
In this article, we’ll look at how we can encode (and decode) certain strings to save storage (and transmission) space, and the mathematics behind it.


背景 (Background)

This very text that you are reading now is stored and sent over the internet in a binary form in some way — zeroes and ones. But how does it get converted back and forth between binary and the text that you see?

您现在正在阅读的该文本以二进制形式以零和一的形式存储并通过Internet发送。 但是,如何在二进制和看到的文本之间来回转换呢?

Every byte of binary, or in some instances a sequence of bytes, will represent a number. For instance, the number 255 can be represented by 11111111 in binary.

二进制的每个字节,或者在某些情况下是字节序列,都将代表一个数字。 例如,数字255可以由二进制的11111111表示。

If we map every character that we may want to display/store (including spaces and newlines) to a number, and each number can be represented in binary form, then this map provides the mechanism for converting between the text that we see on screen to the binary that we store on disk.


An extract of the ASCII character map
An extract of the ASCII character map
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“HELLO WORLD” message shown as a list of numbers and binary forms
“ HELLO WORLD”消息显示为数字和二进制形式的列表

There are many character encoding maps to choose from. A few examples are:

有许多字符编码映射可供选择。 一些示例是:

but the most common character encoding used on the internet would be UTF-8.


I feel for anyone who has had the pleasure of dealing with files from Main Frame computers and the EBCDIC encoding. Trying to view a file stored in EBCDIC format in an application like Notepad on Windows is futile. Luckily there are other programs which allow us to determine the encoding of the file such that it can be converted to that of the operating system and viewed correctly.

对于那些喜欢处理来自主机计算机和EBCDIC编码的文件的人,我感到非常高兴。 在Windows等记事本之类的应用程序中尝试查看以EBCDIC格式存储的文件是徒劳的。 幸运的是,还有其他程序可让我们确定文件的编码,以便可以将其转换为操作系统的编码并正确查看。

In my brief experience of EBCDIC, I had to interrogate the data in an EBCDIC encoded file to make sure that the data was as per the source system. However, the developers had gone one step further and there was another complication to the raw data stored in the file: Numeric amounts were stored in Packed-Decimal format. This meant that instead of having each digit stored as text from the EBCDIC map, each group of 2 digits provided a literal 2 part hexadecimal value.

根据我对EBCDIC的简短经验,我必须在EBCDIC编码文件中查询数据,以确保数据与源系统一致。 但是,开发人员又走了一步,文件中存储的原始数据又复杂了一点:数字量以Packed-Decimal格式存储。 这意味着,不是每个数字都作为EBCDIC映射中的文本存储,而是每2个数字组提供了一个2进制的十六进制值。

e.g. the fixed-point value of +1,234.567 would be represented as 12 34 56 7C in hex.

例如,定点值+1,234.567用十六进制表示为12 34 56 7C。

The reason for doing this is to save space down at the bit/byte level. Instead of a byte per digit (and potentially another for the decimal place) if it were encoded as a string in EBCDIC (or ASCII), we just have a byte for every 2 digits; a 50% reduction in space!

这样做的原因是为了节省位/字节级别的空间。 如果它是用EBCDIC(或ASCII)编码为字符串,则不是每个数字一个字节(可能还有一个小数位),而我们每2个数字只有一个字节。 空间减少了50%!

Could we use this idea of mapping data in a specific way to save space for other text data?


思想实验 (A thought experiment)

Let’s say we want to store the list of oauth providers and we represent that as a shortcode identifier and the name of the provider:


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A simple representation of a short list of OAuth providers

We know that the code of each provider is only ever going to be from a limited set of characters. Assuming we use ASCII or a code page where the English alphabet is used and hence each character is represented as a single byte, then we know that all of the above codes would take up 5 bytes of space in a file. In fact, if we use the 5 character limit and alpha-characters only as a rule on our data, is there anything we can do to save space when writing this data to a file or over the wire?

我们知道,每个提供程序的代码只会来自一组有限的字符。 假设我们使用ASCII或使用英文字母的代码页,因此每个字符都表示为一个字节,那么我们知道上述所有代码将在文件中占用5个字节的空间。 实际上,如果仅对数据使用5个字符限制和字母字符作为规则,那么在将此数据写入文件或通过网络传输时,我们是否可以做些节省空间的事情?

Considering we will only ever look to use a combination of 26 different characters, we could attempt to encode the alphabet with a different numbering system and therefore reduce the space used to store the data. Instead of the characters A-Z being a number represented by a single byte (8 bits = 255), we can map each letter to a different number and therefore assume the code is actually a number in a different base. e.g.

考虑到我们只会使用26个不同字符的组合,因此我们可以尝试使用不同的编号系统对字母进行编码,从而减少用于存储数据的空间。 我们可以将每个字母映射到不同的数字,而不是用单个字节(8位= 255)表示的数字AZ,因此假设代码实际上是不同基数的数字。 例如

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A single number is given to each letter of the English alphabet

With this numbering system, we are creating a base-26 numbering system. The number 0 is represented as A or AAAAA, the number 25 is represented by Z or AAAAZ and therefore larger numbers like 54321 could be represented as ADCJH.

使用此编号系统,我们正在创建以26为基数的编号系统。 数字0表示为AAAAAA ,数字25表示为ZAAAAZ ,因此,较大的数字(如54321)可以表示为ADCJH

If we take our first code AMZON we can see that this would be broken down as follows:


A          M           Z           O           N
0 * 26^4 + 12 * 26^3 + 25 * 26^2 + 14 * 26^1 + 13 * 26^0

Encoding all codes to a number in the same way we end up with the following:


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Encoded codes

We can see from the table that at most there are only about 3 bytes of information. We can confirm this in 2 ways. Firstly, the largest number in our system (using max 5 chars) would be represented by the code ZZZZZ. The value of this is 11881375, which is 10110101 01001011 10011111 in binary, and will use 24 bits.

从表中我们可以看到,最多只有大约3个字节的信息。 我们可以通过两种方式确认这一点。 首先,我们系统中最大的数字(最多5个字符)将由代码ZZZZZ表示。 该值是11881375,二进制值为10110101 01001011 10011111 ,将使用24位。

Secondly, we are using a base-26 numbering system. Therefore we can use mathematics to find out our largest number:

其次,我们使用的是base-26编号系统。 因此,我们可以使用数学找出最大的数字:

num = 26 ^ [num characters] − 1 = 26 ^ 5 − 1 = 11881375

num = 26 ^ [num characters] − 1 = 26 ^ 5 − 1 = 11881375

Seeing as the maximum number that can be represented by 3 bytes is 2 ^ 24 — 1 = 16777215 then we are well within these limits.

看到可以用3个字节表示的最大数字是2 ^ 24 — 1 = 16777215那么我们就在这些限制之内。

So we’ve taken a 5 byte string code and stored it as a 3 byte integer. A space saving of 40%!!!!!

因此,我们采用了5个字节的字符串代码并将其存储为3个字节的整数。 节省空间40%!!!!!

Side Note: The well known Base 64 encoding does not save space. It’s encoding mechanism is completely different, requires padding and will actually increase the data size.

旁注:众所周知的Base 64编码不会节省空间。 它的编码机制完全不同,需要填充,并且实际上会增加数据大小。

数学 (Mathematics)

In mathematical terms, we know that the largest number that can be represented in binary can be represented by:


2 to the power of (8 * nb), where nb is the number of bytes to store the data in

Whatever character encoding mapping we use can be converted to a number that can be represented by


D to the power of nc, where D is the dictionary size and nc is the number of characters we want to store.

Therefore, our constraint is as simple as


D to the power of nc is less than or equal to 2 to the power of 8 *nb

Being clever, and with some simple logarithm rules, we can find the maximum number of characters that can be stored for a given character mapping.


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As an example, if we were to take a dictionary size of 40 characters and we wanted to fit this into an Int32 (4 bytes) we would calculate that the maximum number of characters that can be in our code will be 6:

例如,如果我们要使用40个字符的字典大小,并且希望将其适合Int32 (4字节),我们将计算出代码中最多可以包含6个字符:

8 * 4 / log2(40) = 32 / 5.3219 = 6.0128

在Javascript中实现编码/解码 (Implement Encoding/Decoding in Javascript)

A simple overview of an encoding algorithm (to provide a number) would be as follows


1. Split the code into an array of each character
2. Iterate over the array and map to the relevant number in the mapping
3. Reduce the array into a single number by multiplying each number by a decreasing power of 26.

A simple implementation of this would be:


const encode = (code) => {
return code
.split("") // split into an array of each character
.map(c => c.charCodeAt(0) - 65) // map to number in mapping
.reduce((a,b,i)=>a + b * Math.pow(26, code.length - 1 - i),0)

The decoding of a number, back to a code string would be a little more involved. The algorithm would be as follows

将数字解码回代码字符串会涉及更多的工作。 该算法如下

1. Start with a remainder value equal to the number provided
2. Iterate from 4 to 0 (i)
a. For each i divide the remainder by 26^i and floor to the nearest integer (n)
b. Add the character corresponding to the n + 65 to the result string
c. Take (26 ^n) away from remainder

The implementation would then look like this:


const decode = (num) => {
let rem = 0 + Number(num);
let str = ""; for (let i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
let n = Math.floor(rem / Math.pow(26, i));
str += String.fromCharCode(n + 65);
rem = rem - n * Math.pow(26, i);
return str

Here’s a codesandbox demo showing a full implementation of this working with debugging values.


摘要 (Summary)

Is this of any use? Probably not. If you’re looking at data being transmitted over HTTP API’s then this will only work where the data format is binary, ala gRPC or with a content type of application/octet-stream. JSON encodes numbers as strings in transmission and so the number form would actually be larger in size than the shortcode it represents.

这有用吗? 可能不是。 如果您正在查看通过HTTP API传输的数据,那么这仅适用于数据格式为二进制, ala gRPC或内容类型为application/octet-stream 。 JSON在传输中将数字编码为字符串,因此数字形式实际上比其表示的简码更大。

But it was kind of fun to look deep down into the internals of how character encoding is merely a mapping exercise and how in the past developers have looked at different ways to store simple data more efficiently.


We’ve taken a fleeting step towards looking at the maths of base conversion and how we might look at some basic algorithms involved in executing this encoding and decoding.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/creating-custom-character-encoding-to-save-space-5cc1e53b8f34





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钱包余额 0


