

Docker是什么?为什么流行? (What is Docker and why is it popular?)

Somehow we all are near or connected with the IT industry. Right! So you many times heard about the container platform Docker from the developers or businesses also.

不知何故,我们都在IT行业附近或与之联系。 对! 因此,您也多次从开发人员或企业那里听说过容器平台Docker。

Running software that is revolutionizing software delivery, and development Docker and containers is now a new way. Many new and large businesses also hire Docker developer nowadays. Such as ThoughtWorks, INc., Neudesic, Docker, INc., JPMorgan Chase, and SLALOM, LLC.

运行正在彻底改变软件交付,开发Docker和容器的软件现在是一种新方法。 如今,许多新的大型企业也雇用Docker开发人员。 如ThoughtWorks,Inc.,Neudesic,Docker,INC。,JPMorgan Chase和SLALOM,LLC。

Let me begin with the basic introduction of Docker.


什么是Docker? (What is Docker?)

Docker is a great opensource platform and is more significant than ever. Docker is a platform for running, developing, and shipping applications, and you can deliver software fastly from your infrastructure; it enables you to separate your application.

Docker是一个很棒的开源平台,比以往任何时候都重要。 Docker是一个用于运行,开发和交付应用程序的平台,您可以从基础架构中快速交付软件。 它使您能够分离您的应用程序。

Today, Docker is widely adopted. The cloud and IT companies almost all have adopted Docker. From anywhere to build, secure, and manage apps Docker is a totally new technology that allows to development of teams.

今天,Docker被广泛采用。 云和IT公司几乎都采用了Docker。 从任何地方构建,保护和管理应用程序Docker是一项全新技术,可用于团队开发。

Docker的受欢迎程度和市场份额 (Popularity and Market share of Docker)

The popularity and the use of the Docker are increasing day by day. As per Google Trends, you can analyze the Docker’s popularity overall in the world.

Docker的流行和使用正在日益增加。 根据Google趋势 ,您可以分析Docker在全球的整体流行程度。

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This above image shows the last five years’ data of Docker’s popularity worldwide. You can analyze that popularity is continuous and rapidly increasing. The adoption and awareness of the Docker is more and increasing day by day.

上图显示了Docker在全球范围内的流行度最近五年的数据。 您可以分析出受欢迎程度是持续不断且Swift增长的。 Docker的采用和知名度越来越高。

As per the Containerization Market Share Report, Docker is the second market-leading technology with a 25.80% market share in the market, and the first is LXC with a 39.50% market share. Over the other top technologies such as packer, Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift Docket stands excellent in the market.

根据《 集装箱化市场份额报告》 ,Docker是第二个市场领先的技术,占有25.80%的市场份额,第一是LXC,拥有39.50%的市场份额。 与打包机,Kubernetes等其他顶级技术相比,Red Hat OpenShift Docket在市场上表现出色。

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Many reasons are there behind its rapid popularity. Here some top reasons are:

其Swift普及背后有许多原因。 这里有一些主要原因:

为什么Docker受欢迎? (Why Docker is Popular?)

1.易用 (1. Easy to use)

To use how easy it that is, Docker’s popularity’s large part. To learn to create and to manage containers due to the many resources available, Docker can be absorbed fastly. Docker is open-source, so with an operating system, all you need to get started is a computer that Virtualbox, Docker support for Mac/Window, or such as Linux, supports containers natively.

要使用它这么简单,Docker的普及程度很大。 要学习由于可用资源众多而创建和管理容器的知识,可以快速吸收Docker。 Docker是开源的,因此,对于一个操作系统,您需要入门的只是一台Virtualbox,Docker对Mac / Window的支持或Linux等本机支持容器的计算机。

2.更好的软件交付: (2. Better Software Delivery:)

Using containers Software delivery can be more efficient also. The Containers are entirely self-contained and even portable. An isolated disk volume includes in Containers. To various environments with the container as it is deployed and developed, that volume goes. With the container, the software dependencies ship such as runtimes, libraries, etc. in development, production environment, and Staging it will run the same way if a container works on your machine. When deploying raw code or binaries, the configuration variance problems containers can eliminate.

使用容器软件交付也可以更加高效。 容器完全是独立的,甚至是便携式的。 隔离磁盘卷包含在“容器”中。 随着容器在部署和开发过程中的不同环境,该容量不断增加。 使用该容器,可以在开发,生产环境中附带软件依赖项,例如运行时,库等,并且如果容器在您的计算机上工作,则暂存将以相同的方式运行。 在部署原始代码或二进制文件时,容器可以消除配置差异问题。

3.最快的系统扩展 (3. Fastest scaling of systems)

By far less computing hardware, much more work to be done that Containers allow. To buy or sell more servers to scale a website was the only way in the Internet’s early days. To the cost of scaling up, the cost of popularity was bound, linearly. For new hardware shelling out tens of thousands of dollars, the famous sites become victims of their own success. Into less hardware to cram far more workloads Containers allow data center operation. To shared hardware is leads the less cost.

到目前为止,计算硬件要少得多,容器要完成的工作要多得多。 在互联网的早期,购买或出售更多服务器以扩展网站规模是唯一的方法。 对于扩大规模的成本,受欢迎程度的成本是线性限制的。 对于花费数万美元的新硬件,著名站点成为其自身成功的受害者。 用更少的硬件来填充更多的工作负载容器允许数据中心运行。 共享硬件导致成本降低。

4.灵活性 (4. Flexibility)

Compared to the non-containerized applications, the operating containerized applications are resilient and more flexible. The Container orchestrators handle the hundreds or thousands of containers monitoring and running. For managing complex systems and large deployments, the Container orchestrators are powerful tools.

与非容器化应用程序相比,正在操作的容器化应用程序具有弹性并且更加灵活。 容器协调器处理数百或数千个容器的监视和运行。 对于管理复杂的系统和大型部署,容器编排器是功能强大的工具。

5.微服务架构的兴起 (5. The rise of microservices architectures)

To the popularity of Docker, the rise of microservices has contributed also. The simple functions microservices are. A single binary supports many various system functions, so software systems typically start as “monoliths.” To maintain and deploy monoliths can become difficult as they grow. Into simple functions microservices break a system down that independently can be deployed. For microservices, containers are terrific hosts.

对于Docker的流行,微服务的兴起也做出了贡献。 微服务的简单功能是。 单个二进制文件支持许多不同的系统功能,因此软件系统通常以“整体”开始。 随着整体的增长,维护和部署整体结构可能会变得困难。 微服务将简单的功能分解为可以独立部署的系统。 对于微服务,容器是很棒的主机。

6.软件定义的网络 (6. Software-defined networking)

Without having to touch a single router for containers to define isolated networks, the Docker Engine and CLI allow operators. In configuration files with defining the networks and complex network topologies, Developers and operators can design systems. As well this is a benefit of security. With egress paths and tightly-controlled in an isolated virtual network, an application’s containers can run.

无需触摸容器的单个路由器即可定义隔离的网络,Docker Engine和CLI允许操作员使用。 在定义网络和复杂网络拓扑的配置文件中,开发人员和运营商可以设计系统。 同样,这是安全的好处。 通过出口路径并在隔离的虚拟网络中进行严格控制,可以运行应用程序的容器。

结论 (Conclusion)

Due to revolutionized development, Docker is more popular. Because it is easy to use, flexible, and simple, many enterprises and large businesses adapt rapidly. If you hire Docker developer for your end to end Docker consulting and container services, implementation, LAN services, assessment, managed services to build faster app deployment and development.

由于革命性的发展,Docker更受欢迎。 因为它易于使用,灵活和简单,所以许多企业和大型企业都可以Swift适应。 如果您聘请Docker开发人员进行端到端Docker咨询和容器服务,实施,LAN服务,评估,托管服务,以构建更快的应用程序部署和开发。

翻译自: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/top-reasons-why-docker-is-popular-31cc6056e82a


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