan), and 48% of the market is from America and China.

顺便说一句,手机游戏行业仍然存在同样的情况-使用iOS的人们支付的费用更高。 生活水平较高的国家(州,中国,日本)的游戏玩家来自美国和中国,其市场份额为48%。

If you worry about your target audience age, don’t. Comscore reports that there is no difference in terms of age, so there is no point in diving deeper into this.

如果您担心目标受众的年龄,则不必担心。 Comscore报告说,年龄没有差异,因此没有必要更深入地探讨这一点。

Taking everything into account, it’s safe to say that an iOS app is more attractive, and this operating system is better for a single app. iOS application will bring you more money. But it’s worth mentioning that although Apple earns more in general, things might change drastically in some countries. So, if you are looking at Europe, go with iOS. However, if the app is meant for use in a concrete country or city, gather more information, so you don’t have to kick yourself afterward.

考虑到所有因素,可以肯定地说,iOS应用程序更具吸引力,并且该操作系统对于单个应用程序来说更好。 iOS应用程序将为您带来更多收益。 但值得一提的是,尽管苹果的总体收入更高,但在某些国家/地区情况可能会发生巨大变化。 因此,如果您正在寻找欧洲,请使用iOS。 但是,如果该应用程序打算在具体的国家或城市中使用,请收集更多信息,因此您不必事后再踢。

结论 (Conclusion)

A successful service should provide both mobile and web apps. Different platforms have different advantages and disadvantages and can attract different users. The choice is yours, and we can help you with it.

成功的服务应同时提供移动应用程序和Web应用程序。 不同的平台有不同的优缺点,可以吸引不同的用户。 选择是您的,我们可以为您提供帮助。

If you are not sure as to what platform to choose, feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to help you out!



ios web应用程序





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