

RoomNet is a very lightweight (700 KB) and fast Convolutional Neural Net to classify pictures of different rooms of a house/apartment with 88.9 % validation accuracy over 1839 images. I have written this in python and TensorFlow.

RoomNet是一种非常轻巧的( 700 KB )快速快速的卷积神经网络,可对房屋/公寓不同房间的图片进行分类,对1839张图片的验证准确性88.9% 。 我已经用python和TensorFlow编写了这个。

Btw, I made the artwork and yes, I’m actually not in 3rd grade despite tempting popular opinions stemming from it.


This is a custom architecture I designed to classify an input image into one of the following 6 classes (in order of their class IDs) -


Backyard-0, Bathroom-1, Bedroom-2, Frontyard-3, Kitchen-4, LivingRoom-5

后院 -0, 浴室 -1, 卧室 -2, 前院 -3, 厨房 -4, 客厅 -5

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Photo credits from left to right in clockwise manner — Photo by Chastity Cortijo on Unsplash (Bathroom), Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash (Bedroom), Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash (Kitchen), Photo by Shaun Montero on Unsplash (Backyard), Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash (Living Room), Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash (Frontyard)
照片信用从左到右以顺时针的方式—照片作者 Chastity CortijoUnsplash (浴室),由 Roberto NicksonUnsplash (卧室),照片由 Jason BriscoeUnsplash (厨房),照片由 Shaun MonteroUnsplash (后院), 罗伯托·尼克森在《 Unsplash》 (起居室)上的照片, 罗伯托·尼克森在《 Unsplash》 (前院)上的照片

建筑积木- (Architecture Building Blocks -)

These blocks are used to construct the final neural net. They’re comprised of basic elemental neural layers like convolution, average pooling, and batch normalization.

这些块用于构建最终的神经网络。 它们由卷积,平均池化和批归一化等基本元素神经层组成。

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RoomNet Convolutional Block. This is the most basic block
RoomNet卷积块。 这是最基本的块
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RoomNet Residual Block. It composes of the convolution block described previously.
RoomNet残留块。 它由前面描述的卷积块组成。
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RoomNet Dense Block. This will be doing the classification from the extracted image features at the end.
RoomNet密集块。 最后将根据提取的图像特征进行分类。

完整的网络架构- (Full Network Architecture -)

Using the building blocks described above, presented below is the full neural net architecture with the relevant arguments.


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The code to train and deploy this can be found on GitHub at —


开箱即用的推论- (Out-of-box Inference -)

Optimized inference code in infer.py. Refer to the short code in the main method calling the classify_im_dir method.

优化了infer.py中的推理代码。 请参考main方法中调用classify_im_dir方法的简短代码。

培训- (Training -)

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Validation Accuracy
  • Input image size = 224 x 224 (tried 300 x 300, 600 x 600)

    输入图像大小= 224 x 224(尝试300 x 300、600 x 600)
  • Softmax Cross Entropy Loss used with L2 Weight normalization


  • Dropout varied from 0 (initially) to 0.3 (intermittently near the end of training). Dropout layers placed after every block.

    辍学率从0(最初)到0.3(在训练结束时间歇性地)变化。 在每个块之后放置辍学层。

  • Batch Normalization moving means & vars were frozen when being trained with dropout.

    在进行辍学训练时, 批次归一化移动工具和变量被冻结。

  • Adam Optimizer used with exponential learning rate decay.

    Adam Optimizer用于指数学习率衰减。

  • Initially trained with in-batch computation of BatchNorm moving means/vars. Followed this by training net, by disabling this computation and using frozen means/vars during training. Resulted in ~20% immediate jump in validation accuracy (noticeable around train step 150,000). I’ll be publishing another article delving into this phenomenon shortly.

    最初使用BatchNorm移动工具/变量的批内计算进行训练。 其次是训练网,在训练过程中禁用此计算并使用冻结的均值/变量。 导致验证准确性立即提高约20% (在火车第150,000步左右明显)。 不久我将发表另一篇文章探讨这种现象。

  • Batch Size varied from 8 (in the beginning) to 45 (towards training end) as — 8 -> 32 -> 40 -> 45

    批次大小从8(开始时)到45(训练结束时)为— 8-> 32-> 40-> 45
  • Asynchronous Data Reader designed with a Queue based architecture that allows for quick data I/O during training even with large batch sizes.

    异步数据读取器采用基于队列的体系结构设计,即使批量较大,也可以在训练期间快速进行数据I / O。

转换为推理优化版本- (Conversion to Inference Optimized Version -)

  • Discarded all backpropagation/training related compute node from the Tensorflow Graph.

  • Model size reduced from ~2 MB to ~800 KB.

    模型大小从〜2 MB减少到〜800 KB。
  • network.py contains class defining the model called “RoomNet”

    network.py包含定义称为“ RoomNet”的模型的类

  • The output is an excel file mapping each image path to its label. There is also a provision to split an input directory to directories corresponding to the class names and automatically fill the relevant image in its respective directory.

    输出是一个将每个图像路径映射到其标签的excel文件。 还提供了将输入目录拆分为与类名称相对应的目录,并自动在其相应目录中填充相关图像的条款。

培训环境- (Training Environment -)

  • Training done using Tensorlfow + CUDA 10.0 + cuDNN on NVIDIA GTX 1070 laptop grade GPU with 8GB of GPU memory

    使用Tensorlfow + CUDA 10.0 + cuDNN在具有8GB GPU内存的NVIDIA GTX 1070笔记本电脑级GPU上完成培训
  • Compute system used is an Alienware m17 r4 laptop.

    使用的计算系统是Alienware m17 r4笔记本电脑。
  • CPU used is an Intel Core i7–6700HQ with 8 logical cores at 2.6 GHz of base speed (turbo boost to ~3.3 GHz)

    使用的CPU是Intel Core i7-6700HQ,具有8个逻辑内核,基本速度为2.6 GHz(涡轮增压提升至〜3.3 GHz)
  • The number of training steps from scratch to reach best model is 157,700.

  • Time spent on training — ~48 hours


尝试过的先前方法- (Previous Approaches tried -)

  • Tried training the final dense NASnet mobile but accuracy never crosses 60%.

  • Tried the same with InceptionV3 but convergence takes too damn long.


性能图- (Performance Plots -)

验证类F分数 (Validation Class-wise F-Score)

F-Score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall.


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验证类精度 (Validation Class-wise Precision)

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验证逐级召回 (Validation Class-wise Recall)

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If you found this helpful, feel free to follow me for more upcoming articles :)


I’m the editor of the following publication which publishes Tech articles related to the usage of AI & ML in digital mapping of the Earth. Feel free to follow to stay updated :)

我是以下出版物的编辑,该出版物发表有关在地球数字地图中使用AI和ML的技术文章。 随时关注以保持更新:)

我的个人资料- (My Profiles-)

附加功能— (Extras —)

Twitch🤪🤡 Twitch上住我

I’m also a musician. Here is one of the vocal covers off of my SoundCloud profile.

我也是音乐家。 这是我的SoundCloud个人资料的主要声音之一。

Thank you :)

谢谢 :)

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/fast-real-estate-image-classification-using-machine-learning-with-code-32e0539eab96






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