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翻译 追求卓越追求完美规范学习_追求新的黄金比例

追求卓越追求完美规范学习The golden ratio is originally a mathematical term. But art, architecture, and design are inconceivable without this math. Everyone aspires to golden proportions as beautiful and unattaina...

2020-09-30 12:46:28 1752

翻译 bokeh pandas_使用Pandas Bokeh进行数据可视化

bokeh pandasExploratory data analysis is the foundation for understanding and building effective ML models. Data visualization is a key part of EDA, and there are many tools available for this. Bokeh ...

2020-09-30 12:35:49 1870

翻译 鸽子为什么喜欢盘旋_如何为鸽子回避系统设置数据收集

鸽子为什么喜欢盘旋 鸽子回避系统 (Pigeon Avoidance System)Disclaimer: You are reading Part 2 that describes the technical setup. Part 1 gave an overview of the Pigeon Avoidance System and Part 3 provides details abo...

2020-09-30 12:26:15 781

翻译 您的第一个简单的机器学习项目

This article is for those dummies like me, who’ve never tried to know what machine learning was or have left it halfway for the sole reason of being overwhelmed. Follow through every line and stay alo...

2020-09-30 12:15:30 805

翻译 大数据定律与中心极限定理_为什么中心极限定理对数据科学家很重要?

大数据定律与中心极限定理 数据科学 (Data Science)The Central Limit Theorem is at the center of statistical inference what each data scientist/data analyst does every day. 中心极限定理是每个数据科学家/数据分析师每天所做的统计推断的中心。 Central Li...

2020-09-30 12:05:19 1314

翻译 机器学习模型 非线性模型_调试机器学习模型的终极指南

机器学习模型 非线性模型You’ve divided your data into a training, development and test set, with the correct percentage of samples in each block, and you’ve also made sure that all of these blocks (specially deve...

2020-09-30 11:56:13 688

翻译 ip登录打印机怎么打印_不要打印,登录。

ip登录打印机怎么打印Often on Python, especially as a beginner, you might print( ) a variable in order to see what is happening in your program. It is possible if you rely on too many print statements throughou...

2020-09-27 03:08:16 208

翻译 从Jupyter Notebook切换到脚本的5个理由

意见 (Opinion) 动机 (Motivation)Like most people, the first tool I used when started learning data science is Jupyter Notebook. Most of the online data science courses use Jupyter Notebook as a medium ...

2020-09-27 02:58:11 260

翻译 裁判打分_内在的裁判偏见

裁判打分News flash: being an umpire is hard. Their job is to judge whether a ball that’s capable of moving upwards of 100 MPH or breaking 25+ inches crossed through an imaginary zone before being caught. ...

2020-09-27 02:47:45 190

翻译 selenium抓取_使用Selenium的网络抓取电子商务网站

selenium抓取In this article we will go through a web scraping process of an E-Commerce website. I have designed this particular post to be beginner friendly. So, if you have no prior knowledge about web...

2020-09-27 02:38:22 537

翻译 r软件时间序列分析论文_高度比较的时间序列分析-一篇论文评论

r软件时间序列分析论文 数据科学 , 机器学习 (Data Science, Machine Learning)In machine learning with time series, using features extracted from series is more powerful than simply treating a time series in a tabular for...

2020-09-27 02:28:24 2225

翻译 初创公司怎么做销售数据分析_为什么您的初创企业需要数据科学来解决这一危机...

初创公司怎么做销售数据分析The spread of coronavirus is delivering a massive blow to the global economy. The lockdown and work from home restrictions have forced thousands of startups to halt expansion plans, cance...

2020-09-27 02:19:10 487

翻译 数据科学领域有哪些技术_领域知识在数据科学中到底有多重要?

数据科学领域有哪些技术Jeremie Harris: “In a way, it’s almost like a data scientist or a data analyst has to be like a private investigator more than just a technical person.” 杰里米·哈里斯(Jeremie Harris) :“ 从某种意义上说,这...

2020-09-27 02:10:00 1172

翻译 使用Optuna获得准确的Scikit学习模型:超参数框架

Hyper-parameter frameworks have been quite in the discussions in the past couple of months. With several packages developed and still in progress, it has become a tough choice to pick one. Such framew...

2020-09-27 01:59:12 2957

翻译 pandas plotly_使用Pandas和Plotly可视化错误日志

pandas plotlyRecently I received a dataset from a performance measurement containing data about processing time and errors. After a brief look, I guess what could be an issue; I needed to visualize th...

2020-09-27 01:48:22 1067

翻译 hadoop将消亡_数据科学家:适应还是消亡!

hadoop将消亡Harvard Business Review marked the boom of Data Scientists in their famous 2012 article “Data Scientist: Sexiest Job”, followed by untenable demand in the past decade. [3] 《哈佛商业评论 》在2012年著名的文...

2020-09-27 01:37:36 450

翻译 前馈神经网络中的前馈_前馈神经网络在基于趋势的交易中的有效性(1)

前馈神经网络中的前馈This is a preliminary showcase of a collaborative research by Seouk Jun Kim (Daniel) and Sunmin Lee. You can find our contacts at the bottom of the article. 这是 Seouk Jun Kim(Daniel) 和 Sunmin...

2020-09-17 10:47:37 1841

翻译 flask redis_在Flask应用程序中将Redis队列用于异步任务

flask redisBy: Content by Edward Krueger and Josh Farmer, and Douglas Franklin. 作者: 爱德华·克鲁格 ( Edward Krueger) 和 乔什·法默 ( Josh Farmer )以及 道格拉斯·富兰克林 ( Douglas Franklin)的内容 。 When building an application...

2020-09-17 10:37:33 809

翻译 vlookup match_INDEX-MATCH — VLOOKUP功能的升级

vlookup match 电子表格/索引匹配 (SPREADSHEETS / INDEX-MATCH)In a previous article, we discussed about how and when to use VLOOKUP functions and what are the issues that we might face while using them. This a...

2020-09-17 10:28:16 360

翻译 bigquery_如何在BigQuery中进行文本相似性搜索和文档聚类

bigqueryBigQuery offers the ability to load a TensorFlow SavedModel and carry out predictions. This capability is a great way to add text-based similarity and clustering on top of your data warehouse....

2020-09-17 10:18:00 496

翻译 uni-app清理缓存数据_数据清理-从哪里开始?

uni-app清理缓存数据It turns out that Data Scientists and Data Analysts will spend most of their time on data preprocessing and EDA rather than training a machine learning model. As one of the most important...

2020-09-17 10:08:50 8686

翻译 数据科学项目_完整的数据科学组合项目

数据科学项目In this article, I would like to showcase what might be my simplest data science project ever. 在本文中,我想展示一下有史以来最简单的数据科学项目 。 I have spent hours training a much more complex models in the past, an...

2020-09-17 09:58:41 441

翻译 华为开源构建工具_为什么我构建了用于大数据测试和质量控制的开源工具

华为开源构建工具I’ve developed an open-source data testing and a quality tool called data-flare. It aims to help data engineers and data scientists assure the data quality of large datasets using Spark. In th...

2020-09-17 09:48:38 346

翻译 hopper_如何利用卫星收集的遥感数据轻松对蚱hopper中的站点进行建模

hopper 建筑学与数据科学 (Architectonics and Data Science)Understanding the site and topography are crucial first step of any architectural project. Site modelling can become very daunting, expensive, or just...

2020-09-17 09:38:35 464

翻译 如何使用Picterra的地理空间平台分析卫星图像

From April-May 2020, Sentinel-Hub had organized the third edition of their custom script competition. The competition was organized in collaboration with the Copernicus EU Earth Observation programme,...

2020-09-17 09:29:28 684

翻译 腾讯哈勃_用Python的黑客统计资料重新审视哈勃定律

腾讯哈勃Simple OLS Regression, Pairs Bootstrap Resampling, and Hypothesis Testing to observe the effect of Hubble’s Law in Python. 通过简单的OLS回归,配对Bootstrap重采样和假设检验来观察哈勃定律在Python中的效果。 In this post, we will ...

2020-09-17 09:18:31 1010

翻译 风能matlab仿真_风能产量预测—深度学习项目

风能matlab仿真DL DATATHON- AI4Impact DL DATATHON- AI4影响 Published by Team AI Traders — Suyash Lohia, Nguyen Khoi Phan, Nikunj Taneja, Naman Agarwal and Mihir Gupta AI交易员团队发布 -Suyash Lohia,Nguyen Khoi Pha...

2020-09-17 09:08:02 2310

翻译 github代码_GitHub启动代码空间

github代码Codespaces works like a virtual Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on the cloud. 代码空间的工作方式类似于云上的虚拟集成开发环境(IDE)。 Until now, you had to make a pull request to contribute to a project. This...

2020-09-17 08:58:11 684

翻译 choropleth_Python中的交互式Choropleth映射

choroplethChoropleth maps are one of the most interesting and useful visualizations. They are important because they can provide information for geographic location, they look beautiful and grab atten...

2020-09-17 08:47:24 1482

翻译 如何建立搜索引擎_如何建立搜寻引擎

如何建立搜索引擎This article outlines one of the most important search algorithms used today and demonstrates how to implement it in Python in just a few lines of code. 本文概述了当今使用的最重要的搜索算法之一,并演示了如何仅用几行代码就可以在Py...

2020-09-17 08:36:47 1030

翻译 边缘计算 ai_在边缘探索AI!

边缘计算 ai 介绍 (Introduction)What is Edge (or Fog) Computing? 什么是边缘(或雾)计算? Gartner defines edge computing as: “a part of a distributed computing topology in which information processing is located close...

2020-09-10 00:22:07 1414

翻译 使用AI和Vision支持的GeoLocalization进行大规模COVID19联系人跟踪— A.Eye-Vision

Presented here is a smart video surveillance platform placed amongst the top 3 award winners of the national hackathon conducted by NVIDIA and the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), ...

2020-09-10 00:03:44 655

翻译 使用sklearn在Python中实现PCA

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a commonly used dimensionality reduction technique for data sets with a large number of variables. Since many machine learning algorithms suffer from the curse of...

2020-09-09 23:54:02 1631

翻译 python边玩边学_边听边学数据科学

python边玩边学Podcasts are a fun way to learn new stuff about the topics you like. Podcast hosts have to find a way to explain complex ideas in simple terms because no one would understand them otherwise ...

2020-09-09 23:43:09 297

翻译 视图可视化 后台_如何在单视图中可视化复杂的多层主题

视图可视化 后台Sometimes a dataset can tell many stories. Trying to show them all in a single visualization is great, but can be too much of a good thing. How do you avoid information overload without oversi...

2020-09-09 23:12:27 337

翻译 衡量试卷难度信度_我们可以通过数字来衡量语言难度吗?

衡量试卷难度信度Without a doubt, the world is “growing smaller” in terms of our access to people and content from other countries and cultures. Even the COVID-19 pandemic, which has curtailed international tr...

2020-09-09 23:02:07 1412

翻译 k均值算法 二分k均值算法_使用K均值对加勒比珊瑚礁进行分类

k均值算法 二分k均值算法Have you ever seen a Caribbean reef? Well if you haven’t, prepare yourself. 您见过加勒比礁吗? 好吧,如果没有,请做好准备。 Today, we will be answering a question that, at face value, appears quite simple: “Wh...

2020-09-09 22:51:22 509

翻译 真实感人故事_您的数据可以告诉您真实故事吗?

真实感人故事Many are passionate about Data Analytics. Many love matplotlib and Seaborn. Many enjoy designing and working on Classifiers. We are quick to grab a data set and launch Jupyter Notebook, import p...

2020-09-09 22:41:55 187

翻译 文本数据可视化_如何使用TextHero快速预处理和可视化文本数据

文本数据可视化 自然语言处理 (Natural Language Processing)When we are working on any NLP project or competition, we spend most of our time on preprocessing the text such as removing digits, punctuations, stopwords...

2020-09-09 22:32:28 727

翻译 贝叶斯 定理_贝叶斯定理实际上是一个直观的分数

贝叶斯 定理Bayes’ Theorem is one of the most known to the field of probability, and it is used often as a baseline model in machine learning. It is, however, too often memorized and chanted by people who d...

2020-09-09 22:21:34 261



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