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About the service provider for the context:


Udacity is a for-profit organization offering online educational courses. The origin of the name Udacity comes from the company’s desire to be “audacious for you, the student”. Udacity is issuing as a proof of received skills Nanodegree diplomas.

Udacity是一个提供在线教育课程的营利性组织。 Udacity这个名字的由来是因为该公司渴望“对您,学生,大胆”。 发行Udacity作为获得纳米学位文凭的技能的证明。

TLDR; Summary in a nutshell:

TLDR; 总结:

Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow Nanodegree Program on Udacity platform is a short but highly informative course. It is based on three pillars: Supervised Learning, Deep Learning and Unsupervised Learning. It is worth highlighting the great presentation of Support Vector Machines and Ensemble Methods, as well as the Backpropagation Algorithm. The course contains many tasks to be carried out independently and requires three in-person reviewed projects to be completed.

在Udacity平台上使用TensorFlow纳米学位程序进行机器学习入门是一门简短但内容丰富的课程。 它基于三个Struts:监督学习,深度学习和无监督学习。 值得重点介绍的是支持向量机和集成方法以及反向传播算法的出色表现。 该课程包含许多要独立执行的任务,并且需要完成三个亲自审查的项目。

I recommend it to people who are already developing their knowledge about the machine learning and are looking for a repetition of the basics in several evenings, as well as to beginners who meet the initial criteria of the course and have a lot of free time.


Link: https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-machine-learning-with-tensorflow-nanodegree--nd230

链接: https//www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-machine-learning-with-tensorflow-nanodegree--nd230

More details below.


TensorFlow or PyTorch version?


Udacity is selling two versions of the Intro to Machine Learning Nanodegree, with one of two types of deep learning framework — based on the TensorFlow or the PyTorch. Both of them starts with the scikit-learn machine learning library, before moving on to the Deep Learning section.

Udacity正在出售机器学习纳米学位入门的两个版本,以及两种类型的深度学习框架之一-基于TensorFlow或PyTorch。 两者都始于scikit-learn机器学习库,然后进入“深度学习”部分。

Each of these two frameworks have own syntax, they are both popular and used by many developers. TensorFlow was created by Google and came out in early 2017, while PyTorch released in 2018 is derived from Facebook. Both have continued to be developed. TensorFlow 2.0, that just released in late 2019, is used in this current edition of the Nanodegree program. PyTorch is a bit more native to Python, while TensorFlow has been connected to it through Keras integration (it is a library imposed on top of TensorFlow, simplifying its API).

这两个框架都有自己的语法,它们在许多开发人员中都很流行并使用。 TensorFlow由Google创建并于2017年初问世,而2018年发布的PyTorch则来自Facebook。 两者都继续发展。 TensorFlow 2.0于2019年末发布,用于当前版本的Nanodegree程序。 PyTorch是Python的本机,而TensorFlow已通过Keras集成连接到它(它是在TensorFlow之上强加的库,简化了其API)。

Which framework should you choose? It’s a subjective decision, so I will advertise mine. Due to my learning path in this area, which began with the book Deep Learning with Python written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet referring to TensorFlow, I remained faithful to the framework I know. There is also much less material on the internet referencing TensorFlow version which I believe gives this Nanodegree more value on the market as it is more resistant to plagiarists in the case of passing projects. Additionally, if you consider the developer communitie — TensorFlow’s one is bigger. As it is with majority of programming languages, learning any framework will help you work with others faster when changing to another. Check which syntax is more pleasant for you. Especially if you are just starting with this topic, choosing one of them does not determine you.

您应该选择哪个框架? 这是一个主观决定,所以我会做广告。 由于我在这方面的学习道路,始于Keras创作者和Google AI研究人员FrançoisChollet写的《用Python深度学习》一书,提到了TensorFlow,所以我仍然忠于我所知道的框架。 互联网上引用TensorFlow版本的材料也少得多,我相信它可以在市场上获得更大的价值,因为在通过项目的情况下,它更能抵制抄袭者。 此外,如果您考虑开发者社区-TensorFlow的社区更大。 与大多数编程语言一样,学习任何框架都可以帮助您在切换到其他框架时更快地与他人合作。 检查哪种语法更适合您。 特别是如果您只是从这个主题开始,选择其中一个并不确定您。

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The program gives opportunities to apply new skills based on lectures in projects relevant to the key industries problems. What is very valuable is that they are assessed by the Udacity mentors — they can also be contacted to discuss problems. There is also a forum for users. Every project requires standards expected on the labor market and is presented in a fairly comprehensible way to the student about challenges to overcome.

该计划基于与关键行业问题相关的项目中的讲座,提供了应用新技能的机会。 非常有价值的是,它们由Udacity导师评估-也可以联系他们讨论问题。 还有一个供用户使用的论坛。 每个项目都需要劳动力市场上预期的标准,并且以相当容易理解的方式向学生介绍要克服的挑战。

After completing the projects, you have knowledge of many relevant topics, such as:


· When preprocessing is needed, and how to apply it?


· How to establish a benchmark for a solution to the problem?


· What each of algorithm accomplishes given a specific dataset?


· How to investigate whether a candidate solution model is adequate for the problem?


Project 1 — Finding donors for the charity (Supervised Learning)


First problem to solve is to construct several supervised algorithms to accurately model individuals’ income and choose the best algorithm from preliminary results and further optimization.


This project is designed to get acquainted with the many supervised learning algorithms available in scikit-learn (I have used Decision Tree, Random Forest and SVC), and provide methods of evaluating how each model works and performs on a certain type of data. The project includes open-ended questions as part of the challenge.

该项目旨在熟悉scikit-learn中可用的许多监督学习算法(我使用过决策树,Random Forest和SVC),并提供了评估每种模型如何工作以及如何对特定类型的数据执行的方法。 该项目包括开放式问题,作为挑战的一部分。

Project 2 — Image classifier (Deep Learning)

项目2 —图像分类器(深度学习)

In this project, you will first develop code for the classifier of flowers’ images using a deep neural network built with TensorFlow, then you will convert it into a command line application using the trained model to classify new images. The aim of the project is to familiarize the student with the practice of working with the Tensorflow framework.

在这个项目中,您将首先使用TensorFlow构建的深度神经网络为花朵图像的分类器开发代码,然后使用经过训练的模型将其转换为命令行应用程序以对新图像进行分类。 该项目的目的是使学生熟悉使用Tensorflow框架的实践。

Despite the relatively narrow scope of the missions, the project contains a very good pipeline of writing scripts and justification of the results. You have to be prepared that the broader presentation of Deep Learning is covered by other courses on their platform.

尽管任务范围相对狭窄,但该项目包含了非常好的脚本编写流程和结果证明。 您必须准备好在其平台上的其他课程涵盖更广泛的深度学习介绍。

Project 3 — Customer segmentation (Unsupervised clustering)

项目3 –客户细分(无监督群集)

In this project, you apply unsupervised learning to identify segments of the population that form the customer base for a mail-order sales company. These segments can then be used to direct marketing campaigns. The provided data represents a real-life data science task.

在此项目中,您将应用无监督学习来识别构成邮购销售公司客户群的人群。 然后,这些细分可以用于指导市场营销活动。 提供的数据表示现实生活中的数据科学任务。

Actions needed to pass the project are among others data cleaning and PCA transformation, then implementation of k-means clustering algorithm to segment the transformed customer data. While there will be precise guidelines on how to handle tasks in the project, there will also be parts with no specification provided. The student must justify own decisions on how to deal with the data as a part of the challenge.

通过项目所需的操作包括数据清理和PCA转换,然后实施k-means聚类算法以对转换后的客户数据进行细分。 尽管将有关于如何处理项目任务的精确指南,但也将提供未提供规范的零件。 作为挑战的一部分,学生必须证明自己如何处理数据的决定是正确的。

最终审查 (The final review)

I have started this program as an side self-dev challenge during the start of the pandemic. It took me exactly two months, spending about two hours daily.

在大流行开始时,我已经将此程序作为自我开发方面的挑战。 我花了整整两个月的时间,每天花费大约两个小时。

As I wrote in the nutshell, I recommend it to people who are already developing their knowledge about the machine learning and are looking for a repetition of the basics in several evenings as it was for me, as well as to beginners who meet the initial criteria of the course and have a lot of free time.


It is worth doing this course if you want to really learn the issues in this area, and not just get acquainted with the buzzwords. The Udacity website contains a full syllabus and requirements before starting, which are worth fulfilling in order not to feel disappointed, because a large part of the issues are addressed to people who are friends with, for example, advanced mathematics. Projects were evaluated not just on the code, but also written discussion about observations, conclusions at each stage and final justifications of given solutions. It is worth highlighting the great presentation of Support Vector Machines and Ensemble Methods, as well as the Backpropagation Algorithm (although I still have the impression that the mathematics behind backpropagation algorythm can be learned throughout your whole life if you want to understand how it works, and not just for what is the purpose).

如果您想真正地学习这方面的问题,而不仅仅是熟悉流行语,那么值得学习本课程。 Udacity网站包含完整的课程提纲和开始之前的要求,为了不让他们感到失望,这些内容和要求是很值得实现的,因为其中很大一部分问题是针对与高级数学例如成为朋友的人解决的。 不仅对项目进行了代码评估,还对观察结果,每个阶段的结论以及给定解决方案的最终论据进行了书面讨论。 值得一提的是,支持向量机和集成方法以及反向传播算法的出色介绍(尽管我仍然觉得,如果您想了解反向传播算法的原理,则可以在您的一生中学习其背后的数学知识,而不仅仅是出于什么目的)。

Unless every course on this platform is worth recommending, compared to other courses in this field, learning through this program was fun and challenging and I can honestly advertise it to you. I find it a good rate for its price, especially when buying it on sale.

与该领域的其他课程相比,除非该平台上的每门课程都值得推荐,否则通过该课程进行的学习将是充满乐趣和挑战性的,我可以坦白地向您宣传。 我发现它的价格很优惠,尤其是在出售时。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/review-of-the-intro-to-machine-learning-with-tensorflow-nanodegree-program-on-udacity-d5a4de45ff33


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