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翻译 awk 获取第一个单词_您的第一个使用后退模型的自然语言处理项目单词预测器...

awk 获取第一个单词A gentle introduction to NLP NLP入门 Last week, I finished the entire Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins University on Coursera, and in this article, I want to talk a little bit ...

2020-09-29 00:35:17 868

翻译 通过深度学习从胸部X射线检测肺炎

Note from Towards Data Science’s editors: While we allow independent authors to publish articles in accordance with our rules and guidelines, we do not endorse each author’s contribution. You should n...

2020-09-29 00:26:03 2107

翻译 自变量向量的函数的泰勒公式_向量自变量的线性函数

自变量向量的函数的泰勒公式 数据科学与机器学习的线性代数 (LINEAR ALGEBRA FOR DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING)In mathematical analysis, one studies functions of any number of variables. Such functions can be regarded as vector...

2020-09-29 00:15:25 2440

翻译 建立文本数据集

Late I have been trying to build a dataset, so I thought I would write an article about building a text dataset. 最近,我一直在尝试构建数据集,所以我想写一篇有关构建文本数据集的文章。 In my case it is pdf. files, however a lot of the ...

2020-09-29 00:06:09 1403

翻译 斯坦福ner python_斯坦福大学Corenlp和Java入门(Python程序员)

斯坦福ner pythonHello there! I’m back and I want this to be the first of a series of post on Stanford’s CoreNLP library. In this article I will focus on the installation of the library and an introductio...

2020-09-28 23:56:50 656

翻译 联合学习_联合学习为什么以及如何开始

联合学习A general audience introduction to the federated learning technique and its goals, with a brief review of existing platforms and Digital Catapult’s own demonstration example. 向大众介绍联邦学习技术及其目标,并简要回顾...

2020-09-28 23:47:16 1961

翻译 神码ai人工智能写作机器人_机器学习和人工智能中的多样性推荐系统

神码ai人工智能写作机器人 人工智能 , 机器学习 (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) 每天,您都会受到机器学习和AI推荐算法的影响。 (Every day you are being influenced by machine learning and AI recommendation algorithms.)What you consu...

2020-09-28 23:37:50 1377

翻译 windows 深度学习_任何人如何开始在Windows上进行深度学习

windows 深度学习Deep learning and artificial intelligence are one of the hottest topics in the world today. We see an ever-increasing number of applications that employ deep learning: facial recognition, ...

2020-09-28 23:27:51 1181

翻译 大规模机器学习_大规模机器学习的权衡

大规模机器学习What defines large-scale machine learning? This seemingly innocent question is often answered with petabytes of data and hundreds of GPUs. It turns out that large-scale machine learning does no...

2020-09-28 23:18:14 499

翻译 dl4j keras 推理_第2部分创建一个简单的keras模型以在微控制器上进行推理

dl4j keras 推理Welcome to the second article about running machine learning algorithms on microcontrollers.In the previous article, we have created and trained a simple Keras model that was able to clas...

2020-09-28 23:07:27 257

翻译 bic谈话_让谈话强化学习基础知识第二部分

bic谈话This is a continuation of the article Let’s talk Reinforcement Learning — The Fundamentals — Part 1. You can continue reading this article even if you have not read Part 1 if you can recognize th...

2020-09-28 22:58:20 516

翻译 js在自定义对象中添加数据_用于自定义对象检测的数据增强

js在自定义对象中添加数据So, If you are here then you might be enthusiast towards learning data augmentation, Object detection, machine learning, deep learning or image processing. And, you might have worked on i...

2020-09-28 22:48:26 2006

翻译 简单英文自我介绍_自我训练和半监督学习的简要介绍

简单英文自我介绍When it comes to machine learning classification tasks, the more data available to train algorithms, the better. In supervised learning, this data must be labeled with respect to the target cl...

2020-09-28 22:37:33 570

翻译 rnn 递归神经网络_递归神经网络rnn的简单解释

rnn 递归神经网络Recurrent neural network is a type of neural network used to deal specifically with sequential data. Actually what makes RNN so powerful is the fact that it doesn't take into consideration j...

2020-09-28 22:27:17 508

翻译 大数据认知实习的实习目的_如何在数据实习中取得成功

大数据认知实习的实习目的With internship season well underway, we reached out to some Alteryx ACEs, top analytics experts and participants in the Alteryx Community, to see what advice they’d offer to interns in da...

2020-09-28 22:16:38 3548

翻译 模型auc指标_auc致命缺陷模型指标

模型auc指标by John Elder, Ph.D., Founder & Chairman, Elder Research 作者:John Elder,博士,Elder Research创始人兼董事长 The blog Recidivism, and the Failure of AUC published on Statistics.com showed how the use o...

2020-09-28 22:07:33 2999

翻译 自动化测试遇到的难题_自动化内容难题

自动化测试遇到的难题Computer scientists are quickly writing the next generation automatic content writing engines using the latest artificial intelligence (AI). What do I mean by content? Well they can generate...

2020-09-28 21:56:43 779

翻译 nlp错字检测_使用nlp进行假新闻检测

nlp错字检测 阳光下没有新事物 (Nothing New Under The Sun)Fake News is being talked about by everyone from your best friend, to your parents, perhaps even your goldfish are whispering in the corners of the tank. I...

2020-09-28 21:46:31 1227

翻译 大数据工程应用 数据分析_大数据工程的方式

大数据工程应用 数据分析It’s been quite an adventure since the dawn of my big data engineer career. I started out differently compared to a typical path. Being a fresh graduate, I possessed nothing more than an a...

2020-09-28 21:37:26 535

翻译 nlp情感分析经典书籍推荐_通过无监督学习对书籍进行情感分析

nlp情感分析经典书籍推荐A simple tutorial to analyse the sentiment of a book in Python 一个简单的教程,用Python分析一本书的情感 入门 (Getting Started)In this tutorial, I will show you how to apply sentiment analysis to the text...

2020-09-28 21:27:30 1967

翻译 机器如何学习直觉

Machine Learning is immensely popular nowadays, influencing what content we see, what products we buy, who gets a mortgage approved and who doesn’t. But how does it work? 如今,机器学习非常流行,它影响着我们看到的内容,购买的产品...

2020-09-28 21:17:12 279

翻译 机器学习图像 学习规划_机器学习图像到音频字幕

机器学习图像 学习规划Machine learning (ML) has spread into many different fields and disciplines. Dipping your toes into a new field is the best way to grow and learn new things. The following is a summary of h...

2020-09-28 21:06:50 278

翻译 arcgis简化数据_5个基本的熊猫提示,可简化数据操作

arcgis简化数据 介绍 (Introduction)Pandas for Python is a piece of software that needs no introduction. Whether you are entirely new to Data Science with Python, or you’ve been in the field for an extended ...

2020-09-28 20:57:49 284

翻译 凸和非凸优化

Optimisation is used for a number of day-to-day activities from finding the quickest route to our destination using google maps to ordering food through an online app. In this post, we will go through...

2020-09-28 20:47:54 435

翻译 使用python进行数据分析和机器学习的实用指南

A hands-on guide to mastering the first baby steps in building Machine Learning applications. 在构建机器学习应用程序方面掌握入门的第一步的动手指南。 Machine Learning is continuously evolving. Along with that evolution comes a ...

2020-09-28 20:38:35 838

翻译 图像分割和目标检测_如何进行图像分割和对象检测的数据探索,我必须学习

图像分割和目标检测This article was originally written by Jakub Cieślik posted on the Neptune blog. 本文最初由 JakubCieślik 撰写, 发布在 Neptune博客上 。 I’ve been working with object detection and image segmentation proble...

2020-09-28 20:29:30 3294

翻译 端到端机器学习_端到端的Optimalflow自动化机器学习教程,带有真实项目公式

端到端机器学习In this end-to-end tutorial, we will illustrate how to use OptimalFlow (Documentation | GitHub), an Omni-ensemble automated machine learning toolkit, to predict the number of laps a driver will...

2020-09-28 20:19:39 210

翻译 espnet使用方法_使用espnet与tacotron 2和fastspeech进行文本语音转换

espnet使用方法Text-to-speech (TTS) as the name suggests, reads aloud text. It takes written words as input and converts them into audio. TTS can help anyone who doesn't want to give the effort to read a b...

2020-09-28 20:09:06 2225

翻译 机器学习回归模型精度_机器学习模型实施精度召回和概率截止。

机器学习回归模型精度Congratulations on completing your Machine Learning (ML) pipeline! In the second part of this series, I’ll talk about some metrics and graphics beyond the area under the ROC curve that can b...

2020-09-28 19:59:00 1071

翻译 kaggle 导出训练数据_5个用于训练gan的kaggle数据集

kaggle 导出训练数据Generative adversarial networks(GANs) are a set of deep neural network models, introduced by Ian Goodfellow in 2014, used to generate synthetic data. GANs have been used in a wide variety...

2020-09-28 19:49:50 1079

翻译 使用tensorflow.js在网络上构建机器学习算法

TensorFlow is a highly-known open-source software library meant to process dataflow and make predictions based on machine learning models. However, for the longest time, TensorFlow has been restricted...

2020-09-28 19:39:20 265

翻译 fifa11键盘按键_FIFA 20 Player集群

fifa11键盘按键 路线图 (Roadmap)Introduction 介绍 Data Exploration 数据探索 Player Classification1 — K-Nearest Neighbor 玩家分类1 — K最近邻居 Player Classification1 — K-Nearest Neighbor2 — Decision Tree Classifier 玩家分类...

2020-09-28 19:29:54 632

翻译 conda 命令_数据科学家的13个conda命令

conda 命令Python is the most popular language for data scientists. ???? Conda is the most common tool to create a virtual environment and manage packages for data scientists using Python. Python是数据科学家最流行的语...

2020-09-28 19:19:50 738

翻译 矢量裁剪矢量_支持像矢量一样思考的矢量机

矢量裁剪矢量Support vector machines work well in high dimensional space with clear margin or separation thus thinking like vectors. 支持向量机在高维空间中以清晰的边距或间隔很好地工作,因此像向量一样思考。 Support Vector Machine(SVM) is a sup...

2020-09-28 19:09:01 311

翻译 使用cyclegan和pytorch简化自己

Image by Author 图片作者 Cyclegan is a framework that is capable of unpaired image to image translation. It’s been applied in some really interesting cases. Such as converting horses to zebras (and back a...

2020-09-28 18:58:36 1025

翻译 kaggle房价预测得分_在r中使用预测能力得分

kaggle房价预测得分In recent months Florian Wetschoreck published a story on Toward Data Science’s Medium channel that attracted the attention of many data scientists on LinkedIn thanks to its very provocati...

2020-09-28 18:49:11 1045

翻译 机器学习算法优缺点_用于机器学习的优化算法的优缺点

机器学习算法优缺点A deep-dive into Gradient Descent and other optimization algorithms 深入研究梯度下降和其他优化算法 Optimization Algorithms for machine learning are often used as a black box. We will study some popular alg...

2020-09-28 18:39:20 946

翻译 机器学习综合指南第3部分,共3部分

Welcome to the 3rd and final part of the “Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning” series. Over the course of this series, we looked at several crucial concepts which play a significant role in develo...

2020-09-28 18:29:25 357

翻译 最新的目标检测的方法_目标检测的新方法

最新的目标检测的方法I will start with a short introduction of different approaches to object detection. After both traditional and newer approaches are presented, you can read about the most important parts of ...

2020-09-28 18:18:35 1172

翻译 深度学习与矩阵信号分解_分解谷歌翻译背后的创新深度学习

深度学习与矩阵信号分解What Google Translate does is nothing short of amazing. In order to engineer the ability to translate between any pair within the dozens of languages it supports, Google Translate’s creator...

2020-09-28 18:07:43 450



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